My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 370 He is in a hurry, and he is also in a hurry

Chapter 370 He is in a hurry, and he is also in a hurry (third update)

The young couple are free in the afternoon.

The yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not yet opened the seal, so Brother Jiu doesn't have to go over and click.

Here in Changchun Garden, there is also Changchun Garden's manager to take care of general affairs, so there is no need for elder brother Jiu to point fingers.

Brother Jiu greeted Shu Shu to come out: "Stop lying around in the house, I will take you out for a walk!"

Shu Shu pointed to the north and said, "Is it convenient?"

Brother Jiu said: "It's across the ice, don't worry, the Crown Princess will also restrain the palace people from coming here!"

Not only Shu Shu wanted to avoid the prince, but the princess also wanted to avoid brother-in-law Jiu who was married.

Others are not married, but avoid less taboos.

Shu Shu quickly added clothes, a mask, and a hood on her head.

The two of them didn't take anyone with them, so they just strolled westward, just over two hundred steps, to the west wall of the West Garden.

In front of you are two adjacent buildings, Chengluxuan and Longwang Temple.

It seems that this "Chenglu" is also suitable for asking for rain, but when Shu Shu looks at it, she feels that it is not pure for no reason.

Brother Jiu pointed to the dirt hill on the back of Cheng Luxuan, and said: "Follow the path here, you will find the great north gate of the West Garden, and next to the north gate is the Empress Dowager's Palace... If you don't want to bump into people from Yuqing Palace , when you go back to the Empress Dowager’s Palace to pay your respects, you can go this way..."

Shu Shu nodded.

She was actually a little embarrassed.

Now the married prince Fujin has moved out, leaving her alone, not even a companion.

A circle of younger uncles lived next to her, the tenth elder brother belonged to Tonggeng, and the twelfth elder brother was also close in age, so her sister-in-law was still obedient.

Just endure it for another month, and then go out with the queen mother for two months before returning, and there is a cute little sister-in-law in the yard next to her.

While talking, the two arrived at the lotus pond.

The water surface is still frozen and the river has not opened.

Brother Jiu said with regret: "The entourage hasn't been idle since I came back, and I forgot to take you to the Beihai Ice Rink. There are also a few places in the imperial city where you can go shopping."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "No rush, it will be the same again this year."

Brother Jiu mentioned this, counted the days, and said: "After Jiu, our prince's mansion can start construction, and we can also build a garden. The only bad thing is that there is no way to divert water."

The water system in the capital is fixed.

If you want to divert water, you have to build a mansion next to Haizi.

The address of their current mansion has been fixed, and if they want to divert water, they can only talk about it when they repair the other courtyard.

Shu Shu listened, became interested, and said: "In the garden, transplant some fruit trees to make an orchard, including peaches, persimmons, and begonias, and open a few vegetable plots, build a few houses, and plant Dongzi vegetables in autumn. ..."

Brother Nine smiled and said, "Did you get greedy when you saw the rice fields outside the garden when you came here? Farming is not as simple as you think. Khan Ama took us to cut rice, and we can kill people if we don't cut half a ridge of land. Get down tired..."

Shu Shu smiled and said nothing, not because of the rice fields outside, but because of the genetic power of the farming nation.

Shu Shu looked to the northwest.

My dowry Zhuangzi, the one given by Amu and the one given by my aunt, are all at the foot of Baiwang Mountain, which seems to be more than ten miles away from here.

In addition to the farmland, Nake also raised twenty pigs.

The black pigs are still raised now, and their natural growth rate is slow. If they want to grow big pigs, they may have to be slaughtered at the end of the year.

If you want to eat a half-sized one, it should be dozens of catties bigger now.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu with a smile on his face, and said, "What are you thinking about?"

Shu Shu pointed to the northwest and said, "Didn't I have two Zhuangzi in Baiwang Mountain? In July, someone caught twenty piglets and raised them. I don't know how they are doing."

After hearing this, Brother Nine thought of one thing and said: "Grandpa looked at the account books of the Ministry of Internal Affairs a few years ago and found that the price of pork has remained high these years. When it is cheap in the market outside, it is thirty-five yuan a catty, and when it is expensive, it is forty yuan. Wuwen, if the space is spacious, you can really think about the pig raising you mentioned earlier..."

Shu Shu was a little surprised: "Didn't the Lord say before that no one raises pigs on a large scale? Livestock are prone to diseases or something?"

Brother Jiu said: "That's because there is no place for others, and they are gathered in the pigsty. If one gets swine fever, it's not that the others didn't run away, but if they are free-range on the mountain, it should be much better... The main reason is that sorghum is cheap, one stone of sorghum When it was cheap, it cost more than [-] Wen, and when it was expensive, it didn’t exceed [-] Wen. To the north of the West Garden is the horse farm, and the feed there is grass fodder mixed with sorghum..."

It's not for the money, but to occupy Zhuang Zi, Shu Shu's dowry.

Don't even think about gardening or anything.

Otherwise, next to Wang Zhuang of Prince Kang's Mansion, Brother Jiu feels uncomfortable.

How did Shu Shu think of Brother Jiu's deviousness, only when he got through the economy, he really thought so, nodded and said: "A year ago, I sent Xiao Chun back to pass on a message, so that spring will catch more piglets, Master thinks so, Let's feed some more."

Brother Jiu calculated the purchase price in the palace, and said: "Raise as many as you can, don't be afraid to raise as many as you want, and finally sell them directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Shu Shu quickly shook his head, and said: "Since my lord is working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, our own property should be separated from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, otherwise we will not be able to tell clearly later, it seems that we have taken advantage of it, and it would make people laugh if we don't take advantage of this small advantage." ..."

Even if a catty of pork is forty yuan, and a pig's net meat is just over a hundred catties, that is a few thousand yuan. After removing the artificial feed and so on, the remaining two or three taels of silver will be exhausted.

Selling a hundred heads is only two or three hundred taels, and it is not worthwhile to be suspected of using power for personal gain.

Brother Nine smiled and said: "Okay, listen to you, don't take advantage of this, when the time comes our restaurant will open, just pull over there."

The two of them were talking, and they strolled back to Hechi No. [-].

I saw a nanny coming out of Xisuo, followed by a little eunuch.

Seeing Shu Shu and Brother Nine, the mother took the little eunuch and retreated to the side of the road to salute.

Shu Shu recognized that it was the nanny next to the princess.

She stretched out her hand and called out, "Did the princess send you here?"

The nanny replied: "If you go back to Jiufu Jin, it's the empress who sent this old slave over to deliver a schoolbag to Master Shiwu..."

Shu Shu nodded, and said: "Say hello to the Crown Princess for me..."

The nanny agreed.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu returned to the South Office.

"If it weren't for the people who met the Crown Princess, they would have forgotten to prepare the initiation ceremony for Brother Fifteen?"

After entering the house and removing the clothes outside, Shu Shu said to Brother Jiu.

Being admitted to school is not a big or small happy event, and I want to congratulate it.

She thought left before.

The fifteenth elder brother here is different from the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother. Shu Shu is really not easy to get close to.

Behind him is the actual adoptive mother of the crown prince, and the nominal adoptive mother of the concubine De.

And with Kangxi's subsequent southern tours, the weight of the fifteenth elder brother's birth mother, Wang Shufei, will become more and more important.

Brother Nine said: "It is estimated that in the past few days, Khan Ama can't remember the matter of Brother Fifteen's enlightenment, and he will postpone the selection of a teacher..."

Shu Shu heaved a sigh of relief, and said: "It's better to pass some days, and it will be warmer, otherwise Xiao Liu and the others come in, and I don't know what's going on..."

Brother Jiu said: "Don't worry, Master is watching... There is a special companion reading center, and the food supply is also good. Every day, there is one catty of beef and twelve taels of pork..."

Shu Shu couldn't figure it out: "It's not that beef is precious, why don't we have it in our daily necessities, but we have companion reading instead?"

Brother Jiu said: "It's from the example of the guards of the Qing Palace. In the early days, the eunuch Haha Zhuzi also had half a catty of beef per person per day, but later it was changed to pork; now, in the palace, only the prince accompanied the reading, the guards of the Qianqing Palace, the eunuch Lama who chanted scriptures, and the Westerners. The doctor also has some Mongols and Tanguts who have beef..."

Tangut people, the collective name for the Tibetans on the Qinghai-Tibet side in Beijing.

Hearing that there is a special companion school, and there are nurses and eunuchs serving, Shu Shu also felt relieved, and said, "Which part of the West Garden do they live in?"

Brother Jiu said: "A yard to the east of the Empress Dowager's Palace."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a little relieved.

When I went to pay my respects to the queen mother, I might go over and have a look.

She is the eldest sister, she cares about the younger brother who just arrived, and no one else will say anything.

The young couple lived a leisurely life.

All the prince's mansions outside are in a state of uneasiness.

There is no precedent.

Can the knighted prince live in the garden again?
Before the opening of the mansion, when Sheng Jia went to the garden to "avoid the noise and listen to the government", most of them would come out with him.

It is only now that the disadvantages of Kaifu are discovered.

The news did not come to light when he was in the palace.

This year’s Lunar New Year’s Day has a good court congratulations, and it’s normal for the emperor to greet the Empress Dowager’s Palace. Everyone originally thought that they would wait for the ancestral banquet in front of the Qianqing Palace, but they listened to the oral order and were exempted from the ancestral banquet. , the clan relatives also went out of the palace according to the order, even the princes who started the mansion with them were no exception.

Then the gate of the palace was closed, and one could only enter and not come out.

Today, Shengjia sent the Queen Mother to the garden, and it was different from every time.

The queens of the princes all brought them with them.

In the past, there were one or two concubines in the main position, and most of the others were young noblemen, promised.

This time is too unusual.

No one is a fool, and can't detect the changes in the palace.

Four Baylor House, study room.

The fourth elder brother frowned, and the eighth elder brother who was sitting next to him also felt uneasy.

"Fourth brother, what happened in the palace?"

Eighth brother was uneasy.

It seems that in just over a month, the palace has become strange.

The information obtained from the Wei family was also vague.

I only know that since the fourteenth elder brother moved to the palace, there have been changes, and the eunuchs and nuns under the fourteenth elder brother's name have been replaced.

The fourth elder brother shook his head and said: "It is said that someone stole the gold plate from Fengxian Temple, it should be more than that..."

Both brothers are smart people.

Looking at each other, they both understood the intention of bringing the prince and Gege's biological mother out.

There are uneven places in the palace.

The fourth elder brother's face was heavy, with a look of worry on his face.

It's not right not to bring Concubine Tong with her!
Khan Ama has been kind to the Tong family.

But even the concubine Shu who gave birth to a child was brought to the garden, but not Concubine Tong.

Having been a father and son for twenty years, there is no better way to know a son than a father, and likewise, no way to know a father like a son.

Khan Ama got angry.

For the fourth elder brother, this is not good news.

The eighth elder brother couldn't think of this, and said: "fourth brother, should we also pass the sign to Khan Ama to say hello? And the old nine, should we also go to see him? There is something wrong in the palace. The young ones, I guess it's uneasy..."

The fourth elder brother nodded, and said, "You should go and have a look!"

Whether or not Khan Ama sees is Khan Ama's business. If they don't go to pay their respects, it will be their fault if they turn around.

Five Baylor Mansion, main house.

Wu Bei Le and Wu Fu Jin said: "The four houses of the princes in the West Garden are next to each other, and the residence is not spacious. Now there are several younger brothers living in the West Garden. It is not convenient for the younger siblings to live in the West Garden with the ninth younger brother. Tomorrow, we will go to pay our respects to the emperor's grandmother. Ask if you can stay there for a few days..."

Wu Fujin had no objection.

Her mother-in-law and grand-grandmother are all there, even if she can't make it past, she will go to pay her respects every now and then.

It's better to be in the garden, learn more, and get closer to your sister-in-law.

Sanbeile Mansion, main house.

The third elder brother was in a hurry, and said to San Fujin: "Well, the Ministry of Rituals is walking, and you are not disturbed. This time you are happy? The errand in the Ministry of Households was completed a year ago, and I don't know if I will get an errand next time. when?"

Sanfujin was sitting in front of the dressing table, looking at the two boxes of exquisite jewelry newly purchased outside, both of which were the latest ones from Jiangnan.

She glanced at the third elder brother, puzzled and said: "It's still in the Chinese New Year, why are you in a hurry? If you don't have any errands, just be idle, wouldn't it be better..."

The third elder brother shook his head and said: "This year is the year of the township examination, and next year will be the general examination. Even if you don't pass the main examination or the deputy main examination, you just get on the sidelines. The benefits are endless... Just idle, when will this county king hat come back? "

The younger brothers below are growing up one after another, and he becomes an idle prince, what will become of that?

Sanfujin licked her temples and said: "Next time, Lord, tell me, so I'll know then?"

The third elder brother frowned, and said with dissatisfaction: "This is a major political matter, what are you talking about? You don't understand either!"

Sanfujin lowered his eyes and said: "Then if you delay any important matters, please don't rely on me, after all, I don't understand..."

The third elder brother glared at her angrily and said: "I don't have enough time to read, how can I have the time to talk to you about this?"

Sanfujin looked at him and said sarcastically: "I don't have the time to grind my teeth with me, but I have the time to teach Tian Gege how to compose poems?"

The third elder brother frowned and said: "To pass the time while reading a book, can't you be loose?"

After all, turn around and leave.

Sanfujin's face turned red.

Among the honorable ladies, she is also one of the very few who can read and write, and she is not timid in front of others.

But marrying the third elder brother was said a few times by the third elder brother, and even ridiculed by Tian Gege.

Sanfujin looked at the two bookcases on the Baibao Pavilion bitterly.

Is my writing really that bad, or is Tian Gege involved in slander, and the third master is preconceived?
Sanfujin felt an urgency in his heart, wanting to find someone to comment on his poems fairly and fairly, is it really so useless...

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 16th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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