Chapter 385 Wise Son and Foolish Son (Part [-])

Outside the Qingxi Bookstore, the value room.

Elder Brother Ten did not wait in the house, but stood at the door, looking at the distant scenery in the garden. It is a lonely winter day, and nothing can be seen.

In other seasons, the eyes are full of picturesque scenery, which is much more comfortable than the Forbidden City.

The place where the princes study is in the garden, and Elder Brother Ten is quite familiar with the east road where Qingxi Bookstore is located and the scenery ahead.

He is waiting to be summoned.

The yamen of the clan's mansion is still on vacation, so he didn't really come here to ask about the clan banquet.

Those who have their own orders and left and right Zongzheng worry about it, and his elder brother who walks in the yamen and works as an errand doesn't have to worry so much.

He came to thank Fujin and Gege, the king of Abahai County.

He went to the hotel yesterday and sent the emperor's father a reward there.

Otherwise, it's not good to go out as a guest at this time.

Wang Fujin of Abahai County asked his son to write the Xie En Notebook, and asked the ten princes to forward it to Yuqian.

It was getting late when I came back last night, so Elder Brother Shi didn't go to Changchun Garden to see him.

But Mr. Qi Xi is quite chatty, and he has been in for a while.

Elder Brother Ten was not impatient at all, on the contrary he was quite happy.

It's not that princes like them need to borrow the light of the Yue family, but that it's better for a family to go up than downhill.

Otherwise, sister-in-law Jiu will be embarrassed, and Brother Jiu will lose face.

Just like the fifth elder brother and the eighth elder brother, they were often talked about behind their backs.

When the ninth elder brother followed the eighth elder brother, he saw the tenth elder brother here in a daze.

"Why haven't you seen it yet? Who's in there?"

Brother Jiu came over and asked.

Elder Brother Ten didn't answer immediately, but bowed to Elder Brother Eight.

The eighth elder brother glanced at the direction of the bookstore, thought about the situation just now, and asked tentatively: "The tenth he here for something in the city?"

The tenth elder brother was surprised and said: "What's going on in the city? My younger brother is sending a thank you book to Khan Ama on behalf of King Fujin of Abahai County."

The eighth elder brother glanced at the tenth elder brother, and then went to the ninth elder brother.

Brother Nine asked curiously: "What's the matter, let me listen to what Myna said?"

Except that Suo'etu was circled, and the Tong family didn't run away, what news is there?
The tenth brother also looked at the eighth brother.

The eighth elder brother took a look at the tenth elder brother, and said: "I heard that Mr. Linga fell at home, it seems that he fell quite hard..."

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother looked at each other, the two brothers really felt strange.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "That's not right! I saw you the day you moved the garden. I heard that you were on duty in the garden these days, why did you fall in Beijing again?"

Elder Brother Ten nodded and said, "I also remember meeting Ah Ling on the third day of junior high..."

Brother Ba shook his head and said: "I don't know the specific situation, I just heard Tai Fujin say something."

This is about the Hesheli family of Taifu Jin of Prince An's Mansion.

She has a grand-niece who is the younger sister of the Empress Yuan, the step-wife of Niu Hulu Faka, the Duke of Jige, the sister-in-law of A Ling'a, and the aunt of the tenth elder brother.

Brother Nine gloated and said, "Is this because he put down his errands and returned to the city in private? Haha, yes!"

The eighth elder brother showed disapproval on his face, and said: "Ninth brother, you need to be careful with your words!"

After that, he looked at Elder Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Shi sighed, and said, "He was not there when he was on duty, so he probably will be punished!"

His brows and eyes were curved, it was more like watching a scene.

Eighth Brother: "..."

Although Elder Brother Shi is not close to Niu Hulu's family, is he not pretending?

The eighth brother was a little confused.

Ninth elder brother was very excited, and said to tenth elder brother: "Don't pay a penalty, it's too cheap for him..."

Brother Nine still remembers the hatred of Ah Ling's New Year gift.

Who do you underestimate?

Intervening in my brother's office, calculating the relationship between me and Shu Shu, how much money do you want later? !
Although Brother Nine took advantage of this, he imposed several conditions on the imperial premises.

But the only punishment for Aling'ah is to let him marry a daughter earlier, nothing else.

For Ah Ling'ah, it's just giving up the eldest daughter, and she doesn't hurt her muscles or bones.

Brother Nine laughed and said, "It would be great if I could break my arms and legs, at least I'll have a broken bone, and I'll take care of it for three to five months..."

Elder Brother Shi took a smile and said, "It's best if there's no serious problem, otherwise Ama Khan won't be punished..."

Brother Nine also came to his senses, and said: "Isn't it just pretending? I was caught sneaking back to the city, and I was afraid that Khan Ama would deal with me, so I stumbled by myself?"

Speaking of this, he rubbed his fists and said: "I will ask Han Ama to take two imperial doctors to show Master Aling'a..."

"What's wrong, brother?"

When Qi Xi came out of the study room, he couldn't hear clearly, he only heard "Prince Physician", his face became nervous, and he hurriedly said: "Why do you need to be a Physician, is it because Fujin is not feeling well?"

Brother Jiu rushed forward, helped Qi Xi's arm, and said, "Fu Jin is fine, and is waiting for his father-in-law at the gate of the West Garden, father-in-law, come with me to have a look!"

After hearing this, Qi Xi became anxious, bowed to the eighth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, and left in a hurry with the ninth elder brother.

The eighth elder brother looked at the back of the ninth elder brother, puzzled, and looked at the tenth elder brother: "What the ninth elder brother just said...was a joke?"

"I'm not joking, I guess Brother Nine will come back after seeing off Lord Qi Xi..."

Brother Ten said casually.

The eighth elder brother hesitated for a moment, and with a bit of earnestness, persuaded: "Tenth brother, the grievances and grievances of the previous generation at Niu Hulu's mansion originally had nothing to do with the tenth brother. After all, Lord Aling is Niu Hulu The head of the family and the successor..."

Elder Brother Ten folded his arms, his face drooped, and he snorted coldly: "He will be his patriarch and father-in-law, and I will be my elder brother. Do I still have to rely on him?"

The eighth elder brother looked at the tenth elder brother, feeling a little strange and a little familiar.

Was Old Ten so messed up before? !
As if it was true as a child.

Be happy or angry.

Coupled with a willful ninth elder brother, the two of them are stubborn.

Since the death of Concubine Wen Xi, he has been more silent than before.

The tenth brother felt the eighth brother's sizing up, but he didn't see it.

He looked at the distant branches.

The wind moved.

When Suo'etu fell, the prince lost most of his support, and his position became more and more unstable.

I am going to build the Prince's Mansion soon, and the day when I leave the palace is not far away.

There is no palace wall to stop it, and I don't know how many people with ulterior motives came up.

The boss has already started enclosing territory...

Even the third child has small thoughts.


The imperial father has no shortage of excellent prince elder brothers, so he should stop joining in the fun...

When Liang Jiugong came out, he saw the coldness of the two brothers.

The eighth and tenth princes also met him.

Liang Jiugong bowed to meet the two elder brothers, and then said to the tenth elder brother: "The emperor sent the tenth master to go in."

Then, he said to the eighth elder brother: "The eighth master also wants to see?"

Brother Ba nodded and said, "I'm here to pay Khan Ama..."

Liang Jiugong nodded, and took the ten princes in.

The tenth elder brother invited Ann, and without any fuss, he directly took the booklet of Abahai County King Fujin, and offered it with both hands: "Khan Ama, my son went to the inner hall yesterday and gave Khan Ama a reward, the county king Fujin was so grateful that he asked his son to write a thank you note!"

Kangxi nodded, indicating to Liang Jiugong to pick it up.

You don’t even need to read the thank you notes from Mongolia, you’ve already read enough of the praises of the sun and the eagle.

Kangxi looked at Elder Brother Ten and said, "You went to Niu Hulu's house yesterday?"

Elder Brother Shi felt terrified in his heart, but didn't show it on his face, and said truthfully: "When I was passing by, I asked someone to invite Uncle Yin De to come out, and told about the history of the prince's residence, and..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a while, and then said: "Also, the cousin of Uncle Yan Zhu's family will be filial piety next month, and it's time to talk about others. My son has accepted Uncle Yan Zhu for several years. For the birthday ceremony, I just want to ask what is the arrangement..."

Kangxi's face was a little ugly.

Yan Zhu's wife, Tong Jiashi, died in the name of infidelity.

This lost not only the face of Niu Hulu's family, but also the face of Tong's family.

"My uncle mentioned to Uncle Aling'a before New Year's Eve that he wanted to tell his cousin about the marriage in the next branch of Tong's family. Both my son and Uncle Yin De felt that it was inappropriate..."

Elder Brother Ten went on to say: "My son told Uncle Yin De that when he gets married, let his son Fujin take his cousin out for a walk, and then find a family with a simple population."

When Kangxi heard this, dark clouds rolled in his eyes.

Tong Guowei and Ah Ling?
There is a life on their backs between the two, and they actually have a personal relationship? !
The two families had such an ugly fight before, shouldn't Ah Ling'a refuse the Tong family's involvement in Niu Hulu's marriage?
Brother Ten shut up after finishing what he should say.

Kangxi frowned and looked at him, dissatisfied and said: "You are only so young, you can do everything, and uncle Niu Hulu is here, so where is your turn to intervene in her marriage?"

Elder Brother Shi lowered his head, did not admit his mistake, and only said softly: "Uncle Yan Zhu, he is a very kind person, and he treated Er Niang with respect earlier..."

So the predecessors plant trees, the descendants enjoy the shade, and the children should not be sheltered?

Does it have to be eaten alive by the clan relatives?

Kangxi was agitated for a while, and waved his hand to send Elder Brother Shi off.

No prospects!
Same as Old Nine!
People gather in groups!

The world is going to be turned upside down outside, one of these two brothers can catch birds and fish, and they can play with Xiao Shiwu;

The Tong family is the niece of Niu Hulu's family, and A Ling'a is the head of Niu Hulu's family. He is a bald elder brother. it is good?

In the past few days, although Kangxi lived outside the city, he was still well informed.

In addition to Hesheli's family, Niu Hulu's family, and Tong's family, he also asked Zhao Chang to arrange people to watch the whereabouts of the princes' houses and princes' elder brothers.

Even those with Brother Nine and Brother Ten also paid attention.

Only then will I know the itinerary of Elder Brother Ten yesterday.


Make him frown.

He doesn't look like a prince, but rather like the silly son of a landlord's family.

He thought of Qi Xi's words.

The princes have different aptitudes, and the stubbornness of the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother is not unique to the present. They have not been motivated since they were young.

The third child can't wait to hang his head and pierce his butt when he reads. The two brothers have been fooling around since they were studying.

The homework left in the study room had to be copied, and the two brothers were stunned to find a way to cheat.

Ask someone to take the silver board, write it on it, and then ask the little eunuchs to draw red.

What a mess!

That was only seven or eight years old.

The way of fooling homework makes people dumbfounded.

Kangxi regretted it, he should have hit the board hard at the beginning, and corrected this problem of ignorance and incompetence.

Kangxi snorted softly, feeling that he was giving Qi Xi some face.

Don't care about these two stupid sons.

As for not being stupid...

Kangxi looked out the door, his expression became cold, and he said to Liang Jiugong: "I'm tired, I won't see you today, send Babeile back!"

Liang Jiugong raised his heart, bowed in response, and went out to deliver a message.

The eighth brother was a little at a loss.

Why is it gone?

The tenth elder brother can see him, but the eighth elder brother can't see him?
During the Chinese New Year, there was no one else in the waiting room...

28 words, make an appointment with everyone for the monthly pass at the end of the month, and it will be doubled starting on the [-]th, ^_^.

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 21th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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