Chapter 367 Will not be wronged (third)
In the second room, several elder brothers sat down.

Everyone looked at Brother Jiu.

For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, the suspension of the clan banquet made people feel uneasy, so I searched again.

What happened?
Brother Jiu reassured everyone and said, "It's nothing. Didn't the one who stole the dishes be caught at the gate of the palace? It should be found that there are accomplices stranded in the palace. Today should be a simple search. If we really want to search the palace, I guess it will take a few days." ..."

Every year on the third and fourth day of the first lunar month, after being busy with various ceremonies, the holy car would go to the Changchun Garden for the Empress Dowager to avoid noise and listen to politics, and then return to the palace after giving a banquet on the Lantern Festival.

After hearing this, everyone became more and more disturbed.

If you are stranded, there is an identity registration at the gate control, so you must know who it is.

But today the guard didn't take a picture, and he didn't seem to know who he was looking for.

Elder Brother Ten remained silent, glanced at Elder Ninth, and did not speak.

Every time Shengjia went to the garden to serve the Empress Dowager, Princesses would follow him; they would also bring the prince and the brothers in the palace, but the main concubine, not many.

How to bring people this time?

Concubine Yi's mother meets Xi, what if she gets bumped if she stays here?
I should take it with me, right?

Elder Brother Thirteen frowned and said, "Who has the guts of a leopard to collude with outsiders to steal in Fengxian Hall?"

At his age, when he likes to read story books, he has to make up a story about a robber in his mind.

There is also the worry that the people hiding in the court are not only seeking money, but whether there will be some rebels who want to assassinate Sheng Jia.

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said: "There are many people coming and going in and out of the palace gate all day long, how many of them match? It's just to check the brand. It's not unusual to come in if you take someone else's brand or forge one. It turns out It's dark under the lights, I didn't expect to be here. Don't worry too much, it's nothing serious, go back and rest, I didn't sleep last night..."

He is an older brother, and if he said that, everyone could only listen to him like this.

When it was time to hold the lanterns, everyone dispersed.

After the few people had left, Brother Jiu couldn't sit still anymore, and said to Shu Shu with a bit of solemnity: "Master, I have to go to Qianqing Palace to have a look, I can't just wait like this..."

He said it easily in front of his younger brothers, but he thought more in his heart.

Shu Shu mentioned the snow-sweeping guards, Brother Jiu thought it was possible, but there might be another possibility.

Regarding the matter of the four institutes, even if the chief envoy is Guo Guiren, the construction department is the one who handles it.

Construction department!

On the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, door gods and couplets are hung everywhere in the palace.

There are more than [-] door gods and more than [-] couplets.

How many people have to come in one day?

A group of two people hangs one hundred people, that is, a group of more than twenty people with more than forty people.

A group of four people is more than eighty people.

And because it has to be hung everywhere in the palace, where there are people and where there is no one, they are all in their hearts.

If someone really sneaked into the palace to hide, it was most likely they were the ones who went around the palace that day.

Shu Shu didn't stop her, but said softly: "Then I used to listen more, watch more and talk less. If the emperor has an errand, I will accept it; if there is no order, I will come back."

Brother Jiu shook her hand and said, "Don't worry, I won't be willful..."

Coming out of the second office, Brother Nine didn't leave immediately, but after thinking about it, he went to the third office called Brother Ten.

Although the tenth elder brother is not married, he is already a young man, and he is still an errand prince.

It's better not to ignore such a big matter.

The tenth elder brother always listened to his elder brother's greetings, but now he hesitated and said: "Ninth elder brother, Khan Ama didn't keep us, probably because he doesn't like our meddling..."

Brother Jiu pointed to the west and said, "I suspect that the people from the construction department are causing trouble again!"

Elder Brother Ten looked condensed and said, "The younger brother will go with Brother Nine."

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "You have to show up and go through the motions, so as not to turn around and Ama complains, and it turns out that we are sons."

Elder Brother Ten didn't talk too much, and the two went to Qianqing Palace.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi was reading the document, which was first reported by the Palace of Compassion and Peace.

The familiar eunuch before the Fourth Institute froze to death in the snowdrift in the middle of the night when he was drunk.

The time was the early morning of the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, the day the guard barracks came in to clear the snow.

The prince has already left.

Brother Jiu guessed wrong.

Before Kangxi left the prince alone, it was not for others, but because he was afraid that someone hiding in Yuqing Palace would be bad for the prince.

After the guards were sent to search Yuqing Palace, and they checked all the cards of the servants, and there was no hindrance, they let the prince go back.

In addition, fifty guards were arranged to patrol around Yuqing Palace.

Kangxi's face was calm, and his heart was extremely angry.

This is different from the "accident" outside the palace, which violated his bottom line.

According to news reports, he ordered Zhao Chang to investigate thoroughly.

After three or four days of investigation, it was found out that there was a mistake in the access control on the [-]th.

There were three people missing between the person who should enter the palace and the person who should leave the palace that day.

There are three people stranded in the palace.

Kangxi didn't ask anyone to make any noise, but the gates of leaving the palace were all strictly controlled, and people patrolled all over the palace.

In addition to checking the waist card, you also need to ask clearly who is in charge of the errand.

As a result, a person who stole the gold plate of Fengxian Temple was caught today.

The remaining three were like fish sinking into the sea.

Kangxi was angry, so he wanted to check again under the pretext of the gold plate being stolen.

"Your Majesty, Master Ninth and Master Ten are begging to see you..."

Liang Jiugong came in, bowed and said.

Kangxi put down the document, tapped on it twice, and said, "Pass!"

Liang Jiugong went out, and then led the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother in.

Before the two could speak, Kangxi pointed to the stool on the ground and said, "Sit down and talk!"

Brother Nine and Brother Ten looked at each other, puzzled, but sat down obediently.

Kangxi pondered and said: "The minister on duty at Jingyunmen reported that there were three people stranded in the palace on the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month. Their identities are unknown. They have searched the palace and found no suspicious persons. Tell me, these few people may be hiding in the palace. where?"

Elder Brother Ten fell into deep thought.

This is what Brother Jiu said, and he couldn't wait to express his guess: "Khan Ama, my son thinks that we can start with the construction department, and take the pen and post style that he entered the palace that day, and compare the heads one by one to see if there are any defects. There is no shortage of people; even if there is no shortage of people, they must have known a good place to hide after walking around that day..."

The door god is okay, the left and right will not be reversed.

But for the hanging couplets, the upper and lower couplets have to be distinguished in terms of words, and they must be literate, otherwise there will be mistakes.

Kangxi frowned.

This idea is the same as it never came out.

The couplets hung by the construction department that day were all over the palace, but Zhao Chang had secretly checked every palace room in the past few days.

The guard was here today and walked around again, but found nothing.

Elder Brother Ten was thinking about the time, he went into hiding on the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, and it has been five days since today.

It is not impossible to bring food into and out of the palace, but there are notes, and it is also conspicuous.

It's not easy to hide, and if you don't eat or drink, is that suicide?
Elder Brother Ten was engrossed in his thoughts.

Kangxi looked over, curious: "What did you think of?"

Elder Brother Ten hesitated for a moment, then said: "My son is thinking, the supply of all the dining rooms in the palace is fixed, only the imperial dining room is in charge of the supply of the entire palace, and the ingredients are more abundant... Where can I get the ingredients, Being misappropriated, it is not easy to be discovered..."

Kangxi listened and started to think about it.

Being able to hide in the court and avoid the patrolling guards is impossible without the internal response.

Then this should have something to do with the imperial dining room?
Brother Jiu had already thought of one place, and said: "Where else is there? There is only one place in the palace, Yuqing Palace!"

Both Kangxi and the tenth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother.

Brother Nine said: "The little elder brother of Yuqing Palace has five puppies!"

The puppies in the palace are provided with food, half a catty of pork for each puppy every day.

"If it's human food, it's not easy to move it out and hide it from people. This little dog will not feel wronged if he eats more than he eats!"

Brother Jiu said.

Is the eunuch of Yuqing Palace an internal response? !
Brother Nine was in a state of anxiety, looking at Kangxi with a dazed look on his face.

Then what do they want to do when they sneak in?
Does it have anything to do with what happened at the Four Institutes?

The dead are taboo in the palace, which is unlucky.

Especially during the New Year's Eve, the news that a eunuch died in the Compassionate Ning Palace was suppressed.

Only Yuqian knows.

Brother Jiu didn't know, so he was naturally confused.

Kangxi understood.

He was heavy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, he just glanced at Elder Brother Shi, and his face was more warm.

He also nodded and praised Brother Jiu, saying: "It's not impossible."

Kangxi was a little confused, he didn't want to show his face in front of his son, and said: "Okay, step back, I will send the Empress Dowager to Changchun Garden in the future, you pack up tomorrow and go with me!"

Ninth and Tenth Brothers bowed in obedience, and retreated from Xinuang Pavilion.

Brother Jiu pursed his lips, expressionless.

Elder Brother Ten also showed a bit of solemnity.

It is not safe to speak outside, the brothers remained silent all the way.

After entering the second school, the two went directly to the study.

Brother Nine had already figured out what was going on, so he clenched his fists and said in a low voice, "Did they come here for the Fourth Institute? Did they come to silence them?"

Brother Ten squinted his eyes and said: "Anyway, something was wrong a while ago, it seems that someone checked the old people of Yongshou Palace."

Brother Jiu was stunned: "A person of the imperial concubine's mother? What are you looking for?"

As he spoke, his complexion changed drastically, and he said, "The concubine's illness..."

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "Emiang is not a child, she will be fooled by others, not this..."

He also only knows the superficial, not specific.

The two brothers went to the Qianqing Palace and became more and more confused.

The drums sounded, and it was time to enter.

The tenth elder brother went back to the third institute first, and the ninth elder brother also returned to the backyard.

Looking at the message today, the author is confused. Is there any difference between what I write today and every day?I was a little confused in the afternoon, but even if Jiu wanted to write a custom book, he couldn't take care of every reader. Let's just think that there are too many readers, and it's hard to say. Let's be happy, right, ^_^.

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 15th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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