My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 388 Entrusted

Chapter 388 Entrusted (Third)

Xiao Liu entered the West Garden.

Shu Shu was in a dilemma.

At this time, I had prepared some food for my elder brother to share with my friends, which is the best way to get acquainted.

But at the beginning, because of the Crown Princess, I didn't send food to the fifteenth elder brother, but now it's not easy to send it.

Otherwise, it is not reasonable for a daughter-in-law to treat her brother-in-law and brother-in-law twice.

Shu Shu asked Xiaochun to take a pair of purses, which contained a thumb-sized Jin Ruyi, and they were for Mr. Zheng, the experienced eunuch of the fifteenth elder brother.

People do not blame.

So Xiao Chun went to the West Office in person and entrusted Manager Zheng to take care of Xiao Liu Yi Er.

After a short while, Xiaochun came back and said: "Boss Zheng is in charge of Xie Fujin's reward, and let the maidservant ask Fujin on his behalf. I don't have time in the afternoon. If it's convenient, let the fifteenth elder brother bring a companion to come and recognize the door."

Shu Shu replied with a smile: "I'm free, just come."

Brother Nine was at the side, gritted his teeth and said: "Eight little boys, plus fifteen, I don't know what it will be like!"

Shu Shu laughed and said, "Your master is a brother, or a brother-in-law, just bear with it!"

Brother Jiu said helplessly: "Well, it's really fresh, and the master still has the patience to coax the children!"

When the children were coming, Shu Shu was really nervous to be a parent, so she ordered Xiao Chun to prepare seven gifts.

Afterwards, she asked Xiaotang to prepare all kinds of food and packed two full jewelry boxes.

A six pack, filled with candies of various colors, sesame candies, pine nut candies, marzipan candies, butter balls, peanut dip, hawthorn candies.

A pack of four, filled with dried fruits of various colors, such as melon seeds, hazelnuts, dried longan, and walnuts.

There is also a set of plates, which are filled with various kinds of cakes, such as Shaqima, glutinous rice noodles, furnace fruit, peach cakes, rice cakes, red bean cakes, glutinous rice dumplings with date paste, and raisin milk tofu.

Then there are four-color fresh fruits, which are all cut into pieces and put on toothpicks. They are apples, hawthorns, oranges, and mandarin oranges.

There is a table in the main room, and these are placed on the table, which is a full table.

This is what I saw when Brother Fifteen brought a bunch of companions to read it.

The eight companions have all entered the garden, the older one is in his teens, and the younger one is seven or eight years old.

Brother fifteen, where have you seen so many friends?
His little face was flushed, with a little excitement, he took Shu Shu's hand, and introduced his companion to her and Brother Jiu.

It should have been taught by the eunuch Ming Da in private, and the order of introduction by the fifteenth brother was not messed up at all.

First accompanied by the clan's family, Brother Enchang from the General's Mansion in the Blue Banner, and Brother Baofu from the Guard's Mansion in the Red Banner.

Then there is Xungui's companion, Xishan from the third-class uncle's mansion, and then Xiaoliu.

Then there are two sons of officials, who sound like they belong to the Han army flag.

Finally, there are the children of the House of Internal Affairs, Li Ding, the eldest son of Suzhou Weaving Li Xu, and Cao Qi, the son of Cao Quan, the third-class bodyguard.

Looking at the bunch of radishes, Shu Shu smiled very affectionately, feeling much more at ease.

Unexpectedly, there was an acquaintance.

It was Brother Baofu, not anyone else, but the fifth son of Norob, the first-class bodyguard next to Shuncheng Palace.

Last year on the northern tour, it was Norob who accompanied Brother Nine with a bodyguard.

Speaking of it, this Baofu is the nephew of Mrs. Uncle, the cousin of Mrs. Shushu, who is about the same age as Xiao Wu, and is Xiao Wu's little friend.

With him here, Shu Shu feels more at ease.

Baofu is already eleven years old, he is a steady kid, because he often comes to the Dutong Mansion, and he is familiar with Primary Six, so he doesn't have to worry about the companion school.

As for that Li Ding, isn't it a bit too small?
He's half a head shorter than elder brother fifteen, and his milk fat hasn't faded yet, so he should be five or six years old.

Concubine Wang Shu is a civilian girl, a beauty arranged by Kangxi's baby brother Li Xu during the southern tour before the holy car, and entered the palace as Li Xu's mother-in-law of the Wang family.

The Li family became the natal family of the concubine Wang Shu.

The prince from Concubine Wang chose Haha beads, and chose Li Xu's eldest son, which was also a gift from Kangxi to the Li family.

A group of children, but there is no scene of falling out.

They were all told by the family thousands of times, and each of them was honest.

Even Xiao Liu has a decent appearance, standing side by side with Brother Enchang, and beside the older Brother Baofu, looking cute.

He did not call "sister and brother-in-law" in front of everyone, but called "Fu Jin" and "Jiu Ye" with everyone.

But children are children, the table is full of food, and the smell of the room makes them sneak peeks from time to time.

Due to the fact that Shu Shu and Brother Nine were here, they still looked like quails.

The rendering became more rigid.

Shu Shu felt that she should be more interesting, so she squatted down and said to Brother Fifteen, "Brother will entertain your Haha Beads, and my sister-in-law will go to the Empress Palace with your ninth brother!"

The cutest parents are those who wink and make room for themselves.

Elder Brother Fifteen did not agree immediately, hesitation appeared on his little face, he took Shu Shu's hand, dragged her out of the main room, pointed to the direction of the lotus pond, and whispered: "Sister-in-law Jiu, you are passing by the empress of the bookstore, Would you like to ask for Shiwu, Shiwu wants to take everyone to pay his respects to the empress, I don’t know if it’s okay..."

Shu Shu had no way to agree.

There are guards over there.

Certainly not.

Elder Brother Fifteen had disappointment on his face, his head drooped, and he said with grievance: "Your Majesty sent the nanny here before, and she said that when the haha ​​beads came in, someone would come to pick us up. It's been half a day, and she didn't come... ..."

Shu Shu felt helpless in her heart.

Everyone was fine on the third day of the first lunar month, and the princess would not have thought that their husband and wife would be grounded.

Shu Shu thought of what the Crown Princess said before, and said softly: "Brother, wait a little longer, the Crown Princess said it, and she will definitely remember it. She is not feeling well these few days, and the Queen Mother has asked for leave!"

Elder Brother Fifteen had a look of worry on his face: "Is it the same as before, drinking medicinal soup all day long, and it's not easy to see people?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "I shouldn't be sick for so long, and I should recover before the Shangyuan Festival."

Elder Brother Fifteen heard this, and said, "Then Sister-in-Law, wait a moment..."

After all, he ran west as soon as he could, but he was much more lively than usual.

The ninth elder brother just came out of the main room, saw the fifteenth elder brother's back and said: "This is back to the West, leave a bunch of small ones?"

Shu Shu had some guesses in his heart, and said, "I guess it's something to take."

As soon as he spoke, Brother Fifteen ran back out of breath, holding an enamel box in his hand.

"Nine... Nine sisters-in-law, these are golden silk candied dates, so sweet... Can I trouble you to send them to your mother..."

Shu Shu didn't pick up the box immediately, but bent down with a handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

The distance between West Suo and South Suo is a few feet, but for Brother Fifteen, who has short legs, running back and forth is also sweating.

If you don't wipe it clean, the wind will blow, and you may have a headache.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "There is nothing at the Queen Mother's side, but this is still missing, take it away quickly, keep it for yourself to eat!"

Elder Brother Fifteen blushed and said, "It's not for the Empress Dowager, but for the Crown Princess..."

Brother Nine shut up.

The character of the Crown Princess is there, it seems that he really treats Elder Brother Fifteen well, that's why Elder Brother Fifteen was moved out of Yuqing Palace for two years, and he is still so attached to the Crown Princess.

He glanced at Shu Shu, but couldn't make up his mind.

Shu Shu took the enamel box, and said softly: "Maybe it's inconvenient for the Crown Princess to entertain guests, may I let her nanny hand it over?"

Elder Brother Fifteen hastily nodded, and his face was less depressed and more radiant: "Please trouble Jiusao..."

Shu Shu shook his little hand, and said: "Sister-in-law Jiu is going to neglect elder brother's friends, can elder brother also do sister-in-law a favor and treat them well on behalf of sister-in-law?"

Elder Brother Fifteen puffed up his chest and said, "Yes! Sister-in-law Jiu, don't worry, they all listen to me!"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Well, then elder brother will take them to play, and then go out to play."

Brother Fifteen nodded in agreement.

Shu Shu didn't enter the main room either, and ordered Walnut to take out the cloak and mask, and walked out of Hechi No. [-] with Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu took the enamel box in her hand and said, "Come and take it, it's so cold, do you really want to send it over?"

Shu Shu said in a low voice: "It just happened to be an opportunity. The West Garden is only such a big place. Before we could say that we didn't notice the movement of the Douyuan Bookstore. It has been around for three days. It would be a bit fake to say that we pretended not to know ..."

Brother Jiu and the prince brothers are much older, and they haven't dealt with each other much, so they stayed far away and no one said anything.

There was no friendship in the first place, but pretending to be concerned seemed fake.

Shu Shu's place is different. She is a double-in-law with the Crown Princess's natal family, and she has been taken care of by the Crown Princess when she enters the palace.

By helping the fifteenth elder brother to deliver things, the couple asked for a question or two, which can be regarded as full of affection.

Brother Jiu has always listened to her, and said: "Then go, the princess is a kind person, and treats others leniently, besides, this is so good!"

It was only half a mile in total, and the husband and wife had enough time to talk.

Douyuan Bookstore is located on the peninsula in the middle of the river pond, surrounded by water on three sides, and only connected to the corridor of Yuanzi East Road on the east side.

Now there are four guards standing at the door.

It came down from the imperial court.

Get to know Brother Nine.

Living in this yard, besides Jiu Fujin, there is no one else who can walk with Brother Jiu.

"The servant has seen Master Jiu and Fujin Jiu!"

The leading bodyguard was in his thirties, and the second-class bodyguard bowed to salute with his subordinates.

Brother Jiu nodded and ordered casually: "Send someone to ask if the Crown Princess can see guests. If it is convenient for the master to take Fujin to pay her respects to the Crown Princess, if it is not convenient, send a nanny. Grandpa Fujin has something to do here..."

The guard listened with hesitation.

Brother Jiu said impatiently: "Quickly pass it on, what are you dawdling about, I'm still waiting to take Fujin to the Empress Dowager's Palace!"

The guard's words were vague, they only knew that it was the emperor who told the prince to "recover from illness" and the princess to "serve the illness", and did not say whether he was allowed to visit or not.

Therefore, Brother Nine was so annoyed that the guard didn't dare to delay, so he sent a message inside.

The princess is in the main hall.

The prince drank wine last night, went to Guan De's place to sit in a daze for half the night.

There is no burning earth dragon over there, and after freezing for half the night, I feel a little uncomfortable and feel hot in the morning.

But at this time, there is no way to invite the imperial physician, otherwise it seems that the prince deliberately fell ill.

The concubine asked someone to boil ginger soup, tried the fever-reducing prescription from the imperial hospital, and wiped the prince's body with shochu.

After tossing and tossing all morning, the prince finally lost his fever and fell asleep.

The princess was worried, so she stayed with her in the main hall.

Hearing that Brother Jiu and Jiu Fujin were outside, the Crown Princess couldn't help being taken aback, then got up and said, "Let me go out and have a look..."

Seeing the princess coming out, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu hurriedly bowed to pay their respects.

The Crown Princess nodded to Brother Jiu in return, and then took Shu Shu's hand, her voice was very gentle: "I should have gone to see you these few days, but the Crown Prince caught a cold that night in the third year of junior high school, and I felt a little uncomfortable. I didn't go out."

Seeing that her eyes were blue and her palms were clammy, Shu Shu couldn't help worrying, and said with concern: "You also need to take care of yourself, it won't be long before it gets better."

The Crown Princess smiled comfortingly, and said: "Well, I will take care, I'm fine, you can go back with Brother Jiu..."

While speaking, she looked at Brother Jiu, her eyes fell on the enamel box in Brother Jiu's hand, and she was surprised: "This..."

It seems to be recognized.

Shu Shu took it from Brother Ninth, handed it to the princess with both hands, and said, "I'm a messenger, so I can help Brother Fifteen deliver this to you... Brother Fifteen's haha ​​beads entered the garden today, and he still misses you I sent someone to pick him up, and I told him that you are not feeling well these few days, so he took this and asked me to deliver it."

It is said that at the age of three, the old man is old, and the elder brother of fifteen can already see the character of his behavior. He is gentle and filial, and the princess did not raise him in vain.

The crown prince's eyes were reddish, she took the enamel box, and she was ashamed: "It's my fault, I didn't pay attention to this, I made a slip of the tongue to elder brother fifteen."

Shu Shu glanced at the guard not far away, with hesitation on his face.

It seems that there is nothing to ask.

Asking nothing will not solve it, it will only embarrass the princess.

The princess smiled gently, and said: "Okay, you guys go to work, it's only a few days, let's talk about it after the Lantern Festival."

Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Well, then we'll draw cards with the Queen Mother to win pocket money..."

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 22th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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