Chapter 375 End early (second update)

When Fushouxi opened the altar, the room was full of fragrance.

Several Fujins experienced the delicacy of this famous capital city once, and felt that it deserves to be praised by everyone, and it is indeed mellow and rich.

If it weren't for the reticence to eat, I'm afraid that everyone would be boastful.

Shu Shu also praised in her heart.

Just looking at the color, it is more yellow and brighter than what the second institute made at the time.

The flavors are also more integrated.

The sea cucumbers used are also very good and tough, unlike the sea cucumbers last time, which were melted away and deformed.

When the meal is finished, it is already the beginning.

The queen mother said to Sanfujin and Sifujin: "You are all busy too, go home early, don't worry about coming over, it's a shame, just come back during the festival..."

As she said that, she said to Wu Fujin again: "You should tidy up well at home, don't worry about me, I have Xiao Jiu and Shu Shu here!"

Naturally, what Xiao Jiu was talking about was not Brother Jiu, but Jiu Gege.

Seeing Shu Shu and Jiu Gege standing side by side and getting along very well, Wu Fujin didn't feel worried at all, and nodded with a smile: "Then the granddaughter-in-law will go back first, and come in with the fifth master before the festival. Please greet me!"

As for the Changchun Garden, several Fujin's mothers-in-law were there, but they didn't see each other this time.

Over there, where the holy driver is, the access control is stricter.

Just a few nuns around Fujin walked over and kowtowed.

The carriages of the three Fujins stopped directly at the Great North Gate, just over a hundred steps away from here.

Shu Shu, Jiu Gege and Nanny Bai sent the Fujins out of the gate.

Watching the carriages of the crowd leave.

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege entered the garden.

Looking at the corridor going south, Shu Shu said to Jiugege: "To the south is the Southwest Gate, below is the Dragon King Temple and Chengluxuan, and turning to the east is the Hechi Temple. My sister is fine now. Don't you want to go for a stroll with me and identify the door?"

Jiugege looked at Nanny Bai.

Bai Momo said with a smile: "Gege go be naughty, the empress is going to squint right now..."

Jiugege and Shushu walked slowly along the corridor.

A few girls followed behind.

It was only one and a half miles in total, and it took only a quarter of an hour before and after, and we arrived at Hechi No. [-].

Jiu Gege also lived in the West Garden with the Queen Mother a few years ago, so he naturally came here.

This time I found out the inconvenience.

It is said that there are four small courtyards, but in fact there are no courtyard walls, only two feet high low walls trimmed from shrubs.

The courtyards are very close to each other, only a few feet away, so there is no movement or movement.

This was originally a place for the little prince to live in, and the issue of female relatives should not have been thought about when it was built.

Unless Shu Shu was hiding in the house, the access would be under the noses of the other three schools.

Jiugege couldn't say anything, so he said: "Sister-in-law Jiu is bored during the day, just go and find me, let's read and talk together."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "That's a good relationship, and I'm short of friends. Don't think I'm running too often..."

Jiu Gege commented on the word "little partner" in his heart, and felt that it was straightforward and cute, which sounded much closer than "auntie", and said with a smile, "I heard that sister-in-law Jiu and sister-in-law Qi are good friends, and they are also friends?"

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Yeah, I live in Front and Back Streets, and I've been sticking together since I can remember..."

In the two-story building on Shushu's side, because the east and west houses all have bedrooms, the study is on the second floor.

Shu Shu led Jiugege upstairs, and told Walnut, "Make a pot of chrysanthemum tea..."

After a while, Walnut brought up a tea tray, besides chrysanthemum tea, there were also two plates of snacks, amber walnut kernels and sesame candies.

Jiugege looked at the snow-white teacup, inside was a thumb-sized daisy, it smelled refreshing, and he took a sip of sweetness.

"This is good to drink. It's sweet. Is there any rock sugar added?"

Jiu Gege asked.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Well, if you drink it directly, the taste of grass and trees will be a little stronger, and it will be much better if you mix it with rock sugar. Today's lunch is greasy and easy to get angry. Drinking this can relieve greasy and dryness..."

Speaking of this, she thought of the Queen Mother's eating habits.

No meat, no joy.

For the elderly, such a diet structure is not healthy.

But how long will the Queen Mother live?

It seems to be the fifty-sixth year of Kangxi.

The Empress Dowager will celebrate her sixtieth birthday this year, and eighteen years later, she will be seventy-eight years old.

Even after a few hundred years, the average life span has passed.

Shu Shu felt that she didn't have to be annoying.

The relationship between diet and life span is really unreasonable.

There are many health experts who died at fifty, and centenarians who smoked, drank, and ate fat.

When Jiugege saw the sewing box on the Nankang, he was a little surprised: "Sister-in-law Jiu still makes these?"

Shu Shu took it over, opened the lower layer, there were all kinds of small beads, pointed to her, and said: "It's just a trick to tell the outside world that it's bead embroidery. Others do the work, and they can't wait for it to be as delicate as it is. I have it all here. It's reluctance, so I just use this to make up the number, whoever said that when I was a sister-in-law at home, I always wanted to look like a wife..."

When Jiu Gege heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

Shu Shu saw that she was not as reserved and introverted as she had shown before, but also a lively little girl, and she also liked her a little bit.

If you are a purely introverted person, you will have to worry about it, and it will be tiring to get along with him.

Thinking about it, if the children brought up by the queen mother were introverted, the grandparents and grandchildren would not be able to get along with each other.

Shu Shu looked at Jiu Gege with envy on her face: "I still remember that last year when I got out of the draft, the whole family was happy, but I was restless day and night... My cousin sister-in-law is Gege from Shuncheng Palace, when she married in, I couldn't be more envious , thinking that it would be great if I were a clan daughter... Boudoir girls, who hasn't read 'One Life, One Couple'?"

Jiugege was stunned: "Sister-in-law Jiu..."

Shu Shu took Jiu Gege's hand, and said: "I am a royal daughter-in-law, virtuous and virtuous, don't need to think about it anymore, my sister is a golden branch and jade leaf, I only hope that my sister can be consummated..."

So Shun Anyan, who was brought up by a widowed mother, doesn't have to think about it.

In the past two days, brother Jiu has asked people to inquire about it.

Shun Anyan did not take concubines, but a house full of maidservants was indispensable.

Jiuge's face was flushed red.

She had already heard from the Queen Mother that she would not care for Meng, and that she would choose a son-in-law among the noble children of the Eight Banners.

At the stairway, Brother Nine stepped back.

He went directly to the east room and lay down on the kang, looking at his wife's usual things, he was a little confused.

So it turns out that Shu Shu is thinking of "a couple for life"?

Is this why she refused to marry her aunt Chun Tai before?

Chun Tai is the prince of the iron hat, and the inheritance of the bloodline is a major event for that branch in the future. Naturally, it is impossible to live with a prince Fujin.

The few families that my father-in-law visited at that time were all side branches of the Zhenghongqi and Xianghongqi, and the low-ranking Duke's Mansion and the General's Mansion made up their minds to marry their daughters down?

I seem to be disgusted?

Brother Jiu was full of anger, and his heart was sour.

Even knowing that time has passed and the situation has changed, there is no need to think about it so much, but I am still a little worried.


Chuntai is also disliked!

Brother Jiu turned over and sat up, feeling that he didn't have to be so careful.

This is a moment.

Upstairs in the study, Shu Shu also got a walnut signal, knowing that Brother Jiu is back.

Although talking with the little girl was quite fun, but she was still curious about the affairs of the palace, and wanted to inquire about something, so she gave Walnut a wink.

Seeing this, Walnut hesitated and said, "Fu Jin, Master Jiu is back!"

Jiu Gege hurriedly got up and said, "I've delayed Mrs. Jiu for too long..."

Even if they are biological brothers and sisters, there are still countless people who have met each other, and they are polite and unfamiliar with each other.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "I don't know if I have a good meal. I have to worry about it. I won't keep my sister today. If there is no wind tomorrow, my sister will come over and let's go fishing..."

Jiugege nodded in agreement, and followed Shushu downstairs.

Elder Brother Jiu heard the commotion in the east room, and came out and said: "Xiao Jiu is here, come and sit more on weekdays, sister-in-law Ni has no companion..."

He ignored the orders, Jiugege smiled and nodded, "Then I'll come back tomorrow..."

Jiu Gege brought two maids here, but Jiu Gege still ordered He Yuzhu: "Send Gege to the Empress Dowager's Palace and come back..."

He Yuzhu agreed and sent Jiugege out.

Shu Shu looked at the time, and it seemed that it was about to be set.

Brother Jiu didn't call Chuanshan, that's what he ate.

"Used in Changchun Garden?"

Shu Shu helped him go outside.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "It's like a meeting, all the brothers are here today, that's all in order, Khan Ama gave me a meal before leaving the garden..."

Shu Shu said: "How is the palace?"

Brother Nine did not speak, but glanced at the walnuts standing by the door.

Shu Shu immediately said: "There is no need to keep anyone in the house..."

Walnut bowed down.

Only then did Brother Nine come over, with a complicated look on his face, and said, "Ama Khan is going to clean up Suo'etu!"

Shu Shu sat up straight: "But... isn't it hindering the prince?"

Although this one didn't end well, Kangxi was tolerant of him, and it didn't happen until the forty-second year of Kangxi.

Brother Nine said: "Khan Ama appointed He Yi as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Xin Yu as the Minister of Internal Affairs..."

Shu Shu knew the name Xinyu, Suo'etu's fifth son, Suo'etu's younger brother, succeeded his father's first-class uncle.

The name He Yi was unfamiliar.

"It's also from the Hesheli family? Why hasn't anyone mentioned it before?"

Shu Shu asked curiously.

The Hesheli family is not the kind of relatives who rose from the prince's grandson.

It was the late first-class public and first-class Bosoni who made contributions to the royal family and chose the queen in his family.

Sony has two titles, first-class Duke and first-class uncle, both of which are hereditary.

Sony has six sons in total, the second son died early, and the fifth son has grown up.

When Sony died, the youngest son, Fabao, became the first-class prince, and the fifth son, Xinyu, became the first-class uncle.

Sony's eldest son, Kabula, is the father of the Yuan Empress, the first-class Cheng Engong of Jin Dynasty.

Soni's third son, Suo'etu, had meritorious service in capturing Oboi and became an important minister of the imperial court.

In this way, there are three first-class princes and one first-class uncle in the Hesheli family.

Kabula died early, and his son Chang Tai was still the first-class prince. Unfortunately, in the winter of the [-]th year, the prince was dismissed for crimes, and he also lost the "Minister of the Luanyi Guard and the Guard".

In the early years when Suo'etu had a "party struggle" with Mingzhu, several other brothers with titles were disposed of.

Fabao lost the first-class duke and minister of the interior; Xinyu kept the first-class uncle, but lost his job; Suo'etu kept the duke, but was also dismissed from his job.

When Kangxi rehabilitated the Hesheli family for the prince, only Suoetu was used.

This time Xinyu is the Minister of the Interior, and the next step is to lead the Minister of the Guards. It is indeed intended to let him succeed Suo'etu as the head of the Hesheli family.

"He Yi is Suo'etu's cousin, from another branch of the Hesheli family. His grandfather is a bachelor, his father is a minister, and he was a first-class guard before..."

Ninth elder brother was thoughtful, and said: "It seems that Khan Ama only intends to touch Suo'ertu's room, and it is not wronged..."

Suo'etu's father, Sony Kangxi, the head of the four major ministers, died in six years.

His eldest son, Gabra, was not very talented, and his fifth and sixth sons were all young. The third son, Suo'etu, stood out and became the leader of the Hesheli family.

If the Hesheli family were intervening in the affairs of the palace, only Suo'etu was the one who made the decision, and no one else.

Shu Shu's expression remained unchanged, but she was a little nervous in her heart.

Has history changed?

Soetu ended four years early? !

Suo'etu, who is controlled outside the palace, who is executing it in the palace?
After all, it's not Concubine Ping's little Hesheli.

You must know that Concubine Ping entered the palace to wait for the new year in the [-]th year of Kangxi, and she was only a ten-year-old girl at that time.

Can Empress Yuan still be the white moonlight in Kangxi's heart?
(End of this chapter)

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