My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 378 Brother's "Reminder"

Chapter 378 My brother's "reminder" (second update)
When the fourth elder brother travels, he is accompanied by a long entourage and bodyguards.

Nine elder brothers and Shu Shu's thoughts were glued to the net, but Sun Jin saw it and hurried forward.

"Master, Fujin, Sibeile is here..."

Shu Shu and Ninth Brother looked over, and saw Fourth Brother brought a few people over, and there were still some horses parked on the official road further away.

Seeing the fourth elder brother looking at the sticky net, the ninth elder brother said with a smile: "You also want to catch birds? That's a good relationship. In two days, the snow will melt, and this trick will not work!"

Shu Shu followed beside Brother Nine, bent his knees and performed a blessing ceremony.

The fourth elder brother nodded to Shu Shu first, and then said to the ninth elder brother with a straight face: "Where are the guards? Why did you come out without a guard?"

The prince and the prince Fujin were distinguished, but in the end they came out with a few eunuchs and court ladies, without a single guard.

Brother Jiu didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "How far is this from the garden? If you call out, everyone at the door can hear the movement. Who would play foolishly here without opening their eyes?"

If you report to the guard's office and wait for the guard's office to send the guard down, it's not troublesome enough.

Besides, it is better to bring Shu Shu out. If it is reported to the guards and passed to the imperial court, I am afraid that it will be inconvenient. It is better to "cut first and then play".

Even the rice fields at the gate of the garden did not go to the side.

Si elder brother saw that his mouth was stiff, frowned and said: "Then you shout twice..."

Brother Nine: "..."

Shu Shu suppressed a smile.

This side is the wilderness, there is no shelter, and it is not an exaggeration to say that you can see the palace gate of the West Garden.

But to say that you can hear it over there is bragging.

Brother Jiu sneered twice, and said: "It's right in front of you, if you go to another place, you'll have to bring guards with you."

According to Si elder brother's temper, seeing him so stubborn, he might not have to reprimand him, but seeing Shu Shu beside him, he swallowed the words again, and said, "Did you go over to greet Ama Khan this morning?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Go, Xiao Shiwu wants to get enlightened. My brother-in-law ordered haha ​​beads last year. I have to ask when school will start. Twelve and they have been in class for several days!"

The fourth elder brother was speechless again.

Compared with the turmoil in the capital, is it a big deal for the little elder brother to open up Mengmeng?
Is it worth asking specifically?
Looking at it like this, it is not possible to ask a serious question, so he said: "Go back earlier, don't catch the wind, it will make you sick in the first lunar month!"

After finishing speaking, he nodded to Shu Shu, took his long entourage and guards and turned to leave.

On the road not far away, someone was waiting with a horse.

Brother Jiu was a little worried about Shu Shu, afraid that she would catch a cold and get sick, so he said, "Otherwise, let's go back too and stop coughing!"

Shu Shu was dressed warmly and had a tight mask. Since she came out, she didn't want to go back right away.

"It's okay, the room is stuffy enough, and it's also breathable when you come out. These sparrows are not enough, stick two more nets!"

Three or forty are not enough to clean up once.

Seeing this, brother Jiu didn't force it.

It's just that this time he didn't let Shu Shu run away, and he lost his interest.

Brother Jiu took off the whistle and threw it to He Yuzhu, asking him and Sun Jin to chase the birds.

Xiaosong was in the distance before, and when he saw someone coming, he rushed over, and refused to go far away, so he and Walnut picked the birds on the net.

After less than half an hour, the birds were chased out three more times, and a total of more than one hundred birds were stuck.

In addition to the common sparrows, there are also many quails and turtledoves.

The cloth bag is full.

Shu Shu just followed Brother Nine and strolled back to the garden.

Walnut and Xiaosong sent the birds to the dining room.

These have to be packed, salted and then air-dried.

When you eat it later, it tastes the same whether it is fried, fried or baked.

Xiao Chun came in with hot water, and the two of them wiped their hands.

Brother Nine got up and said: "Forget it, I'd better go to the garden to have a look, fourth brother is confused, don't hit the old man's muzzle!"

Shu Shu didn't stop her, but said: "Master, you can think about what to say. If the emperor is not willing to tell the prince above, it will be considered as a leak of the forbidden Chinese language."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "The one who should be promoted has been promoted, and Suo'etu should also be arrested. It's just a matter of these two days... just because I'm afraid that the fourth brother's concern will cause chaos, and he will get involved in Tong's house." side……"

There is also Shun Anyan in the Tong family.

Shu Shu wished that they would be unlucky sooner, but she also knew that it was Kangxi's own mother clan, so it was different after all.

I guess it's similar to cleaning up the Hesheli family, suppressing the current Tong Guowei's branch and promoting Tong Guogang's branch.

Huh? !

In this way, the position of Shun Anyan's forehead seems to be unstable if no one digs it!
Otherwise, why would the Tong family be afraid if they dropped a princess just after finishing Tong Guowei's party?
It's not like punishment, it can't be said that you have the guts to get up again...

In Qingxi Bookstore.

Kangxi looked at the fourth elder brother with displeasure on his face: "Are you here to question me?"

The fourth elder brother immediately knelt down and said: "My son dare not! The son is afraid that there may be some misunderstanding in it, which will affect the name of the queen mother..."

How will the outside world guess when the old man of Jingren Palace is captured?
It's impossible to say that they will be suspicious of Empress Xiaoyi.

Kangxi said with a serious face: "There used to be [-] eunuchs, maids, and mothers in Jingren Palace. Now, except for the eight people from Baylor Mansion, six people around Concubine Tong, the other sixteen people are all dead!"

The fourth elder brother showed astonishment on his face.

This number is too astonishing.

Because the familiar eunuchs and palace servants were assigned to him, he didn't ask too much about the whereabouts of the others.

Did it end up like this?

When you hear it, you know something is wrong.

The fourth elder brother felt like falling into an ice cave.

Kangxi snorted softly and said: "Those who have entered the Punishment Department, you don't have to worry about it anymore, and you probably won't get involved in any important matters, otherwise you won't be able to stay now, and your lives will be safe. I will send them to Nanyuan later. Errand..."

Does anyone of these people know if they have anything else to do with the Tong family?

Maybe he survived not because of ignorance, but because he was a member of the Tong family.

Such a person is not suitable to stay in the Prince's Mansion.

The fourth elder brother looked blank.

Kangxi kept his mouth shut, not intending to continue explaining.

Some things cannot be said.

If it is spread out, it is strange to say that the Tong family "killed the prince by mistake" at that time, and is suspected of murdering the prince?

The postpartum metrorrhagia after Yuan was also related to the Tong family?
Or is it that the Hesheli family is running power in the palace, and there seems to be something wrong with Concubine Rong and Concubine Hui's elder brother who died prematurely.

To put it bluntly, the Hesheli family and the Tong family should be liquidated for the crime of "big rebellion".

Both Empress Yuan and Empress Xiaoyi will be implicated by their families and their virtues will be questioned.

Between the prince and the brothers, there will also be rifts between the brothers because of the enmity of the mother clan.

Looking at the fourth elder brother, thinking that this son is similar to him, and that no one will hurt him, Kangxi felt soft, and stretched out his hand to support the fourth elder brother to get up and said: "Go back and prepare well. It will take a while for the sixth department to open the seal."

The opening of the Yamen in the capital is made by the Qin Tianjian to choose auspiciousness within the nineteenth, twenty, and twenty-first days of the first lunar month.

Today is the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, and I still have some free time.

The fourth elder brother stood up, looked at Kangxi, and said softly: "Khan Ama, don't be too sad..."

If there is something wrong with the Hesheli family, the emperor's father will only hate him; but if there is something wrong with the Tong family, the emperor's father may feel uncomfortable.

In a word, Kangxi's heart trembled and his eyes became sour.

In the end it was his extravagant wish.

He patted the fourth elder brother on the shoulder, sighed, and said, "Go down!"

The fourth elder brother bowed in response and retreated.

Brother Jiu scratched his head outside and waited for a while.

Seeing the fourth elder brother coming out, he stepped forward treacherously, and looked at the fourth elder brother's expression.

It's like a dead old lady.

Gloomy can wring out water.

Brother Nine pursed his lips, not daring to hide.

The fourth elder brother raised his eyelids to look at him, and did not speak in a hurry.

The two brothers left Qingxi Bookstore sullenly.

Go south along the corridor for dozens of steps, and there is Xiaodongmen next to it.

The fourth elder brother's followers are all waiting outside Xiaodongmen.

Here is the imperial road, you can go all the way south and go directly to the imperial road ahead.

Since the ninth elder brother came to "prompt" the fourth elder brother, he also followed.

The fourth elder brother didn't want to ask anymore.

Even if Brother Nine knew half of it, since Khan Ama wanted to keep it a secret, he didn't want his sons to communicate about it in private.

The ninth elder brother couldn't hold back anymore, stretched out his hand and pulled the fourth elder brother aside, and was about ten steps away from the accompanying guards, and then whispered: "Fourth elder brother, don't worry too much, the Tong family is not just Tong Enie's natal family , or Khan Ama’s uncle’s family, Khan Ama is better than you in protecting her, so she can’t hurt her bones..."

The fourth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, thinking that the matter had been moved from the fourteenth elder brother to the west fourth, he was suspicious, and said: "This has nothing to do with you, right?"

The Tong family has been respected for more than [-] years, and has become a colossus, which cannot be easily shaken by princes like them.


Brother Jiu was confused: "What does it have to do with me? I can't get along with the Tong family either?"

What he was targeting was the Hesheli family from the beginning to the end!
His expression was frank, and the fourth elder brother could also see that he was not cheating. He breathed a sigh of relief and said solemnly: "The Qing Dynasty is not only the Qing Dynasty of the Royal Family, but also the Qing Dynasty of the Eight Banners. You and my prince should be cautious in our actions." !"

The Eight Banners hugged each other externally, but the internal competition never stopped.

Between the royal family and the clan.

Between the upper three flags and the lower five flags.

The upper three flags are among each other.

When Emperor Taizu was fighting for territory, he reused the "five ministers". As a result, the "five ministers" could shake the reserve position by connecting.

Although Emperor Taizu abolished Guanglue Baylor, he also took it as a warning, promoted his nephew and divided the power of the "five ministers".

As a result, a group of clan princes with their own soldiers and horses were raised.

They would still intervene in royal affairs, and joined forces to bring down the second prince, Daishan, who was the oldest and had the most troops.

The purpose is to maintain the situation of the Eight Banners discussing politics.

Emperor Taizong was also vigilant, so he focused on training generals of the two yellow banners.

They made outstanding military exploits and became famous in the Eight Banners.

Then after the death of Emperor Taizong, the two yellow flags had room to speak and delineated the candidates for Khan among the princes.

Only then did the emperor Shizu succeed to the throne.

When the emperor's father and young master ascended the throne, with the support of the empress dowager, and with Horqin as foreign aid, the power of the four ministers who took care of their fate could already compete with the clan princes.

Now that the clan has changed for several generations, it is not as good as before. Instead, the relative families like Shangsanqi have already developed their influence.

Ninth elder brother knew in his heart that what fourth elder brother reminded was a good thing, but he still didn't like it.

No wonder Shun Anyan dared to be so rude, it was all the princes and elder brothers who were used to being "cautious".

He snorted softly, and said, "What if you're not careful? It depends on their faces. Anyway, let me tell you, fourth brother, that kid Shun Anyan is not good, and he is not good enough for Xiaojiu! He claims to be the eldest son and grandson He kept his mouth shut and said that he was a concubine who was a concubine. He might not look down on us as concubines and concubines. He still defended his shortcomings and got a room full of maids to accompany him. He was afraid that he would treat his son badly, and he was not afraid of kidney failure..."

(End of this chapter)

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