Chapter 373 Too many precautions (third update)

In Changchun Garden, outside Qingxi Bookstore, several princes and elder brothers also gathered together.

Big brother is not here.

It has been passed to the imperial court.

Those outside are the third elder brother, the fourth elder brother, the fifth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, the eighth elder brother, the ninth elder brother, and the tenth elder brother.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother were sent back to the palace for a while before, and after returning to their orders, they were about to leave, but when they saw the older brothers coming, they had to sit with them again.

Although I didn't see them every day when I was in the palace, but now they are divided into two places, which are different after all.

The ninth elder brother sat next to the eighth elder brother, smiled at the eighth elder brother very affectionately, and then looked at everyone, a little confused: "Did Khan Ama send the brothers to come here? Isn't it the first time today?" Four, is there anything wrong?"

The third elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, and said: "Shouldn't this be the time to say hello? Although we have opened a mansion, we are also the son of Khan Ama, there is no reason for you and the old ten to come, but others can't!"

This is knowing that the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are serving in the imperial court today, and they feel uncomfortable.

Before, this was exclusive to their elder brothers, that is, the boss, he and the fourth, fifth, seventh, and eighth children were not related to each other, let alone the lower ones.

Didn't it mean that the fragrance is far away and the smell is near?
How did Khan Ama really evoke the two of them?

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's the time to come! Isn't it morning? Third brother, you are so filial, why did you delay? It's almost noon, right? This is getting up late, your filial piety is not very sincere !"

Third Elder Brother: "..."

Every time I saw brother Jiu, I felt more and more unpleasant.

The mouth really owes!

The fourth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother and frowned and said: "Speak up! What are you doing with the yin and yang? We are here at midnight, so Khan Ama will be free to meet people?"

The next yamen opened the seal late, but the holy car opened the pen early.

Just after the first day of the new year, it is time to start writing.

Therefore, there are not many excerpts in front of the imperial court.

In particular, we must prepare for the southern tour, and pay more attention to the summary of various excerpts in the south of the Yangtze River.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said, "I didn't say you came late, okay, what are you doing together with Third Brother?"

The third elder brother snorted softly: "Why can't you join me?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Yes, yes, it's not very good to have fun together, we all sit in a row..."

After saying this, Brother Nine moved up to Brother Eight and whispered, "Brother Ba, did we really make an appointment to come together? What are you doing so neatly? Is this something you heard about the Southern Tour list?"

Brother Eight smiled and nodded, then hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'm also worried about the palace, I don't know what's going on..."

Hearing him ask this, everyone looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu blinked.

Can you say it?
It is said that the palace found out that the waist card was wrong, not one or two, but fourteen people?
Among them, how many of Xin Zheku were coated, lazy and slippery, and hired people to perform duties on their behalf?

Or did it mean that three eunuchs died of charcoal poisoning last night when the eunuchs in the imperial city left their rooms?
The few in front of me are not other people, they are all brothers.

But behind each of them is inextricably linked with the Baoyi family.

Hesheli's family, Niu Hulu's family, and Tong's family intervened in the palace, and the manpower they ordered was still these coats.

Brother Jiu's hesitation verified everyone's guess.

There is indeed something going on in the palace.

The eighth elder brother still wants to ask again.

Seeing this, Elder Brother Ten interrupted, "I guess I will mention it to my brothers when Khan Ama summons me soon..."

Brother Nine shut up.

When everyone saw this, they didn't ask any more questions.

Third Elder Brother looked towards the door, counting the time in his mind.

The boss has been in for a quarter of an hour.

Is there anything left to say?

Fortunately, Liang Jiugong came out to send a message, and the emperor summoned Zhu elder brothers.

Everyone hurriedly got up and followed into the study.

Entering the Dongci Room, I saw Kangxi sitting cross-legged on the kang, and there were blueprints on the kang table.

The elder brother was sitting beside him, looking down.

When everyone saw the ceremony, Kangxi signaled everyone to come forward and said, "Come and have a look!"

Everyone stepped forward to see that it was the map of the North Canal.

Is this about the southern tour?
Everyone was a little agitated.

Kangxi glanced at the elder brother and said: "This time on the southern tour, the elder brother, the third elder brother, the fifth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, the eighth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother will go with me... ..."

All elder brothers got up and listened attentively.

Even though rumors had surfaced long ago, the list of attendants hadn't been decided, and everyone was uncertain.

Now that the dust has settled, no matter what they think in their hearts, everyone is joyful and bows down to give thanks.

Kangxi waved his hands and shouted, looked at the fourth elder brother and said: "The people's livelihood is difficult, in order to avoid disturbing the local area, all round-trip supplies are purchased in the capital, and this matter is handed over to the fourth elder brother to supervise!"

The fourth elder brother bowed and said, "My son receives the order."

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine again and said, "The Ministry of Internal Affairs must cooperate with the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Industry to prepare for the southern tour..."

Brother Jiu also bowed to accept the order.

Kangxi finally looked at Elder Brother Ten and said, "On the day of your wedding, I was not in the capital, and the ceremony was postponed. Now I will give you four boxes of royal medicine and four pieces of tribute satin to King Fujin of Abahai County, and Borzigit Two sets of Chaozhu, one wishful handle!"

You know, as early as the prince's initial ceremony, the prince Fujin and Fujin's parents gave him a reward once.

What is bestowed now is decency and grace.

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly knelt down and said, "Son Dai Borzigit, thank you Khan Ama for your kindness!"

When Kangxi heard this sentence, he felt uncomfortable.

Is this divided inside and out?

It really made Brother Jiu talk, the son was really raised by others.

Thinking of this, Kangxi looked down one by one.

In front of him are all married princes and elder brothers, and they are all sons-in-law of other people's families.

He looked at Eldest Brother and said, "Did you go to Kerkun's house on the second day of junior high school the day before yesterday?"

The elder brother nodded and said: "I went to see my father-in-law the morning before yesterday, and my father-in-law was very grateful for the emperor's favor. This year, he got a blessing and a vegetable reward. He kowtowed in the direction of the Forbidden City on the kang..."

The eldest elder brother's father-in-law is the former Minister of Officials, Kerkun, a confidant who was single-handedly promoted by Kangxi in his early years.

In the eighteenth year of Kangxi, he was promoted from a doctor of the fifth rank to a minister of Dali Temple of the third rank.

After that, he was promoted every year, to the left deputy governor of the Inspectorate, to the minister of the household department, and to the minister of the official department.

After three and a half years, he was promoted to Minister of the Household Department and became one of the nine ministers.

As a result, the party struggle in the imperial court escalated later, and Suo'etu fought fiercely with Mingzhu.

When Kangxi began to rectify, Kerkun was also impeached, and he was deeply involved. In the [-]th year, he was dismissed from the Minister of the Ministry of Officials because of the party's attachment to the pearl.

Afterwards, it was found that there was no real evidence, and Kangxi thought about his early achievements, and still rewarded him with the title of Minister, but he has never used it.

Years ago, Kangxi also heard the news, knowing that Kerkun was old and sick, and fearing that it was a sad year, he remembered the early years when the monarch and his ministers met each other, and bestowed blessings and blessings on longevity.

I don't know if it's a happy event, but the Ministry of Rites has no news to report, so it should be that the New Year's Eve has passed.

Kangxi was quite relieved in his heart, and it could be regarded as the complete friendship between the monarch and his ministers.

Thinking of his old illness, he thought of Peng Chunlai again.

He is also a champion of the Eight Banners.

He looked at the third elder brother and said, "I heard that Peng Chun suffered from arthralgia last winter, what's the matter?"

Brother San blinked his eyes and said, "Maybe it's... okay..."

Kangxi couldn't help frowning: "Did you accompany Ni Fujin to Peng Chun's house in the second day of junior high school?"

The third elder brother hurriedly said: "The little elder brother was a little upset, so my son Fujin sent someone back with a gift..."

In fact, he was thinking about inquiring about the news from the palace at that time, so he didn't have time to accompany Sanfujin back to her natal home.

San Fujin loved face, and refused to go back alone, so he sent someone back to her natal family to sue her.

Kangxi didn't comment, but he looked at the other sons with dissatisfaction.

The fourth elder brother's father-in-law passed away long ago, and he was also Kangxi's confidant.

The fifth elder brother's father-in-law was appointed governor of Shaanxi.

The seventh elder brother's father-in-law is Faka, the deputy governor of Zhenghongqi.

Kangxi asked Seventh Brother, "Did you go to Faka's house on the second day of junior high school?"

The seventh elder brother glanced at the eldest elder brother, then at the third elder brother, shook his head and said, "I didn't go!"

Kangxi frowned, a little unhappy.

He doesn't like princes who are too close to their wives, but he also doesn't want them to be too arrogant, relying on their status as princes to disrespect the elderly.

He wanted to reprimand, but hesitated again.

I am afraid that the father-son relationship that has finally been softened will cause rifts again.

It is not only children who want to please their parents.

Parents in this world also want their sons to be truly respected and loved.

Ninth elder brother was by the side, sensing that the atmosphere was not right, he hurriedly said: "Khan Ama, not only the seventh brother did not go, but the fourth and fifth brothers certainly did not go, and neither did my son!"

Kangxi was stunned when he heard the words, but his face remained expressionless, looking at Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine said: "Isn't this not taking off the clothes yet? It's not good for those who celebrate the Chinese New Year to come to the door, but the elder brother is not in the way!"

Humble and unrespectable.

Kerkun and his wife don't need to wear mourning for the married woman, but his children and grandchildren have to wear mourning for the married woman, Da Fujin.

It's hard for Kangxi to say that he forgot this, so he just glanced at the third elder brother lightly, as if condemning him for forgetting this matter.

The sweat on the third elder brother's forehead is about to come down.

He watched Brother Jiu grind his teeth.

Lao Jiu did it on purpose. If he didn't remind him, Khan Ama wouldn't have thought of it.

Kangxi glanced at Eighth Brother again.

The eighth elder brother bowed his head, his face flushed a little.

Brother Nine just mentioned the elder brother who did not accompany Fujin back to the province in the second year of junior high school, and pulled him down.

This is because he knew that he would accompany Ba Fujin to Prince An's Mansion.

Although he was telling the truth, Eighth Brother still felt panicked.

Ninth elder brother just wanted to save seventh elder brother from the siege, how could he think about those things?

In his view, rules are dead and people are alive.

Things don't have to be so tight.

There's nothing wrong with following the rules.

But it is human nature to want to get together after the Chinese New Year.


The tenth elder brother was by the side, but he took an extra look at the eighth elder brother.

Today is regarded as offending mynah.

But starlings are not kind, even if they are related to the affairs of the palace, even if they are asking privately, in front of everyone, what should people do?
If you say a few more words, if you reveal the forbidden things, Khan Ama will feel that Brother Jiu is not strict with his mouth and should not be used;

Isn't starling the most considerate?

Why do you act like this today?

It seems to be digging a hole for Brother Jiu?

The ten elder brothers who lost their mothers in a young age may not be said to have tasted the harshness of the world, but they are more sensitive than others.

He noticed the awkwardness on the eighth elder brother, and he didn't know why he was wary...

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 17th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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