Chapter 372

"It's just that I didn't give birth to my elder brother. Our father is shameless. If you don't want to invite Fujin to seal the paper, I'm afraid that all the papers will be handed in. Where are our mothers standing?!"

Sanfujin was still chattering.

There is no side Fujin, only side wife.

You are just little Baylors, not county kings.

Shu Shu reminded her in her heart.

Anyway, she has learned a lesson. In the future, Sanfujin will be more cautious in her words and deeds, and don't talk nonsense.

Otherwise, Baobuqi will be a scapegoat anytime.

If it wasn't for Sanfujin who was waiting for her nanny to come back, Shu Shu would have brought tea to see off the guests.

This cousin, it's better not to pay or not, it's just a matter of face.

Just as he was thinking, there was movement outside.

It's the four and five Fujins who have arrived.

The two of them came back with Sanfujin's nanny, it seems that they must have come from the Empress Dowager's palace.

Shu Shu hurriedly stood up to greet her, while San Fujin sat with a forced smile.

Why did everyone else go to the Queen Mother's side?
Instead, it made her faux pas stand out.

If I had known earlier, I would have stopped gossiping here just now and went directly to the Empress Dowager's Palace.

Sifujin nodded to Sanfujin and said, "You have misremembered the gate, right? Did you just get off the bus here?"

After hearing this, San Fujin nodded reservedly, and said, "Isn't it? I forgot to go through the Great North Gate to go to the Empress Dowager's Palace, and I thought it was the palace gate here, only to find something was wrong when I came in, so I came to the Ninth Brother and Sister to make a stop." .”

Wu Fujin explained to Shu Shu in a low voice: "Grandmother told you to go there, my sister-in-law and I got numb in the car, and wanted to go for a walk, so she came over, you quickly add clothes, let's go... ..."

Shu Shu pleaded guilty, and went into the room to add a cloak and a mask.

When she finished tidying up, Sanfujin looked her over and said, "Why don't you change your shoes?"

Shu Shu said: "It's not the side, that's fine!"

It can't be said that the shoes she wears are either flag shoes or boat bottoms, which are one inch high and comfortable to walk on.

This leg walks past the Empress Dowager's Palace, no matter if you walk west or east, it's more than one mile. Do you have to step on the bottom of the flowerpot?
Seeing her wearing a mask, Sanfujin frowned and said, "What a weird look? It doesn't smell like incense, so what are you wearing it for?"

This means that she had worn it when she was sitting at night in Zhijun Wangfu.

Shu Shu took a look at Sanfujin, imitated her way of looking at her twice, and said, "Sister-in-law San, don't worry about others, there are wrinkles at the corners of your eyes, maybe it's because you worry too much..."

After hearing this, Sanfujin didn't reply in a hurry, but took out a glass hand mirror from his purse, looked at the mirror several times, then gave Shu Shu a glare, sullenly said, "What's there?" Wrinkles, what kind of eyes are those?"

In fact, Shu Shu didn't lie, San Fujin was a person who liked to laugh before, so in his twenties, he already had some inconspicuous crow's feet in the corners of his eyes.

Shu Shu didn't bother to talk to her, so she took Si Fujin's arm and said, "I don't know if the sister-in-laws are coming here today, or else I should go there and wait."

Si Fujin patted her hand with a smile, and said: "We were rude, we came directly here today..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "This is the filial piety of the sisters-in-law, the Queen Mother must be happy."

Si Fujin smiled and said: "The lady said, let's have a feast at noon, let us experience the 'Fu Shou Xi', you don't know, the 'Fu Shou Xi' has become popular outside these days, people who have received rewards from the palace boasted, it's really amazing There are a lot of words, it is worthy of being an imperial vegetable, and you can smell it when you open it up a street..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

Remember that name.

Buddha jumped over the wall.

It can be seen that the taste is overbearing.

Fang Zi handed it over, whether it was the materials from the Imperial Palace or the master, they were not comparable to the second one, and they must be better than what the second institute did last time.

Seeing them chatting and laughing, Sanfujin whispered to Wufujin beside him, "Look, you are heartless, and you don't know who is near and who is far..."

Wu Fujin pretended not to hear.

Just because of the distance, it is more comprehensive.

Shu Shu was already talking to Si Fujin: "When I didn't come, I felt that I could learn a lot. The garden is good, but when I came here, I was bored staying in the house. What I thought was that it would be great if my sisters-in-law were here. Let's get together and touch her." The cards are also good."

Sifu Jin has been in the palace for many years, and naturally he also lived in the garden, saying: "The season is not right, March is much better, in April and May, many flowers are in bloom, and in June and July, the pond is full of lotus, even more so. Great view."

Sanfujin frowned and said, "Forget it in March, the sound of toads, 'croaking', makes people's ears hurt, and there are always thousands of toads screaming; in April and May, there are many bugs, and the screen window It is not suitable for use at all, mosquitoes in June and July can eat people!"

Si Fujin smiled and said: "Sister-in-law San is only optimistic about what's good, and it's better than elder brother in the palace. Where is the boundary of perfection?"

Sanfujin said with disgust: "Then it's too inconvenient to live in this way. Fortunately, we don't need to live in in the future. How big is the space? It's the queen mother, the concubine, and the Yuqing palace. Too inconvenient..."

Shu Shu was by the side, unable to listen anymore.

This garden is still small? !

The West Garden covers an area of ​​[-] mu.

It is as big as the inner court of the Forbidden City.

However, the inner court of the Forbidden City is also divided into the Sixth Palace of the East and the West, the Ningshou Palace, the Elder Brother’s Palace, the Three Hou Palaces, and the Imperial Garden.

The Changchun Garden next to it covers an area of ​​[-] mu.

The Forbidden City is [-] mu.

Only by comparing the areas of these three places, we can see why Kangxi chose to avoid noise and listen to politics in the courtyard.

Much more spacious.

The four sisters-in-law and a group of maids and court ladies had nothing to shy away from, so they went straight to the road east of the pond.

When it was about to end, Shu Shu saw a small courtyard in the northeast corner, with a three-in-one courtyard structure, with a total of about ten rooms.

This should be the reading room.

The fifteenth elder brother has not yet enrolled, but the twelfth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother have already started classes.

The class location is not in the West Garden, but in Wuyizhai in Changchun Garden.

Opposite the accompanying reading house is a group of buildings without a yard.

There are plaques hanging on the palaces, including Danbo Weide Palace, Xianya Cuncheng Palace, Qianzun Hall and so on.

Among them, the largest building is the De Palace, which is five rooms wide and two rooms deep.

Everyone came in and entered the East Second Room.

The Empress Dowager was sitting on the kang table, and there were leaf plaques on the kang table.

Jiugege was originally sitting by the side of the kang, when he saw his sister-in-laws coming in, he got up to meet them.

Shu Shu followed behind San Fujin and also saluted the Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager nodded to Sanfujin and said, "Thank you for your hard work, you have to go all the way..."

San Fujin said respectfully: "I should have come yesterday, I was thinking about the imperial grandmother moving to the palace to be tired, I was afraid I would disturb you, but I didn't expect to come here this morning to be busy, I forgot that I should come here, and entered the garden. Wake up."

The queen mother smiled and said: "This is different from the palace. We only walk through one Shenwu gate in the palace, and there are gates around here..."

Sanfujin nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, the place is big, no one is leading it, and it will be covered."

A court lady had already brought a round stool over, and Shu Shu sat behind the sisters-in-law.

Jiugege waited for everyone to sit down, instead of sitting by the kang, he sat next to Shushu on the round stool.

Shu Shu looked at Jiu Gege who was the same age as him.

The two are called sisters-in-law, but it can be said that Jiugege was born in September, and is older than Shushu.

Guessing that Jiu Gege also thought of this, the two looked at each other and smiled, without restraint.

"Why didn't Sister-in-law Nine come here first, the emperor's grandmother has been talking about it for a long time..."

Jiu Gege whispered.

Also raised by the Empress Dowager, Jiu Gege's reputation is completely different from that of Fifth Prince.

When the fifth elder brother is praised by everyone, it is "honest" and "gentle", and there is nothing else to praise.

This Jiu Gege is known to be extremely intelligent, and he is the most knowledgeable person among Zhu Gege.

Perhaps this is the powerful power of genes.

Has Jiugege inherited Kangxi's intelligent and diligent side?

Who did the fifth elder brother follow?
Shu Shu wondered in his heart, and said in a low voice: "The first time I came back to the garden, I didn't know what the rules and regulations were. I wanted to bring your ninth brother over, but he went to the garden as an servant, so the only ones left I am alone, and I dare not move my place..."

Jiugege said with crooked eyebrows: "Then I'll go and play with Jiusao..."

This sister-in-law treats the Queen Mother filially, so Jiu Gege naturally has a good impression of her.

Shu Shu noticed it, and took her hand, feeling soft and boneless, and said with joy: "Is that a deal? When the time comes, ask someone to break the ice, and let's go fishing to make fish soup for the emperor's grandmother."

This is because elder brother Jiu mentioned something to her before he left in the morning, asking her to go fishing to pass the time, just don't stay outside for too long, two or three quarters of an hour will be fine.

Jiugege showed surprise: "The water in the pond hasn't melted yet, so can I fish?"

Shu Shu laughed and said, "I haven't fished it before, anyway, it's your ninth brother who said that winter fish is the fattest and tastier,"

Seeing the sister-in-law and sister-in-law talking head to head, getting along speculatively, the queen mother watched lovingly.

Sanfujin and the others also stopped talking, listening to their sister-in-law.

Hearing Shu Shu mentioned fish, the Queen Mother smiled and said: "It's good to eat fish, it's good to eat fish. Earlier, I was the most impatient to eat fish, and I hated the thorns. I changed the method, and the crispy fish is really delicious..."

When the queen mother spoke, the aunt and sister-in-law stopped talking.

Shu Shu looked at the Queen Mother and said with a smile: "There is another way to eat, which is more delicious than crispy fish. You can try it when you catch live fish with Ninth Sister tomorrow!"

The queen mother hurriedly said: "It's fine to fish and play, don't touch the stove, we will eat after the new year!"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Then it's all dried, and it's the first month to make fish..."

The Queen Mother asked curiously, "Is there any crispy fish?"

Shu Shu said: "It should be the same. Serve with porridge and put it in a jar, so it's convenient to take it with you when you go out."

The queen mother smiled and nodded: "This is good, it can be used as road dishes! When the first month comes out, we will prepare it, so as to save the inconvenience of eating and drinking on the boat, or something that is not easy to follow."

Shu Shu knew that the main purpose of traveling with the queen mother was to serve the old lady well.

Especially for Kangxi, it must depend on her performance.

She then said: "If you want to eat or play, just tell me. The granddaughter-in-law will come over to serve as an errand. I want to be filial to you on behalf of Erniang. If I can't coax you well, Erniang may be beaten... "

The queen mother laughed "haha" and said, "With you in front of me, the imperial grandmother's mood is more refreshing than eating or playing..."

(End of this chapter)

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