My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 376 Who Was It For?

Chapter 376 For Whom (Part [-])
That night, brother Jiu suffered from insomnia.

Seeing him spreading out pancakes, Shu Shu patted him on the back and comforted him: "Don't feel bad, sir, no matter what, it's finally over."

The dead are dead, let's live a good life.

Because of this unhappiness all day long, my xinxing is broken.

Brother Nine sat up and said: "It's strange to say, every time I think of Eleven before, my heart is full of panic, I feel uncomfortable, I always feel that I can't get rid of Suo'etu, and I can't bear the resentment... ... Now that Suo'etu is about to fall, but I am not happy. Maybe I am thinking too much... The eleventh rank is so low, and Suo'etu is so arrogant. Even the fifth brother didn't notice it, let alone the next one Yes, what are you counting on the eleventh for? It’s more like Guo Guiren’s personal anger, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, and not daring to make a move against Fifth Brother and me, that’s why he counted the eleventh..."

Shu Shu also sat up.

But Kang Dao is the evidence.

A nobleman in the palace can bribe a few people to catch some owls, but the work of the construction department cannot be done by buying one or two people.

That room is indeed weird, and it is secretly poking and planning to plot against people.

The target is not the eleventh brother, and the eldest son of the concubine raised by the queen mother is not in the eyes, so who is the target?

Not hard to guess.

"It's the tenth brother!"

Shu Shu thought for a while, then came to her senses, and said.

Who would have thought that brothers and sisters would arrange the house like this?

The courtyards in the palace are divided into high and low grades.

Taking the Qianqing Palace as the line, the closer to the central axis, the better the location.

There are ten yards in the east and west, and the best yards are Dongtousuo and Xitoousuo.

According to the order, it should be the big elder brother, fourth elder brother, seventh elder brother, ninth elder brother, and eleventh elder brother in the east, and the third elder brother, fifth elder brother, eighth elder brother, tenth elder brother, and twelfth elder brother in the west. Come down like this.

West Fourth Institute, the corresponding one should be ten princes!
The son of the imperial concubine!

This is only reasonable, and it is worth doing calculations as a Suo'ertu.

Of the many elder brothers in the palace, the one who threatened the crown prince the most was never the eldest son of the emperor, but only the tenth elder brother, the son of a noble concubine who also had his back.

Brother Jiu grabbed Shu Shu's hand and was silent for a while, then Fang said in a hoarse voice: "Master is really not a good brother, he still thinks it's a good thing it's not Old Ten who lives here."

Shu Shu said softly: "I said before that I was considerate of the emperor, because there is a 'first come, first served', and I am more partial to the elder brothers. This is the same reason. They are all my younger brothers, so naturally they spend more time together. Just a little bit deeper... just like me, my family is full of younger brothers, but Fusong and Zhuliang are different after all, everything else is a bit different..."

Blood relationship has a certain influence on the relationship between people, but it is not the key factor.

An example is the fourth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, who hate each other.

In fact, it was a mistake. If the tenth elder brother lived in, this calculation may not be possible.

Elder Brother Ten has roughness in his heart, and he is not a temperament that is easy to be fooled by others.

Brother Jiu hugged Shu Shu in his arms, and said: "That's the end of this matter! Let's stop thinking about it, and don't mention it in the future! If the empress knows, I'm afraid she will blame Lao Ten! It would also be uncomfortable..."


Shu Shu nodded in agreement, and said: "My lord, don't think about it anymore. From now on, the prince will still respect you as before, so please don't provoke hatred..."

Still clinging on.

The prince still has many years of reverence, there is no need to stand in the front, he has become a target.

Brother Jiu said in a low voice: "You see that you think so, what about Khan Ama? When we turn the page, can Khan Ama turn the page in his heart? Khan Ama turns the page, will he suspect that the prince will not turn the page? The crown prince has lost the greatest support, and Xinyu will be able to live in peace in his heart? The father and son believe it, and I am afraid that there will be more excitement in the future!"

Shu Shu was vigilant in his heart, afraid that the ninth elder brother would be tempted to miss that chair. After all, according to the information of later generations, this one brazenly told people that Kangxi would choose the crown prince among him, the eighth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother. And he himself didn't care about it, so he pretended to be sick and didn't argue with the eighth and fourteenth elder brothers.

After the eighth elder brother lost the qualification to win the heir apparent, it was the ninth elder brother who jumped out and promoted the fourteenth elder brother as the new candidate for the heir apparent in the "Eighth Yeh Party".

Leaving aside the truth and falsehood, he was too active anyway.

She yawned and said: "Anyway, there are still thirty years left, so it's impossible for the emperor to emulate Taizu's old affairs, and look at the generation of the emperor's grandson..."

"Pull it down. Emperor Jianwen is not a good example. His master Shaoguo suspected that he was taken over by his fourth uncle..."

Brother Jiu also yawned and muttered.

Shu Shu gave him a thumbs up in her heart.

That's right!
Doesn't history just advance in infinite repetition?

Hongxi probably replaced himself as Emperor Jianwen...

Induced by Shu Shu's yawn, Brother Jiu felt a little sleepy.

Today is also a day of tossing, I got up early in the morning, and went back to the city with brother ten, and now I am tired.

After a while, he fell asleep.

Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally over.

Suo'etu resigned early, regardless of whether the impact on others is good or bad, it is good for Brother Jiu.

Otherwise, there will always be anger and suspicion hidden in my heart, and people will become gloomy.

It ended so early, and it still returned to the relaxed days of eating, drinking and drinking.

Shu Shu also fell into a deep sleep...

Discuss source bookstore.

The prince looked at the lights in front of him, like a sculpture.

The room was as warm as spring, but he felt his back was icy cold.

The crown princess sat opposite, with a worried look on her face.

It was moved to the garden yesterday, and it was fine when we set off. When we arrived at the place, we found that six eunuchs and three nuns were missing.

Among them, six eunuchs and two nanny are old people from Kunning Palace, and one nanny is the prince's wet nurse, Nanny He.

When the princess found out that something was wrong, she finished speaking with the prince, and then caught up with someone from the imperial court to deliver the oral order.

The prince is windy and cold, so there is no need to go to Dingsheng for the time being.

It is important for the princess to serve the prince, and it is not necessary to go to the queen mother's palace to settle the province.

It turned out to be "grounding" their husband and wife?
There is only one more guard outside the Douyuan Bookstore.

In the eyes of others, this is grace, and Donggong has been promoted from thirty guards to forty guards.

After all, there are only twenty guards for Prince Heshuo.

This is already twice as much as the Prince.

The princess looked at the prince.

She thought carefully about the internal affairs of Yuqing Palace recently, but she didn't find anything amiss.

Thinking further...

Chang Tai, the prince's uncle who was formerly the minister of the bodyguard, was dismissed from his post...

It was the end of thirty-six years...

Prior to that, Chang Tai had accompanied Shengjia in two expeditions. He was the minister in charge of the shotgun, and he also organized artillery formations against the enemy, and performed very well.

However, not only did he not get the reward, but he was decentralized, from the minister in charge of the shotgun to the minister who supervised the red flag shotgun.

The princess is not an ignorant woman, so she can see that Chang Tai has committed a taboo.

He made military achievements and intervened in military affairs.

The Suo'etu family started as a civil servant, and it was also the first family of civil officials in Manchuria.

If he intervenes in military affairs, the emperor may feel uneasy.

Thinking of this, the princess felt at ease.

The Emperor has always treated Yuqing Palace gracefully, but now he is dealing with old people related to Hesheli's family, so there must be something inappropriate.

It might not be a way of preservation to prevent the crown prince from coming forward.

After a while, the prince murmured: "Ama Khan doesn't believe me, that's why I'm so afraid!"

The Crown Princess persuaded: "The filial piety of the Lord is naturally in the eyes of the Emperor, but it is just to prevent someone from coercing the Lord to do something wrong..."

The prince's face was pale.

"I have been a prince for twenty-four years... Khan Ama gave birth to a young girl last year, and will add another prince in half a year..."

Thinking of the life expectancy of the Emperor Taizu and the Empress Dowager, the Prince looked at the "New Book of Tang" on the case, showing a trace of despair.

Seeing that he was not in the right mood, the princess hurriedly said: "The emperor has been hurting me for more than [-] years, and it has long become a habit. Even if I take my anger out on my father for a while, there will always be a time to turn around...The emperor has fifteen sons on his knees, but my father is also a child. I know, the other elder brothers combined are not as good as my master's consumption of the emperor's mind..."

The prince smiled wryly and said: "It hurts me. I personally made the uniform and crown, and I have to avoid names and taboos. From the beginning of twenty-five years, every year on New Year's Day, Winter Solstice, and Qianqiu, the kings and ministers will kneel twice and kowtow six times... Since then, I have bid farewell to the monarchs and ministers. Brothers, I will only call you 'Your Highness' when we see you again..."

The Crown Princess sighed in her heart, and she only tried to persuade her on the face: "The emperor is afraid of the Taizu's court affairs, so he wants to determine the status of monarch and minister as soon as possible..."

Emperor Taizu established the reserve twice and abolished the reserve twice.

It was said that Guanglue Baylor was cruel and heartless, but in fact it was because he offended the "five ministers" and was pulled down from the reserve position by everyone's concerted efforts.

When it came to Daishan, he also became a target after being crowned prince, and lost his position after being attacked by various calculations.

The emperor probably didn't want the old things to repeat itself, so he raised the position of the prince high early, pressing the Eight Banners nobles and the prince brothers to submit.

But it was just the opposite, making the prince a lonely family, with no one to rely on except the Hesheli family.

Even the Guerjia clan where the crown princess belongs is the same, they are still the emperor's confidantes and have no intention of joining the prince's family.

"It can't be said that in the future, these favors are all crimes!"

The prince closed his eyes, exhausted physically and mentally...

Four Baylor House.

Si Age and Si Fujin were also sitting opposite each other.

The husband and wife were not here today, and when they came back, they found that the Department of Punishment had come to take away four eunuchs and four nuns.

They are all old people from Jingren Palace.

The four eunuchs are served by the fourth elder brother.

Among the four nuns, the two young ones are by Sifujin's side, and one of them is Honghui's wet nurse; the two older ones are now taking care of themselves on idle errands.

This time, none of them were pulled, and they were all taken away.

"Tomorrow morning, my master will ask to see Han Ama, and he must ask for clarification!"

The fourth elder brother said solemnly.

He thought about what His Majesty saw today, but he didn't see any difference between Khan Ama and him.

Lao Jiu is a man of all emotions, and when facing him, there is nothing unusual.

On the contrary, when Lao Ba asked him about the affairs in the palace, he had a strange look on his face. He probably knew that there was something going on in the palace, but he didn't know that it involved himself.

Thinking about it before, the fourteenth elder brother moved to the palace.

Then there was news from the palace that Yuqian sent someone to take over the Punishment Department.

The people around Brother Fourteen have also changed.

Does this have anything to do with the Tong family?
Or is it related to the queen mother?

The fourth elder brother lowered his face, no matter what, these are old people around the queen mother.

If he is really guilty, he will not protect him; if he is innocent, he will definitely protect him...

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 18th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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