Chapter 361 Blessing (third update)
Brother Fourteen was so angry that he wanted to say more.

Elder Brother Ten has already stepped forward and bowed to Kangxi: "Ama Khan, Ann!"

Kangxi nodded and said, "Ann!"

Brother Nine also stopped talking and followed suit.

Kangxi greeted the two of them and said, "Come here and polish the ink..."

He didn't intend to intervene in the bickering between brothers just now.

Fourteenth elder brother's proposal is indeed out of the ordinary and not comprehensive enough. He only thinks about his own size and doesn't think about others.

As an elder brother, Brother Nine, it is within the rules to discipline him a few words.

It's just that I can't say good things well, and I'm a little angry, and I look like I'm holding back my anger, so it's good to take it easy.

The fourteenth elder brother lived there before, and the two brothers were really disturbed.

Otherwise, the fourteenth elder brother wouldn't have had a dinner party as soon as Brother Fourteen moved out yesterday, just like a festival.

The thirteenth elder brother stepped aside, the tenth elder brother stepped forward to take the position, and continued to grind the ink.

Calling his son in the wind and snow, just to order him?

This feeling is both strange and new.

It was really the first time.

Who in this world doesn't look forward to the love of their parents when they are children?

Elder Brother Ten felt that he could be more peaceful.

One thing after another this year.

I got engaged, I got an errand, and the mansion was sold out.

Khan Amma didn't favor herself, but she didn't treat her badly either, she gave everything that should be given.

Be content with yourself.

Brother Jiu stood in front of the imperial case, looked around, and made a comment in his heart, picked up a blessing character full of ink, and pointed: "Khan Ama, give this to your son, it just hangs on the Zhengtang!"

Kangxi rolled his eyes at him angrily, and said, "Why didn't I know that you still have your share? What merits and achievements have you made, should I reward you once?"

This imperial pen blessing is not for everyone.

Only the courtiers who have performed better this year will have a chance to get it.

Brother Nine thought about it carefully, as if he really had nothing worth mentioning.

As for the two errands in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the business of selling medicine has just begun, and the matter of wool has not yet started.

He knew that these two things were all his wife's idea, and he didn't have any merits in the first place, and he had already exchanged the grace of repairing the mansion, so he didn't want to say it again.

He laughed and said: "The son does not contribute to the country, but the son has merit to the family! After marrying a good Fujin, Khan Ama has a good daughter-in-law, and the emperor's grandmother has a filial granddaughter-in-law..."

If Shu Shu hadn't done a good job and was really filial, the empress would not have let her accompany the queen mother on her southern tour.

Brother Jiu was still very angry before, but he also felt proud.

Kangxi was amused by his thick skin, and said: "Then why is it your credit? Didn't I point out marriage well?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It's my son who said it was bad, it's because of your sharp eyes that you chose a good Fujin for your son..."

As he said that, when he saw Elder Brother Ten, he said, "The tenth Fujin was also chosen well, he is rich and strong, he looks like a blessed child..."

Kangxi was writing, but his hands trembled when he was teased, and he dropped the wrong pen. He frowned and said, "Don't be weird, speak well!"

He himself was sixteen, only one year older than Borzigit. He was not stable at all, and he had the face to call someone a "child"?
Brother Nine sighed and said: "Ama, you don't know your son's heart, thinking about getting married ten years later, you are also worried about it! What should I do if I am afraid that the young couple will not get along? Change; I'm afraid it's too harmonious, they are a young couple, and the son has become an outsider..."

Kangxi listened, feeling sad in his heart.

This is the heart of being a parent in the world.

The chicks are always leaving the nest.

But this family bond of flesh and blood makes people miss it too.

He is not very happy these days, since he is thinking about the sons of Kaifu.

It was as if the family had been separated, even though he was still his son, he was no longer from the palace.

Immediately he realized something was wrong, glared at Brother Jiu, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

The tenth elder brother was by the side, and before he had slandered the ninth elder brother for not being able to speak, but now he said with red eyes: "Ninth elder brother, don't worry, in my heart, the ninth elder brother will never be an outsider..."

Brother Jiu felt uncomfortable, and snorted softly: "You can coax people with your mouth! Look, there are fewer people in the world who marry their wives and forget their mothers?"

Kangxi couldn't stand it anymore, so he took the "blessing the common people pen" in his hand and hit Brother Jiu on the forehead: "Shut up! Stop talking nonsense!"

Just now he sounded like a father, but now he's a mother again?
This broken mouth is not big or small.

Brother Jiu covered his forehead, looked at Kangxi, and said with displeasure, "My son is not talking nonsense!"

Kangxi frowned and said: "Anyway, you are not allowed to talk anymore, the noise is giving me a headache!"

Brother Jiu saw that his face had turned black, so he shut his mouth and became honest, and stood by to watch Kangxi write.

Kangxi looked at the badly written piece of paper, pondered for a while, and made a revision.

When he finished writing, he said to Brother Nine: "This 'blessing' is bestowed on the second institute!"

The "Fu" written by Kangxi is his own font.

To have both happiness and longevity, you also need to have many children, many fields, and many talents, which is also called "five blessings in one".

The one that is badly written is that the word "Shou" on the right is topped when it is written, and there is no blank space at the top.

When Kangxi just continued to write, he also wrote a full frame at the bottom.

Originally, it was a word for longevity, but when it got longer, it became full life.

Brother Jiu looked at this piece of blessing, and felt as if his heart was stuffed with a ball of cotton, and he was speechless in a daze.

Seeing this, Elder Brother Ten hurriedly reminded: "Brother Ninth, thank you soon!"

Brother Nine put down his horseshoe sleeves, knelt down, and said in a shy voice, "Son, Xiehan Ama rewards 'blessing'!"

The fourteenth elder brother was at the side, looking at the ninth elder brother, his face was first displeased, then curious, and finally admired.

Unexpectedly, Brother Jiu turned out to be such a person!
A blessing, just act like this? !


The thirteenth elder brother looked at the "Fu" and understood the reason for the ninth elder brother's move.

Next, elder brother Jiu was honest.

The Xinuang Pavilion also fell silent.

After Kangxi finished writing the last word "Fu", he put down his pen.

Looking at Yiliu's son, Kangxi felt a little better, and said to Elder Brother Shi and the others, "Choose one for each of you!"

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother both bowed and agreed.

It was the fourteenth elder brother, with a shy look on his face, silent by the side.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother did not move first, but looked at the fourteenth elder brother beside him.

What they meant was to let the younger brother choose first.

The fourteenth elder brother despised them as chicken thieves.

Brother Nine just said that he is not friendly to his younger brother, so now he is going to be disrespectful to his elder brother?
Brother Fourteen said, "Brother Ten, you choose first..."

Elder Brother Ten had surprise on his face, but he didn't say anything. He nodded and cupped the round "Fu" that Brother Ninth pointed out just now.

Brother Thirteen took the one next to him.

The fourteenth elder brother wanted to choose again, but seeing the thirteenth elder brother like this, it was hard to choose, so he took one.

Kangxi waved his hand and sent his sons off.

Ninth elder brother, tenth elder brother, and thirteenth elder brother obeyed the order and withdrew.

Fourteenth elder brother dawdled at the end, did not leave, and whispered: "Khan Ama, my son just proposed fifteenth to move. I didn't think too much about it. I just kept being a younger brother, thinking about being an older brother, thinking about taking care of my younger brother... "

Kangxi looked at him, thinking of Brother Thirteen's words in his mind.

Brother Thirteen doesn't want to be an older brother, but wants to be a younger brother; this means he doesn't want to be a younger brother, but wants to be an older brother.

Kangxi said with a straight face, "You really understand? Then take it as a warning, and you need to be careful in your actions in the future!"

The fourteenth elder brother listened with his hands down, and responded respectfully, before retreating.

At the gate of Qianqing Palace, there were no figures of Brother Jiu and the others.

It should have gone.

Elder Fourteen was so sullen that he turned around and walked in another direction.

It is also going north along the palace road, and the east road is naturally on the other side.

Whoever leaves can die? !

I want to follow the southern tour!
Thirteen must be jealous!
Let him go!
On the palace road, Brother Nine murmured: "Poor parents in the world, it's not easy for Khan Ama. Now that I think about it, I don't blame Khan Ama for favoring the older ones. They have been father and son for more than [-] years, and they are better than us. After getting along for several years, there is always someone who comes first..."

Elder Thirteen listened, feeling something was wrong, and said, "The Fourteenth is young, why is it a special case?"

Just now the emperor didn't talk to Fourteenth Brother, but he didn't reprimand Fourteenth Brother either.

Brother Thirteen felt a little uncomfortable.

I didn't make any mistakes at first, but I got face because I wanted to live separately from Elder Fourteen; today Elder Fourteen's little abacus was "cracking" and I didn't get a single criticism.

The difference is too big.

And twelve brothers.

There are only five elder princes in the palace, and four elder brothers were passed on, why did you pull one?
Brother Twelve injured his arm but not his leg.

But Khan Ama didn't mention it.

"Fu" was not given to Brother Twelve either.

It's just biased.

I was eccentric before, so I didn't realize that there was something wrong.

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Old Fourteen is stupid, such a child is not at ease when he is a parent, don't think too much..."

The thirteenth brother was dumbfounded.

Inexplicably feel that there is some truth.

After entering the corridor of elder brother's office, pass by tou'suo first.

The thirteenth elder brother didn't go in, looked in the direction of the fifth place, and said hesitantly: "Ninth brother, tenth brother, twelfth brother has no 'blessing'..."

Brother Nine realized later: "Hey! I really didn't think about it. It's okay. I'll go back and ask Han Ama for another one!"

Brother Thirteen hesitated and said, "Can I ask directly?"

Brother Nine was puzzled and said: "What can't be done? That's my pro-Ama, not my queen-Ama!"

Elder Brother Thirteen thought about it too, nodded and said: "Yes! Brother Ninth is right!"

When the thirteenth elder brother entered the head office, the tenth elder brother held back the ninth elder brother and said, "Don't worry about it, my brother can send this to the fifth office..."

That is Ama, and also Khan Ama, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Brother Nine said unhappily: "Nonsense! How can 'fu' be given out?"

Seeing that he was angry, Brother Ten didn't dare to say anything.

Brother Jiu has already turned around, and said: "Follow up quickly! It's snowing in the sky, I can't be the only one to suffer!"

Brother Ten had no choice but to follow behind obediently.

The brothers returned the same way.

At the gate of Qianqing Palace, many guards came in and out, and some people were waiting.

The "Fu" that was written and dried just now will be brought by these guards and distributed to the mansions of princes and ministers in the capital.

Hearing that the two brothers had left and returned, Kangxi was also curious and called in.

Before the ninth elder brother opened his mouth, the tenth elder brother had already pleaded guilty: "Ama Khan, my son is careless, I forgot to take the word 'Fu' on the twelfth brother..."

Kangxi felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this.

I really didn't remember it.

He nodded and said, "Then take one!"

Seeing that there were still many guards waiting to come in, the two brothers did not hesitate, and retreated after taking the blessing.

On the palace road, Brother Nine didn't speak, but just looked at Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Ten looked down at himself, and there was nothing wrong.

"What's wrong? Ninth Brother..."

Brother Nine gestured to him as Thumbs, and said, "That's right! I know how to make fun of Khan Ama, he's quite good at coaxing..."

Three more ten thousand, ^_^.

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 13th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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