Chapter 359
Shu Shu smiled and said, "Being compassionate to the world, my master is kind..."

In fact, she had already discovered Brother Jiu's strengths, he was hard-spoken and soft-hearted, with a weak temper.

It was also the case when he went to court in March. He was tricked by Gui Dan, thinking that Dong E's silver house was manufacturing and selling counterfeit goods, so he supported Gui Dan in the lawsuit.

Not at all sophisticated.

Even if they are not on errands, they should know that the Eight Banners are all the emperor's confidantes, and they are not easily shaken.

If you don't make friends, there is no need to offend.

As a result, he went for justice and made a joke.

Even if he grew up in the palace, the world he saw was limited, and his compassion was also limited.

I saw Wei Zhu yesterday, because of Wei Zhu's life experience, he thought of the livelihood of the people in Gyeonggi, and only this morning when he saw snow, he thought of "auspicious snow heralds a good year".

Brother Nine felt a little uncomfortable, and quickly said: "Don't say that, good people don't live long, and harm will last for thousands of years, so I'd better be a bad person..."

I don't want to pretend to be a good person, and I will suffer if I get framed.

Shu Shu listened with a smile, and silently peeled an egg for him.

Recently, the two colleges are preparing New Year's dishes, and they are also trying various kinds of food in the room. Shu Shu is a little tired.

Brother Jiu ate a few more mouthfuls of barbecue yesterday, and he also wants to eat light vegetarian food this morning.

The breakfast is very simple, bean noodles steamed bread, boiled eggs, millet porridge, two small pickles.

"I don't know how the Queen Mother is doing?"

The dining table was removed, Shu Shu thought of Ningshou Palace, and was a little worried.

The younger sisters-in-law of their generation came back from the "small funeral", even if they had a hot filial piety, they should have returned to the Ningshou Palace to pay their respects.

However, the Ningshou Palace sent people to spread the word one day in advance, and the greetings were suspended yesterday.

Brother Nine said: "Don't worry, it's nothing serious, maybe it's just like us, sleepy and don't like to get up early, there will be several banquets from New Year's Eve, and you have to recharge your energy, if there is a big deal, Fifth Brother won't come in I'll be out of the palace after a short stop, and the ladies have already been waiting on shifts..."

Shu Shu felt at ease, counted the days, and planned to let Walnut go to Ningshou Palace tomorrow to meet Bai Nanny.

If the queen mother is willing to meet people, she will go there by herself, visit the queen mother, and give the New Year's food as well.

If you are too lazy to meet people, then ask someone to send them directly.

There is also Yikun Palace here, and I will go there once a year ago.

After breakfast, Shu Shu asked Walnut to go to Yikun Palace and brought two plates of fried rice cakes.

Shu Shu and Jiu A Ge couple also gave filial gifts to Ningshou Palace and Yikun Palace when they walked around the house before the young year.

Shu Shu didn't have to be self-reliant, and asked Brother Jiu and Brother Fifth to ask for the gift list over there.

Here in Yikun Palace, they refer to Fifth Elder Brother's gift list, and the preparations are almost the same, except that two pairs of purses are subtracted here as a respect.

For the same son, even if one is the eldest and the other is the youngest, they should be almost filial.

On the side of Ningshou Palace, they prepared according to half of the fifth prince's gift list, which was enough and not so obtrusive.

This is self-knowledge.

It is also a grandson, the one raised by the Queen Mother is different from the one who has not been raised.

It would be a joke if he insisted on standing shoulder to shoulder with fifth elder brother in Ningshou Palace.

Even if there are many New Year's gifts this year, there are more people coming this year.

The young couple is now rich.

Not bad for money.

After a while, the walnuts came back.

"Your Majesty is free in the morning and is about to ask Fujin to talk."

Shu Shu didn't delay, and asked someone to carry a few baskets of prepared New Year's dishes, and went to Yikun Palace.

That was the inner court, Brother Jiu is an adult prince, even if it is his own mother and son, he can't just go there whenever he wants, so he said: "Then go talk to Lao Ten..."

Jewelry and clothing materials from the south of the Yangtze River are very popular in the capital now.

It doesn't matter whether you like it or not, the important thing is that other people have it, and Shu Shu also has it.

Ninth elder brother intends to take out a sum of money and entrust it to fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law to help them buy some.

It's not difficult to guess, since the emperor's father is serving the empress dowager on a southern tour, the fifth elder brother and his wife cannot do without.


The tenth elder brother is idle here, thinking about repairing the garden in the study.

For the construction of the Prince's Mansion, the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will only be responsible for the regulation of the middle road.

There is no requirement for the left and right roads, it is almost like entering the yard a few times.

If you want to modify other, you have to pay out of pocket.

Elder Brother Ten doesn't plan to repair the garden, but plans to empty the West Road and make it a school ground.

His territory is exactly at the junction of Zhenghuang Banner and Xianghuang Banner.

On the west side is the road, and building a school yard will just separate the house from the road, and it will be quieter.

He has been thinking about this for the past few days when the yamen is on holiday.

As for the Chinese New Year and New Year's dishes, he was not as polite as his brother and sister-in-law. He bought a lot of ingredients from the imperial dining room, and asked people to take them directly to the second dining room, and asked Shu Shu to help prepare the new year's dishes for the third.

Even the people with the three dining rooms are sent here as errands these days.

As a result, the three institutes became quite deserted.

Seeing this, Brother Ninth said to Brother Ten, "You also learn to play Zhang Luo Zhang Luo, familiarize yourself with the rules of the Chinese New Year, and I can teach you Fujin next year..."

Brother Ten said with a smile: "There is Nine Sister-in-law, please ask Nine Sister-in-law to teach her..."

The friendship between people is getting deeper and deeper as they come and go.

Seeing that sister-in-law Jiu is close to sister-in-law fourth, sister-in-law five, and sister-in-law seven, there is still a difference between sister-in-law nine and sister-in-law seven.

Just like him and Ninth Brother, the relationship is different.

Ask Mrs. Nine to teach Buyin more, so that the two sisters-in-law will get closer if they have more contacts.

Sister-in-law Jiu can feel sorry for Buyin.

Buyin could also show more respect to Sister-in-law Nine.

It's not that there is no need to distinguish between superiority and inferiority, but Jiusao deserves respect in the first place.

What's more, Sister-in-law Jiu's temperament is a bit "warm on the outside and cold on the inside", and she doesn't make friends with everyone.

Eat soft not hard.

If the two sisters-in-law didn't get along at the beginning, it might be down to saving face later on.

That's not good.

How did Brother Nine know that Brother Ten was thinking so far, he just thought he was being lazy, and said: "I can't do this anymore, after we get married, I have to worry about my family, I can't let you Fujin think about everything..."

Elder Brother Shi nodded in agreement.

Brother Jiu talked about Jiangnan buying clothes, materials and jewelry.

The tenth elder brother became interested and said: "That's good, my brother was almost negligent, so the younger brother also prepares a piece of silver here, please let the fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law look at the purchase."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, it's fine if you don't like rewarding people at that time, it won't cost you much..."

Yikun Palace, Dongci Room.

Shu Shu was a little dumbfounded.

Let her go to the south of the Yangtze River with the Queen Mother?
Shu Shu is like in a dream.

Jiangning Weaving Mansion?

She was pleasantly surprised at first, but then she hesitated when she thought of Brother Nine.

The unraveling was just finished yesterday, and the two of them also have a plan to ask for an order to go south next year. Has this changed?

Ninth elder brother is too pitiful.

Shu Shu felt a little bit reluctant.

She then said: "Filial piety to the elders should be the daughter-in-law's duty, but Jiuye can't go back now, and it will take several months to go back and forth. My daughter-in-law is worried about the second school and doesn't want to go..."

Even though she yearns for Jiangning Weaving Mansion in her heart, compared with life, the life in front of her is more important.

Shu Shu was worried that what she said was tactful, and Concubine Yi thought she was being polite, so she expressed her opinion bluntly.

Concubine Yi didn't think she was disobedient after hearing this.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been together for half a year, and she also understands how the youngest daughter-in-law behaves.

When encountering any meritorious things, they all push it to Brother Jiu, and they don't fight for the wind; when they encounter anything that needs to be done, they don't push it to Brother Jiu, and take it directly on their own.

Looking Wen Jing, he actually has a sassy temper.

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "Your Majesty has a lot of things to do every day, how can he go for so long? I asked someone to ask, the last two tours of the Emperor to the south, one was [-] days, the other was [-] days, this time it should be about the same..."

That is two months to two and a half months?
If you leave in early February, you will come back in early or late April.

Who wouldn't want to hang out?
But seeing Concubine Yi's belly, Shu Shu's excitement died down again, and said: "There is no shortage of filial people around the Empress Dowager, and Fifth Sister-in-law, but Empress Dowager also needs to keep someone around."

Concubine Yi waved her hand and said: "It's going to be in June. Besides, there are so many people around me, how can I use a child? Don't be verbose, I have already greeted the Queen Mother and your Concubine Hui, the list of family members There is one of you here, and you can bring six people to serve at that time."

After hearing this, Shu Shu was a little anxious: "Madam, I'm afraid Master Jiu is not happy. Yesterday he just felt bad that he missed this time, and his daughter-in-law left again. That Master Jiu is so pitiful!"

Concubine Yi snorted softly: "What are you pitiful for? Don't talk to him, if you let him mess with you and make children, will your reputation still be ruined?"

Shu Shu's face flushed red, and she hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Master Jiu is well-behaved."

Concubine Yi shook her head and said: "You are too used to it, just listen to me, and you can't just follow the man's thoughts blindly! You have to put yourself first, so that you can last for a long time, go out with the Queen Mother to relax, and pass this filial piety period , in the future, you young couple can get as close as you like, and don't care about you!"

Concubine Yi's tone was solemn, what could Shu Shu say?
Going on, it becomes sophistry.

You can't popularize it with Concubine Yi, the difference between one, two, three, right?

If you don't reach three, you can't have a baby!
She was very embarrassed, but she also knew that Concubine Yi had good intentions and really thought of her, so she arranged this way.

She could only act shy and shy, bowed her head and said, "It's our fault, which makes the empress worry."

Concubine Yi took her hand and said: "Don't worry, I came here when I was young, and I am happy to see you young couple loving each other, just this time... If you have such a good looks, if you put yourself in front of Lao Jiu, if he can sit still , then I have to worry..."

Now that it has been agreed, Na Shushu is not entangled.

Seeing Concubine Yi wearing tins, on which were two emerald green hairpins, Shu Shu praised: "My lady's hairpins are beautiful, they seem to be Jiangnan style, if my lady likes them, my daughter-in-law will buy more this time?"

Concubine Yi heard this, with joy, and said: "It's from the south of the Yangtze River. If you don't mention it, I will forget about it. Buy, buy, buy... this summer is fine, there are many kinds of jewelry, and I have my own preferences; it's winter , but you can wear gold hairpins, golden tuanhua, etc., everyone wears the same style, it's annoying..."

What woman doesn't love beauty?

Even if she has grandchildren, Concubine Ke Yi doesn't think she is old.

She felt that if she cleaned up well, she would still be decent for another twenty years.

Not for the emperor's favor, but for the sake of not being compared by young concubines and nobles when paying respects.

From jewelry to clothing materials, from clothing materials to rouge powder.

When it came to the end, Concubine Yi sighed: "I didn't think it at first, but in this way, the capital is like a big village, and all good things come from Jiangnan, and next time I have to go with everything Once."

Shu Shu said: "The world is at peace, the waterways are smooth, maybe I will go there once in two or three years..."

Concubine Yi smiled: "Then I'm looking forward to it..."

(End of this chapter)

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