My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 357 The roster is about to be finalized

Chapter 357 The roster is about to be finalized (second update)

At noon, the dining table was set up.

A whole six plates of dumplings.

There are mutton and green onion dumplings sent by Ningshou Palace.

Pork and sauerkraut dumplings from Yikun Palace.

Assorted cabbage and vegetarian dumplings from Wusho.

The mutton steamed dumplings sent by the head.

Leek and egg dumplings, pork and scallion dumplings prepared by Ershanfang.

Similarly, the leek dumplings from the Second Institute were also sent out in a circle.

Apart from dumplings and several dishes, there was also a piece of gizzard meat on the table, which was bestowed by the Qing Palace.

Today is the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the new year.

Shu Shu has been through it many times and is used to it.

In later generations, the north is the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, and the south is twenty-four.

It was called tradition at the time.

Only now do I realize that this tradition has not yet begun.

Whether it is the north or the south, it is the twenty-fourth year of the twelfth lunar month.

The day of "Xiao Nian" is also the day of sacrifice in the palace.

There is a sacrificial activity in Kunning Palace, which is called "sending stove".

This day is also known as the "Stove Sacrifice Festival" and is regarded as the beginning of the New Year.

In order to offer sacrifices to the gods, Kunning Palace had to kill live pigs and boil them directly in water, which became "gizzard meat".

Because these "gizzards" were sacrificed to the gods, they had auspicious meanings, and Kangxi would distribute them to guards and palaces.

In the six months since Shu Shu entered the palace, she has seen gizzard meat several times and gained experience in eating it.

It is not unpalatable to ask people to refer to the cutting method of the big knife white meat in later generations, cut the meat into extremely thin slices, and dip it in soy sauce.

But seeing this, Shu Shu thought of all kinds of stewed meat, which can be prepared one after another in a few days.

When it’s Chinese New Year, slice it directly and dip it in Laba vinegar, it will be very delicious.

Meat and vegetables should not be stored for too long, just prepare them two days before New Year's Eve.

There are six plates of dumplings, where can the two of them eat?

Just tasted one, Jiu Age kept the one with leeks and eggs, Shu Shu kept the one with pork and sauerkraut, and the remaining four dishes were to be rewarded.

Manager Cui has a plate of mutton and green onions.

Nanny Qi had a plate of assorted vegetables.

The remaining two games were played by He Yuzhu and the others, and by Xiaotang and the others.

When Shu Shu came back from his northern tour this time, he found that Nanny Qi had started to eat a long meal, and Bodhisattva was also invited to the house.

Shu Shu tried to persuade her twice, but she didn't persuade Zhuanyuan to come back, so she stopped talking.

She knew that Mammy was begging for herself, for fear that she would become a widow.

There was a "prediction" from Longfengzhu before, and later Brother Jiu became ill again, and Nanny Qi was afraid.

Just like before she got married, Er Nie was wearing sandalwood fragrance all day long, and they cared about her in disorder, and they had no other way to protect her, they could only pin their hopes on gods and Buddhas.

There is no way to do this, only time will tell.

After two years, when Shu Shu gave birth to a baby, and the nanny will be busy, she should not be so cranky and unfounded.

When the meal is over, the dining table is removed.

Shu Shu said to Ninth Brother: "The vegetarian dishes at Wusuo are really good. I heard that Twelfth Brother also eats vegetarian food on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year..."

For the prince, whether it is true belief or false belief, it is all about self-cultivation.

Brother Jiu said: "It's just a pretense. Twelve wanted to send food to Madam Su Ma, but he was afraid of causing gossip, so he ate the vegetarian food by himself. After the vegetarian food in the dining room came down, he asked someone to go directly to Madam Su. Send a copy over there."

Living next to each other for so many years, which courtyard can hide the movement from people?
Brother Twelve also moved here when he was six years old.

The fence of the five schools was not so strong in the early years.

"I didn't like to talk when I was young, but I'm not as dumb as I am now. She looks like a gentle and good-tempered person, and I can play with Eleven..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said, "It's been two years since I was old, and I still act like this, I really deserve a beating..."

In Shu Shu's heart, he has changed his view of Elder Brother Twelve.

Maybe it's not the deepness of the city, but the fear of the society.

Speaking of Brother Eleven, Brother Nine will no longer lose his composure as before.

"I thought about it for a while, and Guo Guiren is really more suspicious..."

Brother Jiu said with helplessness: "My lady next to me, it's not like this..."

"If Concubine Hui's mother really did something wrong, then Khan Ama would not hand over Zhaoxiang's place to her. After all these years, even if the elder brother who was raised in Zhaoxiang's place died young, there was another reason... ..."

Brother Jiu asked someone to find out.

Since Zhaoxiang was set up to raise the prince and princess together, two little elder brothers with disordered teeth have died so far.

Guo Guiren's younger elder brother, who was the same age as elder brother Jiu, was born prematurely, and finally died in ten months of care.

There was also a younger elder brother born of the concubine Hesheli, who was also born weak, and died just after the first full moon.

But there are many elder brothers who have been established. The elder brothers from the eighth elder brother are all raised in Zhaoxiang's house until they are one year old.

"On the side of Concubine Rong, even if there is resentment in her heart, there is Concubine Hui in front of her, so she shouldn't be able to confront our empress..."

Concubine Rong died of four sons, between the ninth year of Kangxi and the thirteenth year of Kangxi.

At this time, Concubine Yi has not yet entered the palace.

If Concubine Rong became suspicious because of her child's resentment, the most suspicious ones would be Empress Yuan and Concubine Hui.

"Mother De's side..."

Brother Jiu couldn't explain it in words: "The qualifications are lower than our mother's, and the brain doesn't seem to be smart..."

After removing the three concubines, Guo Guiren is really the most suspect.

Because looking at the brochures of the four schools at that time, you can find that the in-laws of Guo Luoluo's family came in as errands in the brother's office.

Shu Shu didn't want to think about these conspiracies anymore.

Now that the matter has been exposed, let Kangxi investigate and judge.

She acquiesced to Brother Jiu's statement, and said: "The nobleman will be sent back to his mother's house, and he is not allowed to be buried in the imperial tomb. It is not a serious crime! It should be that he has exposed his feet before, and the empress and the emperor are aware of it, so they are punished like this But because of the empress's face, it's not easy to ask the crime clearly, so it's just vague..."

This sounds logical and self-consistent.

Brother Jiu also nodded and said: "When the first master first acted as an agent in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the empress not only refused to promote the members of Guo Luoluo's family, but also asked the master to take them under the knife. I think I don't have any resentment in my heart."

Shu Shu took his hand and persuaded: "The pain of losing a child is like cutting flesh, let's not mention these sad things in front of the empress."


Brother Jiu also understands this truth.

He thought about what he had asked at the Imperial Hospital before, and said to Shu Shu: "My lady gave birth at the end of May or early June, but I don't know if it's Elder Brother or Gege..."

Shu Shu calculated in her heart that Er Nie's delivery date should be one to two months earlier than Concubine Yi's.

That is late April to early May.

"I can't tell whether I'm looking forward to Ernie's elder brother or Gege. In the early days, I was looking forward to giving birth to a younger brother. Then I was an only daughter. In the eyes of Ama, Ernie, and Amu, I was the most important." The important thing is that I'm already married, and it would be better if they had several little padded jackets to accompany me..."

Shu Shu said.

Who can not have some small selfishness?
Shu Shu is also a greedy person, so she naturally hopes that the people she values ​​will also value her.

Brother Jiu said: "Whatever happens to them, anyway, we don't count if we say it; if the mother-in-law adds a little princess, then the grandpa will replace the father-in-law and the mother-in-law's love for you... I hope that the mother-in-law will love you." Now it’s Elder Brother, it’s not easy for Royal Gege, how many are there who are as reckless as Princess Duanmin?”

Speaking of the princess, Brother Jiu thought of something and said: "Didn't Shun Anyan make up the guards? I heard that Khan Ama has passed him two or three times these days. I guess it is to choose a son-in-law for Jiugege..."

Jiu Gege was raised in front of the Queen Mother, and his small supply was higher than other Gege's. It is not surprising to choose a son-in-law in the capital.

"The queen mother has grown old, Khan Ama will not marry Jiugege far away..."

Brother Jiu said.

Shun Anyan is the accompanying student of Brother Nine, and only became a guard at the beginning of the year.

Brother Nine has a mediocre relationship with him, and he mentioned it to Shu Shu twice, saying that he is arrogant.

Shu Shu's impression of him was also ordinary.

But being able to be chosen by Kangxi as his son-in-law, and to continue to retain the status of Heshuo's son-in-law after the death of the princess, is enough to prove that the various stigmas about this son-in-law Shun Anyan in later generations should be the words of novelists.

This matter has nothing to do with Shu Shu at all, and Shu Shu will not arrogantly point fingers at this matter.

On the contrary, she was a little happy to see it happen.

If things come to fruition, Concubine De will be furious.

As for Jiugege's premature death, he died of heatstroke.

Thinking of that time with Brother Jiu in July, Shu Shu also had lingering fears.

After the Chinese New Year, she planned to ask Imperial Physician Yin if she could get Huoxiang Zhengqi Water out.

If it can become a standing medicine in the palace, it won't kill a princess due to heat stroke.

The twelfth lunar month is short, and the day goes away in a hurry.

Although the two shared their bedding, most of the time they rested together.

Either brother Jiu came to the east room, or left Shu Shu in the study.

The kangs in both places are warm.

Spring is sleepy, autumn is exhausted, summer is dozing, and winter and March are sleepless, that's what it says.

Brother Jiu didn't go to the yamen, and the two of them started to sleep late, and they woke up almost at Chenzheng.

After the two finished grooming, Xiao Chun came in and said, "Fu Jin, the head office has started to move..."

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu looked at each other in blank dismay, both a little surprised.

Even if they knew that the thirteenth elder brother had gone to Qianqing Palace, the two of them could only talk about staying here after the next year, and as for throwing out the fourteenth elder brother, it was all a joke.

Not to mention being expelled years ago.

But these days, the homework in the study is still going on, and the thirteenth elder brother has not met face to face, so I don't know how.

Brother Nine got excited and said: "Don't come out, Master, go and have a look, what's going on..."

Head office.

The front yard started packing.

It's something from Brother Fourteen.

The nuns and eunuchs under the name of the fourteenth elder brother were all trembling and took care.

They were originally assigned at the end of last month, and their qualifications are all low, so no one dared to ask more questions.

Ninth elder brother saw it in his eyes and knew that it should be the person from Yuqian, otherwise others would not have the courage to move the house for him when fourteenth elder brother was away.

The leader was a tall young eunuch.

Brother Jiu recognized that it was Wei Zhu, the eunuch serving the pen in Qianqing Palace, even though he was tall, he was actually younger than Brother Jiu, only fourteen or five years old.

Born in a poor family, both parents died, and was fostered by relatives in a temple, and later entered the palace after cleansing, and was taken by the boss of Qianqing Palace, and was directly selected as an errand in Qianqing Palace.

"Ninth Master..."

Seeing Brother Nine coming over, Wei Zhu hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to pay his respects.

Brother Nine waved his hands and shouted, "Why are you moving at this time? It's only a few days before Chinese New Year!"

Wei Zhu answered the wrong question: "The house in Dongtou has been burning for three days..."

Ninth elder brother understood, this is what Thirteenth elder brother asked for.

He grabbed the purse, threw it directly into Wei Zhu's arms, and said, "The new little goldfish, it's cheap for you, let's play with it..."

Wei Zhu smiled brightly: "No wonder I heard the magpie cry today, so it should be with you, Master Jiu..."

Although the two are different in respect and inferiority, they are similar in age, so they are considered familiar with each other.

Wei Zhu really likes Brother Jiu's actions.

Brother prince, he has his own arrogance, but his arrogance is aimed at the ministers of the interior, and he doesn't humiliate poor people like them.

When going in and out of the Qianqing Palace on weekdays, whether it is to the general manager or the little eunuchs like them, they are considered polite.

It's not just because they are imperial servants.

Here at the Second Institute, the treatment of the eunuchs can't be said to be the best in the palace, but it can be counted among them.

Regardless of what the coats in the Ministry of Internal Affairs say about Jiu Fujin, but in the circle of eunuchs, Brother Jiu and his wife have another word of mouth.

Brother Nine likes that Wei Zhu is knowledgeable, and he was fostered in a temple before he could remember anything. He entered the palace at the age of eleven, and spent ten years in the middle.

Brother Jiu had listened to it twice before, and thought it was as interesting as a storybook.

In addition, he is generous in speech and deeds, slick in all aspects, not as timid as other eunuchs, Jiu elder brother also looked up to him.

Brother Nine seemed to be watching the fun, and said, "Just moved like this? I don't know what the old fourteen is going to do, isn't Khan Ama afraid?"

Wei Zhu whispered: "Master Ninth, don't worry, Master Fourteen won't make trouble..."


Ninth elder brother didn't believe it: "The old fourteenth is not obedient, he can't just go to the Qianqing Palace directly..."

Wei Zhu pointed to the guidebook and said, "The roster of the Southern Tour's retinue is about to be finalized..."

Some readers of Xiao Zhong's story feel that it is not compatible. Shu Shu wants to live a long life, and there are still eighty-five years. In addition to eating, drinking, and various decorations is life, isn't it? ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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