Chapter 358 It's Strange (Third)

Brother Nine felt a little regretful after hearing this.

Of course, he has heard about such a big movement of Shengjia's southern tour.

Long before the yamen was sealed, among the various official duties arranged by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there were many errands related to the Southern Tour.

The tentatively planned time for Shengjia to leave Beijing is the beginning of February, and the ninth elder brother will definitely not be able to catch up, because the tenth elder brother's wedding date will be in March.

Before Wang Fujin of Abahai County left Beijing, an auspicious day was to be held for a wedding ceremony.

At that time, it will be the Ministry of Internal Affairs who will be in charge of the prince's wedding.

Whether it is public or private, Brother Jiu is not easy to leave.

But that was the Southern Tour!

It was Shengjia's third tour to the south, but it was the first time he took the prince and his family members with him.

Brother Jiu couldn't help grinding his teeth.

Cheap old fourteen.

Since Khan Ama used this to hang him, there must be fourteen elder brothers on the list.

Fourteenth elder brother will only be honest and well-behaved in order to follow suit, there is no excitement to watch.

Brother Jiu lost interest, said something to Wei Zhu and left.

Back at the second school, in front of Shu Shu, he showed regret.

"Why did we bump into each other? That's Jiangnan, not any other place! Who wouldn't want to go? The dragon boat went south at the beginning of February, and it happened to arrive at the beginning of March. The misty and rainy Jiangnan, I don't know what kind of beautiful scenery it is?"

"If it wasn't for the old ten's marriage, I would have gone to the imperial court to beg and take you out to see you..."

Especially the woolen weaving factory is located in Jiangning, if you can go for a walk and see the condition of the weavers in Jiangning.

It's just that no matter how regrettable it is, brother Jiu also has a choice.

It's a good thing to go out, but the younger brother's marriage is still a priority.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Don't be a pity, sir, even if there is no marriage with the tenth brother, it may not be our turn. The emperor's dozen sons will always take turns..."

Brother Nine snorted softly: "Who said that? How many times have the boss and the third brought it? This time there are probably two of them!"

Shu Shu felt that it was possible.

The elder brother lost his wife, and Kangxi felt sorry for the eldest son, so he might take him out to relax.

As for the young elder brothers and little Ge Ge in Zhijun Wangfu, it is possible to leave proper people in the Wangfu to take care of them, or send them directly to the palace to be taken care of by Concubine Hui.

Needless to say, the third elder brother is responsible for Confucianism in the prince.

In the place where the literary style in the south of the Yangtze River was at its peak, Kangxi always brought a prince who could handle it by his side.

Otherwise, if you see Jiangnan talents, there are all idiot princes here, and the royal family will also lose face.

Shu Shu remembered that Kangxi made a total of six tours to the south, and the last few times were once every two years, very intensive, and all of them were stationed in Jiangning Weaving Mansion.

This is what was mentioned in "A Dream of Red Mansions", and the Zhen family in Jiangnan picked up four times.

Is it from the third southern tour? !

Stay in Jiangning Weaving Mansion!

That's the Cao family!

Shu Shu also felt itchy, and said, "Let's try to go back next time..."

Brother Nine sighed, "I can't say it will be another ten years..."

As he said that, he rolled his eyes and said: "Let's think about it, but it doesn't take that long. If you have free time in the second half of the year, I will find a chance to go to some weaving mansions in the south of the Yangtze River, and I can also take you around. lock up!"

Shu Shu followed suit.

It is also a long-distance trek, and the water route is different from the land route.

The canal is unobstructed, and the speed of the boat is faster than expected.

Brother Jiu also thought of this, and said: "I heard that the dragon boat can reach three hundred and sixty miles a day and night at the fastest speed, and the official boat will arrive even if it is slower by more than [-] days..."

Shu Shu said: "Then master works hard in the first half of the year, and it will be easier to speak in the second half of the year."

The husband and wife spoke with longing.

The regrets in Brother Jiu's heart dissipated, and he mentioned Wei Zhu to Shu Shu, talked about his life experience, and then said: "You are only fourteen, and you have been in Qianqing Palace for three years, which is interesting."

Shu Shu has never met face to face, but she knows in her heart that this is a legendary eunuch.

Liang Jiugong, Su Peisheng, and Wu Shulai all fell short compared to this one.

This is the eunuch who has experienced the three dynasties of Kang, Yong and Qian.

In the last years of Kangxi, he replaced Liang Jiugong and became the first person in front of the imperial court.

The Yongzheng Dynasty was suppressed, but he was able to save himself.

It was re-activated during Qianlong, and finally reached the highest position-the Chief Manager of the Jingshifang.

I only heard that this long-lived man lived to an octogenarian age.

So young? !
It's no wonder that he can bend and stretch. It turned out that he was nurtured in the temple, so it's not surprising that he is not surprised by honor or disgrace.

"The fortune is bad. If you don't enter the palace, even if you don't study well, you can still have a good future in the martial arts exam..."

Brother Jiu sighed a little: "It's a pity."

Shu Shu said: "It's also a hard-fated person, but as long as the parents are still there, it will be a big deal."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Think about it carefully, we have both parents, and we don't have to run around to support our family. We are all blessed to have received the grace of our ancestors. If we are not satisfied, we shouldn't..."

Shu Shu is also lucky.

This is a hierarchical society, and it is difficult to be born in a commoner's family. If you were born directly in a servant's family, there is really no place to cry.

Guessing it was time to go to the study and leave school, Brother Jiu ran to the front yard to take a look around.

He felt that the fourteenth elder brother would not be able to wipe off his face if he moved it like this.

Don't dare to go to the Qianqing Palace to make a fuss, maybe you will make a fuss in the head.

If that's the case, he will go to "struggle" and teach that kid a lesson.

Brother Nine has no concept of "bullying the small with the big".

It is common for this father to beat his son, so isn't it reasonable for the elder brother to "discipline" his younger brother?
No, after waiting for a quarter of an hour, there was no commotion.

Brother Nine was curious, so he walked over without waiting any longer.

The yard in front was quiet, the eunuchs and nuns under the name of Fourteenth Elder Brother had all left.

Brother Thirteen got the news and came out to welcome him.

Brother Jiu saw that he was not wearing any outer clothes, and said: "Go in quickly, don't talk outside."

The two brothers turned back to the main room.

The ninth elder brother looked around twice, but there was no sign of the fourteenth elder brother.


Brother Thirteen pointed to the east and said, "Wei Zhu passed by in the afternoon, and Fourteen went straight to Dongtou after school..."

Brother Jiu sneered.

But that's it, idiot!

Seeing Elder Brother Thirteen looking sad and drooping, Elder Ninth looked him over and said, "What's wrong? I can't bear to see Elder Fourteen move?"

Thirteenth elder brother shook his head and said, "I heard Fourteen say something, Khan Ama has agreed to take him on a southern tour..."

Brother Jiu patted him and said, "What's the matter? Khan Ama goes out two or three times a year, if he can't keep up with this time, there will be a next time!"

The thirteenth elder brother said a little nervously: "It's not because of this, it's because Khan Ama seems to be angry with me..."

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "Just be angry, and it will be fine after a few days! It's not you who are at fault, so what are you worried about? I guess Khan Ama is unhappy because you didn't obey the order, other things are secondary Yes, it’s a benefit anyway, so I’ll avoid it these days, and when his temper subsides, things will change..."

Listening to what he said was easy, Brother Thirteen was much less worried, and said cheerfully, "Brother Nine, I want to go over to have dinner tonight..."

Brother Nine said boldly: "Come here if you want, your sister-in-law Nine has left an ice fish, which happens to be grilled fish for dinner at night..."

Speaking of this, he remembered the assorted vegetarian dumplings given by Wu yesterday, and said, "Call Twelve too..."

Elder Brother Thirteen had a smile on his face and nodded his head endlessly, the stuffiness in his chest dissipated a lot.

That night, the second institute was a small banquet.

In addition to grilled fish, there are grilled venison, grilled pork belly, grilled chicken legs, plus grilled cabbage, grilled yam, grilled tofu, and grilled gluten, with freshly squeezed apple juice. I got a round belly.

Not only the ninth elder brother was full, but even the twelve elder brothers ate a lot more.

Shu Shu didn't go to eat at the same table, but went to the side room to accompany Nanny Qi.

It is not deliberately taboo.

One is that Elder Brother Twelve will feel uncomfortable if she is here; the other is that today happens to be Nanny Qi's birthday, so Shu Shu asked the kitchen to make plain noodles and some vegetarian dishes for Nanny Qi's birthday.

Nanny Qi put on a silk padded jacket with a red-colored birthday pattern, which Shu Shu ordered a needleworker to make for Nanny Qi.

Here, Shu Shu made Nanny Qi a beaded forehead with her own hands, which is a simple swastika pattern.

Even so, Nanny Qi was also very moved.

She held Shu Shu's hand, with struggle and pain on her face: "It's all due to the selfishness of the old slave, it's fine if the old slave doesn't marry as a dowry..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "What are you talking about? I am the mother's heart and soul, is the mother willing to see me?"

Qi Momo's eyes were red: "But this old servant is hard..."

She has been restless and regretful for the past six months because of this.

Shu Shu felt a little regretful, but she was negligent, and she didn't expect that Nanny Qi would go into a corner.

When she came back from the northern tour before and saw that Nanny had lost weight, Shu Shu thought it was because she was not used to living in the palace.

She persuaded: "Why do you still believe the nonsense outside? Mommy has been by my side for fifteen years. If the hindrances have been overcome early, I won't be able to wait until today... Master Jiu has nothing to do with Mommy... ..."

In order to relieve Nanny Qi, she had to mention Guo Guiren in a low voice, and blamed her for Brother Jiu's poor health.

Nanny Qi's face tensed, and she reminded Shu Shu: "Fu Jin, this is the lesson of the predecessors. Even if it is a biological sister, if you steal a man, you are an enemy, let alone an outsider? Don't listen to those virtuous and unvirtuous words outside. , this man is his own when he is tied in front of him, and it is someone else's when he is sent to someone else's kang..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "I know, Mammy, don't worry, even the last two grids must be watched by you, so as not to cause trouble and make people sulky."

Nanny Qi put away her frustration, cheered up, and said: "Don't worry, Fujin, this old slave will definitely watch it carefully!"

When Shu Shu returned to the upper room, the dining table had already been removed, and the brothers drank the hawthorn water.

The lamps have already been turned on, and the elder brothers are still there, just waiting for Shu Shu to come back, greeted her and thanked her, and then they went back to their respective places.

Shu Shu was sent to the corridor, but was persuaded by Elder Brother Ten to come back.

Brother Jiu didn't go to see it off at all, and lay on the kang and told Xiaochun: "Go make a cup of strong tea..."

Shu Shu didn't stop her.

It's a big deal to go to bed late.

Anyway, the few days before New Year's Eve are fine, you can lie down high.

When the tea was served, Brother Jiu waved his hand and sent Xiao Chun off, then looked at Shu Shu with a bit of a wicked smile, and said, "Why are you roasting cabbage instead of roasted leeks?"

In the second dining room, there are several pots of leeks outside.

When I ate barbecue before, I grilled it once.

Brother Nine knows the result.

Seeing this, Shu Shu realized that she had made a mistake.

Thinking about the presence of her uncles, Shu Shu replaced the leeks with aphrodisiac effect with cabbage, but forgot the venison in front.

Looking at Brother Nine's appearance, this is trying to play tricks...

For young people, enough is enough.

Shu Shu didn't say anything to spoil the fun, but she suppressed it by force.

Brother Nine was so angry that he bit her arm: "It's really heartless, it makes me uncomfortable to see you..."

How to do it?

Shu Shu had no choice but to comfort her for a while.

Brother Jiu hummed and said, "I was fooled by you again, I will remember it, and I will find it later..."

The north wind was strong overnight.

The next morning, it was completely white outside.

Brother Nine stood on the porch, thinking that even a snowy day would be a good day.

Zhili experienced nine droughts in ten years, and people's livelihood was difficult.

There are also many orphans who are displaced like Wei Zhu.

It is said that auspicious snow heralds a good year, and I hope that the people of Zhili will have a good harvest this year.

He muttered a few words in his heart, and he shivered.

While eating breakfast, Elder Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu, "It's so strange, Lord, you still have a day to worry about the rain and snow?"

The next chapter will be updated at 9:12 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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