Chapter 366
When the sound of firecrackers from the direction of Qianqing Palace became sparse, the two baskets of fireworks were also set off.

There were confetti all over the ground, and the smell of gunpowder smoke was in the air.

Seeing this, Shu Shu couldn't help but tell Li Yin: "Remember to send a few people over to clean up tomorrow morning, don't tire others..."

Otherwise, the clean flagstone roads would be full of confetti, and the eunuchs in the imperial garden sweeping class would have to work hard.

Li Yin bowed and agreed.

Seeing it, Wei Zhu praised her in her heart, and brought her little friend back to the value room.

Shu Shu and the others also entered the tunnel, and each went back to watch the year.

The sixth house has no owner.

Otherwise, the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the capital city with a second-rank order can arrange shifts with his clan relatives Fujin and the princess, and enter the palace to congratulate Kunning Palace on the first day of the first lunar month.

In that case, Shu Shu still has a chance to meet Enie and Amu.

Not anymore.

"Fortunately, Da Zhaohe was spared..."

Speaking of this, Brother Nine could only rejoice and said: "It's a toss, the foreign ministers are waiting to come in at the Jinshui Bridge before the third watch..."

Now there is Chaohe, the number of people is small, that is, the kings, Baylor, Beizi, Duke, Minister of Internal Affairs, University Scholars, bodyguards and others.

For other lords, civil and military officials, foreign vassals and envoys, it is enough to express their congratulations.

Brother Jiu leaned on the pillow, glanced at the clock, and said, "It's fine as long as the fourth watch is coming."

This is the advantage of living in the palace, and it is less than a mile to go to the Qing Palace.

Brother Jiu said: "We don't have to go to Yikun Palace too early. When Ama Khan comes back from Ningshou Palace, the concubine will be celebrating the court in Xinuan Pavilion. It is estimated that they will be gone at the beginning of the year. You can leave after the Lord leaves." Get some sleep first..."

Shu Shu thought of Wu Fujin, and said, "Sister-in-law Wu also entered the palace this morning..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, I guess it's about the same time, the clan banquet at noon, and they will come in at noon..."

Shu Shu made a note in her heart, and asked Xiao Chun to bring two purses when the time came.

It's for the two little elder brothers and little Gege in the Five Baylor Mansion.

She is an aunt, this is inevitable.

Guessing that the time was almost up, Elder Brother Shi sent someone to ask.

Brother Jiu has already put on his winter clothes.

I can't wear this clothes twice a year.

The one on him was newly made last year, and it looks brand new.

On the outside of the court clothes, put on the end cover.

Because of the filial piety period, the red tassels on the winter hats have to be removed.

Shu Shu was about to send him out, but Brother Nine hurriedly stopped him and said, "Don't worry about it, lie down and sleep quickly..."

Without further ado, Shu Shu watched Brother Jiu leave.

Xiaochun and Walnut have come in and waited.

Shu Shu was already sleepy, but seeing that she was not going to sleep, they also had to stay with her, so she said, "I'll make a move first, there is no need to keep anyone in the room, and wake me up when the morning is right..."

The two agreed.

Xiao Chun took off her shoes, Walnut moved the pillow, and seeing Shu Shu lying down, the two tiptoed out.

Shu Shu didn't know why she thought of Concubine Tong.

Now there is no owner in the harem, and the crown princess is in charge of the palace. After all, her name and words are not right, so she didn't order her to congratulate her.

When there is a noble concubine in the palace, will the concubine's concubine be restored at that time?
According to the rules, the noble concubine is naturally not qualified to accept imperial congratulations, but if there is no queen, she holds the phoenix seal, and it is not impossible for her to obey the power.

Concubine Tong entered the palace in the [-]th year and was conferred the title of concubine, but there was no ceremony.

When is Concubine Feng?
It seems like these two years.

There is no holy family, and no sons, but by blood, she came from behind and pressed on the head of the fourth concubine.

Needless to say, it was Kangxi who served the water again.

In addition to the four concubines with sons and the crown princess in power, support third-party forces.

Shu Shu thought about it for a while, then put it behind her.

At that time, I and Brother Jiu should move out, and I can go back to my mother's house in the second year of junior high school.

Doesn't matter if she has congratulations or not...

Before he knew it, Shu Shu fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw Brother Jiu sitting beside the kang.

"Master is back, why don't you call me, don't delay any longer?"

As Shu Shu said, she turned over and sat up, looking at the clock on the Baibao Pavilion, she couldn't help being shocked.

It's early noon!

An hour late!
Shu Shu's complexion was a little bad.

Seeing this, Brother Nine hurriedly said: "It's all right, there's no need to go over there to say hello!"

Shu Shu was taken aback: "Did the empress send someone over?"

Brother Jiu looked strange, and said: "No, it was Khan Ama's order that the clan banquet in the afternoon will be waived, and tomorrow's court banquet will also be skipped. Now that the clan relatives are out of the palace, all parts of the palace will be closed for self-examination immediately. !"

"What happened?"

The clan banquet is also a big family banquet, and there are only a few times a year.

There are also court banquets, once or twice a year.

This is grace, how many people are waiting.

Why is it temporarily canceled?
"It is said that some gold objects were lost in Fengxian Hall..."

Brother Jiu said.

After hearing this, Shu Shu knew that this was just an excuse.

Something must have happened.

Brother Nine became irritable, and said: "I just kept the crown prince, and dismissed everyone else. Isn't the other person a son?"

Since he is in the relationship palace, why leave him as the head of the House of Internal Affairs? !
Brother Nine was not only upset, but also worried.

"Master, there will be no omissions, right?"

Shu Shu shook her head, thought for a moment, and said: "It is said that it is a theft case, so it must be related to the access control, and it has nothing to do with the master's errand..."

"But you didn't keep Seventh Brother, Seventh Brother is still in charge of the Guard Barracks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Brother Jiu also suspected this, but he didn't feel like it.

The guards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are on duty to guard the outer gates of the Forbidden City and the outer gates of the Imperial City.

"Then the minister who led the guards stayed?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I stayed, it seems that the guards who are on vacation outside have also come in one after another..."

The prince has nothing to do with it, the prince may have something to do...

The guards have nothing to do with the guards...

The husband and wife looked at each other and said in unison: "Coating..."

Brother Nine couldn't sit still anymore, stood up, curious, and said, "What did Khan Ama find out? Can't wait these few days?"

This morning, I went to congratulate with my clan relatives, and I couldn't see anything; when we met a few days ago, I saw that Khan Amma was in a normal mood, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Shu Shu thought about the heavy snow in the past few days and the clean road yesterday, and said, "I guess it's the guards who came in to sweep the snow two days ago, someone is stranded in the palace..."

Because of the continuous snowfall in the past two days, the number of eunuchs in the sweeping class was limited, so a thousand guards entered the palace to sweep the snow everywhere.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Did they sneak in on purpose? What are they trying to do?"

Shu Shu couldn't figure it out either.

Maybe for theft?

But Kangxi wanted to use this excuse to search the palace.

Not keeping the prince is not necessarily because he doesn't trust his son.

Maybe he was afraid that the prince's natal family would be involved?

Thinking of the fireworks display in the middle of the night, Shu Shu had to remind him: "When the flowers were set off last night, many people came out from various courtyards. Do you want to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to hide in?"

Brother Jiu said: "Don't worry, Lao Shi mentioned it just now, we have already turned around from yard to yard, checked it once, we are all fine..."

As he said that, he sat down: "Since Khan Ama ordered the palace to be closed, it is estimated that the guards will arrive next..."

After waiting for this, it was only at dusk that there were only two guards who came late.

Brother Jiu got the news, went out of the house, and came to the front yard.

The leader, sixteen or seventeen years old, is very young. It was at the beginning of the year that he was directly recruited as a second-class guard, and a few days ago, he was appointed as a first-class guard, Shun Anyan, who was on duty in front of the imperial court.

"Ninth Master!"

Shun Anyan was very polite and humble, but her tone was not polite, and she cupped her hands in the direction of Qianqing Palace: "The slave is ordered by the emperor to come and inspect elder brother's house, and all houses and rooms must be investigated!"

Brother Jiu was a little annoyed and wanted to talk.

According to the search by the yard, it was expected.

But emphasize what each room does?
Want to search the main house? !


Even if Shu Shu is not a harem, but also a family member of the prince,
According to the rules, these guards should avoid them.

Shu Shu wore a cloak and walked up to her, nodded and said, "Okay, it's time to investigate! Please wait a moment, my lord, and let the girls clean up first!"

Shun Anyan was taken aback, then nodded and said, "Xie Fujin is sympathetic!"

Shu Shu didn't speak, but looked at him.

Is this to say that elder brother Jiu is not considerate?

Not at ease.

He is neither tall nor short, and has a fair complexion, but the arrogance between his brows and eyes cannot be concealed.

He called himself a "slave", but he only lowered his head slightly, without bending his waist.

How is this Haha Zhuzi's companion reading the appearance of the prince who has been with him for more than ten years?

Seemingly humble, in fact, he didn't take Brother Jiu seriously.

No wonder Brother Jiu was sullen.

Xiaochun was clever, and when he heard the words, he led someone to the main room first, and collected Shu Shu's personal belongings.

Shu Shu sent Walnut to the backyard again, telling Zhao Jia and Wang to prepare a bit so as not to be bumped into.

At this moment, Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen heard the movement and came over.

Seeing Shu Shu outside, Elder Brother Ten said, "Why did you come out?"

Elder Brother Thirteen was by the side, looking at the guards with a look of surprise on his face.

Brother Jiu's face was livid, and he stared at Shun Anyan and said, "Okay! You came directly to the Second Institute, right?"

Normal order, when starting from scratch.

Or start checking from the five institutes.

Shun Anyan bowed and said: "The servant is thinking that Master Jiu has a female family member. If you check the side first, in case there are really bad people hiding and fleeing to the second office, it will be bad if you disturb Fujin..."

Brother Nine wanted to say more, but Brother Ten had already stopped him. Seeing that there were two guards, he said to the other one: "In that case, you should stay in the second station to investigate and guard, and guard Tong will lead people to investigate from the beginning. Come on, check it out early!"

These guards were only ordered to come over to investigate, and they would investigate anyway, so there was no objection.

Shun Anyan's face was a little stiff, and he lowered his head slightly and said: "Your servant respects Master Shi!"

After finishing speaking, he brought out some guards.

The rest is very polite.

Xiaochun came back and said that it was time to check the room.

Chief Nashi ordered several guards under his command: "It's mainly to look at the cover room and wing room, just look at the main room and the main room."

The guards came out after a cutscene.

The second institute had checked it long ago, so naturally they couldn't find anything.

The guards left, and the second institute returned to calm.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother did not leave, and the twelfth elder brother also came from the fifth...

(End of this chapter)

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