Chapter 387 Manhole Cover (Second Change)
While speaking, everyone arrived at the South Office.

Brother Jiu had a smirk on his face, and said to Shu Shu: "You go back first, Master will go to Changchun Garden..."

Shu Shuke still remembered that there was an eighth elder brother over there, pretending not to care and asking: "Master, are you going to see Babeile in the past?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "I'm going to the imperial court to ask for an order to bring the imperial doctor to see Ah Ling, so he can bless me for not pretending to be sick..."

As he spoke, he told the news that Ling'a had fallen.

Shu Shu didn't stop her, if it hurts others, then don't bother.

You can benefit yourself at the expense of others, so try it.

Here, Ah Ling, he was offended in the first place, and it would be a good thing if he could take the opportunity to shoot him to death.

Otherwise, with Ah Ling's mind, he would take a bite whenever he couldn't guarantee it.

That's a pure villain, there is no lower limit to what he can do.

She only reminded: "Babeile came into the garden not too early or too late, and came to the Prince An's Mansion again, probably to inquire about the news, but it is not easy to get out of the mouth of the master, or the emperor may not like it."

Brother Nine heard this, looked at Brother Ten, realized later, and said: "Old Ten, Brother Eight is here to inquire about news?"

If this is the case, he reminded the fourth brother, how can the eighth brother not remind me?
Is that still a brother?

His thoughts are written all over his face, how can Brother Ten not see it?
Elder Brother Shi said solemnly, "Ninth Brother, for the sake of Myna, we should keep it a secret! Myna is too close to Prince An's Mansion, and today I am here again to attack Prince An's Mansion. If there is any news from Myna The palace, I'm afraid Khan Ama will not like it if he finds out!"

Ninth Brother's face was full of entanglements: "This... Keeping it secret, Brother Starling won't suffer, right?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "It is Prince An's Mansion that has in-laws with Hesheli's family and Niu Hulu's family, not Babeile's Mansion of Myna. It might be a good thing..."

In the early years, father and son didn't get along very well, but this year they got along more. Brother Shi also saw some of the imperial father's temper.

You can scold your son whatever you want, and you can't let others bully you.

If the Anjun Prince's Mansion neglected the eighth elder brother because of this, perhaps Khan Ama would feel more sorry for the eighth elder brother and wipe out the previous matter.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Well, I won't say, anyway, we've been living in the garden for a few days, so there's no information about it."

If you can't mention the four things, then naturally it's hard to mention a lot of things after that.

He dared to say the two sentences he mentioned to the fourth brother in front of the fourth brother, and he really had to think about it in front of the starling.

Because Starling would not hide from Guo Luoluo's family, and Guo Luoluo's family would not hide from Prince An's Mansion.

At that time, Prince An's Mansion will spread to Hesheli's family and Tong's family, and the two families will cry out for injustice. Don't you want a claw?
Thinking of this, Brother Jiu looked a little dazed.

Did he have so many worries and didn't plan to mention mynah?

When did their brotherhood become so estranged?

Until he got out of the West Garden and walked to the small east gate of Changchun Garden, Brother Jiu was a little bored.

He was a little afraid of meeting the eighth elder brother.

It's all Guo Luoluo's fault!

Before, he wanted to see the excitement of A Ling'a with great interest, but now he is a little less interested.

How about forgetting?

Brother Jiu wanted to turn around and go back.

Eighth brother has come out.

He walked slowly after leaving Qingxi Bookstore, wanting to see if Brother Jiu would come over.

I even want to see if Brother Nine can be summoned.

He already regretted it in his heart.

I came here the day before yesterday, and I came again today. It is not a legitimate reason to give someone away.

Although Khan Ama has always acted decisively, he is not headstrong.

Suo'etu's family and Tong Guowei's family were besieged, there must be something wrong.

The other brothers didn't show up, so I should honestly "think about my mistakes" at home.

After he reflected on it, he saw brother Jiu's hesitation.

"Ninth brother..."

The eighth brother's smile is still warm, and there is a kindness in his eyes.

Brother Jiu looked away with a guilty conscience, looked at the sky, it was blue and blue, with only a few white clouds on the horizon, he coughed lightly and said, "Why haven't the starlings left yet, go back to the city quickly, then Clouds are coming, so there is no snow..."

The eighth elder brother's smile faltered a little, he looked at the sky, and really didn't understand where this conclusion came from.

It's just that he has a good temper and doesn't make things difficult for others, so he nodded and said, "Well, I'll be back then!"

Brother Nine was afraid of his interrogation, so he didn't even dare to give it away, so he said directly: "Then my younger brother is going to the imperial court first..."

After that, he hurried into the garden.

The eighth elder brother looked at the back of the ninth elder brother, but did not leave immediately, but took two steps sideways, looking into the garden.

Xiaodongmen is only a hundred or so steps away from Qingxi Bookstore, so it naturally looks real.

Liang Jiugong came out and talked to Brother Jiu.

Liang Jiugong turned around and went in.

Liang Jiugong came out again and led Brother Jiu in.

Eighth Prince's face was hot, he turned around and left.

It's not that Khan Ama doesn't like meeting people, it's just that he doesn't like meeting him!

Is it...

Or is it because of something in Dongyue?

Khan Ama still tired of himself?
The eighth elder brother's feet were weak, and he was almost suffocating, so he did not lose his composure.

He didn't cover his face until he got into the carriage, panting hard.

Brother Jiu is often in front of the imperial court these days, is it because he sensed the emperor's dislike for him that he distanced himself from him?

There is also the tenth brother, who always feels that it is better to get close earlier.

Eighth brother didn't dare to think about it.

In Qingxi Bookstore.

Brother Nine's mood had turned around, and he came in with hospitality: "Ama Khan, my son's servant is here!"

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and said, "I passed it on to you, why don't I remember?"

Brother Nine winked and said: "It's the New Year's Eve, my brothers are not here, there must be someone around Khan Ama!"

Kangxi thought about his performance in the past two days, and said with a sneer: "Do you still know the servant, is it an errand to catch birds, or is it an errand to fish?"

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Isn't this a 'combination of work and rest'? Don't work too hard on Khan Ama. You should take a stroll. Now smashing ice and fishing is also fun!"

Kangxi said angrily: "Do you think I am you, thinking about eating, drinking and having fun all day long?"

Brother Nine took a flattery and said: "Son, isn't this reflective, thinking of coming here to listen to you..."

Seeing him say "order" several times, Kangxi also became curious: "Why do I have to order you to run errands, to go to Dong E's house to appreciate things? I was rewarded with blessings a year ago. If you want this job, wait until the end of this year!"

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "The son can remember it, now it's not this one, it's..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, concealed the eighth elder brother, and said: "It's not that every family sent Haha beads here today, my son heard a few news about the capital..."

"I heard that Master Aling'a fell, and it was quite serious. My son thought that it was the uncle of the country, or Khan Ama's confidant, or the son was ordered to take two imperial physicians to have a look. It was also Khan Ama's grace." !"

Seeing him looking like he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, Kangxi felt irritable and scolded: "Nonsense!"

Brother Nine immediately restrained the expression on his face and took care.

Kangxi glared at Brother Jiu and said: "I know he offended you earlier, but he has already been punished, why are you joining in the fun?"

Brother Jiu muttered: "What kind of punishment is it if it doesn't hurt your muscles? If your son pushes him this time and makes him fall, then it's a punishment. My son didn't want to do anything, just go to watch the excitement... ..."

Kangxi frowned and said, "It's just to watch the fun, isn't it 'adding insult to injury'?"

Knowing that Ling'a sneaked back to Beijing without asking for an order, he was also annoyed, so he made a firm note of this.

But he didn't plan to deal with Ah Ling at this time.

Now that the Hesheli family and the Tong family have changed, it is better for Niu Hulu's family to live in peace.

There are only a few dignitaries in Shangsanqi, so they can't all be messed up.

Brother Nine's eyes drifted a little, and he didn't hide his dislike for A Ling'a. He bared his teeth and said, "Don't worry, Ama Khan, my son didn't intend to make trouble... just want to block the manhole cover for him..."

"It's not that Niu Hulu's family has no one else. Doesn't Ah Ling still have two concubines?"

"It's really not possible, it's okay to let his son attack the Duke directly, maybe he can teach him well, and he can teach him well!"

"Don't save Ah Ling from being so daring, it's scary to think about this and that all day, it's scary!"

Kangxi listened impatiently to his nonsense, and said: "Okay, just be honest, don't think that every time you come out, you won't be in shape all day long!"

Brother Jiu took it unwillingly and said: "But he neglected his errands, he must be recorded as a fault, right? If he really dares to pretend to be sick, then he will add a 'deception'. Don't be too lenient, lest someone kick his nose face!"

Kangxi rolled his eyes at him and said: "I see that you are the one who pushes your nose and face, and you want to avenge yourself!"

Brother Nine sighed and said, "Forget it, who said that Han Ama didn't want to deal with him, then the next time you want to deal with him, remember to call your son."

Kangxi couldn't listen anymore, he waved his hands and said, "Let's go, let's go, I want to take a rest!"

Brother Jiu looked up and saw that the circles around his eyes were dark, and said: "Then you should catch up on sleep, my son will go down first."

The room calmed down, and Kangxi's chaotic thoughts also calmed down, and he fell into deep thought.

Everyone holds a grudge.

Heartless people like Lao Jiu are no exception.

What about the other people...

The ninth elder brother returned the same way, with something on his mind, not about Ah Ling, but the eighth elder brother.

He drooped his head and entered the West Garden, not noticing a carriage parked on the official road in the distance.

It's eighth brother.

Brother Eight put down the car curtain and glanced at his pocket watch.

It took less than a quarter of an hour for Lao Jiu to go in.

Really only said to take the imperial doctor to visit Ah Ling?

Will Khan Ama ask where the news came from?
Lao Jiu is outspoken and will not try to hide it.

Would Khan Ama think he was a gossip?

The eighth elder brother was worried and closed his eyes.


Today, I shouldn't go to Anjun Wangfu.

They sent someone over there to invite me, so I should find an excuse to turn it down...

South place.

It wasn't surprising for Shu Shu to see Brother Nine come back in defeat.

Originally, it was "grabbing the grass and beating the rabbit". If things work out, I'll take care of Ah Ling;

Just like Kangxi, who wished to hold all his sons in his hands, how could it be impossible to find out who spread the gossip?
The eighth elder brother told the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother the news, but he had no good intentions.

It doesn't matter that elder brother Jiu has nothing to do with Ling'a.

What about Elder Brother Ten?

For the tenth elder brother, it is an uncle, a respected relative, it is not good to ignore it, and it is also a reaction to ask.

It's the slumped one in front of Brother Jiu, who looks so pitiful.

Shu Shu comforted him, "I guess it's because the capital is in chaos right now, so the emperor won't let me go to Beijing... There will be other opportunities later, and I'll deal with him..."

Brother Nine leaned back on the pillow, and said in a muffled voice: "I just find it annoying, Guo Luoluo is too annoying, and I'm afraid that I'm afraid to talk to starlings, I'm so uncomfortable!"

In Shu Shu's heart, she felt that Fujin was cute.

If there were no Eight Fortunes standing there, there would be no opportunity for the eighty-eighty-ninety-nine to split up.

Who told Ninth Brother to be honest, and decided that Eighth Brother was good, that is, everything was good.

She didn't add fuel to the flames, and only said sincerely: "I listen to the tenth brother. At this time, Babeile is not allowed to get involved, which is to protect him. Otherwise, he will be angered by the emperor if he inquires indiscriminately. He will not be wronged." Injustice? Anjun Prince's Mansion cares about chaos, but this is unexpected, master and tenth brother should think of it first, it is the brotherhood."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I understand, but I didn't say... Huh! Where is Prince An's Mansion caring, it is chaotic. It is because they didn't see the prince brother, the starling, at all, so they ordered them around casually. How could they think about it?" Starling's embarrassment..."

(End of this chapter)

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