Chapter 379
The ninth elder brother was rambling, and the fourth elder brother thought of Shun Anyan.

The eldest grandson of the Duke's Mansion, the former Haha Zhuzi of Brother Nine, was appointed as a third-class guard last spring, and was promoted to first-class at the end of the year, and was transferred to the Imperial Palace to become a guard of the Qianqing Palace.

I thought it was a favor for the Tong family before, but it turned out to be to choose a son-in-law for Jiugege?

The fourth elder brother frowned, not satisfied with this candidate.

His temperament is too aloof, and his actions are not comprehensive enough.

Seeing Brother Nine's open mouth, Brother Four said, "I haven't written my horoscope yet, so don't talk about it..."

Brother Jiu immediately stopped talking, and said: "If Ama Han has this intention, you have to stop him, or else you will be cheating Xiao Jiu..."

Hearing this name, the fourth elder brother felt a toothache.

The one in front of me is also row nine.

"Okay, that's what the Empress Dowager called, and you can call me too? Please call me sister!"

The fourth elder brother reprimanded.

Brother Jiu doesn't want to talk to him anymore, it's just a title, doesn't it sound closer?
Thinking that Sifu Jin took care of Shu Shuduo, and that the clan's annual ceremony list was specially prepared for Shu Shu's reference, he patiently said in a low voice, "Just this time, brother, Just listen to it, I won’t admit it later..."

"Suo'etu is finished, it should be related to those elder brothers who died sixteen years ago!"

"If the Tong family is involved, then the Tong family must have intervened in the palace!"

It's not easy to mention four schools, so as not to bring out Eleven Brothers.

Brother Nine mentioned a few words about his previous guess.

Here at Suo'etu, it was originally after the four kang roads came out.

That means there is evidence.

It is not uncommon to have a Suo'etu outbreak, and it happened once more than ten years ago.

But there is also the Tong family.

Khan Ama is so attached to the bond of flesh and blood.

Besides this, what else is there to be worth?

What is more important than the relationship between flesh and blood is the closer flesh and blood.

No matter how close an uncle is, it can't compare to kissing a son.

The fourth elder brother listened, his expression froze.

After the ninth elder brother finished speaking, he was worried that the fourth elder brother would ask questions, so he ran away in a hurry.

The royal road here is not far from the palace gate of the West Garden.

When the fourth elder brother reacted, the ninth elder brother had already run to the door, turned around and waved his hands and said, "See you later, the fourth elder brother, and the younger brother will not keep you for dinner!"

So saying, the man entered the garden.

The fourth elder brother was expressionless, and his heart was already full of turmoil.

The prince who died sixteen years ago? !

Concubine Rong's sons are Brother Chengrui, Brother Saiyinchahun, Brother Changhua, and Brother Changsheng.

Brother Chenghu, born after the Yuan Dynasty.

Elder brother Chengqing from Concubine Hui.

Suo'etu is the head of the Hesheli family, so it is impossible to harm the grandson of the Hesheli family.

That is to involve several other elder brothers?

Then Chenghu's death was caused by the Tong family?
Among the princes who died young, elder brother Chengrui and elder brother Chenghu were the most important. The former is the real eldest son of the emperor, and the latter is the eldest son of the emperor.

The two elder brothers were raised until they were four years old before they died.

The fourth elder brother dared not think about it, but felt that this made sense.

When did the palace raise the prince elder brother?

It started with Big Brother.

After the eldest elder brother was born, he was sent directly to the home of the ministers outside the palace for foster care and stood down.

The same is true for the third elder brother.

Then the crown prince was directly raised in the back hall of Qianqing Palace, and was taken care of by Concubine Rong, who was a concubine at that time.

The fourth elder brother pursed his lips, and finally understood why Khan Ama suppressed the inside story.

If the two royal relatives intervene in the affairs of the palace and mutilate the prince, it will be a serious crime for the two families, and the women in the harem will also be in chaos.

The prince elder brothers from him onwards are not involved in it, but how do the eldest elder brother, the third elder brother and the prince get along?

The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, and Khan Amma loves the sons in front of her the most, so she naturally wants to keep them all.

He looked in the direction of the West Garden, he couldn't help worrying, and told Su Peisheng: "Go and ask Master Jiu to come out, just say that I'm waiting for him outside..."

Beside the lotus pond, Shu Shu and Jiu Gege were sitting on a small stool fishing.

Two ice holes were smashed in the surface of the pool, and the sister-in-law and sister-in-law guarded one of them, looking good.

Brother Jiu went back to the south place and saw no one. When he heard that he was fishing by the pond, he took a cloak and strolled over to watch.

The bait is made of sesame oil and fresh dough.

The fish in the pond is easy to take the bait, it is a slap-long squid.

It was Jiu Gege who got something, and hurriedly called Shu Shu to see: "Sister-in-law Jiu, I caught it!"

The sister-in-law sat for a quarter of an hour, and there were two crucian carp and a small white strip in the bucket next to Shu Shu, and it was the first time for Jiugege to pull the pole.

Shu Shu praised: "It's amazing, my hands are slow, and I always take a step slowly when lifting the pole..."

Brother Jiu put a cloak on Shu Shu, and interjected: "This fish has big bones and little meat. There is not a bite in total."

Jiugege smiled and didn't answer, and asked the maid beside her to pick the fish and put the bait again.

Shu Shu's buoy moved, but as she said, it was too late to lift the pole, and she saw a fat-headed fish sinking.

In fact, she was speaking modestly just now, and this time she was distracted by Brother Jiu's speech.

During the previous northern tour, she also fished one rod at a time.

Brother Jiu looked anxiously, and said: "Stupid or not! Get out of the way, look at me!"

Jiugege looked at Shushu sympathetically.

Shu Shu gave a good-tempered smile and stepped aside.

In her previous life, she only heard others say that she was addicted to fishing, but in this life she has been addicted to it for a while.

When I was on a northern tour before, I thought it was delicious to eat cold water small river fish.

Now you can't eat it immediately after catching it, which makes the fun less interesting and more thinking.

If it is based on cause and effect, who knows what caused the fish he caught in his previous life to be reincarnated as a fish in this life?

In addition, fishing is also very cruel. Seeing the hook being taken out of the fish's mouth, Shu Shu felt unbearable.

Even if Brother Nine doesn't come, she still plans to go empty-handed.

The joy of fishing lies in the company of a beautiful girl, not in the harvest.

There are a lot of fish in the pond, and the bait of the Nine Argonauts is also large. When the buoy moves, the fishing line is taut.

Brother Jiu also showed seriousness on his face, and he pulled the lever up only after exerting his strength.

It was a chi and a half long black fish with a triangular head that looked like a snake's head, and it also had dark scales on its body.

Wagging its tail, struggling hard.

"Haha! Master is really amazing!"

Brother Nine immediately smiled, boasting triumphantly.

Shu Shu stepped forward to watch, also with joy.

It would be great if we could get together, this fish can be boiled fish or fish in sour soup.

As for the cause and effect, it is all nonsense.

Xiaoyu is cute, you can pay attention to cause and effect.

This kind of big fish is just the best ingredients, and it would be a pity to waste it.

Brother Nine laughed so loudly that he attracted Brother Fifteen from Xisuo.

Brother Fifteen remembers that after the incident, he either stayed in Yuqing Palace or Yonghe Palace, and only saw goldfish in the water tank. Where has he seen such a big fish?

He stared at Big Yu and Brother Jiu with his round eyes, his face was full of admiration.

Brother Nine was very helpful, touched Brother Fifteen's little hat, cleared his throat and said, "From the day after tomorrow, you will be a big kid who goes to school, not a child, you have to learn to be sensible..."

Elder Brother Fifteen is not a lively person at all, he was a little nervous when he heard it, he clenched his fists, and said in a childish voice, "How can you be sensible?"

Brother Jiu thought about the year when he and Lao Shi first went to school, they went to the house to uncover tiles, confronted the teacher, refused to do their homework honestly, and had no fear of Qianqing Palace, wishing to go in and hide cats and cats.

If it wasn't for the blocking of Wenda and Haha Beads around him, he would probably be able to find flowers.

And those hands that Shun Anyan suffered, Brother Jiu had a rare reflection.

It's better to be kind.

He said to Elder Brother Fifteen in a serious manner: "Ama Khan likes children who study well. You should study hard, don't be naughty, and do your homework carefully."

Don't get involved, haha ​​Zhuzi was beaten, if that would affect my brother-in-law, Shu Shu should be worried.

Brother Fifteen listened carefully, nodded and said, "I must study hard."

Seeing that he was young and well-spoken, Brother Nine recalled that Brother Three almost broke his eyesight from reading in the middle of the night, and said, "You can't learn stupidly, you can play when it's time to play..."

Brother Fifteen is a little confused.

So should I study, or should I play?

Why did it change all of a sudden?
Shu Shu was by the side, and seeing Brother Fifteen's expression, he knew that the kid was in a daze.

Fifteen elder brother is actually seven years old, but his birthday in Dongyue is actually only five years old and one month old, and he will still be in the first class of kindergarten three hundred years later.

She knelt down in front of the fifteenth elder brother, looked at the fifteenth elder brother, and said with a bit of tenderness and patience: "The meaning of the ninth brother is to let the elder brother not be too tired when reading, if you feel sore eyes , just take a break, or else your eyes will burn out and you will become squinted."

To be honest, Shu Shu has been married to Brother Nine for half a year, and she only met Brother Fifteen once during the initial ceremony, and this is the second time.

He's a handsome little boy.

He looked obedient and clever, very quiet, without the slightest mischievousness of six or seven-year-old children.

Elder Brother Fifteen also knew that this was Sister-in-law Nine, and yesterday he asked someone to send a bat-sapphire paperweight over, so he said obediently, "Thank you Sister-in-law Nine, the paperweight is very good, Fifteen likes it very much."

Shu Shu frowned, and said, "As long as brother likes it..."

At this moment, Su Peisheng, who had been evacuated in the south office, also came over, went to Brother Jiu and said, "Master Jiu, our master is waiting for you at the door..."

Brother Jiu felt a little guilty after hearing this.

He was afraid that the fourth elder brother would ask more questions, and then he would reveal his secrets, which would make the fourth elder brother think about the fourth institute.

But if he doesn't go out, he will definitely come in and arrest people because of his paranoid temperament.

The corners of his mouth drooped, and he regretted his kindness.

Seeing that he was not moving, Shu Shu stepped forward to catch the fishing rod in his hand, and urged with a smile, "Master, go!"

Don't mess with everyone here, go to receive the education of brother's love.

Brother Jiu felt his scalp tingling, and reluctantly followed Su Peisheng to leave.

Seeing the fifteenth elder brother looking at the fishing rod in his hand eagerly, Shu Shu put the fishing rod in his hand and said, "Brother, try..."

Elder Brother Fifteen's face was bright, and he was serious about holding a fishing rod, as if he was holding a peerless weapon.

Outside the gate of the West Garden Palace.

Ninth elder brother followed Su Peisheng out, and saw fourth elder brother standing there with his hands behind his back.

He walked forward slowly, his eyes fluttering, and said, "Fourth brother, why haven't you returned to the city yet? Don't delay eating, it's more than twenty miles away!"

The fourth elder brother imitated the appearance of the ninth elder brother just now, pulled his arm, and was dozens of steps away from the palace gate and the guards, before he solemnly warned: "The most important thing for the emperor's errand is to You must be strict with your mouth, and you must not reveal the affairs of the imperial court! The two sentences you said just now are of great importance, and you are not allowed to tell others, not even close relatives!"

Brother Nine frowned and said: "I'm not stupid! Didn't I just say a few words because I was worried that my fourth brother would be chaotic if he cared about it, and would get angry with Han Ama for meddling with Tong's family affairs? I didn't say a word in front of others, old ten Didn't say anything!"

Hearing these words, the ice and snow melted on the face of the fourth prince, and there was more appreciation in his eyes: "When chaos arises, words are regarded as the first order. If the king is not secret, the minister will be lost. If the minister is not secret, he will lose his body. Therefore, a gentleman is careful and does not come out."

This sentence comes from the "Book of Changes", and it is to persuade people to speak cautiously.

When Brother Jiu was in the study, what he disliked the most were these dry truths.

But after marrying a reasonable Fujin, he will be more patient after listening to these words.

Taste it carefully, what you said is really serious.

He nodded and said: "Don't worry, fourth brother, I know the severity, Khan Ama, 'Khan' is in front of Ama, and our sons are now on errands, and 'Chen' is also in front..."

The fourth elder brother was very pleased to see that he was willing to be taught, and accepted the kindness he mentioned earlier. He knew that he was simple-minded, and he couldn't think of the serious relationship behind it, so he didn't expose it. With Khan Ama as the main reason, Khan Ama should not use this crime to convict the Hesheli family and the Tong family because of his affection, so you should just pretend that you don't know..."

Brother Jiu nodded.

He wished he could hide away.

It doesn't matter.

If he is regarded as the culprit, will he be wronged or not?

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 19th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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