Chapter 377 Not Vigilant at All (Part [-])
The next day, brother Jiu went to the garden and brought back good news.

"Ama Khan ordered two Hanlins to enlighten the fifteenth elder brother. The day is set on the seventh day of the lunar new year. I have sent people to each house to spread the word. Tomorrow the companion will live in..."

Shu Shu listened with joy.

The West Garden is only a few hundred steps from north to south, even if the siblings live in the south and the north, it will take a quarter of an hour.

The younger six years old is here, and he is a companion student, and the fifteenth elder brother lives here, so he should come here on weekdays.

At that time, the siblings don't say that they will see each other every day, but once every three or five days will be fine.

But the younger brother is a glutton, thinking about the regular dishes in the palace, she hesitated.

It's really not flattering.

Last year, when she entered the palace draft, she ate like a celestial being, and she lost several catties from starvation.

However, the accompanying reading center is not only for primary six, but also other companions for the twelfth elder brother, the thirteen elder brother, the fourteenth elder brother, and the fifteenth elder brother.

There is still a princess in the garden, so it is not easy for her to step past the princess and join the dining room.

Shu Shu called Xiaotang and ordered: "Pick up two portions of our fried noodles, lotus root noodles, etc., and prepare two high-quality envelopes, and then hand them over to the nanny over there..."

Accompanied to enter the palace, follow the rules of guards, naturally there is no rule of bringing people from home, and the palace arranges eunuchs and nuns to take care of them.

With her prince Fujin coming forward, the nanny over there will know it well.

I also remembered that most of the houses in the West Garden had been left unused for a long time, and even if they were burned for a few days now, they were not as warm as those in the city.

Shu Shu said to Xiao Chun again: "Didn't you keep two tanned wolf skins? Take one to make a mattress for Xiao Liu..."

After finishing speaking, he recalled that he had prepared the initiation ceremony for the fifteenth elder brother before, and said: "I remember a red copper pen holder, which was a lion. It was small and exquisite. Find it out and give it to Xiao Liu as the initiation ceremony..."

Brother Jiu was by the side, listening to her repeated orders, he felt sour.

"It's not a milk doll, it's already half a boy, why worry so much?"

Shu Shu glanced at him and said: "Xiao Liuxu is eight years old, but his birthday is only six weeks old, how can he be a young man?"

Brother Jiu said: "That shouldn't be too coddled, the boy should stand up... Besides, they have a total of eight haha ​​beads in this round. If you take care of everything like this, it's not good for Xiao Liu..."

Speaking of this, I remembered something and said: "By the way, the hala beads ordered earlier included Hirazon's nephew and grandnephew, but it was replaced by the prince's nephew and the son of the third-class Bofu Dali!"

Hyrazon, the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After the bear attack in the paddock in September, Hyrazon left a suicide note and hanged himself.

Although there is no proof of death, the emperor does not need evidence.

Even if Hirazon is not dealt with publicly, but there is no posthumous title, and the relatives are not called Chengshi, this family has been abolished.

His grandnephew is naturally not suitable to enter the palace as the prince's haha ​​bead.

The husband and wife looked at each other, knowing that this was a comfort to the Crown Princess and the Guerjia family.

"The Crown Princess's natal family is a rich family. My grandfather and father disappeared a few years ago, but the family has not declined. My uncle is the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, one uncle is the governor of Yunnan, one uncle is the assistant minister of the warehouse, and one Uncle Tang is the commander of the Han army in Zhengbai Banner, and there are quite a few others who are on errands in the local area and in Beijing..."

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu remembered one thing.

Kangxi promoted the Hesheli family and the Guerjia family, comforted the prince, and comforted the princess.

But the more they comfort each other, the more uncomfortable they feel.

In this case, is Kangxi still at ease letting the prince supervise the country?

Jiangnan is two thousand miles away from the capital, and what will happen in the capital at that time is beyond our grasp.

I'm afraid that Kangxi himself is not at ease.

But the elder brothers above were all taken away, leaving the fourth elder brother, ninth elder brother, and tenth elder brother as errand elder brothers.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten are here to make up the number.

The fourth elder brother is still immature and should not be used.

Needless to say, the infantry is the emperor's confidant.

Among the clan kings, there must be Kangxi's confidants, so they can rest assured.

As for why he didn't keep the eldest brother, he was afraid that in his absence, the two precious sons would fight and be hurt?

If you still take precautions here with the elder brother, then it's hard to say.

Seeing that Shu Shu was bored, Brother Jiu said: "Don't be a cat in the garden, I will take you out for a walk."

Shu Shu was a little too lazy to move.

This area will be the famous "three mountains and five gardens" in the future, but most of it is still wilderness.

Last year, the snow was heavy, and many places were still covered with snow, and there was no scenery.

Brother Nine said: "If you don't go far, it's just in the rice fields in the south. I'll take you there to catch sparrows."


Fried sparrows!

Grilled Sparrow Skewers!
The taste of childhood.

Later, he was punished.

Now it is not easy to directly fry and grill, but it can also be made into sparrow fish.

Shu Shu was greedy, and said: "Let's go, I happen to practice bow and arrow too, and I'm raw!"

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said, "Then let's compete today and see who catches the most?"

Seeing the smug expression on his face, Shu Shu knew that there was something wrong with the word "catch", but she didn't expose it, so she nodded cooperatively and said, "Okay, then the competition will be over!"

The corners of Brother Jiu's lips turned up, and he whispered: "If you win, you will go to the Westinghouse to sleep tonight..."

This is a small lawsuit between the couple.

Since the filial piety period, room allocation has begun.

After that, there is no accurate number for the east and west houses.

Later, the two agreed that if they lived in the west room, they would listen to brother Jiu; if they lived in the east room, they would listen to Shushu.

It's all just fun.

Shu Shu didn't disappoint, she just said: "Then you have to hurry up!"

The couple changed into light clothes and wore leather boots.

In order to stay with Shu Shu and look less obtrusive, brother Jiu also wore a mask.

Behind Brother Nine are He Yuzhu and Sun Jin, and behind Shu Shu are Walnut and Xiaosong.

Going out of the palace gate, there are rice fields to the south and west.

Most of the places above are covered with snow, and occasionally the land is exposed, and birds fall down.

There are two bows behind Xiaosong, one is Shu Shu's and the other is her own.

She was finally able to come out to let the wind go, and her face was full of joy.

Shu Shu looked at He Yuzhu and Sun Jin. They were carrying cloth bags. They didn't look like they were equipped with bows and arrows. They looked like long poles, as tall as a person.

Brother Jiu stood in the rice field and looked around, and found a small slope not far to the southwest, and a lot of land was exposed.

He greeted Shu Shu: "Go, go there!"

When they got to the front, He Yuzhu and Sun Jin took out two brooms from their carrying pockets.

The two began to sweep the snow.

In a short while, an open space of two feet square was swept out.

In He Yuzhu's hand, he took out a bundle of bamboo poles and several rolled up nets.

Seeing this, Shu Shu understood that this was to stick to the bird.

She gestured for Walnut and Xiaosong to come forward to help, and she also went to help.

There are a total of three fishing nets, all of which are about ten feet long. They are set up according to the perimeter, and they are set up beside them.

The masters and servants were busy, and the fishing nets on three sides were stretched.

Then Sun Jin took out a small bag from the bag.

Scatter in open space.

It is yellow millet.

After finishing all this, Brother Nine said: "Let's go a little further and watch..."

The group walked another hundred or so steps away.

There are passing birds dropping down to peck.

Shu Shu also took the bow, and told Xiaosong: "Go and play on your own, take a few more steps in the other direction, don't disturb the sparrows in front of you..."

Xiao Song nodded and said: "The servant will look over there, if only he can catch the rabbit, the sparrow has no meat!"

Shu Shu remembered that rabbits don't need to hibernate, so she said, "Go ahead, just be careful, don't fall, you'll be caught... make a dried rabbit..."

In fact, she was thinking about the spicy rabbit meat, but she thought about avoiding cooking stoves during the first month, so let's talk about it after the first month.

In order not to go back and see what goes wrong, I feel guilty.

Xiao Song responded, running faster than a rabbit.

Seeing this, Brother Jiu murmured to Shu Shu: "This is a mistake, I should have been a kid!"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "It's too suffocating, and it will be fine when we come out later."

Brother Nine thought that the black girl could pull the seven-strength bow, and she had a bit of stupid strength, and said: "I have to bring it with me during the southern tour, so I can rest assured..."

When he said this, Shu Shu thought about the guards and said: "When I go out, the guards are always sent by the guards to come down temporarily, which is inconvenient. When we move out, can we assign guards to the master?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while, then said in a low voice: "Mostly, the guards will send someone over there to be a permanent errand, and the vacancies are still hung up at the guards. If you choose guards directly from Xiawuqi, then it will be almost like a sub-leader." If Khan Ama didn't want the tenth brother to intervene in the affairs of the Five Banners, most likely the matter of the flag status would not be revealed, but I reckon it's the Red Flag..."

Both the large and small flag owners of Zhenghong Banner belong to one family, and most of the other small lords are branches of two families.

The ten princes will lower the flag in the future, and they will not be able to touch the right to the flag.

Shu Shu thought of Zhenglan Qi.

Prince An's Mansion will definitely collapse.

The eighth elder brother was worried about seizing the heir, but it didn't end well.

In the Zhenglan Banner, only the descendants of Yujun King remained. If his family entered the Zhenglan Banner, he would be a small banner owner.

Even the owner of the Zhenglan Banner might have the power to compete.

Shu Shu was slightly moved.

But don't worry, it's still a long time.

Just keep an eye on Brother Nine and don't become a vassal of Brother Eight.

That way, let alone the small banner owner, he might be implicated in the future.

At this moment, many birds have settled in the open space in the distance.

He Yuzhu and Sun Jin looked at Brother Nine, waiting for his instructions.

Brother Nine waved his hands and said: "You guys just wait there, Master will go with Fujin!"

A total of a hundred or so steps away.

Shu Shu was also willing to exercise, so she smiled and was led by Brother Nine to run.

"Hula", "Hula", the birds that were originally pecking on the ground were frightened by the movement of the two and flew around.

As long as they hit the nets, they didn't run away, they were all stuck.

"Ha ha!"

Brother Nine laughed out loud.

Shu Shu roughly counted the nets on three sides, and there were thirty to forty birds, which was very efficient.

"How about it? Admit defeat obediently!"

Ninth elder brother said triumphantly.

"But it's a bit troublesome...Let He Yuzhu and the others get rid of it..."

Shu Shu panted a little, said.

Don't look at Brother Jiu's complacency at the moment, just now his feet slipped, if Shu Shu didn't hold back, he almost fell down.

Coupled with the fact that the two were wearing masks, it was not comfortable to run wildly.

Brother Jiu didn't respond, but pulled down the mask, then took out something from his chest, put it near his mouth and blew it, and a sharp "beep" sounded.

"Haha! Master has a whistle!"

Brother Nine finished playing, and showed off to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu couldn't bear it anymore, and gave him a thump: "Then why didn't you take it out just now? Are you not afraid of falling when you run in the snow?"

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "If you don't chase them out, you won't have the fun of catching birds..."

The fourth elder brother stood not far away, looked at everything, and was speechless.

He went to the garden, just in time to see Xiaosong chasing the rabbit, so he took people to the rice field to check, just in time to see Jiu Age and his wife leading people here.

I thought they were doing something, and then I saw the young couple chasing sparrows.

They are all busy people, and they are not in the slightest shape!

Catching sparrows with Fujin, is this something a decent person can do?
Seventeen, not seven!

There was an undercurrent in the palace, and something was wrong in the capital.

Suo'etu's house was besieged.

There are also guards outside Tong's house, who are allowed in and not allowed out.

I don't know how much turmoil will come next, Brother Jiu, a prince who is on duty in front of the imperial court, is not vigilant at all...

(End of this chapter)

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