My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 384 I Don't Dislike It

Chapter 384 I Don't Dislike It (Second Change)

Seeing Elder Brother Ten coming out, Brother Nine put Xiao Liu down in his arms and introduced him around.

Fu Song and Dong E's brothers also stopped laughing and greeted Elder Brother Ten.

Seeing the atmosphere calm down, Elder Brother Ten knew it was his fault, so he said to Elder Brother Nine and Shu Shu, "Brother Ninth, Sister-in-law Nine, you are chatting, I will go to the garden!"

This garden is not the West Garden, but Changchun Garden in the east.

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said: "Go, go, the family banquet on New Year's Day has been cancelled, who knows whether to make up for the New Year's Day, you should go and ask..."

There are two fixed banquets on the Shangyuan Festival, one given by the princes of Inner Mongolia on the fourteenth day of the first month, and one given by the princes of Outer Mongolia on the fifteenth or sixteenth day of the first month.

Other clan banquets and court banquets are not fixed.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and headed east.

Fu Song looked at Elder Brother Ten's back, recalled the gossip in the capital these days, and asked Shu Shu in a low voice: "Sister, something is wrong in Beijing, something happened to the relatives in Shangsanqi, and the deputy governor came to Sanqi in the past two days. Come back, Prince Kang's mansion also sent Chang Shi over..."

Zhenghongqi Deputy Dutong is Amanarafaka of Qifujin, the neighbor of the Dutong Mansion.

Prince Kang Chuntai, the flag owner of Zhenghong Banner, is still in filial piety, and will not be filial piety until April.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a little nervous, and said, "What do you say at home?"

Fu Song said: "Uncle said it has nothing to do with Zhenghongqi."

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, "Yeah, it has nothing to do with Zhenghongqi, it's better to wait and see how it changes..."

At this moment, there is a carriage coming on the imperial road.

There were guards and others beside them, and they also stopped at the gate of the West Garden Palace.

Everyone looked over, and Brother Nine looked familiar at the person next to the carriage, who was Brother Eight's long-term follower.

When the carriage arrived, it was Eighth Prince who got out of the carriage.

Brother Nine saw this, and hurriedly greeted him: "Why is the starling here? Greetings to Ama Khan?"

Shu Shu whispered to her brothers: "It's Babeile, I'll go with Master Jiu to greet her..."

After finishing speaking, he also followed Ninth Brother and stepped forward, blessing Eighth Brother.

Eighth elder brother nodded to Shu Shu, then smiled and said to ninth elder brother: "Send someone over here..."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and carried an eight or nine-year-old child down from the carriage.

Wearing brand-new clothes, but with a timid demeanor, not daring to look up at others.

Brother Jiu glanced at it twice, but he didn't see his face before. He asked curiously, "Accompanist to the fifteenth? Whose family, why did the starling send it here?"

The eighth elder brother said: "The seventh son of the Fuguo General's Mansion, Khan Ama ordered Haha beads last year."

Brother Nine heard this, and his face drooped: "I didn't even show up to an adult, isn't it too condescending? No matter how young Brother Fifteen is, he is still a prince, a serious master!"

King Anjun has a concubine brother and a concubine brother, both of whom are appointed generals of the auxiliary country.

The mansion with the most sons is the Fuguo General's Mansion of the concubine's brother.

The eighth elder brother smiled a little stiffly: "It happened that I went to the palace and caught up...the county king Tai Fujin entrusted me..."

"Huh? Didn't the family split up a long time ago? How come Tai Fujin hasn't been idle yet, who cares?"

Brother Jiu muttered.

Standing by the side, Shu Shu had a question mark in her heart about the arrival of the eighth elder brother.

Taifujin Hesheli of the Prince's Mansion of Anjun is the daughter of Sony and the younger sister of Suo'etu.

Tong Jia's family in Fujin, Prince's Mansion of Anjun, daughter of Tong Guogang, niece of Tong Guowei.

Where is this asking the eighth elder brother to give it away?

It was clear that he was pushing him to the imperial court to inquire about news.

It is very unwise for the eighth elder brother to avoid it.

Shu Shu just didn't know, the eighth elder brother had already seen the carriage of Dong E's family, and looked at the ninth elder brother with a questioning face.

Brother Jiu said: "My father-in-law brought the older ones to send the younger ones, and it's also Brother Fifteen's haha ​​beads."

As he spoke, he turned around and called Fu Song and the others over.

The eighth elder brother has been to the Dutong Mansion, Fusong and the others all know each other, and they all bow to salute.

Eighth Brother stretched out his hand and called out, his eyes fell on Xiao Liu.

Stocky, somewhat dark, not as fair as his siblings.

Brother Jiu said: "This is my little brother-in-law Shoushan, who was chosen by Khan Ama last year."

Brother Ba was good-looking and gentle, Xiao Liu grinned at people with his white teeth grinning.

Seeing him, the eighth elder brother felt that Xiao Liu was lively and cute, so he pushed the little boy beside him forward and said, "Chang En, you two will be together in the future, say hello and get to know each other..."

Then he said to Xiao Liu: "This is Brother Chang En from Fuguo General's Mansion, from now on you will be classmates."

Chang En, however, pursed his lips and did not move, his face flushed red.

The eighth elder brother frowned slightly.

Xiao Liu glanced at his mouth twice, smiled brightly at Brother Ba, and said, "Ba Ye, don't talk to Brother Chang En, he just changed his teeth, so I'm sorry to open his mouth!"

Xiao Wu in the family has been changing his teeth for the past few years, and Xiao Liu is deeply impressed, and he can see it right away.

Chang En nodded hurriedly, looking at Xiao Liu with a thankful expression on his face.

Only then did Eighth Brother realize that Chang En's silence all the way was not because he was afraid of others, but for this reason.

Xiao Liu stepped forward without seeing anyone else, took Chang En's hand, bared his teeth and said, "My front tooth is also loose, and it's about to start changing teeth. It's okay, we will be the same when the time comes."

Chang En nodded, with a smile on his face.

Seeing Xiao Liu's behavior, Brother Jiu gritted his teeth.

It's really invisible.

Fortunately not a grid.

Otherwise, it is designated to be the same as Shu Shu, who is hands-on.

At this moment, the familiar eunuch next to the fifteenth elder brother got the news, and brought a few rough envoys and eunuchs out.

He is responsible for taking the two children to the accompanying reading center for placement.

The few Haha beads around Elder Brother Fifteen are responsible for the daily life and food in the palace, and he is the prime minister.

Holding hands, the two children followed Eunuch Wen Da into the West Garden.

The bedding and luggage of the two were also carried in by the eunuch.

Children don't know how to say goodbye, they have a partner, they are more courageous, and they are only full of curiosity.

Qi Xi hasn't come out of Changchun Garden yet.

Brother Nine said: "I want to go and see my father-in-law, is the starling going to Yuqian?"

Eighth Brother nodded and said, "I'm about to greet Khan Ama."

Brother Jiu told Shu Shu: "It's so cold outside, if you brothers and sisters talk, go talk in the car..."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement.

Brother Nine followed Brother Eight to Changchun Garden.

Shu Shu didn't get in the car either, but looked at Fu Song and said, "Your errand, Master Jiu helped to look after it, the rest is about marriage, if you have a girl you like, just talk, if you don't have us, just talk about it." I found someone for you!"

After hearing this, Zhu Liang and the others all smiled, happy for their cousin.

After hearing this, Fu Song shook his head and said, "Sister, don't worry, we'll talk about it in a few years."

He knows his shortcomings, his future is not bright, and his marriage is also not high enough.

Even if my sister and elder brother Ninth help Zhang Luo, the people who climb up will have plans, and my sister will be troubled at that time.

Shu Shudao: "Start a family and start a career, life is a major event, just worry about these two times, and you have to live by yourself in the future."

Fu Song knew her temperament, and if she decides the decision, it is the decision, so she said: "If there is no match, it's up to you and brother-in-law... It's better to be strong, like aunts and sisters. It's crooked over there..."

Zhuliang and his brothers covered their mouths and laughed.

Shu Shu glanced at Zhu Liang and the twins, and said, "What are you laughing at? Is it not good for Er Nie to be like me?"

Zhu Liang blushed, and said: "I think it's better to have a temperament like Qingru Gege..."

Qingru, Gege of the clan's general's mansion, Zhuliang's fiancée.

Mistress Toyong also nodded and said, "I also think sister-in-law has a better temper."

Shu Shu reminded Zhu Liang: "Don't be a good-tempered person, you are just a face."

Zhu Liang nodded and said, "Don't worry, eldest sister, I won't bully her."

Shu Shu looked at Fu Yong again and said: "If you want to find someone with a good temper, you have to learn to coax people, and if you can coax the little girl to be happy, you will be able to have a good temper naturally; if you are old-fashioned, how can you not be more aggressive?"

Fuyong's marriage is basically settled.

It was Ge Ge from Sunu Beizi Mansion.

Sunu Beizi is a well-known heir in the clan, with a dozen sons and more than twenty daughters.

If you want your daughter-in-law to be gentle and considerate, isn't that just a dream?
Fuyong also blushed, and said embarrassingly, "That's all I said."

Shu Shu looked at Fu Ming.

Fu Ming hurriedly said: "As long as Er Nie and sister like it, I will do it..."

Shu Shu smiled.

According to the marriage habit of Dong E's family, most of the following daughters-in-law will be found among the descendants of Prince Lilie and Guanglue Baylor.

Clan marriage is beneficial, and it is more stable than other noble families, and is less affected by the court.

If there is no suitable one, other in-laws will be considered.

He doesn't marry relatives of high-ranking families.

Seeing Elder Brother Shi's appearance just now, he took a few extra glances at Fusong, but he just took a look at the twins and didn't look again.

Fusong should be the one to look at.

This is just right, otherwise, the Dutong Mansion would not refuse if the tenth elder brother mentioned it.

But I don't know how to live in the future.

Dong E's family has different rules from other honorable families because the mistresses of the past dynasties are all patriarchal daughters.

The inner house is simpler.

I am afraid that the living habits are different, and there will be disharmony with each other.

At that time, even if it doesn't affect the relationship between the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, it will still be disturbing.

In Qingxi Bookstore.

Kangxi rubbed his temples.

Seeing that Qi Xi handed over the invitation letter, he happened to be free, so he wanted to meet him.

The result is a bunch of complaints.

Qi Xi has already talked about it from nephew to Xiaowu and Xiaoliu.

"Earlier, the children were young, and they were eagerly awaited. The slaves thought about it. They didn't pick or choose. As long as they stood up, the blood was passed down, and the ancestors would bless them. But when they grew up one by one, the sons were not worthy of their fathers. Actually going to study, this servant is about to bite off his back molars!"

"Except for my nephew, who is good at horseback riding and archery, the other three don't look like I was born. They are the emperor's grace, and they are given the position of assistant leader, otherwise I'm afraid they will have to beg for food in the future!"

"The older one is fifteen, and the two younger ones are also thirteen. There is really no reason to draw the three-strength bow. At this age, the slave can pull the seven-strength bow twice... ..."

"It's just two young ones, they're pretty good. They look like a good seedling in a vest in the future, but the little ones are so stupid. After two years of studying a "Three Character Classic", they still can't memorize it completely. Now that they have received grace, they will live well in the future. It’s good to serve Lord Fifteen, otherwise the slave will die of sorrow!”

When Kangxi heard this, he said with disapproval: "I personally took the exam last year. He is a smart and clever kid. It's just that I didn't find a good teacher and didn't teach properly."

Qi Xi blinked and said: "It's not bad, he is an old gentleman from a relative's family, and he also has a reputation as a scholar, and now he is still thinking about taking the exam..."

Kangxi shook his head and said: "The more this is the case, the less enlightened you will be. If the child gets bored, he will not be able to continue learning. You have to be patient..."

Speaking of this, he thought of fifth elder brother.

If you want to say stupid, you won't be able to.

It’s just that I didn’t meet a good teacher when I was enlightened, and I was tired of studying, and I couldn’t learn it no matter what I learned later.

It was just in time for the Raksha Kingdom to go south, and the court also had unrest. He didn't take care of it for a while, and when he found out, he couldn't get over it.

Qi Xi brought a prayer and said: "Anyway, this son of the slave is just there to make up for the number. If there is something that can't keep up with the homework, the emperor, you can tell the master to just ignore him, and beat him twice."

Only then did Kangxi realize what Qi Xi had been talking about for a long time. This was the protection of the calf.

He said angrily: "It's because you spoil your children like this that you break the rules of study. If you develop the habit of studying hard early, you will benefit for life!"

Qi Xi bowed his head in response, and said: "There are too many women here, and those who are talented will not be talented. Let the slaves say that the less talented they are, the more they will treat them well..."

Hearing this, Kangxi seemed to be pointing something, and hummed softly, "What's the point?"

Qi Xi said cautiously: "Look at this promising child who can stand up without worrying about it. This unpromising child is not born well, and his qualifications are worse than his brothers. It is enough to feel wronged. If you despise it any more, it will be unreasonable." ..."

Kangxi was amused, but he was not annoyed, and patiently explained: "You don't think your son-in-law is stupid, what do I think? There is no old nine on the southern tour list because the old ten is married, even if I take him, he is not happy. go……"

(End of this chapter)

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