Chapter 371 You Are Thinking Wrong (Part [-])
The next day, when the breakfast was finished, someone from Yuqian came to pass the news to Brother Jiu.

Shu Shu also dressed neatly, and asked Xiao Chun if it was cold in the room last night.

The row house they live in is a row of five rooms, all with single doors.

The five that followed took up two rooms and furnished them.

Leave the rest empty.

Here is the outskirts, and it is adjacent to the water, the temperature is not as warm as in the palace, and the daily supply of charcoal is limited.

Shu Shu felt obviously last night, it was much colder than in the palace, and the previous quilt was a bit thin, so she needed to be pressed down.

It may also be because the earth dragon has only been burning for two days, and the whole house is not as warm as in the palace.

If Xiaolou is like this, Shu Shu is naturally worried about Xiaochun and the others.

Xiaochun said: "It's really not warm. Otherwise, ask people to prepare two more baskets of charcoal, and add an extra charcoal basin to the house where people live. There is no heat in the house..."

Shu Shu said: "Get ready, it's just a few dollars, just pay attention to the doors and windows, don't close them too tightly, you will be poisoned by charcoal; and don't touch cold water, after a winter, now your hands and feet will be frozen, It will be swollen every year in the future."

The master and servant were gossiping, and Walnut came in, holding a brocade box in his hand.

Open it, inside is a pair of bat sapphire paperweights.

One size smaller than the usual paperweight, it looks exquisite and interesting.

This is an initiation ceremony for the fifteenth elder brother.

Shu Shu said to Xiaochun: "You walk for me..."

In fact, it was only a few feet away, and Shu Shu could pass by raising her legs.

But the Crown Princess didn't come in person, instead she sent away the mother-in-law beside her, so Shu Shu had to measure this scale.

Xiaochun agreed, and bowed out.

Although in the palace book, a family woman like Xiaochun ranks behind a coated palace lady like Walnut, the daily supply is not as high as that of a palace lady.

But dowry is different.

The only one who can represent Shu Shu, besides Nanny Qi, is Xiao Chun.

Although walnuts are available, Shushu doesn't plan to rank her ahead of Xiaochun.

Before Xiao Chun came back, Shu Shu welcomed guests here.

Sanfujin has arrived.


When the nanny next to Sanfujin came in to report, she had already entered the West Garden and was waiting at the gate of the South Office.

How about Shushu?
Even if I slander in my heart, this is my sister-in-law.

In broad daylight, Shu Shu could only go out to greet her.

Sanfujin brought two girls to stand there.

The carriage should have been parked outside the garden.

Otherwise, the size of the West Garden is limited, and anyone's carriage can come in, so it will be messed up.

Seeing Shu Shu coming out, San Fujin also came over and held her hand.

It's also a handshake ceremony, every time Shu Shu meets Sifujin, Wufujin, and Qifujin are willing and warm.

When she arrived at Sanfujin's place, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Sanfujin had a smile on his face, but his eyes wanted to look from hair to feet, and then pick out all kinds of small problems.

Just like now, she looked around Shu Shu, her eyes fell on Shu Shu's tin, she frowned and said: "This is too old-fashioned, why wear this properly? Even if you can't wear flowers according to the rules, you can also wear two Pearl hairpins are better than tinsel..."

As she said that, she looked down at Shu Shu's shoes again: "Even in daily life, flag shoes should be the main ones, and you have to get used to them, otherwise, you will still feel uncomfortable walking when you turn around and wear them."

Different road non-phase plan.

Shu Shu didn't refute.

She didn't think there was anything disrespectful about her dressing up like this.

It's the tin head, which became popular in the palace this year.

Shu Shu also asked someone to do it, and she was very satisfied.

It's much easier to comb your hair.

When there is no Tianzi head, in order to keep the hair from messing up, every time the hair is combed, it must be tied tightly and all braided on the top of the head.

Sometimes she is not friendly to Shu Shu who has a lot of hair.

And that hair oil, Shu Shu is still not used to it.

But it is not good to have broken hair or other fried hair, which is sloppy and unsightly, so hair oil is a must for daily use.

With the tin head, it saves a lot.

Once the black velvet is buttoned, the hair is covered inside, so there is no need to oil it.

She supported Sanfu Jin's arm, and said: "Are you entering the garden to greet the Empress Dowager?"

San Fujin was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "Yes, I don't know if the Empress Dowager has time to meet you, so I'll stop by your place first."

As she said that, she sent off the mother beside her, saying: "Go and ask Mother Bai how the Empress Dowager is feeling today, she is impatient to see people, if I have time, I will go over and say hello to the Empress Dowager."

The nanny went down in response.

Seeing Shu Shu, she couldn't help being speechless.

This is how big a heart is, only to think of sending people to the Empress Dowager's palace now.

This is already a loss of respect.

There is a question of precedence.

Under normal circumstances, when the prince Fujin came in to greet him, the carriage waiter was outside the garden, and then asked the Queen Mother if it was passed on.

After meeting the Empress Dowager and inviting Empress An, if she wants to come to see Shu Shu, San Fujin will come to the Prince's Fourth Institute.

rather than the current order.

The two natal families are of the same clan, so it is not necessarily true that both will be prosperous, but it is certain that both will suffer.

Shu Shu led her to sit down in the main room, waited until the walnuts were served, then looked at Sanfujin and said, "Sister-in-law San used to be discreet and never rude in front of the Queen Mother, why did she just move out for a month and a half, and she just moved out with a different person?" Like..."

San Fujin lived in the palace for four years, so he naturally knew the status of the queen mother.

The emperor values ​​filial piety, respects the queen mother, and will never allow anyone to belittle and disobey the queen mother.

Eight Fujin is a lesson from the past.

When she was in the palace before, she was very respectful to the queen mother, and she learned Mongolian before entering the palace, and she would also make the queen mother happy.

She smiled bitterly and said: "It's my fault. I was thinking about seeing you sooner, but I made a mistake in the rules. When I go back to the Empress Dowager's Palace, I will remember to apologize..."

Shu Shu fell silent.

Is it still her fault?
She hooked up Sanfujin?

Being dragged into the water for no reason makes people feel uncomfortable.

Sanfujin was not as stubborn as before, but Shu Shu was still careful.

About the Baylor House lawsuit again?

Before the funeral last time, I talked for half a night.

Looking at San Fujin's expression, it doesn't look like he is proud of his spring breeze.

Shu Shu didn't want to develop this habit, and she became a trash can for Sanfujin's negative emotions.

The two don't have this friendship, so she can't persuade them.

Otherwise, Sanfujin would have some follow-up when he returned to Baylor Mansion, others would think he was behind the scenes.

Shu Shu was silent.

San Fujin looked gloomy, not as smart as usual, but took out a booklet from his cuff, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Shu Shu.

"These are a few poems I made a while ago, please help me take a look now..."

Shu Shu wanted to decline politely, but when she saw San Fujin's eyes, it was no longer the usual self-confidence and complacency, but cautious and pleading, her heart softened, and she took it over.

These are some poems about drinking tea at night.

tea thinking ([-])

Holding the silk tea with slender hands, thoughts in my heart are mixed.

If you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of drinking tea.

tea thought ([-])
The tea is wrapped like glue, and the heart is like a fire.

Happiness was last night, where is lovesickness?

Shu Shu felt that her obsessive-compulsive disorder was about to break out.

She pondered for a while, and said tactfully: "Sister-in-law San likes to write poems, so she must be familiar with quatrains and verses. You should know that besides rhyming, you also need to be in harmony..."

I won't talk about the words, where is the level?

I searched around, but couldn't find it.

Sanfujin said awkwardly: "I look at the Tang poetry booklets, and they don't pay attention to mediocrity like people at that time..."

Shu Shu said: "But nowadays the standard for criticizing poems depends on the correctness, but also on the words... There is no problem with the correctness, if the words are more tactful and gorgeous, you can fool people..."

The issue of mediocrity in Tang poetry has been specially studied by later generations.

Some say it's because of the ancient rhyme, and some say it's something else.

In the final analysis, it is poetry that can be broken.

For a poetic fairy like Li Bai, who would ask him to write poems correctly?

As for San Fujin's current one, it's still at the level of a child who just learned poetry.

More like limericks.

The twin brother of Shu Shu's family loves literature but not martial arts. He also studied poetry in the past two years, and his creations are more neat than this one.

San Fujin showed admiration on his face, and said: "Isn't it just as you said, as long as you can't find any faults with Zhe, then replace everything that can be replaced with another, change two good words, and please our master , you can pretend to be a talented woman!"

Shu Shu didn't need to think about it, but she also knew that it was Tian Gege.

The life in Sanbeile Mansion is quite fun, and the wives and concubines are fighting for the top of poetry.

But, isn't Sanfujin making use of its weaknesses and avoiding its strengths?

Shu Shu didn't like to interfere with Sanfujin's affairs, but she also didn't like Tian Gege to be on Sanfujin's head.

Where is the secret in this capital?

If this situation happens in Sanbeile Mansion, others will question the upbringing of Dong E's family.

Standing on the title of Fujin, two sons have been born, and the concubine's concubine is not well disciplined, it is simply a big joke.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and then said: "It's not Sanbeile's opinion that this poem is good. According to my opinion, since someone wants to be a talented woman, Sansao will fulfill her. Whether it is good or bad, let outsiders comment! You Don't try to follow suit, winning or losing is meaningless, but you will lose your status..."

After hearing this, Sanfujin's eyes lit up, and she regained her usual wit and vigor: "Sister, this is a good idea, I'll publish a book for her directly, and let everyone take a good look at her when the time comes, what is she like! What's the point of boasting, everyone should praise her, if she is willing to be a talented woman, I will praise her as a talented woman!"

Nowadays, people both pursue and despise talented women, and they also demand nobleness.

Even though she was born as noble as Ruixian, no one talked about it in front of her, but there was no shortage of discussions behind her.

Ruixian, the most famous poetess in the capital, is the cousin of the Empress Yuan, the daughter of Suo'etu, and the wife of the scholar Isang'a.

Shu Shu wants to give herself a break.

Talk too much!

She is holding grudges, and has not forgotten the troubles Tian Gege caused to their sisters-in-law on the North Tour. She is also worried that Sanfujin's bad life will affect the reputation of Dong E's family. She wants to help Sanfujin suppress her momentum, but she doesn't want to follow Get involved with yourself.

In that case, what happened?

The daughter-in-law of the clan does not pay attention to the "seven outs" at present, but this "tongue" is also a mistake and cannot be put on the bright side.

San Fujin's actions were not grandiose, and she could not be pushed ahead in order to shirk responsibility.

Shu Shu's face turned serious, and she said, "Sister-in-law San, you've missed me, right?! I didn't give you any advice. I can't bear this reputation. It's like showing off to provoke the relationship between brother and sister-in-law..."

Sanfujin glanced at her and smiled: "You are too careful! Don't worry, I understand, don't tell others that you said it!"

Shu Shu frowned, puzzled, and said, "Third sister-in-law's words are confusing, what did I say?"

Sanfujin snorted lightly, and said, "Why did you forget it just after you said it? Didn't you say that you want me to be Tian Gege?"

Shu Shu glanced at the water in the teacup, looked into Sanfujin's eyes, and said frankly, "Sister-in-law San, I'm afraid you really missed the point! What I mean is that I suggest that you take other people's poems like today. I also went to find someone to comment, not to mention other people, but Mrs. Ruixian's comment, who can refute it?"

Sanfujin frowned and said, "What did you mean just now? Mrs. Ruixian praised it, didn't she just add luster to Tian Gege?"

Shu Shu said seriously: "If you are a talented woman, you shouldn't be buried in the back house..."

San Fujin's face was filled with displeasure: "A princess, entering the prince's harem, is the family's high incense burning for several lifetimes, it's not enough to be happy, you have to travel outside for me, Fujin, to be satisfied?"

Shu Shu stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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