Chapter 362 An Unexpected Joy

When Brother Jiu came back, Shu Shu said, "Did something happen to the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

She thought about official business. After all, it was still snowing outside, and the messenger was anxious.

She was a little worried and had a lot of speculation.

Brother Jiu didn't answer in a hurry, but asked He Yuzhu to put the word "Fu" on the desk, and said to Shu Shu, "Look, what's the difference?"

Shu Shu stepped forward to look, and felt that the characters looked familiar.

Not to mention the Fu character stele in Heshen Garden, even among the Fu characters that can be seen everywhere during the Spring Festival, this font is also commonly used.

It's just that the layout is a bit weird.

There is no problem with the radical on the left, but the proportions on the right are a bit wrong, and the top and bottom are full.

Immediately, she understood.

Brother Jiu had already waved He Yuzhu to go out, stood in front of Shu Shu, and said in a low voice: "I will never complain about the old man's favoritism anymore!"

Shu Shu shook his hand and nodded.

Where is [-]% fairness in the world?

The ten fingers may be long or short, but any broken finger will cause the same pain.

Especially between family members, it's not about doing business, Ding is Dingmao or Mao's, and it can be clearly calculated.

Think of the good things of others, don't worry too much about the bad things, and feel more at ease.

"It's not easy for Khan Ama. He has no father or mother, and he doesn't have a role model. Isn't he just learning to be a father and mother? There are some omissions and omissions. As children, we will be considerate and don't care about it." !"

Brother Nine said without shame.

Shu Shu pinched his waist: "From now on, it's fine for these masters to talk about it in their hearts, don't say it..."

Brother Jiu hugged her in his arms, took two deep breaths, and smelled the fragrance of magnolia flowers on her body: "My lord almost didn't cry at that time, we don't give this 'blessing' to anyone, we keep it like a baby , I want to live a long life, let's grow old..."

Shu Shu stroked his back, feeling numb in his heart, and said, "Go back and find a glass, and frame this up."

After moving out, then expand it, and set up a lucky sign at home.

About this word of blessing, later generations passed down very metaphysics.

That is, before the [-]th birthday of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, she could not afford to be seriously ill, and the medicine stone was ineffective.

The [-]-year-old Emperor Kangxi saw in ancient books that the emperor is the son of heaven, and he can "ask for blessings to extend his life" to the heavenly father. Town evil spirits.

The Empress Dowager got the word of blessing, and all diseases disappeared, and she lived for another fifteen years before she died.

Shu Shu didn't ask Brother Jiu about the authenticity of this allusion.

Even if it doesn't reach a hundred years, it would be nice to really extend one's life by fifteen years.

Brother Jiu was too moved, and remembered that Shu Shu was going to be a follower, and said bitterly: "Starting tonight, we will live together, and move the next two months to the front!"

Shu Shu's hand stopped.

Immediately, she felt relieved, as expected, no matter how old a man is, he has a talent for bragging.

No matter how hard he speaks, he is afraid that he has more than enough heart but not enough strength.

But men have self-esteem, Shu Shu is not easy to expose.

She is already thinking about the leisure way of health care in her heart.

Don't let it grow old, otherwise even if you don't worry about pregnancy, you will be empty.

The pleasure between men and women is derived from the secretion of the happy molecule dopamine.

But the secretion of dopamine is not limited to love between men and women.

Later generations of experts conducted experiments and summarized a few.

"Paying off debt" came in second.

My family already owed the fifth elder brother, and I have already paid it back.

Skip this one.

"Smoking" came in third.

Now there are tobacco leaves, and snuff bottles are popular, which is harmful to health, so skip it.

The rest are related to money, such as "salary increase", "salary credit", "repayment by the other party" and so on.

Skip all of them.

The next entry is "Game Victory"...

Shu Shu recalled the popular "animal chess" when she was in elementary school.

No brainer, just a good way to kill time.

This method is also simple, directly asked Xiao Chun and Walnut to find a cardboard to make a pair.

That night, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu sat cross-legged on the kang and played "animal chess".

It was originally an extremely simple game, but Brother Jiu refused to play it honestly.

It is necessary to simulate the "lion and tiger fight".

Also try to fly a leopard.

Let's see how the mouse drills the elephant.

full of tricks...

Early the next morning, seeing the small animal chess cards scattered on the kang, Shu Shu was so angry that he beat the kang.


Brother Jiu smiled flatteringly, and said, "Aren't you going to Ningshou Palace? Master will go with you..."

Shu Shu pulled his hand in hatred, took a bite and said, "If you bite me again, I'll be annoyed!"

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "Don't bite, don't bite, be gentle next time!"

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him, and said coquettishly: "It's not a dog, don't grind your teeth anymore..."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "My father is a pig, so I want to carry my daughter-in-law!"

As he spoke, he carried Shu Shu on his back, took a few steps steadily, and placed it directly in front of the dressing table, with a smug look on his face.

The corner of Shu Shu's mouth curled up, but he didn't expose him.

After half a year of marriage, it was difficult to hold her at the earliest time, her arms were trembling, but now her lower arms are much stronger.

Yesterday afternoon, Shu Shu sent someone to Ningshou Palace.

Therefore, after breakfast, the young couple set off.

There was a mighty crowd behind, followed by many people, carrying several large baskets.

When Bai Momo came out and saw so many things, she was shocked: "Why are you so old?"

Just as Shu Shu was about to say, there was already a message from the little maid inside, and the Empress Dowager let Shu Shu and Brother Jiu go in.

Not only the queen mother is there, but the two concubines are also there.

"Grandmother, Empress Dowager..."

Shu Shu and Brother Nine entered the room, and they both greeted each other.

The Empress Dowager nodded to Brother Jiu, then smiled and pulled Shu Shu and said, "I heard that you are coming to give New Year's food, and they are here to guard it. If there is less, it will not be enough..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is the filial piety of Master Jiu and his daughter-in-law, it's enough!"

A few large baskets entered the East Room of Ningshou Palace.

The empress dowager and the concubines also had the same reaction as Nanny Bai.

In fact, this basket is not an ordinary basket, nearly three feet high and two feet in diameter.

Each capacity is not small.

Shu Shu pointed to one of the baskets and said: "These jars are full of sauce and small pickles, meat sauce, mushroom sauce, seafood sauce, and spicy sauce, which are convenient for dipping dumplings and porridge; the rest are all kinds of small dishes. Pickles, bellflowers, cabbage, hot and sour cucumbers, radish sprouts..."

The second basket contains all kinds of cooked food, spiced quail eggs, mutton in sauce, small tripe with pine nuts, crispy fish, spicy sausage, and then various kinds of jelly, fish jelly, pork skin jelly, chicken jelly, and mutton jelly.

The third basket is similar to prepared dishes, which can be heated and eaten.

No Fushouxi.

The prescription Xiaojing came out, and the second institute did not plan to do it again.

But there are so many sea cucumbers and abalones, so don’t leave them in vain. Shu Shu asked someone to gather eight kinds of them and made them into "Eight Treasures Burned in the Altar". It's good to make rice.

There are also various kinds of meatballs, big Sixi meatballs, and those with water chestnuts added. They are fried first and then cooked.

Small tofu balls and radish balls can be made into soup or eaten directly.

The rest are dishes such as tamales, braised pork with bamboo shoots, and chicken with mushrooms, all of which are also frozen into portions.

The fourth basket is all kinds of cakes, rice and noodles.

Yellow buns, jujube cakes, millet hair cakes, small steamed buns of various grains, sweet eight-treasure glutinous rice, and salty chicken rice are all wrapped in zongzi leaves, and the noodles are deep-fried Yi noodles and five-spice Dry noodles.

In each basket, there is a list indicating the preservation methods and freshness time of various foods.

There is no refrigerator now, but there is an ice cellar in Ningshou Palace. If the cellar is properly stored, these things can be eaten until the end of the first month.

The Queen Mother laughed from ear to ear, and the two concubines were also in a good mood.

Someone had already come to the two old ladies and said that Jiufu Jin coaxed the Queen Mother's things, and that all the good ingredients in the dining room of Ningshou Palace had been sent to the second institute.

Both of them had dealt with Shu Shu before, so they knew that he was a filial child and would not take things for nothing.

Sure enough, I sent the older ones back.

It is enough to set up a seat directly.

The Empress Dowager pulled Shu Shu and said: "When the first month comes out, make some more, so as not to get used to eating in the south..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Well, I listen to you, I will prepare something when the time comes..."

In fact, after the first month, the weather is hot, and many things are no longer suitable for storage.

But it doesn't matter, you can prepare more on the salty sauce and pickles.

For meat, it is mainly air-dried.

The queen mother is generous in nature, not in the nature of taking advantage of the younger generation.

The four baskets were full when they were carried, and there was no room for them when they were carried away.

The ingredients in Ningshou Palace are more abundant.

However, because the Queen Mother's diet is mostly meat-based, here are mainly tributes from the Northeast.

Fresh and frozen deer tongue, deer large intestine, deer belly, deer tendon, deer tail, etc.

There are also two three-foot-long salmon.

The rest are dry goods such as fungus and pine nuts.

When leaving Ningshou Palace, Shu Shu's walk was a little buoyant.

Brother Nine was beside him, and said with a smile, "Is that so happy?"

Shu Shu pointed to the two salmon and said, "There are fish!"

Brother Nine smiled and said, "What's the matter? I either got Khan Ama's before, or it's not as big as this."

Shu Shu glanced at him.

Not only that, but it can unlock a new way of eating.

She was reluctant to cook these two fish directly.

But the weather did turn hot.

The snow on the ground can no longer hold.

Many places where the sun shines have begun to melt.

Fortunately, there is a "refrigerator" in the second dining room.

It is idle after winter.

Two and a half feet long, two feet wide, and two feet deep.

After the two fish are divided, they can be stored for a while.

There is mustard in the palace.

Ershanfang has this seasoning.

It's a yellow mustard sauce.

The raw material is a mustard seed about the size of a sesame seed.

When the lunch table was set up, there was a plate of orange-red fish slices on it, with wasabi and soy sauce on the side.

Brother Jiu was surprised and said, "Why do you eat it this way? This fish is meant to be fried, braised in soy sauce, how can it be made into fish sticks? How can it be cut so thick?"

Shu Shu's mouth was full of saliva, and he couldn't wait any longer, so he took a piece and dipped it in soy sauce and put it in his mouth.

Firm and full, smooth and plump, with a sweet taste.

The taste of mustard is just right too...

The weather turns cold, sleeps a lot, wakes up late, 55
(End of this chapter)

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