My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 386 Prototype Character

Chapter 386 Prototype Character (First Change)
West Garden entrance.

The father and daughter looked at each other and were quite satisfied.

Shu Shu watched Ama gain weight, and looked much younger than when she was on the northern patrol, so she had a rest.

Qi Xi felt that her daughter was still a little thin, but she looked good, and it was obvious that she was enjoying life.

"Don't worry, Ama, Xiao Liu has me!"

Shushu said.

Qi Xi quickly shook his head and said: "No need, you are still young, just take care of yourself... Xiao Liu is already grown up, so he should learn to be sensible..."

Shu Shu smiled.

Who doesn't like a preference like this?

She remembered the "first come, first served" theory of the ninth elder brother, and followed Fu Song and the others to show off: "Don't be jealous, who told me to be the daughter of Ama and Ernie first..."

Zhu Liang looked away helplessly, why is the eldest sister still more childish than when she was at home?
Fu Song just smiled and watched her play tricks, and looked at Brother Jiu with a friendly look.

The twins Fuyong and Fuming still have differences as before, one is the elder brother and the other is the elder sister.

Fuyong said with a smile: "It can't be calculated by the year, the six of us together are not as heavy as the eldest sister!"

It's just a joke.

If it is really biased to that extent, the relationship between siblings will not be so good.

Fu Ming said: "Isn't this the obvious truth? Two days ago, a cow fell in the Zhuangzi, and the beef was sent to the city. The ernie was dried, and no one would give it to anyone. After the first month, I will give it to the eldest sister." Fried beef jerky!"

Shu Shu listened, her saliva flowed out, and said happily: "I'm greedy for this one, tell Ernie, I want five flavors!"

Speaking of this, she remembered the matter of following the southern tour, and before telling her family, Qi Xi said: "Ama, at the beginning of February, my daughter is going to follow the Queen Mother on the southern tour. They say that Jiangnan is prosperous and there are many good things. There are many good things at home. Is there anything that needs to be done?"

Qi Xi was very surprised, and looked at Brother Jiu: "I asked, but there is no brother, when was this added?"

Listening to the tone just now in front of the imperial court, it doesn't seem to have been added.

what happened?

Brother Jiu said sourly: "Without me, but...the Queen Mother ordered Shu Shu, and wanted to take her to the south of the Yangtze River to experience..."

It's hard for him to say that his mother-in-law let him go, otherwise he would worry about the Yue family thinking too much.

Qi Xi didn't feel happy, but worried.

He is not on the list this time either.

In order not to disturb the local area, the number of followers on the southern tour was reduced.

The accompanying guards and guards are also limited to the upper three banners.

It's such a long way to travel by boat or horse.

Seeing this, Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Ama, don't worry, when the time comes, my daughter will be in front of the Queen Mother and won't go anywhere... Wu Fujin and Jiu Gege are also there, and they are also companions..."

Qi Xi forced a smile, and took a cool look at Brother Jiu.

He is also a man, so he naturally knows the virtues of a man.

Between husband and wife, it is advisable to have a small separation, not a long separation.

Especially among young couples.

Elder Brother So Ke still has two grids standing.

Brother Jiu only felt that his father-in-law's gaze was not as loving as that of Xiantou. He only thought that he was not happy that he was not on the list of retinues, and explained: "This time I really can't leave, so I let Fujin go alone. What do I say next time? They will all beg Khan Ama for help!"

Qi Xi nodded.

Between husband and wife, it is reasonable to go in and out together.

He looked at Shu Shu, and changed his loving expression again: "There is nothing missing at home, just buy your own rare ones..." Then he tore a purse from his belt: "Here are some banknotes, you sent someone If you change your gold belt, don’t worry it won’t be enough, Ama will make some for you in a few days.”

Shu Shu didn't refuse, and took it directly, and said with a smile: "This is enough, I will buy some famous wines and come to Ama to taste."

It's not that she "gnawed at the old man", but that Ama would be happier knowing that.

As for these banknotes, she did not intend to touch them.

She planned to return it in another way.

Last time Xiaochun reminded her that when buying Fusong's property, she should take into account the feelings of the other younger brothers, not worrying about being too few but not being uneven.

She spoke harshly, but she also knew in her heart that it was better to be fair on the face.

Otherwise, no one is a saint, so how can they be innocent?

Besides, in the future, there are not only younger brothers in the family, but also younger brothers and sisters.

Just like she and elder brother Jiu took care of their own little family, the younger brothers would also take care of their own little family.

As the eldest sister, she had better treat everyone equally so that no right and wrong would arise.

Brother Jiu couldn't help being anxious, and hurriedly said: "Father-in-law, don't worry, I have collected a lot of 'nian tribute' in the twelfth lunar month, and I am rich, not short of money..."

Hearing this, Qi Xi stopped the smile on his face and said, "'Nian Jing'? What 'Nian Jing'?"

Brother Jiu was a little nervous, blinked, and stumbled when speaking: "Isn't it the 'three festivals and two lives', the official practice... this...shouldn't be accepted?"

Qi Xi looked at Brother Nine and said: "This is the practice of superiors and subordinates, but Brother only accepts it, did you send it up?"

Brother Nine looked up.

Is there someone above me? !

Isn't he the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
Even Ma Qi's family gave him a salute?
Who do you give it to?
Qi Xi raised his chin in the direction of Changchun Garden.

Only then did Brother Nine understand the meaning, hesitatingly said: "For Khan Ama's annual ceremony, Fujin and I have also prepared it, and there is also a special 'Nian Jing'?"

Qi Xi said patiently: "Grand Yu, the emperor is the real master of the House of Internal Affairs, elder brother is in charge, and the people under him should give elder brother "yearly respect", shouldn't elder brother give "yearly respect" to the emperor? Yu private, Elder brother is old and has spare strength, it is also the right thing to show respect to one's elders..."

What is filial piety?

Knowing how to coax people and making parents happy is filial piety.

I don't know how to coax people, and things are filial when they are filial.

Qi Xi felt that it was too difficult to teach brother Jiu to speak, so he thought of finding another way.

Elder Brother Shi had already returned from Changchun Garden, he did not disturb Weng-son-in-law, but greeted Shu Shu in a low voice, and stood beside him, listening to Weng-in-law.

Hearing what Qi Xi said, he felt that it was reasonable.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is full of money, and Brother Nine is not like the other brothers who learn errands. When he enters the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he only does one of the errands, but takes charge.

This "three festivals and two longevity" gift is too rich and eye-catching.

It's the first year, it's okay, brother Jiu just accepted it according to the rules, there is no room for Sona.

This happens every year, and I don't know how many people will be jealous, and they will inevitably be criticized.

Instead of this, it's better to spread out in front of the emperor's father and "filially" the big head.

If others want to use this to slander, it will backfire.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is really stable.

Brother Jiu couldn't think of so much.

He is persuaded.

I was persuaded by my father-in-law for this reason.

He does have a superior, and father and son are also monarchs and ministers.

He was negligent.

Brother Jiu nodded quickly and said: "Listen to my father-in-law, I will follow this example from the beginning of this year, and I will prepare a double gift of 'Three Festivals and Two Births' for Khan Ama..."

One is for the prince and elder brother, and the other is for the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The "three festivals" are easy to say, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and New Year's Day.

The "two longevity" here can be the Khan Ama Longevity Festival and the Empress Dowager's Longevity Festival.

Qi Xi thought about the great momentum of the House of Internal Affairs, and he had to remind him: "Brother, you should also remember that 'nian jing' is just a yearly tribute, nothing else, if someone insists on giving a big gift and wants to use it for personal gain, Then brother, remember to set the rules!"

Brother Jiu thought of the gold that Linga had before, and said with displeasure on his face: "Father-in-law, don't worry, I'm the prince, brother, who dares to order me around? If you think I'm the same as me, then you have it." Menlu, wait for me to arrange a fat job for him, and I'll let him go straight away!"

Qi Xi taught his son-in-law for a long time, only now did he see Elder Brother Shi, he hurriedly bowed and said, "Your slave is so dazed, I didn't see Master Shi coming over."

Brother Ten hurriedly waved his hands and said, "It's because I didn't go up to say hello to you."

On the official road not far away, another carriage turned towards the West Garden.

In addition, the girl stood outside for a while, so as not to freeze anymore.

Qi Xi said: "The wind is blowing, you two masters go in with Fujin, we will also go back..."

Shu Shu and Ninth Brother refused to go in first, and Tenth Brother also accompanied them.

Qi Xi had no choice but to take his sons and leave first.

The three watched Qi Xi and his son leave before turning back.

There is a carriage parked at the entrance of the West Garden, which looks a little simple.

Two people, one big and one small, got off the carriage.

The younger one was a child, older than Xiao Liu, who looked about ten years old.

The adults who followed were dressed in the uniform of a third-class guard, but they were not young, they must be in their forties.

Brother Jiu looked at the man with a kind face, and took a few more glances.

The guard had already stepped forward and said: "Slave Cao Quan, I have seen Lord Nine, Lord Ten, and Fujin Jiu..."

Ninth elder brother also remembered, and said: "I thought who it was, it turned out to be Cao's guard, Khan Ama ordered your son to make haha ​​beads for fifteenth elder brother?"

Cao Quan arched his hands in the direction of Changchun Garden and said, "It's all the master's grace."

Brother Jiu looked down at the little one, and looked at the well-behaved one.

Cao Quan said: "This is the slave dog Cao Qi..."

After finishing speaking, he signaled his son in a low voice to greet the older brothers Fujin.

The child spoke crisply and looked gentle.

Brother Jiu ordered He Yuzhu: "Go and tell Mr. Zheng, let someone come and pick you up..."

He Yuzhu went in response.

Brother Nine brought Brother Ten and Shu Shu into the garden.

"It's Cao Yin's brother..."

Brother Jiu told Shu Shu the reason why he was so polite to a third-class shrimp: "It's always for Cao Yin's sake..."

Shu Shu's expression remained the same, she nodded slightly, her mind was already running fast.

That is Cao Quan?
The biological son of Grandma Sun, the nanny of Kangxi?
Cao Yin's direct brother?
The prototype of Jia Zheng in "Dream of Red Mansions"!
In "A Dream of Red Mansions", although Jia She is a successor, he lives in the East Courtyard, not in the middle road. The entire Rongguo Mansion is more like Jia Zheng's home.

The two housekeepers Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian also became "housekeepers for my uncle".

It is inexplicable to see.

Various speculations have already been made.

There are mainly three arguments.

One theory is that Jia She was brought up by his grandmother because Jia She was the eldest grandson, so Shi Taijun was closer to the youngest son he raised.

One way of saying is that Jia She is the son of the first wife, and Shi Taijun is the stepmother, so the relationship between mother and son and brothers is strange.

There is also a saying that Jia She is a step-son. Although he is not the biological son of Jia Daishan and his wife, he is still the eldest son in name, and he has become a person who inherits the title, which shows that he lacks confidence and does not have the air of an eldest son and elder brother.

When the red scholars peeled back the cocoons and identified "A Dream of Red Mansions" as "Cao Yin's family affairs", they discovered the fourth possibility.

Jia pardoned the concubine, and surpassed his younger brother Chengjue.

But this family property is still held in the hands of the old lady, who wants to give it to her own son.

That's why Jia Baoyu was regarded as a phoenix egg and became the most favored Young Master Sun in Rongguo Mansion.

"Isn't the Cao family in Jiangning?"

Shu Shu asked curiously.

Brother Nine said: "The ancestral house is in the capital, right on the border of Zhengbai Banner, this Cao Er's family is in Beijing..."

(End of this chapter)

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