My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 363 Reunion

Chapter 363 Reunion
Seeing this, Brother Nine also stretched out his chopsticks and grabbed the biggest and fattest piece on the plate.

Seeing this, Shu Shu quickly stopped her, pointed to the fingernail-sized piece next to her, and said, "This is cold, just taste it..."

Brother Jiu was not very happy, but he obediently turned the direction of the chopsticks, dipped in soy sauce like Shushu, and then put it in his mouth.

Too much soy sauce.

The spiciness of the mustard brought tears to my eyes.

He didn't spit it out right away, chewed it twice and swallowed it, and said, "It's like a piece of fat meat, what's there to eat?"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "I've seen this way of eating in the book, and I want to try it..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "I didn't look carefully. The fish meat is made of live fish, not ice fish. It is cut into thin slices, and it is not dipped in soy sauce, but mixed with cooked oil... If you want to eat it, When the river opens next year, I will buy two grass carp for you to eat..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu didn't dare to think about it.

It was a pure freshwater fish, different from migratory river fish like Damaha.

She doesn't want to "sickness enters through the mouth".

She shook her head and said, "Taste once is enough..."

She wasn't gluttonous, she took three or four slices, and when she was satisfied, she ordered someone to take it down, and said: "Keep it, chop up the diced seeds and fry rice at night."

Some are worried.

Although it has been frozen at low temperature, it is not very safe, and there are still hidden dangers in eating raw directly.

Between gluttony and health, Shu Shu still chooses health.

Today is the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, and I have nothing else to do, just wait for New Year's Eve.

Yesterday, on the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, door gods and couplets had already been hung at the entrance of the second school.

They are not one-off, and are arranged and suspended by the people from the Department of Construction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the early years, it was hung on the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, which was collected on the second day of February; since the twenty-fifth year of Kangxi, it was changed to the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, which was collected on the third day of February.

Couplets are auspicious words, and the door god is a pair of woodblock prints, with different patterns in different places in the palace.

There are two kinds of patterns hanging on the elder brother's side.

The first school, the third school, and the fifth school are hung with the boy door god.

The second reason is that Brother Jiu is already married, so he is the door god of Fulu.

A few days passed by in a hurry.

In a blink of an eye, it was thirty days.

There was joy on everyone's face.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine woke up in the morning, and they also looked at each other and smiled.

Seeing that he is about to grow one year old, it is different today after removing the old and welcoming the new.

This afternoon, there is a reunion banquet in Qianqing Palace.

It's a pity that Shu Shu didn't have the chance to see her.

Different from what she had imagined before, she thought that the New Year's Eve dinner in the inner court must be from the empress dowager down to the prince and grandson, and the four generations live together in a happy and harmonious way.

As a result, I thought too much.

There are fixed rules for this kind of festive banquet, which is recorded in daily life.

The so-called inner court banquet was a family banquet between Kangxi and his concubines, and no one else was eligible to participate.

When the banquet is over, Kangxi will lead his concubines to the Ningshou Palace to pay respects to the Queen Mother and say goodbye to the new year.

As for Ningshou Palace, they also have their own small banquet.

The empress dowager was accompanied by the concubines and princesses of Ningshou Palace, and there were no outsiders.

The breakfast on the first day of junior high school is the Queen Mother's banquet, and Kangxi went to accompany the meal, which can be regarded as a "reunion dinner" for mother and son.

As for the Yuqing Palace or the second residence, the married prince will have his own small family reunion banquet, with wives, concubines and children.

As for the tenth and thirteenth princes and other unmarried princes, they will keep their old age at the elder brother's house and will attend the "clan banquet" held on the first day of the first lunar month.

There are all kinds of rules and regulations, which have become a rule.

Husband and wife cannot share the same table, and children and grandchildren cannot live together.

On the contrary, it is not as good as the ordinary people outside. There are two tables, and the family is happy.

The rules are like this, Shu Shu is not too busy.

Otherwise, it would be a lot of fun just to celebrate the New Year with elder brother.

The previous New Year's dishes have been sent to a few uncles, but I don't worry about them being short of food.

Here in the second school, the small banquet is set in the main room.

There are three seats in total, one seat for Shu Shu and Brother Jiu, one seat for Zhao Jia Gege and one seat for Wang Gege.

Brother Nine knew it, but didn't say anything.

After being married for half a year, he saw that Shu Shu wanted both face and face.

Being generous in front of others is also jealous in my heart.

Just put these two grids aside, put a name on them, and save outsiders from talking.

They all made mistakes first, and they dare not be dishonest.

In the Manchu family, there are many people who live by guarding a wife, just like Abatai, the king of Raoyu County, and Nalan Mingzhu, the former power minister who has fallen, all have a wife.

It's just that this kind of life is a couple, with a beautiful beginning, but no perfect ending.

Abatai Fujin was disliked by Taizong because of jealousy and domineering. Later, he committed various crimes and was ordered to abandon him.

Mrs. Nalan is the clan daughter, the daughter of Prince Azig of England, she is extremely jealous and cruel.

There is no concubine room at all, and even maidservants will not let their husbands get close.

Mingzhu took a second look at the handmaid's hand, and Mrs. Mingzhu directly chopped off the handmaid's hand.

Someone gave Jiangnan beauties, and Mrs. Mingzhu gave poisoned wine directly.

After gouging out the child's eyes, trying to scare her husband again, Mrs. Mingzhu bumped into the iron plate, and was stabbed to death by the father of the family with a knife.

This is the "slave killing of the prime minister's wife" that shocked the capital. It happened in the [-]rd year of Kangxi, so Brother Jiu still remembers it clearly.

Brother Jiu didn't understand why some women were so jealous and vicious before.

Now, he thinks he can understand.

It's not about Shu Shu.

He felt that his wife had a big heart and was very tolerant towards women. If he really messed up, she would just deal with him directly.

He was thinking about himself, if Shu Shu really had someone else in his heart, then he probably would not be able to suppress the killing intent in his heart.

He was reluctant to do something to Shu Shu, but he just went for the "adulter".

Cutting hands and eyes is light, and I wish I could cut them directly.

Although it is a New Year's Eve dinner, it will start when the lights are on.

Shu Shu had been cold to the two princesses for a month and a half.

After Yao Zixiao's incident, the food allowance of the two of them also went, and they both lived peacefully, and rarely left the house.

In the second institute, there is no sense of existence at all.

This time he came in behind Walnut, kneeling and kowtowing respectfully.

Zhaojiagege still looks the same, but a lot more reserved, not as lively as before.

She was really scared.

It can also be seen that Fujin is fierce.

No disobedience is tolerated.

The prince's nanny said that a seizure had occurred, and the eunuch Haha Zhuzi said that a seizure had occurred, and they were all direct to the Department of Punishment, and there would be no good end.

Those are all old people around the prince, and even so, if they have no foundation, it would be okay if they make more noise?
Now that Director Cui is retiring early, He Yuzhu and the others are like pugs, and the two are Fujin's world.

She is obedient and doesn't want to be conspicuous.

Wang Gege has lost weight obviously, and her formerly exquisite and plump figure has also faded a lot, and her gentle oval face has become an oval face.

Seeing Shu Shu, she sighed inwardly.

Knowing people, knowing face but not knowing heart, and she is too lazy to bother, otherwise, these two are obedient, and it is not impossible to stay by my side.

Anyway, they are all ladies in the palace, serving Brother Jiu is also serving, and serving her is also serving.

She was just thinking about it.

The current structure of the second institute is pretty good, so don't change the status.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she forgot to call out for a while.

The two princesses became more and more trembling, like guarding a tiger.

Brother Jiu couldn't help pinching Shu Shu, gritted his teeth and reminded in a low voice, "Where are the eyeballs looking?!"

Shu Shu withdrew her gaze and said, "Get up and take a seat, we will also have a reunion dinner today."

Zhaojia Gege and Wang Gege stood up obediently and took their seats.

With low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, he held his breath and kept his voice down.

Shu Shu didn't make it difficult for them, didn't she do the same in front of Kangxi?
But she doesn't plan to be more generous, it's good to have a fearful heart.

If it's the same as before, if you are lenient, you have to jump out and try.

One lesson is enough.

It was very quiet in the house.

Shu Shu is not in the mood to show her intimacy with Brother Jiu in front of the two princesses.

Brother Jiu didn't speak, and the chopsticks didn't stop, and kept picking up vegetables for Shu Shu.

A mouthful of shredded gingko for a while, and a mouthful of sweet-scented osmanthus yam for a while, both are sweet.

Shu Shu was so tired of eating that she wanted to ask Brother Jiu not to pinch her, but seeing that he was so angry, she didn't say anything else.

She couldn't help laughing.

I also feel that this is also very good.

Brother Jiu is jealous, better than her.

Although with a high probability, she might not be jealous.

A meal was over in less than two quarters of an hour.

Shu Shu was so sweet that she lost her appetite, and planned to eat dumplings in the middle of the night on an empty stomach.

As soon as she put down her chopsticks, both Zhaojia Gege and Wang Gege put down their chopsticks.

For those who are celebrating the new year, Shu Shu didn't make things difficult for them, and said: "Go back to watch the new year, you don't need to come over to kowtow tomorrow morning, the dining room will send the pastry over later."

Walnut took out the tray, and there were two purses on it, which were lucky money for the two princesses.

The two picked it up respectfully, and Fu Fu retreated out.

Brother Jiu couldn't hold back enough, and then he said angrily: "I think my head is a little green! If I didn't come with you, I'm afraid you will go to the backyard to play with them?"

Shu Shu didn't speak in a hurry, but got up and went to the study.

Brother Nine saw this, got up and followed, and didn't dare to speak wrongly, and said cautiously: "What's the matter? Seeing them, I feel uncomfortable?"

Shu Shu sat on the edge of the kang, sighed, and pinched Brother Jiu's face: "Master really gave me a big problem!"

Brother Nine grabbed her hand and said aggrievedly: "I didn't know that we would be together in the future, or else I wouldn't have nodded and begged..."

Speaking of this, he snorted softly: "Where is the embarrassment? Just like now, isn't it easy to make a decoration?"

Shu Shu smiled bitterly: "When I married into the palace, I wanted to be a good wife and mother..."

Even if there is some shock in my heart, there is no big request.

But human greed is cultivated bit by bit in this way.

Brother Jiu couldn't help but upturned his mouth, and said, "Reluctant to part with Master? Then let's not do it..."

Shu Shu shook his hand, with a more serious face, and said: "Do I take this seriously?"

Brother Jiu raised his chin and said, "My master speaks a lot of words, who will coax you?"

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, her eyes were complicated.

Brother Jiu also knew her temperament, he was soft-hearted, and said: "In two years, if they live in peace, the Lord will give their natal family a favor..."

Shu Shu thought about the ages of the two princesses, one sixteen and one seventeen, so she was not in a hurry.

If he hadn't been pointed out to Elder Brother's office, but had directly served as an official in the palace, he would have to be twenty-five years old before he would be released.

Wait until they are older and their temperaments have settled during the Chinese New Year, and then we will see how to arrange them.

The royal jade is revised every ten years.

The last time the ultimatum was revised was the thirty-fifth year of Kangxi, and the next one will be the forty-fifth year of Kangxi.

As long as they don't have the imperial jade certificate, they will be the women of the palace under the name of Brother Nine, so there may be no other way out.

Shu Shu is not the Holy Mother either, she just feels that there is cause and effect in the dark.

In the case of protecting oneself, there is no need to embarrass others.

If you want to stay until the end of the month and then ask for a monthly pass, you will be doubled, but the list will drop off at once, what should you do?

(End of this chapter)

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