Chapter 374 Eight Banner Talents (Part [-])
Danbo is the Palace of Virtue, between the east and the second.

The game has been played.

The queen mother sat in the middle, with Sanfujin on her left hand, Sifujin on her right, and Wufujin on the opposite side.

Sanfujin made a mistake in the morning, and she felt guilty, but now there are promises all over the place, and her voice is all over the room.

"Oh, oh, I'm short of two barrels, just in time..."

"This [-]D is an eyesore, hit it!"

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege were sitting next to the Queen Mother and watching the cards.

The queen mother was afraid that they would be sullen, so she ordered Jiugege: "Don't sit still, take your sister-in-law out for a walk..."

Jiugege agreed and brought Shushu out.

It just suits Shu Shu's heart.

Jiugege directly took her out of the Weide Palace in Danbo, a few zhang to the northwest, there are three small elegant rooms, with the words "Place of Accumulating Fragrance" written on the plaque.

"This is my residence, sister-in-law Jiu came in for tea..."

As Jiugege said, he led Shushu in.

A court lady had already bowed and listened to the order, Jiugege said: "Make a pot of tea."

The palace maid went in response.

The West Room that my sister-in-law entered directly saw a bookcase in front of her eyes.

Under the bookcase is a large case with the Four Treasures of the Study on it.

There is a kang in the south, and there are several on the kang.

There is a copy of "Drinking Water Ci" with a bookmark on the table.

Seeing Shu Shu, she smiled and said, "Ninth Sister also likes Nalan Ci?"

Jiugege nodded and said: "I've seen it since I was ten years old, especially this book "Drinking Water Ci", which only contains more than a hundred poems, and I get something every time I reread it. "

Speaking of this, she looked at Shu Shu with some anticipation: "Does Sister-in-law Jiu like Nalan Ci?"

You must know that Shu Shu's dowry entered the palace the day before her wedding, and several little princesses also met in the past.

There are eight boxes of books, calligraphy and paintings alone.

At that time, there were people in the palace who murmured that the dowry of Dong E's family was not sincere, it was all hypocritical, and it was not as thick as the dowry of Ba Fujin.

Only Jiugege knew that those eight boxes of books, calligraphy and paintings were precious.

Hearing my sister-in-law asking, what can Shu Shu say?
The best way to draw in the relationship is that the aunts and sisters-in-law have common hobbies.

But one lie requires more lies to cover up.

Even if she has plans for Jiugege and wants to get close to him, she will not force herself.

Otherwise, the next step is to write poems or criticize poems, and she will show timidity at that time, and she will be easily despised by Jiugege.

She said frankly: "Three points like it, Nalan Ci is naturally decorated, it is catchy to read, and there are many truths in it, but I am a layman, and my daily reading is mainly practical. I read history books and medical books. more..."

"It is wise to read history, just as there are many famous aphorisms in "Historical Records", such as 'One dies for a lifetime, one knows friendship; one is poor and one rich, one is friendship. A sentence in the book, 'The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit'..."

"Medical books are mainly materia medica, with miscellaneous books in between. My uncle and cousin are weak, and Er Nie and Ama are also old, which makes me afraid of parting, and I often feel anxious... Although I swallow dates whole, how much I can feel at ease some……"

As a fan of Nalan Ci, Jiugege naturally hoped that Shu Shu would also like Nalan Ci like himself.

So when she heard Shu Shu's first sentence, she was a little disappointed.

But after hearing it, she actually listened in.

Sister-in-law Nine is indeed not a talented woman, but her words and deeds are full of knowledge.

Just like the New Year's dishes delivered to Ningshou Palace before, I heard that many of them are restored recipes from ancient books.

Earlier, the queen mother told her that she would learn from sister-in-law Jiu in the future, Jiu Gege smiled and agreed, but she was still a little reluctant.

I always feel that the two are of the same age, and I am a little older. Although I have not experienced many things, I have read a lot of books and my knowledge is no less than that of others.

Now it is discovered that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

Jiugege praised sincerely: "Sister-in-law Jiu knows the past well and knows the present, which is beyond my reach."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "It's just a half-knowledge, just fooling people, it's not as good as my sister's beauty."

Just as the palace maid brought up the tea tray, Jiugege personally served tea to Shushu.

Shu Shu'an sat down, holding the teacup and looking at Jiugege with a smile.

Jiu Gege looked down at himself, puzzled and asked, "What is Sister-in-law Jiu looking at?"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "I'm thinking about when to congratulate my sister..."

Jiu Gege Xiafei glanced at Shu Shu on both cheeks, and said generously: "Sister-in-law Jiu is still a bride, but she can make fun of people!"

Shu Shu said: "Just seeing my sister, I think of someone who is somewhat similar to my sister..."


Jiugege was a little curious.

Shu Shudao: "It's my second brother's fiancée, Gege from the clan's general's residence, and also a fan of Nalan's Ci. She loves to read very much."

Jiu Gege thought for a while, and said: "Is it the niece of the Crown Princess, who is Qingru Gege?"

Shu Shu was a little surprised, and said, "Your sister knows Qingru?"

Jiugege said regretfully, "I've heard his name for a long time, but I haven't had the chance to see him."

Shu Shu thought about Qingru's background, except that she was the niece of the Crown Princess, there was nothing conspicuous about it.

What is really worth mentioning is that he paid homage to a well-known teacher, the talented girl Ruixian of the Eight Banners.

Shu Shu spoke frankly, Jiugege was less restrained, and said with a smile: "Mrs. .”

After hearing this, Shu Shu had a strange thought in her heart.

There are several sons in Ruixian's family.

It seems that they are not married.

The eldest son is this year's bodyguard, why Shu Shu knows clearly is because Ruixian had intended to hire Qingru as his daughter-in-law before.

At that time, the Dutong Mansion was very nervous, thinking that it was the eldest son.

The son of a university scholar, the talent seems to be better than Zhuliang.

It was only later that I found out that the one Ruixian wanted to marry was his youngest son, who was one year younger than Qingru, so he was not in a hurry to formally propose marriage, so he asked the Dutong Mansion to cut off Hu.

Otherwise, it's really hard to say.

Mrs. Ruixian's youngest son is also known as a child prodigy and has a promising future.

Shu Shu couldn't bring up Ruixian's eldest son, so he mentioned the youngest son, saying, "I've heard about it a few years ago, saying that I read the Four Books and Five Classics a few years ago. If it wasn't suppressed by my family, I would have to take the [-]-year provincial examination... ..."

Jiugege was surprised and said, "Didn't you say that the exam is extremely difficult?"

Shu Shu said: "It's not an ordinary person, I guess it's a combination of parents and beautiful parents..."

The power of genes.

Ruixian is very talented, and her husband Ethan'a is a Jinshi-born bachelor, and the children in the family have a higher probability of becoming talents.

Jiugege nodded and said: "Madam must be able to teach children well..."

Regrets arose in Shu Shu's heart.

The Yiergenjueluo family is a common surname, but the prominent ones are all inlaid with yellow flags.

There are also a few branches here in Zhenghuangqi that have world titles, but Ethan's family is a side branch and has no world titles.

Presumably there was also a reason why Ethan'a chose to take the imperial examination.

In this way, Ethan's family is not within Kangxi's scope of choosing a son-in-law.

Shu Shu felt that it was a pity, but she still couldn't help asking: "This year, in the year of the township examination, it is estimated that many talented people will come out, what does my sister think?"

The twin brother of the Shu Shu family just wants to take the road of the Eight Banners Township Examination.

There is a fixed quota for the Baqi Township Examination.

The Shunzhi Dynasty was simple. In the eighth year of Shunzhi, the Manchurian and Han armies each had [-], and the Mongols had [-]. Later, the Manchurian and Han armies were reduced to one-fifth each, and the Mongolian one-quarter.

In the eighth year of Kangxi, there was a reform. Manmeng was compiled as Manchu, Hanjun was combined, and ten names were selected for each.

In the twenty-sixth year of Kangxi, the Han army was reduced by five.

Then, start incrementing.

Now there are fifteen people in the full name and ten people in the Han army.

Twenty-five Eight Banners lifters in three years.

Those on the list can indeed be called "talented scholars".

Jiugege said: "Being able to rely on talent instead of thinking about the merits of the ancestors is more ambitious than other Eight Banners disciples."

Otherwise, guarding the hard-core crops, directly making up for the vacancy of the flag, or taking a test of the pen and post, are all ways to become an official.

Shu Shu has already decided to send a message back to Fu Song to find out if there are any honored children who participated in this year's Eight Banners Township Examination.

Only the prince's mansion, such a high-ranking son, would fall into Kangxi's eyes.

Otherwise, it would be too far behind Shun Anyan in terms of family status.

The sister-in-law spoke speculatively, and the time flew by unknowingly.

By the time Nanny Bai came to deliver the message in person, it was already noon.

"The table is set, just wait for Fujin and Gege to pass by..."

Bai Nanny said.

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege hurriedly got up, and followed Nanny Bai back to Danboweide Palace.

A round table was set up on the ground, and a table was set up with dishes on it.

Seeing Shu Shu and Jiu Gege come back, everyone followed the Queen Mother to their seats.

Since the queen mother is the main seat, the left hand is Sanfujin, Sifujin, Wufujin, and the right hand is Jiugege and Shushu.

The queen mother looked at a table of dishes, and said to Shu Shu: "I got these things for nothing, and I haven't rewarded you yet. When I went back to the south of the Yangtze River, the emperor's grandmother bought you flowers..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "My granddaughter-in-law doesn't want to spend flowers, just don't drag her down when the imperial grandmother prays to God and worships Buddha. At that time, my granddaughter-in-law will use your light to kowtow twice to the Bodhisattva..."

This is what Shu Shu asked Nanny Bai before.

For this tour to the south, what the Empress Dowager paid most attention to was not the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River, but the ancient Buddhist temples in the south of the Yangtze River.

Shu Shu feels that she is a materialist, but she is also willing to say goodbye more often.

It's not to please the queen mother, but mainly to cast a wide net.

In case, it works!
She is not a Buddhist, but she is also willing to be kind to others, and she also pays attention to cause and effect.

The Empress Dowager smiled and nodded, "Okay, okay, I'm all in agreement..."

Several sisters-in-law on the table have different thoughts.

Sanfujin already despises her so much.

Just like her Ama, she knows how to dig a hole!

She is obviously the daughter-in-law of the younger grandson, but she overstepped her sisters-in-law and sneaked into the queen mother's side!

Sanfujin glanced at Wufujin.

Will Wu Fujin be happy if this continues?
In the future, there will be more fun to watch.

But Wu Fujin thought about kowtowing.

She knew that Shu Shu didn't believe this.

But Shu Shu still intends to pray to God and worship Buddha, but it's just that she has something in her heart.

I also want something in my heart.

At that time, you can also follow the queen mother to worship Buddha.

Listening to Si Fujin's tour of the south, he felt regretful.

But only a little bit.

Even if the fourth elder brother really followed her, she might not be able to follow her, she would leave as long as there was any matter in the mansion, besides, her son was still young...

I'm late, I started writing very early, but I got off track when I checked the information, and I will be on time in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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