Chapter 380 I'm afraid I won't appreciate it (first update)
The fourth elder brother left after finishing this sentence.

Even though the six ministries have not yet been printed, there are people on duty in each yamen.

The fourth elder brother received an oral order before, and to prepare supplies for the southern tour, he had to consult the documents of Shengjia's two southern tours in the [-]rd and [-]th years for reference.

As for the matter between Suo'etu and Tong's family, he had no room for meddling, and naturally he would not waste too much energy on it.

The ninth elder brother watched the fourth elder brother and his party go to the official road, and then turned back to the West Garden.

When passing by Dongsuo, Brother Jiu stopped, looked at the small building in Dongsuo, and looked at the sky.

Elder Ten went to the inner hall in the morning, why hasn't he come back yet?

Is this a meal?
Well, it's not surprising, this is the son-in-law of the prince, and he runs so diligently, the mother-in-law still doesn't know how to love him.

As for those who are not convinced, the Mongols are not taboo about these.

If you have no filial piety, you should also go to the Dutong Mansion to tell you about the companion school, so as to save your father-in-law and mother-in-law from worrying.

At this moment, under the "help" of Shu Shu, the fifteenth elder brother by the pool has already caught fish.

Fished up a small white strip that was as long as a finger.

Elder Brother Fifteen was very happy, and said to Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law, don't eat small fish, how about raising them..."

Shu Shu naturally has no objection, but she doesn't know if she can make a living.

Since the fifteenth elder brother asked to raise him, then follow his will.

It's just a trivial matter, don't make the children unhappy.

Brother Fifteen was accompanied by two eunuchs, one big and one small.

The elder, in his thirties, was neither humble nor overbearing, with a bit of elegance.

At this age, he should be the familiar eunuch pointed out by the emperor.

There is also a young one, about ten years old, who is the eunuch Haha Zhuzi next to Brother Fifteen.

Playing as a small servant will become the prince's close servant in the future.

Just like He Yuzhu next to the ninth elder brother, Su Peisheng next to the fourth elder brother, Wang Changshou and Wang Pingan next to the tenth elder brother, they are all similar. They are four or five years older than the elder brother. We grew up together when we were young.

After listening to the conversation between the fifteenth brother and Shu Shu, the big eunuch ordered the little eunuch to run errands, and went back to the west to get a ceramic sea bowl and filled it with small fish.

Xiaobaitiao swims comfortably in the sea bowl.

Brother Fifteen couldn't move his eyes.

Seeing this, Shu Shu had to take precautions, and said: "Now Xiaoyu is with elder brother, if one day it disappears, it will run back to the lotus pond to look for its Ama and Ernie..."

At this age, it is too early to directly talk about life and death.

Brother Fifteen showed surprise on his face, and pointed to the little fish in the sea bowl: "It has no legs, how can it run?"

Shu Shu said: "It doesn't run, it can jump! Everyone is asleep, and no one is watching, so it bounces back home."

Nine elder brothers have come back, standing by the side, watching his wife seriously fooling his younger brother.

Elder Brother Fifteen was obviously fooled, looked at the ice hole on the pool, then at the sea bowl, and said with reluctance: "Then can you let Ama and Enie also come over, so you don't have to run back?" ..."

Shu Shu sighed softly, and said: "But there are other Amma's Amma and Ernie's Ernie in the pond!"

Elder Brother Fifteen looked into the distance for a long while, with struggle and hesitation on his face, he said, "Sister-in-law Nine, that Fifteen is no longer raised, let him go home and look for him..."

"I listen to brother..."

As Shu Shu said, she couldn't bear it anymore.

The black fish that Brother Nine caught just now has turned into an ice fish.

Shu Shu pointed to the black fish and said: "This fish is too big, once it lands, it can't go back, so I will turn it into a fish carcass, and make crispy fish for elder brother's porridge."

Brother Fifteen nodded obediently, and looked at Heiyu in a little confusion.

When I grow up, there will be no Ama and Ernie?

So instead of jumping back into the pool?
Jiugege was at the side, and he also read everything. He was smart enough to understand Shushu's intentions of talking and talking.

She felt that Shu Shu was really patient, caring and caring for her uncle who was a lot younger.

After all, she is the eldest daughter, she looks like a big sister.

Ninth elder brother rarely had a mouthful, bored, looking at the ice surface.

The weather is fine today, and the Empress Dowager's Palace opposite the pool is clearly visible.

The Douyuan Bookstore, which is located between the Empress Dowager Palace and the Four Hechi Institutes, is also very real.

You can also see people walking around.

Even if you can't see the face clearly, you can see the general figure and clothing color clearly.

It's a guard.

They are also sons, there are guards at the prince's residence, none of the six sons on their side are assigned guards, only Changchun Garden guards guard the garden.

Brother Jiu was dissatisfied at first, and then felt weird.

He has been going to Changchun Garden every day for the past two days, but he has never heard of the crown prince going there.

Will Khan Ama explain to the prince the reason for questioning Suo'etu?

will not!

Khan Ama would not tell the elder brother and the third elder brother, so he would not tell the prince either.

Ninth elder brother finally understood why fourth elder brother insisted on admonishing himself solemnly.

This matter cannot be revealed.

Especially not let those three know.

Otherwise, there is a grudge against each other, and I am afraid that the three of them will not be able to coexist.

But what would the crown prince think if he didn't clarify the most serious crime?
Will you feel wronged and wronged?
Brother Jiu sighed.

Remember a word.

The height is not cold.

It's good to be an unassuming prince like yourself.

He looked down at Brother Fifteen again.

It's even better like the fifteenth elder brother, who is a generation behind the previous brothers and not two years older than the nephews.

Don't get involved in the grievances and grievances of the brothers in front.

After all, it is near the water, and the temperature is relatively low.

With a delicate flower and a weak person beside her, Shu Shu didn't dare to let them stay outside for a long time, so she said: "It's almost noon, come and taste our dumplings..."

Today is the fifth day of the first lunar month. It is customary in Beijing to eat dumplings on this day, and the royal family is no exception.

When Jiugege came over today, Shushu told her to eat here.

The fifteenth elder brother was a little shy and didn't immediately agree, but looked at the ninth elder brother.

At a young age, I have already begun to get used to looking at people's faces.

Brother Nine saw this, bent down and picked him up, and said, "Let's go, go to Brother Nine's house to eat delicious food, Brother Nine's house has goldfish dumplings..."

Brother Fifteen put his arms around Brother Ninth's neck, but he didn't dare to move, but there was a cheerful look on his face.

Several people returned to the South Office.

After everyone washed their hands, Xiaotang also brought brown sugar ginger water.

It was ordered by Shu Shu in advance to prevent colds.

Everyone drank a bowl each.

In addition to brown sugar, red dates and wolfberry are also put in it, which is sweet and neutralizes the spicyness of ginger, which is quite delicious.

After a while, the dining table was set up.

There is no taboo between siblings.

Uncles and sisters-in-law need to avoid taboos, but that is when the husband is not around, and it is not such a little brother-in-law to avoid.

There is no separate table, just sit together.

Although it is eating dumplings, but there are guests, and the dishes are not missing.

Four kinds of side dishes, crisp fish, brine platter, sweet and sour radish cubes, sesame sauce bok choy.

Four bowls of vegetables, steamed pork, Sixi meatballs, braised mutton, and grilled chicken.

When the dumplings came up, it was the same.

One bowl of goldfish soup dumplings per person.

The goldfish dumpling inside is the size of a thumb cover and shaped like a goldfish.

Seaweed shrimp skin is put in the soup, which is actually a bowl of wontons.

There are two types of dumplings, one with vegetarian assorted stuffing, and one with pork and sauerkraut stuffing.

Same as steamed dumplings, stuffed with mutton and scallions.

These were prepared years ago, wrapped up and frozen, and then soaked in water and then frozen again, and then there was an ice shell that would never dry or break.

The taste of cooked dumplings is no worse than that of freshly made dumplings.

Jiugege is fine, living with the queen mother, and has seen the New Year's dishes in the two filial piety.

Brother Fifteen's eyes didn't know where to fall.

Shu Shu remembered that Elder Brother Fifteen was in the Yonghe Palace before, and he was separated from the house after a year.

I don't know how the New Year's dishes are served in the dining room.

The princess should give it away, right?
Children are easy to "smelt away from the pot", not to mention that the meals here are really good.

When everyone raised the chopsticks, Brother Fifteen started.

He was gentle, but he ate a lot.

After a bowl of dumplings, I ate half a Sixi meatball and a chicken leg.

Shu Shu didn't dare to let him eat it, fearing that it would overwhelm her appetite, so she said: "If brother thinks the taste is okay, take some away later, and eat slowly later."

Brother Fifteen had big eyes and a small belly, although he was reluctant to part with it, but his stomach was full, so he nodded and put down his chopsticks.

The dining table is removed.

The fifteenth elder brother began to nod and doze off, and was carried back to the west by the eunuch Wenda.

Seeing this, Jiu Gege also got up and said: "Sister-in-law Jiu and brother Jiu also rest, I'll go back first..."

If he didn't leave, maybe his elder brother would kick him out.

But seeing the couple getting along without any rules and being at ease with each other, Jiu Gege also thought a lot.

It was a pity for Sister-in-law Jiu to be a "smart wife with a clumsy husband" before.

But looking at Brother Jiu's mouth can't coax people, but he got a cloak when he went out, and got two dishes for dinner, one time chicken wings, one time radish pieces, seeing how Jiu Sister-in-law loves to eat.

Sister-in-law Jiu also cared about Brother Jiu here, and only asked him to pick up a cold dish once before stopping him.

Ninth Brother actually listened honestly, and he is even more well-behaved than Fifteenth Brother.

Jiugege is another level of comprehension.

This should be the way of husband and wife business that the imperial grandmother said, not saying "the east wind overwhelms the west wind, and the west wind overwhelms the east wind", but to accommodate each other.

Shu Shu didn't stay with any guests, there are only a few main rooms upstairs and downstairs, it doesn't look like the front and back yards are divided in the elder brother's time.

Brother Jiu is at home, so Jiu Gege is not at ease.

When Brother Jiu saw this, his heart moved, and he called He Yuzhu to give some instructions in a low voice.

Immediately, it was He Yuzhu who sent Jiugege's master and servant back to the Empress Dowager's Palace.

When He Yuzhu came back, Brother Jiu waved Xiaochun and Walnut out.

Seeing this, Shu Shu noticed the difference.

He Yuzhu had already reported in a low voice: "When the servant passed by the Douyuan Bookstore, he took a few more glances, and there were indeed more guards. There were only two guards at the east gate of the bookstore before, but this time there are four guards. It doesn't look like the East Palace. The bodyguard..."

Brother Nine heard this, nodded and said, "Well, I got it, let's go down and eat!"

After He Yuzhu left, Brother Jiu explained to Shu Shu: "Master, I just saw that the figures on the side of the Douyuan Bookstore were wrong. I saw a lot of them, but they were all outside, and no one came in or out."

Shu Shu remembered the situation in the Empress Dowager's palace yesterday.

Logically speaking, when the sisters-in-law from the city came over, the Crown Princess should show up, but she didn't show up, as if the nanny came to ask for leave.

Shu Shu thought it was the sequelae of the previous confinement illness, so it was not easy to ask, but she didn't think of it.

The couple looked at each other.

Brother Jiu rubbed his chin and said, "Ama Khan stopped him directly? Is this because he is worried that the prince will know about Suo'etu and come forward to intercede?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "There is no other way, it's better than letting the prince choose by himself..."

When the time comes for the crown prince to intercede, he will be disobeying the emperor; if he does not intercede, he will be cold-blooded and heartless. What do those "princelings" think?
Now that there is no room for the prince to choose, it also solves the prince's dilemma.

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "Well! This is the treatment of a precious eldest son! Tsk tsk! It's really the heart of loving a son, I'm afraid that someone will not appreciate it!"

nucleic acid delayed, 55
(End of this chapter)

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