Chapter 369 No Hot Stove (Second)

The third day of the first lunar month, the fourth watch.

It was still pitch black outside, and I couldn't see my fingers.

The second is already brightly lit.

Nanny Qi fastened Shu Shu's cloak and said, "Don't worry, Fujin, there is an old servant watching over the house."

Shu Shu said: "There is nothing to worry about, but Mama, don't forget what I told you to eat an egg every morning..."

Eggs nowadays are not fertilized and are regarded as vegetarian, and eating them is not considered meaty.

Shu Shu was worried that Grandma Qi was a vegetarian and lacked nutrition, so she gave a special order.

Nanny Qi didn't refuse to listen, she nodded in response.

There was movement outside, Shu Shu didn't delay, and brought Walnut, Xiaoyu, and Xiaotang out of elder brother's house.

The luggage was packed yesterday, and it was sent to the garden for decoration in advance. Zhou Song, Xiao Chun, and Xiao Song escorted the car to go together.

According to half a month's preparation, I also sorted out eight boxes for daily necessities, and six boxes for the New Year's dishes prepared before.

Shu Shu didn't make people simplify, it's better to spend some things now than to send someone back to the palace for convenience when there is not enough stuff.

Ninth elder brother was not there, so he and tenth elder brother went to the imperial court to listen to orders in the middle of the night.

Before the elder brother and the others opened the mansion, the servants in front of the imperial court were the prerogative of the older princes, but now it is the turn of the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother.

It's a big deal for Shengjia to travel, even if it's not a long trip, it's a garden dozens of miles away, but there is no rule of thumb.

Besides, there were quite a few people accompanying them this time.

Ningshou Palace Empress Dowager, Tai Concubine and Princesses, Prince Yuqing Palace's family, Elder Brothers, Fujin, Concubine Hui, Concubine Yi, Concubine De, Concubine Rong, Concubine Zhang, Concubine Wei, Lady Zhaojia, Nala Nobility, Concubine Yuan, Concubine Dai Jia, Concubine Wanliuha, Concubine Wang, Concubine Chen.

Bystanders looked at this list and probably couldn't figure it out.

Shu Shu heard Brother Jiu mention something yesterday, so she probably understood it.

This division method is very simple and crude.

Almost all concubines with children are here.

Only Concubine Liu Shu, who gave birth to a princess in the middle of the twelfth lunar month, was still in confinement and did not move.

Those who once gave birth to imperial heirs but did not live there are not among them.

Those who have never given birth, whether it is their cousin Concubine Tong or the new favorite nobleman Guerjia, are not on the list.

At the gate of the second school, the twelfth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother are already there.

Both of them followed into the garden every year, and there was a charter long ago, and there were four nuns accompanying them in daily life, and four eunuchs following them around.

The twelfth elder brother was as taciturn as ever, but the thirteenth elder brother said to Shu Shu: "Every year, I used to live in the south of the West Garden. There is a prince four, also called Hechi four, and most of them still live there. To the north is the lotus flower. In the middle of the pond and the lotus pond is the Douyuan Bookstore, where the crown prince lived in the garden a few years ago; further north is the Empress Dowager Palace, the main hall is called Danbo Weide Palace, and there are many side halls inside..."

Shu Shu listened, with a general impression in her mind.

Although it was said that Kangxi moved to the garden and "enshrined his kind face", in fact only the emperor and his harem concubines lived in the main garden, and the queen mother, prince and other princes and princesses lived in the attached garden.

It should be for the convenience of the imperial concubine's daily life and walking.

All kinds of scenery in the garden are less restrained by rules than in the palace.

Brother Thirteen said, he became happy.

It is also reading, and reading in the study room is of course different from reading in the garden.

"We're next to the palace gate, it's convenient to come out..."

Brother Thirteen said with a smile.

Shu Shu listened, but remembered one thing.

Almost forgot.

It is now the thirty-eighth year of Kangxi, and the fifteenth elder brother is about to enroll!

Xiao Liu, who was elected in April last year, will follow him into the study as the Haha Bead of Brother Fifteen.

Thinking of what brother Jiu said the day before yesterday about repairing Shun Anyan when she was a child, Shu Shu felt a little worried.

She feels that her identity can be changed repeatedly, and she can be a good sister-in-law now.

Especially in front of Brother Fifteen.

Should be closer.

At that time, the [-]th elder brother will "love the house and the black", which will also make Xiaoliu's situation better.

Although it is more utilitarian, it does not harm others and benefit oneself, so it does not get in the way.

As for whether Xiao Liu will be domineering and offend the prince?

Shu Shu was not worried at all.

Although Xiao Liu is the youngest son, the Dong E family does not have the habit of pampering the youngest son.

In addition to daughters, the eldest son is more valued.

The eldest son is Zhuliang and Fusong.

There are also the twins below, because of their poor health, they are also preferred by their parents.

Shu Shu didn't like to change her life at first, but now she is looking forward to living in a garden.

Not for the exquisiteness of the imperial garden, but for the close relationship of flesh and blood.

The sister and brother are nine years apart, and she also watched Xiao Liu grow up.

In order not to disturb the people, Shengjia had to leave the city before the Kaicheng Gate.

Therefore, after Shu Shu took the three maids into the carriage, the convoy moved slowly without waiting for a long time.

It was estimated that after walking for a quarter of an hour, the speed of the car was slightly faster than before, but there was only a slight bump, which was not very obvious.

It should be the royal road leading to Changchun Garden.

It was bright outside, Shu Shu lifted the curtain of the car window and took a look outside.

Through the accompanying guards on both sides, there are winter fields on both sides of the road.

This is the boundary of Haidian in future generations.

The place where parents roll and mother rolls children.

Now only grass and trees.

Shu Shu put down the curtain, leaned on Walnut, closed her eyes and dozed off.

Shu Shu didn't open her eyes until the carriage stopped.

The girls also breathed a sigh of relief.

The distance is not far, but it takes an hour and a half to add up.

There was a voice outside, it was Sun Jin's voice.

"Fu Jin, Master sent a servant to lead the way..."

Shu Shu opened the curtain and found that the carriage had left the large army and stopped in front of a palace gate.

She nodded without saying anything.

Outside the palace is more comfortable than inside the palace, and there is no need to change cars or anything.

The carriage went straight into the palace gate, then turned west and stopped after a few steps.

Shu Shu's waist was already sore, and the man who supported Walnut got out of the carriage.

Right in front of me is the Prince's Fourth Institute mentioned by Brother Thirteen just now, also known as the Hechi Fourth Institute.

Not a side-by-side structure, but four small yards.

The southernmost one is Nansuo, a small two-story building with three rooms and several lower rooms, a total of [-] rooms. This is the residence of Shu Shu and Jiu Age in the garden.

To the north of the South Institute, there are three courtyards side by side.

The West Institute is the smallest, except for the two-story building, there are only five lower rooms, a total of eleven rooms, and there are already many people there.

It turned out that the fifteenth elder brother moved here to live, and this small courtyard is the fifteenth elder brother's temporary residence.

There are twenty rooms in the middle house, which are also two-story small buildings, and there are several servant rooms, a total of twenty rooms, which are the residences of the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother.

There is one more room in the east than in the middle, which is the residence of the tenth prince and the twelve princes.

Shu Shu entered the small building and looked around.

There are kangs in the east and west rooms, and there are stairs in the northwest corner of the central hall.

There are beds in the east and west rooms upstairs.

Shu Shu's bedroom is located in the east room downstairs.

Although it has been the beginning of spring these two days, it is still cold in late spring. Xiaochun knows that the comfortable habit is more comfortable on the kang.

Standing at the door, Shu Shu glanced at Xisuo a few meters away.

Elder brother fifteen is here, so where does his accompanying student live in the garden?
Those five lower rooms?The accompanying eunuchs and nuns are all nervous, and there should be no place to accompany them.

But Shu Shu didn't rush to ask.

When you come back, you will know where you live, or you can see where Brother Shisan and his companions live.

Shu Shu washed up briefly and sat down.

Xiaochun was already talking about the next room.

Three of them are dining rooms.

Three rooms are warehouses, and the remaining ten rooms and two rows can be used as dormitories for palace people or value rooms.

Spacious than expected.

Even when I was in elder brother's house, there were three courtyards in the front and back, and there were only thirty-one yards in total.

Among them, the nine rooms in the backyard are where two princesses and palace servants are placed.

The living place of Shushu and Brother Jiu is the first twenty-two rooms.

Shu Shu was satisfied, but she also told Xiaochun: "I have explained to the subordinate, and I am right in front of me, and I am not allowed to go to the side..."

Out of my own yard, there are gardens outside, not as tightly guarded as in the palace.

But the more so, the more careful you have to be.

Because separated by water, is the prince and his family.

The palace servants around Shu Shu are also her face, so they naturally have to abide by the rules and act cautiously.

Otherwise, to be critical is to be frivolous and rude.

Xiaochun responded carefully.

It was estimated that it was noon, and brother Jiu came back.

The meals in the dining room are already hot.

They are all ready-made and very convenient to use.

Waking up in the middle of the night, breakfast is a few pieces of Shaqima on the road, Shu Shu is already hungry.

A serving of Sixi meatballs, a serving of sauerkraut and mutton soup, and a plate of gold and silver steamed buns, the two of them ate everything.

After the dining table was removed, Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows at Shu Shu and said, "Suo'etu, A Ling'a, and Erlundai were all left in the garden by Khan Ama to be on duty..."

Suo'etu, the minister of the guards.

Ah Ling, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Orondai, the Minister of Internal Affairs who had led the guards, was lost.

The three are also representatives of the three descendants.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "There was a mistake in the card before, and the man on duty in the palace probably needs to check their identities one by one..."

At that time, those whose identities did not match, and those whose identities were in doubt, all did not run away.

Brother Nine leaned over and whispered: "If there is something wrong with Hesheli's family, will it be implicated in the crown prince? Which one's reserve?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "It has some influence, but it cannot shake the foundation."

It was the fault of the Hesheli family, not the fault of the Empress Yuan.

Young couples share weal and woe, that is cinnabar mole, no one can match.

The prince was born by the Empress Yuan, and was raised by Kangxi himself. It is different after all.

Brother Jiu said with disappointment: "It's a pity, I think the boss is more like a brother..."

Shu Shu listened, her face became more serious, and she reminded: "My lord, don't meddle in this! My lord has also said that honor comes from the prince, not from others, and should be based on the emperor's will. This is the truth of being the Son of Man..."

Brother Nine frowned and said, "But if that's the case, wouldn't the Hesheli family be up again? Just like the Tong family now, the first family of relatives!"

Shu Shu said in a low voice: "my grandfather is looking forward to his long life, isn't the emperor looking forward to it? Don't talk about others, just talk about Su Ma, who raised the twelve elder brothers, she is eighty-eight this year, and she is still strong ..."

At the end, she almost couldn't help but want to mention "Hanwu old things", and swallowed it again.

Forget it.

If brother Jiu listened to it and brought it out in front of Kangxi and the crown prince, it would be a mess.

Brother Jiu heard this, thought for a while and said: "The emperor Taizu lived sixty-eight years, the empress dowager lived seventy-six, and now the empress dowager is not aging at all..."

His heart immediately felt at ease, and he said in a low voice: "Master, you still have [-] or [-] years of princes to do, which is a good thing for us, but not necessarily a good thing for that one! Just wait, the chairs on the left and right are the same as ours." It's irrelevant, let's just watch the excitement, and not go to the hot stove of the 'Chitose Party'..."

(End of this chapter)

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