My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 360 I Can't See It

Chapter 360 I Can't See It (Second Update)

When Shu Shu returned to the second office, brother Jiu was already waiting.

"Why did it take so long?"

Brother Jiu glanced at the clock, it was almost the beginning of noon, almost an hour had gone by.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine, not knowing what to say.

Seeing the New Year, I don't want to see him unhappy.

Brother Nine has already stretched out his hand: "Where's the banknote? Take out five thousand taels and hand it back to Fifth Brother, who will help us buy some things!"

Shu Shu got up and went to get it from the small box in front of the dressing table, counted out a few, and asked curiously, "What to buy?"

"Buy everything, such as jewelry, clothing materials, etc. Jiangnan is rich and rich, and there are many new styles..."

Brother Jiu said proudly.

Shu Shu originally wanted to hand over the village ticket, but now she also took it back.

Brother Jiu thought she was reluctant, and said: "If you spend it, you can spend it, and there will be more next year!"

Shu Shu withdrew the Zhuang ticket: "Maybe you don't need to bother Fifth Brother..."

Brother Nine hesitated after hearing this, and said: "If the third child goes, you can entrust the third sister-in-law. The third sister-in-law is indeed better at dressing up than the fifth sister-in-law, so I won't be blind..."

As for the instigation of the third elder brother before, he had already forgotten about the matter of his hatred of the third elder brother.

Brothers are brothers, sisters-in-law are sisters-in-law.


The third sister-in-law is Shu Shu's cousin, and she was born in a public house. She is used to wealth and wealth, and she dresses up well on weekdays.

The fifth sister-in-law is much more simple, and she doesn't like to dress up, so asking her to buy things may not be satisfactory.

Shu Shu sighed, and dragged Brother Jiu to sit by the kang.

Seeing her serious expression, Brother Jiu also smiled: "What's the matter? Your Majesty is yelling at you?"

Shu Shu shook her head, and said that Concubine Yi pleaded for mercy and put herself on the list of retinues.

Brother Jiu jumped up all of a sudden, and said angrily: "How can your mother do this? Okay, what are we going to do separately? No, I'll go find her right now!"

Shu Shu hurriedly pulled her back, and said: "Master, Madam is thinking of us..."

Ninth elder brother was furious, and said with grievance: "Could it be that the master is that bastard? No matter what, he just wants to make himself happy?"

Shu Shu said softly: "I believe in the Lord, and the empress does not really doubt the Lord in her heart, it's just that people's words are scary."

These days of keeping filial piety, there is no need for water in the middle of the night when going to the room.

But after the two masters washed, they also left the water basin.

And there are no maids or nanny sleeping in the main room at night.

It's not unusual for the people below to have guessed something.

Brother Jiu snorted coldly: "This palace is really unbearable to live in! Everyone is full of food, making up the master's gossip and gossiping!"

Seeing that his anger had subsided a bit, Shu Shu said: "It's not long, just two months, and I came back in early April."

Brother Nine was still unhappy, and said dissatisfiedly: "It's been two months. After we got married, when did we separate?"

Shu Shu couldn't be too excited, sighed and said: "I resigned directly, but the empress doesn't allow it, and I can't say anything else, otherwise it really seems that I can't leave the master... just can't keep up with the tenth brother's big wedding. Time to prepare more congratulatory gifts for us..."

Brother Jiu said: "You are my Fujin, shouldn't you be inseparable from the Lord?! The empress just eats salty radish and doesn't worry about it. Let's just live a good life. Others are willing to say more and less and let them go!"

Shu Shu softly said: "Didn't the Lord just say it out? No matter how much you bear it, say it sooner rather than later. It might be the end of this year, or the beginning of next year."

Mentioning this, Brother Jiu frowned and said, "It's a shame!"

It turned out that a few days ago he went to Qianqing Palace to thank Shang and begged for the building of the mansion, and said that it was a big expense for a favor, but then Kangxi decreed that the prince who had already opened the mansion was allowed to open the mansion from Prince Yu back then. According to the old practice at that time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs continued to provide daily supplies for six years.

"Are you saying that Khan Ama will be damaged or not?! I feel pity for my son, and I didn't say to bring one of my masters. The annual salary and monthly regulations are still confiscated! They are either county kings or Baylor. They have given the money to the family and the property, and there is still money every year. Noble salary, where is the lack of money? Don’t feel distressed if you should feel distressed, and feel distressed if you shouldn’t feel distressed!"

Shu Shu listened, and felt sorry for Brother Nine, but he didn't want to add fuel to the flames, so he could only persuade him: "Perhaps it's just a coincidence, even if the master doesn't mention this, the emperor loves his sons so much, he might as well make up for it."

Brother Jiu felt that it was boring, and said: "Fortunately, we are not short of money, otherwise we would have vomited to death! Hmph! It's just that I'm used to being biased, thinking about those precious eldest sons no matter what!"

The more eccentric it is now, the more it will be cleaned up in the future.

Shu Shu was not envious, and just said: "My lord said he was content in the morning, don't think about it, so that you don't feel uncomfortable... The prince opened the house, it's like a separation, this is the first year, the chicks leave the nest , Your Majesty is feeling uncomfortable..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly, leaned over, and said in a low voice: "This is a widower, and he has become a mother! As long as there is a decent wife to accompany him, he doesn't need to grow hair idle and keep watching his son's house!"

Shu Shu pinched his waist and gouged out his eyes: "Master, shut up!"

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Standing behind the big case, Kangxi had an itchy nose and sneezed.

Seeing this, Liang Jiugong said with concern, "Your Majesty..."

Kangxi also stood at the door for a while this morning, looked at the snow on the ground, and looked up at the sky.

The sky was gloomy, and it looked like it was going to snow.

The snow was an inch thick this morning, no problem.

If it is lowered thicker, just be careful, and after a few more days, you must prevent the houses inside and outside the capital from collapsing.

He has already sent people to send word to the soldiers and horses of the five cities and the Shuntian government office to clear the snow more every year and year after year to avoid snow accumulation.

Sure enough, at noon, the snow began to fall profusely outside.

"It's okay, just have a bowl of ginger soup!"

Kangxi put down his pen and ink, and ordered.

Each yamen seals, and he also seals the pen here, and no longer approves the papers.

Now it is to write the word "Fu".

This is to be given to the clan and ministers of civil and military affairs.

Every year, I write at the beginning of the twelfth lunar month. This year, due to the Northern Tour, some government affairs have been backlogged, and there are various rewards and rewards for the Junggar Battle, so it is delayed.

Now the word "Fu" from the governors of other places has been rewarded long ago, and those from the people in the capital haven't been sent out yet.

Seeing that there were only seven or eight cards in front of him, Kangxi became impatient.

Thinking that because of the snow, the little elder brother who went to the study room could not shoot arrows in the afternoon and would have to be free, so Kangxi told Wei Zhu who was waiting for the pen and ink next to him: "Tell the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother!"

Thinking that the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother were also idle, he said to Liang Jiugong: "Send the two fast-footed ones to the second and third offices and bring them here!"

He didn't think of Twelve Elder Brothers, and Liang Jiugong would not fail to remind him, so he answered and went to the door to find someone.

At this moment, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother have come with Wei Zhu.

The thirteenth elder brother remained silent.

The fourteenth elder brother took Wei Zhu, showed off a little, raised his voice, and said, "Dongtou is so good! There is a big pomegranate tree, it has been around for ten years, and I heard that the fruit it bears is also sweet. Turn around I will leave two for you!"

Wei Zhu said with a smile: "The slave can wait!"

Fourteenth elder brother said cheerfully: "Don't worry, Master is a man, one spit and one nail, he is not so stingy, if he coaxes people today, he will turn his face tomorrow!"

While talking, he glanced at Elder Thirteen with his eyes.

Brother Thirteen didn't notice.

He listened to Elder Fourteen's words, and thought of the pomegranate tree in Dongtou, reckoning it was similar to that in Xitou, it was planted by elder brother for his sister-in-law before their wedding.

The move was in a hurry, and it was winter again, and it was not the season for planting plants.

Pomegranate has many seeds.

Sounds like a good sign.

The sister-in-law is also born one after another.

But he decided not to plant pomegranates himself until the eighth elder brother moved the flowers and trees in spring.

Or plant crabapples, plantains and so on.

Wealth and peace are enough.

Otherwise, like the big brother in the future, the husband and wife can't grow old, and it's quite pitiful.

He had a youthful mind.

The fourteenth elder brother glared at him angrily, thinking that the thirteenth elder brother ignored people on purpose, and felt aggrieved.

After entering the Xinuang Pavilion, the fourteenth elder brother smiled happily: "Khan Ama'an!"

The thirteenth elder brother also invited Ann immediately.

Kangxi pointed to the big case and said: "You are idle, come and cut paper and grind ink for me!"

The thirteenth elder brother hadn't responded yet, but the fourteenth elder brother had already said: "The son rubbed ink for Khan Ama..."

There is still a lot of ground ink in the inkstone, and it is much easier to grind the ink along the way.

On the contrary, cutting paper is very troublesome, and it is also difficult to hold scissors.

Seeing that the fourteenth elder brother favored the easy and shy of the heavy, neither Kangxi nor the thirteenth elder brother said anything.

Even if Brother Fourteen wanted to use the scissors, Kangxi and Brother Thirteen would not let him.

With his son by his side, Kangxi felt much more comfortable when he picked up his pen again.

I wrote slowly for a quarter of an hour, and finished writing more than a dozen sheets.

The thirteenth elder brother who had cut the paper saw it and removed it one by one to dry.

The fourteenth elder brother rubbed the ink and his hands were sore, he lost his patience, so he said to the thirteenth elder brother, "Thirteenth elder brother, let's change?"

The thirteenth elder brother didn't bother with him either, and took over the fourteenth elder brother in the past, and continued to grind ink.

Before Kangxi was worried that the two sons would have a rift because of the move, but seeing that they were still getting along as usual, he felt relieved.

Seeing that his expression was gentle and in a good mood, Elder Fourteen blinked his eyes, flattered him a bit, and said, "Ama Khan, I heard that the house in the East Second House was also burnt down. Can you move the palace?"

In that case, he also has company.

To save it as if he insisted on picking up the old thirteen.

Kangxi was still pondering, when someone said at the door: "I don't think so!"

It's Brother Jiu who has arrived.

Yuqian rushed to pass, the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother were confused, and they didn't dare to delay, they hurried over.

As soon as he came in, he heard Brother Fourteen's words, and Brother Ninth couldn't help but speak.

Elder Fourteen glared at him and said, "Why can't it? I can move, why can't Little Fifteen move?"

Seeing his selfish appearance, Brother Jiu didn't show any shame for him, and said: "Okay, why do you want to move? Is it a trivial matter for the prince to move the palace? If you say a word, you will be moved? You must be worthy of understanding." Eunuch, you have to choose Haha Zhuzi eunuch, and you have to make up the population under your name..."

Now the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been sealed and closed. Even if there are on-duty notes, they can't decide anything. They just make a record of the relevant affairs and report it later when the seal is opened.

Fourteenth elder brother said disapprovingly: "It's enough to make up after those years, now there are nanny and nanny, let our mother send two eunuchs to follow, there is no shortage of people to order, just deal with it for a few days!"

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Why should we deal with it?! That is the prince brother, just like you and me, not your haha ​​bead, as you call..."

Elder Fourteen said in embarrassment: "What did Brother Ninth say?! It's not good for me to get close to Fifteen. Fifteen is raised in front of our mother. Isn't it okay for us to go on a blind date?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Such closeness, let's save it! To be honest, the fifteen elder brothers have not lived in Yonghe Palace for two years, and you are not of average age, so don't force yourself to get close !"

After my elder brother moved out from Zhaoxiang's place at the age of fifteen, he moved back to Yonghe Palace.

Nominally, he was raised by Concubine De, but in fact he followed his biological mother, Concubine Wang Shu.

As a result, Concubine Wang Shu gave birth to her sixteenth elder brother the following year. She was confinement and was unable to take care of her eldest son.

It happened that the Crown Princess had already entered the door, so Elder Brother Fifteen was sent to Yuqing Palace to be raised by the Crown Princess.

It wasn't until last spring, when the Crown Princess was happy, that Brother Fifteen moved back to Yonghe Palace...

(End of this chapter)

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