Chapter 368 Candidates for the forehead (first update)
Main room, study.

Shu Shu put down her pen.

On the paper were several gift lists, one of which was to add makeup to Shi Fujin.

The congratulatory gift for the tenth elder brother's big wedding, they will follow the example of other brothers and sisters-in-law, and they will give similar gifts on the surface.

In private, in the name of Shushu, make up for Buyin.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten have a brotherly relationship here, and Buyin is married far away, and others can't pick it up if they want to argue.

Seeing this gift list, Shu Shu remembered the matter of Hu Jiu's elder brother buying property in March or April.

Definitely a double standard.

For the same thing, Brother Jiu planned to add makeup to Bafujin because of brotherly love, Shu Shu tried to stop it.

Shu Shu did the same thing this time, and it was also a brotherly love, but willingly.

But there is no absolute standard in the world.

A copy of the "Three Baptisms" of the Dutong Mansion.

Er Nie's delivery date is in April, and Shu Shu is not sure whether Sheng Jia will return to Beijing at that time, so she is ready, just in case.

There is also a birthday gift for Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi is celebrating her birthday this year, and they are married sons and daughter-in-laws, so there is no need to draw up new ones for the old ones.

For other salutes, you can follow the example.

These are without precedent.

Shu Shu didn't see anything on her face, but since elder brother Jiu left, she had been thinking about the Tong family for a long time.

Shun Anyan is not a son-in-law now, but a courtier. She is just a first-class bodyguard, so she can despise elder brother Jiu, so what if she becomes a son-in-law?

Could it be that such a big Tong family can't pull out a second forehead candidate? !
Shun Anyan was not arrogant and rude, but hostile to Brother Nine.

Later, Elder Brother Ten came to give orders, didn't he become obedient?
It can be seen that in his heart, he also knows the difference between superiority and inferiority.

Such a person, let him walk in front of the imperial court, with his mouth crooked, it can't be said that Brother Jiu's previous achievements have been wiped out.

There is also Jiugege, who has a deep affection with the queen mother and grandchildren.

If it was because of this forehead that Jiugege had a prejudice against their husband and wife, and talked about it in front of the queen mother, then the previous good things on the queen mother's side would also be discounted.

Shu Shu is not a troublesome person, but she is not timid either.

She considers herself a standard egoist.

Since the direction of development is not conducive to oneself, then let it develop, what is it not to be a fool?
Just as he was thinking, Brother Nine came in.

His brows furrowed into a ball.

Shu Shu got up from the desk and came out. Seeing him like this, she didn't rush to ask questions, but handed him a cup of warm water.

Brother Jiu took two sips and told Shu Shu what he saw.

After Shu Shu heard this, she was also thinking about it.

Is this evidence of the construction of Sigoulian Yuqing Palace?

No, this is the evidence for the construction of Sgoulian Hesheli's house!
Brother Jiu snorted coldly and said: "I don't run away anymore, even if Guo Guiren harmed others, there are people from Hesheli's family who are contributing to the flames!"

Speaking of this, he remembered the words of the tenth elder brother, and asked in puzzlement: "What do the old people of Khan Amacha Yongshou Palace do? Could it be that Niu Hulu's family was inappropriate in the palace in the early years?"

But Shu Shu thought more: "The old people of Yongshou Palace are not only the people of the imperial concubine, but also the people left by the queen?"

Brother Nine was surprised and said, "But how long has it been since the empress died? More than twenty years!"

At that time, not to mention the ninth elder brother, the elder brothers from the third elder brother onwards were not born.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "What is the emperor's attitude towards the tenth brother? Gentle, or indifferent?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while: "It seems to be quite friendly, and it doesn't look like you want to scold others."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Then it should be fine, otherwise it would be inappropriate for A Ling'a to meddle in the affairs of the palace just after he came out, and before Niu Hulu's family was found out, the emperor should be a little bit angry..."

That's the emperor, he can be happy and angry as he pleases, and he doesn't need to hide it.

Brother Nine came to his senses: "Why did you check so many years ago? Could it be that mud was brought out by pulling out carrots?"

Shu Shu didn't answer. For some reason, she still thought of Tong's family.

Because of the inappropriateness of the Hesheli family, it is not difficult to guess what Kangxi thought of the Niu Hulu family where Zha Jihou lived.

Then the Tong family is also a descendant family, can you check it? !

Shu Shu said: "Does the Tong family have any other old grievances with the Hesheli family? Apart from the death of Duke Zhongyong?"

The Tong family is known as "the head of the eight families of Conglong" because of its early Conglong.

When the female tweeted, it became "two males of one family".

Now there are nearly a hundred officials in the capital and hundreds of local officials, and the embryonic form of "Tong Banchao" has already taken shape.

In "Nine Dragons Seizing the Inheritance", the Tong family has a strong sense of presence.

Guojiu Tong Guowei is the "Eight Lord Party", and his son Longko Doming, who appears to be a confidant of the emperor who is neither party nor group, is actually a hidden "Four Lord Party".

Regarding the choice of Longzi, the father and son had disagreements, but the prince worked together.

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said: "The two families are not close, but they don't seem to have heard of any obvious festivals. If there is something wrong, there is one thing, and that is, I heard Shun Anyan say once, "Uncle Grandpa ', it doesn't sound like Mr. Zhongyong. I was bored at the time, so I asked someone to go out and inquire about it, only to find out that the older generation of Tong's family is indeed the three brothers. I just don't know why Khan Ama tweeted favor to the descendants in the [-]th year. Didn't mention that one, just said 'two uncles', and the title of Duke Cheng En was directly given to Duke Zhongyong..."

Tong Guoji!
Shu Shu, as a senior fan, naturally also read another story about the tracking of the Red Mansion.

Ningguogong and Rongguogong mansions refer to the Tong family's two Guogong mansions.

The Tong family's two state residences occupy a street and have their own lanes.

The reason why Wang Xifeng was said to have settled down is because she has been silent as the eldest son of the Wang family, which is not in line with the world. It should be that her parents lost the right of inheritance due to guilt and were sent to her hometown.

This corresponds to Tong Guogang and Tong Guowei's elder brother Tong Guoji.

In the family tree of Tong's family, Tong Guoji is only recorded in the eldest house, and he has no wife and no children and grandchildren.

It looked like the eldest son had died early.

However, in the hometown of Tong's family in the northeast, there are several clans surnamed Tong, and the ancestors of the ancestors are Tong Guoji's three sons.

According to the experts' scrutiny of various historical materials, Tong Guoji was found guilty of "accidentally injuring the prince to death".

In the sixteenth year of Kangxi, before Kangxi extended favor to the descendants of the family, there were six princes who died young.

Concubine Rong gave birth to four princes.

The eldest son of the Empress Yuan.

The eldest son of Concubine Hui.

Since it was an "accidental injury" that could be seen by foreign ministers, those who died at birth and died on the first anniversary were excluded.

The rest are the eldest son of Concubine Rong, the eldest son of Empress Yuan, and the second son of Concubine Rong.

Someone also found relevant records from "Qingshilu", "Prince Chenghushang".

This time happened to be the time when the Empress Dowager Kangxi was recuperating in Tangquan.

In the daily life notes, there are only records of the prince's death, the queen's illness, and Kangxi's return to visit the sick.

From this, some people speculate that Cheng Hu died of an accident rather than illness.

Tong Guoji was not executed, but was exiled by his family, which should be related to this matter.

Shu Shu didn't tell Brother Jiu about the gossip that these later generations of experts and scholars have researched, but asked: "Is there any enmity between you and Shun Anyan?"

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "Whoever cares about him is just narrow-minded! When I first went to the study room, I was disobedient, so my master didn't recite the book, and made him suffer from the board, kneeling, and cleaning up a few times. Later, the master punished me again, and let others suffer..."

Shu Shu is speechless, is it bad or not?
The other party was a child of six or seven years old.

However, considering that Brother Jiu was also six or seven years old at the time, it is not surprising that he did such a thing.

None of Brother Nine's Haha Beads is close, so it is estimated that this situation is not a special case.

Brother Nine is obviously not bad at reading, but he is also known as being stubborn and ignorant. I think his performance in the study room was really not good at that time.

It is understandable for Shun Anyan to hold grudges.

If it was Shu Shu, she would also hold grudges.

Brother Jiu murmured: "I remember clearly. A few haha ​​beads talked about their respective backgrounds, and he kept talking about his sons and grandchildren. At that time, how could I know what was not a descendant? He gave me an example, saying that the prince The Lord is a concubine, we princes are all concubines, I still remember the look in my eyes, I just look down on you! Bah! No matter how concubine you are, you are still a prince, and he has been a slave for the rest of his life, so it is his turn to look down on him!"

To say right or wrong, both of them had right and wrong back then.

But Shu Shu is not a referee, she doesn't need to be fair and fair, so she naturally helps her relatives.

She remembered the question of the candidate for the son-in-law, and said: "Among Duke Zhongyong's grandsons, isn't there someone who is about the same age as the princess?"

There are two government offices of the Tong family.

Tong Guogang's third son, Xijue's eldest son Elundai has several sons, and they almost have to be raised.

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Elundai is headstrong, unfilial and unfriendly, even if he attacked the Duke, he would not be pleased by Khan Ama..."

Shu Shu felt that these words were watery.

I will not mention it for now.

The one who is not filial, if it is confirmed, can he still be allowed to be a prince?
It is possible that the father and son disagree and are not liked by his father.

This is common.

It feels that it has been passed down from outside the customs, and the "preference to women over men" is more obvious.

Daughters can be pampered however they want, and sons are always "tiger dads".

It is not rare for father and son to turn their faces.

Shu Shu said: "Call people to pay attention later, if someone has a good temper, maybe it's more suitable..."

Brother Jiu heard his wife's subtext, thought for a while, and said: "It's not that the Lord said bad things about Shun Anyan, but that the kid is too arrogant and rude, and I'm afraid he is still guarding the sons and daughters!"

If you look down on Brother Jiu, can you look down on Jiu Gege?

According to Shun Anyan's theory, Jiugege is also a concubine princess.

But Shu Shu thought about Shun Anyan's situation, the eldest son and grandson, but his father died early.

Now the government obviously regards his uncle Longkodo as the heir, and there is also a position problem in emphasizing the concubine.

"Anyway, the choice of the son-in-law hasn't been decided yet, so let's meddle in other people's business, so we can't make people look down on me for nothing!"

Shushu said.

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said: "What if it's not as good as Shun Anyan if I change the candidate? Wouldn't that make Jiu Gege pitted?"

Shu Shu stopped talking.

Matchmaking in later generations is a major event that tests luck, let alone now.

Even if the character is good and the behavior is good, there are many couples who do not speculate.

"I'll see Jiugege later..."

Shu Shu felt that she was going to be a villain, and she was still the kind who would get revenge.

After dealing with him once, he had to repay Shun Anyan and take off his concubine hat.

Brother Jiu glanced at the back room, and said: "Shun Anyan is one year older than the master, and now he is eighteen, and the family is dragging his marriage, and he wants to get married, but in daily life, he probably won't do it." I'm sorry..."

The couple looked at each other.

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

It looked like a gangster.

Brother Nine coughed lightly, and said: "It's just convulsions! I'm the old master. He's not respectful and still provokes. It's too arrogant. Even if the master doesn't deal with him here, the master next to him will also deal with it." Back!"

Shu Shu thought of the eight blessings, and they were quite similar.

Maybe Tong Guowei and his wife felt sorry for the early death of their eldest son and couldn't bear to criticize their eldest grandson harshly, but isn't this another kind of flattery?

Those who really have a brain can make good friends with the prince with the help of the ninth elder brother Haha Zhuzi, and the succession of the family title will also be a contender in the future.

That is the correct way to open the Gaomen soliton.


(End of this chapter)

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