My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 364 Resignation

Chapter 364 Resignation (Third)

There was an announcement from outside.

Someone came from Qianqing Palace.

It was none other than Wei Zhu, who came to appreciate the first-class pot and auspicious plate.

Yipinguo is a Feilong soup pot.

Steaming, it was given from the imperial meal.

There are five green apples, red dates, chestnuts, and Mopan persimmons in the auspicious plate, which means "Qingping Wufu, early childbirth, and good luck in everything".

Wei Zhu entered the house, a little surprised.

The main room was empty and there was no dining table, but the smell of food in the room was still there.

Wei Zhu knew that it was late to enjoy the dishes, so he just didn't know what to do, and said: "I guess the emperor and the ladies went to Ningshou Palace to 'resign the year' at the second watch..."

Shu Shu understood that this was to remind them.

Brother Nine is an adult prince, and apart from his biological mother, concubines must avoid him according to the rules.

Otherwise, it is a collision and breaking the rules.

They need to go to Ningshou Palace before the imperial concubine "resigns".

Brother Jiu patted Wei Zhu's shoulder with a smile, accepted his favor, remembered something, and said, "When will the firecrackers in Qianqing Palace start?"

Because of the fire prevention in the palace, firecrackers are not allowed on weekdays.

Except during the New Year period, from the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month to the [-]th day of the first lunar month, firecrackers are allowed in the palace.

However, there are various rules.

Wei Zhu bowed and said, "As usual, it starts from the second quarter of the first day of junior high school, and on the second quarter of the second day of the second day of the second lunar month. Only the firecrackers should be fired, and the firecrackers should be released together on the Lantern Festival..."

Brother Jiu nodded and looked down at his body. He didn't have a purse today.

Shu Shu has already signaled Walnut to take the purse and stuffed it to Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine felt the pressure on his hand, squeezed it, and had an idea in his heart. Inside were two golden ruyis, which were an annual gift for filial piety from outside.

Different from those gold zizi with a few coins and one tael, this pair of Jin Ruyi adds up to four taels.

This is no ordinary reward.

But thinking about the New Year's Eve, Brother Jiu didn't feel bad anymore, so he happily threw it into Wei Zhu's arms and said, "I have received a lot of filial piety this year, and this is for you! I also left two boxes of small firecrackers in front of me. It’s useless now, if you’re free, you can take it away…”

No matter how steady Wei Zhu was, he was only fourteen years old. He was happy to win the reward, and he was even happier when he heard that the cannons were going to be set off. He said, "The slave just takes over at that time. If the ninth master doesn't mind making a fuss, the slave will take the two of them and let them go at the gate of the garden... ..."

Going out of the corridor on the side where elder brother is, is the entrance of the imperial garden.

Brother Jiu nodded. In that case, he could bring Shu Shu to watch.

Although you can't set off fireworks by yourself, you can still have an eye addiction.

Just as Wei Zhu left, the reward from Ningshou Palace arrived.

A jewelry box.

It was a three-story round wooden box, inlaid with pearls and precious stones, which looked very gorgeous.

This is called a jewelry box, but it is actually a midnight snack box, which is used to keep the year old.

The first layer is sugar, pine nut sugar, halva, eight-treasure sugar, walnut dip, etc.

The second layer is a variety of milk snacks, including milk cakes, milk beans, milk rolls, milk sticks, etc.

The third layer is dried fruit preserves, pine nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, raisins, persimmons, candied dates, etc.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu didn't delay either, they first sent He Yuzhu to be urged by some elder brothers, and then they also got dressed.

Everyone is going to Ningshou Palace to "say goodbye to the year".

As for Concubine Yi, these two days are the reunion banquet in the palace, with the concubine accompanying the emperor, there is no time to talk to her son and daughter-in-law for the time being.

The couple just kowtow in the morning on the first day of the lunar new year.

When He Yuzhu came back, he knew that the elder brothers were ready and came out, and the husband and wife also came out from the second institute.

The entire corridor of Elder brother's place is brightly lit.

The palace lanterns hung everywhere tonight will be lit all night, and they are more densely hung than usual.

Shu Shu looked back at the door of the second institute.

The door god painted in color on a white background, and the couplets in black characters on a white background.

This is not because of the filial piety period of the couple, but because the Manchus are still white and avoid red outside the customs.

It may also be because the palaces are all bright red, and the door frames of each palace are red, and the red pairs are not visible, so the customs outside the customs are naturally integrated into the palace, and the white couplets are hung.

Everyone was dressed tightly, and the accompanying eunuchs carried lanterns and strolled all the way to Ningshou Palace.

Ningshou Palace was very lively.

It turned out that a stage was built.

The little eunuchs of the Jiaofang Division are performing monkey shows, and the golden monkeys are making spring.

This is following the old customs of the Jiaofang Division in the Ming Dynasty, and a Jiaofang Division was also set up to present operas during festivals and ceremonies.

It was only from the Shunzhi Dynasty that the women of Jiaofangsi stopped playing music in the palace and were replaced by eunuchs.

The New Year's Eve dinner at the Queen Mother's side is still in progress.

Accompanied by the concubines and princesses, the queen mother was watching the play with great interest.

Old people don't like to listen to those babbling with lines, but like this kind of cheerful one.


Following the sound of the old lady releasing the rewards, some eunuchs put the prepared new money in a tray and sprinkled it directly on the stands.

With the sound of "crash, clatter" the copper coins fell to the ground, and the little monkeys all bowed to the queen mother.

Seeing her grandson and daughter-in-law arriving, the queen mother smiled and waved to them.

Everyone stepped forward, the princesses who were sitting before had already got up.

Someone laid a brocade mat, and everyone knelt down.

The Queen Mother laughed and called out, "The New Year's money has already been prepared!"

Bai Momo was beside her, carrying a tray with several golden satin purses on it.

Among them, a pair of mandarin ducks belonged to Shu Shu and Brother Jiu, and the others embroidered with bats belonged to a few younger brothers.

It's so heavy, you don't even need to think about it to know it's gold.

Brother Fourteen was standing beside him, with a bat purse hanging around his waist.

It turned out that he had come here a long time ago, and just went backstage to watch the excitement.

At this moment, a eunuch outside came in to report.

The prince and princess brought the emperor's grandson to "say goodbye".

The queen mother hurriedly called in.

Afterwards, the prince and princess came in, followed by two nuns, leading the two elderly grandchildren.

Both the prince and the princess are auspicious clothes.

The emperor and grandson behind him are wearing royal blue gowns.

The youngest elder brother who is the leader is already eight or nine years old, he is the eldest son of the crown prince, and is called the "big elder brother of Yuqing Palace".

Standing beside him was his half-brother, who looked younger than Brother Fifteen.

When seeing the little elder brother, Shu Shu took a few glances. This is the famous eldest son Sun Hongxi.

It's still just a milk doll.

It is not wrong for him to claim that he is the emperor's grandson, his father is the prince, and his biological mother later became the prince's side Fujin.

According to the old Manchurian customs, after his brother died, he was indeed counted as the eldest grandson.

The eldest daughter of the concubine, and the third elder brother who was born from a concubine, should not be brought out because of her young age.

Because they wanted to avoid the concubine, the prince's family came and went in a hurry, they also kowtowed and received the new year's purse.

Then, there is the purse prepared by the Crown Princess for all the uncles and sister-in-laws.

Shu Shu, the little sister-in-law, followed the example of the princess and sent out a purse.

She also prepared a few more, which were for the four little elder brothers and little Gege in Yuqing Palace.

When everyone came out of Ningshou Palace, they heard the sound of firecrackers coming from the direction of Qianqing Palace.

This is the holy driver's trip during the New Year's Eve. After passing through a gate, a firecracker will be set off.

It is equivalent to replacing the whip with firecrackers.

Shu Shu and his party didn't delay, and went directly back to elder brother's place.

Everyone had to go back to their respective places to watch the new year. Brother Nine reminded his younger brothers: "I kept two baskets of fireworks at the front, and Wei Zhu will come over to set off the cannons later. Remember to come out after eating the dumplings..."

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen heard this and became interested.

Brother Twelve also nodded in agreement.

The husband and wife went back to the second school, went outside to get their clothes, and there was the sound of the second watch drum outside.

Tonight I will watch the New Year's Eve.

In the middle of the night, there will be a meal of vegetarian dumplings stuffed with longevity vegetables.

On the kang table in the east room, there are two auspicious dishes and a midnight snack box.

One was given by Qianqing Palace and Ningshou Palace, and the other was prepared by the two institutes themselves.

Sitting opposite each other, the couple was a little bored.

Brother Jiu pinched his fingers and said, "There is still an hour and a half before eating dumplings, watching the fireworks, and then staying up until dawn..."

Since it is keeping the year old, it is natural to keep it until the end of the fifth watch.

On Zhengdan the next day, there was an imperial congratulations, and then he followed the emperor to Ningshou Palace to kowtow, and at noon was the clan banquet in Qianqing Palace.

Brother Jiu will follow, and he will take time to come back and take Shushu to Yikun Palace to kowtow.

Shu Shu here, just need to go to Yikun Palace, then everything will be fine.

Xiaochun came in, it was Eunuch Cui who brought He Yuzhu and the others to say goodbye to the masters.

Brother Nine nodded his head.

Director Cui was about to kowtow when he came in, Brother Jiu asked He Yuzhu to help him up, and said, "Don't move your arms and legs if you know Da, let that kid Cui Baisui kowtow for you!"

Earlier, Shu Shu told Li Yin to make up a few eunuchs, and finally ordered two.

One of them is a fellow villager of Eunuch Cui, and a junior with the same surname, that is, Cui Baisui.

He is about the same age as He Yuzhu and the others, looks honest and dull, and is now in charge of the second entrance guard.

Although he didn't recognize any godfather, master, etc., Cui Baisui also treated Eunuch Cui with great respect.

Brother Nine saw it, and was also happy to see it succeed.

Director Cui did not insist, so Cui Baisui saluted the masters on his behalf.

In addition to Cui Baisui, there was also an eunuch transferred from the imperial dining room, who was Sun Jin's little partner who entered the palace in the same year, named Zhou Song, who looked chubby and had a good temper.

Brother Jiu felt that the names of the two were good, so he didn't change their names, and let them use their original names.

Shu Shu has never been stingy when it comes to money, especially her subordinates.

However, this year, the Second Institute established a new reward system, so it is not easy to make an exception.

Therefore, the rewards of several eunuchs were divided into three classes.

The first class is He Yuzhu and Sun Jin. They went out with their master and worked hard. The annual reward is double, and each of them has four purses.

Director Cui and Li Yin here, they have done meritorious service in housekeeping, so they should have received double rewards, but due to lax door rules and mistakes, the annual rewards have been reduced to a single share, two purses per person.

Cui Baisui and Zhou Song have just arrived here, they have nothing to contribute, only half of the annual reward, each with a purse.

Shu Shu had spoken before, changed the previous reward rules, and didn't bother to explain anything today.

It was just that before everyone withdrew, the auspicious boxes on several cases were given to Director Cui.

Before New Year's Eve, when preparing clothes for Nanny Qi, Shu Shu also asked someone to prepare a copy for Manager Cui.

So far, the master and servant have a tacit understanding, and they are not worried that he will be dissatisfied with the halving of the silver reward.

Since Director Cui, the big head, enforced the new rules, the younger ones followed suit.

When the eunuchs went down, Nanny Qi came with eight maids.

With the example of Director Cui, Shu Shu did not let Nanny Qi kneel down and let Xiaotang take her place.

Then, Walnut, Xiaoyu, Xiaotang, and Xiaosong were all four purses.

Nanny Qi is two with Xiaochun, Peanut, Longan and Hazelnut.

When everyone went down, Xiaochun and Walnut wanted to save some tea for serving.

Shu Shu pointed to the midnight snack box prepared by Er on the kang table, and said, "You don't need to guard it, go and watch the new year with mother..."

There is a BUG in the last chapter. The first day of the new year is the banquet for the clan of the Qianqing Palace, and the second day is the banquet for the courtiers. It has been modified.

It will be changed to nine o'clock in the morning for the first time starting tomorrow.

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 14th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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