Chapter 389 Pear (Part [-])
Coming out of the Douyuan Bookstore, Shu Shu's expression was a little disgruntled.

Brother Jiu looked around her face and said, "Why, you feel uncomfortable when you're fine?"

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu and sighed, "I'm not as good as my master. I treat people with sincerity, and I have to weigh the pros and cons in everything. I'm too sophisticated."

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said: "Could it be that the master is a fool who is sincere to everyone? What kind of friendship do you have with the princess? She said she was helping you, but in fact it was only within the scope of her duties, but it was just to get close when meeting. Don't put on airs like a princess, don't tell me you have to 'put a knife through' for this, there is no reason for that!"

Shu Shu shook her head, it wasn't like that.

It is because she is still God's perspective, and she has a clear understanding of the development of the next ten or twenty years, which is very hypocritical.

Today's visit is purposeful, and generosity and kindness are all false.

Compared with the behavior and character of the crown prince and Sifu Jin, the high and low are obvious.

She didn't like this feeling.

It's just that it's hard to explain these things to Brother Nine.

The husband and wife talked to the north of the West Garden.

On the left hand side of the corridor is the building of the Empress Dowager's Palace, and on the right hand side is the yard that serves as the accompanying reading center.

The couple went over and stood.

The main building here is not a house facing north and south, but facing east and west, with its back against the east wall of the west garden.

There are a total of five rooms, one bright and four dark, and three auxiliary rooms facing south and north, which cover the yard on this side with the corridor of Yuanzi East Road, forming a self-contained whole.

This attached room should be the residence of the eunuch and nanny on duty.

Shu Shu counted the number of the prince's companions.

There are four people under the name of the [-]th elder brother, eight people each under the name of the [-]th elder brother, the [-]th elder brother, and the [-]th elder brother, so there are twenty-eight people.

Of the five rooms, the main room cannot accommodate people, and the remaining four rooms have an average of seven people in each room.

If it is not based on the average, but a prince is accompanied by a room, it will be a room for eight people.

Now a house is about one foot wide and one and a half feet deep, which is about fifteen square meters in later generations.

Live so many people? !
Shu Shu didn't dare to think about it, and hesitated, "Can I stay here?"

Brother Jiu said: "There are people living in both the northern and southern kangs. They are all children. A place the size of a bedding will do."

Shu Shu only hoped that Xiao Liu's dormitory life would go smoothly.

At this moment, a person came out from the Empress Dowager's Palace and came this way.

It's Nanny Bai.

Seeing Shu Shu and Brother Jiu were there, she hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Shu Shu helped her up, and said, "Where are you going, Mommy?"

Bai Momo said: "Your Majesty sent this old slave to the west to see Director Zheng, and told him to tell Master Fifteen to bring the haha ​​beads to the Empress Dowager's Palace for snacks in the evening."

Shu Shu and Brother Nine were fine at first, so they walked back with Nanny Bai.

"It's all with me now!"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Thanks to the grace of Ama Khan, my brother is also inside..."

Apart from Fifth Prince and Jiu Gege, the Empress Dowager seldom gets involved with other princes and daughters.

Today's situation is also because of sympathy for the princess.

Shu Shu's heart was much happier, and she said to Nanny Bai: "Brother Fifteen is gentle and sincere..."

As she said that, she talked about the fact that the fifteenth elder brother entrusted her to send the golden silk candied dates to the princess.

Nanny Bai also showed admiration on her face.

The Queen Mother has no biological children, but only raised two grandchildren, Fifth Prince and Jiu Gege.

Nanny Bai is a loyal servant, so she naturally hopes that Fifth Elder Brother and Jiu Gege will be filial, and she also likes Fifth Elder Brother's grateful and thoughtful character.

Nansuo Hall.

Xiaochun took Xiaotang to serve the youngsters to eat and drink.

At the beginning, everyone was cautious and ate delicately.

When it was released later, it was more delicious to grab and eat.

But what everyone is aiming at is sugar and pastry, and there is no child who does not like to eat sweets.

Only the fifteenth elder brother had a smile on his face, but apart from a raisin naan curd, he only ate two cloves of mandarin oranges.

Xiao Liu still remembered Amal's words about his orders.

He can't treat the fifteenth elder brother as Ama, but it's okay to treat him as an elder brother and a younger brother.

He took a plate of tangerines, walked up to elder brother fifteen, and said, "This is so sweet, would you like to eat two more petals?"

Elder Brother Fifteen's eyes fell on the plate, he shook his head, and said, "Two petals are enough, this fruit is cold in nature, so you can't eat more, if you want to eat more, just steam it."

Xiao Liu asked curiously: "Eat it steamed? Pears can be eaten steamed, can this orange also be eaten steamed?"

Elder Brother Fifteen knew that he was Sister-in-Law's younger brother, so he said patiently, "This is not an orange, it's a tangerine."

Xiao Liu "hehe" laughed twice and said, "No wonder it tastes different from oranges, it's not sour at all."

Seeing that he likes it, Brother Fifteen hesitated and said: "This one is from the tribute. I only divided it into two. I ate it years ago. I have sorbets."

Xiao Liu grinned and said, "My family doesn't even have two, only Shanli..."

Elder Brother Fifteen smiled and said, "I like to eat steamed pears, it moistens my throat, and I don't cough after eating it."

Xiao Liu swallowed his saliva and said, "I also like to eat steamed pears, I always eat a whole one."

The fifteenth elder brother admired: "That guy is so powerful, I can't eat one...the rest will be eaten by others..."

Xiao Liu was surprised and said: "You can't give it to others, it's called dividing pears, it's unlucky..."

As he said that, he pointed to the fruit plate on the table: "Sister... Fujin didn't ask someone to prepare sorbets, that's why, that one can't be shared!"

Elder Brother Fifteen listened with a dazed expression and red eye circles.

Seeing this, Xiao Liu scratched his head, a little anxious.

Seeing this, Brother Baofu hurriedly said, "What's wrong with Lord Fifteen?"

Elder Brother Fifteen's tears rolled down like beads, "slap", "slap", choked up and said: "I will share the pears with my mother...I think my mother..."

All the reading companions fell silent.

Everyone didn't know about the relationship in the palace, and they only thought that the empress that elder brother fifteen said was his biological mother.

Li Ding, who was the youngest, cried out with a "wow": "I want a mother, I want my aunt, and I want my aunt..."

The remaining two younger companions, Brother Enchang and Xishan, also had tears in their eyes.

This was the case when Shu Shu and Brother Jiu brought back Nanny Bai.

There was no falling out, but the cries of the children were also ear-piercing.

Ninth elder brother bent down and hugged fifteenth elder brother: "Didn't it be fine just now, is this a fight over food?"

Brother Fifteen put his arms around Brother Nine's neck, and said in a muffled voice: "It's not good for Fifteen, I shared the pears with the empress last year..."

Only then did Brother Nine understand, and he patted Brother Fifteen on the back twice: "Children don't learn well, how can you still stuff pears down your throat? Don't you have to eat one bite at a time? , that is also a point!"

Elder Brother Fifteen was fooled, he could stuff half an egg with his small mouth open: "Isn't that worth it?"

"Well, it doesn't count, it's all old people talking nonsense, don't worry about that!"

Brother Jiu said firmly.

Elder Brother Fifteen looked at Shu Shu and whispered, "But Ninth Sister-in-Law didn't ask to cut pears..."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Cut it, cut it!"

In winter, the weather is dry and the kang is also dry.

Knowing that the children were coming in the afternoon, Shu Shu asked someone to cook pear and white fungus soup.

That needs to be simmered slowly, and it was not put out before.

It's about the same now.

Seeing the adults came back, the children were as quiet as chickens.

Li Ding, who was crying at the top of his voice just now, also stopped crying, holding Cao Qi's hand and refusing to let go.

While talking, Xiaotang brought someone to bring the stewed pear and white fungus soup.

Children each have a bowl.

Even with Shu Shu, Brother Nine, and Nanny Bai, everyone has a share.

Sydney white fungus, put red dates, wolfberry, rock sugar.

Refreshing and viscous, very soft feeling.

After eating a bowl of pear and white fungus soup, the children smiled again.

Shu Shu asked someone to deliver the prepared gifts, a box of lake pens and a pair of purses for each person.

The children got the presents, and all the sorrows of parting that they had just remembered were forgotten, and they followed Mother Bai to the Empress Dowager's palace with novelty and apprehension.

Xiao Liu caused an "accident", he was guilty, and his mouth was tightly pursed.

Brother Baofu comforted him, "It's okay, it has nothing to do with you."

Xiao Liu whispered: "Then I won't talk casually in the future, it's really scary."

Brother Baofu patted his head and said, "It's a good thing for us to be cautious when we come out on errands."

Xiao Liu nodded, still a little frightened, he held Brother Baofu's hand and didn't let go.

Brother Chang En went to the other side of Xiao Liu, and also held hands with him.

Shu Shu and Nine Brothers sent the children out, and they looked straight at it.

Eight people, working for half a day, have been divided into three groups.

Xiaoliu, Brother Baofu, and Brother Chang En called.

Li Ding and Cao Qi waved.

The two sons of officials are by the side of Young Master Xishan in the uncle's mansion.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine looked at each other.

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "Look, how many people are waiting to climb high branches?"

The two officials' children are in their teens, and they don't seem to have known each other with the seven-year-old Xi Shan before.

Taking the initiative to show kindness is nothing more than knowing that he is the prince's nephew, so he wants to get close.

Shu Shu didn't speak.

The more the courtiers flock to the prince's power, the more difficult the prince's situation will be.

Few of these families who boarded the boat ended well.

The ups and downs of the officialdom, that's it.

But it's greed.

Want to "from the power of the dragon".

It's actually a gamble.

If you can win, you will naturally lose.

Xiaotang brought someone to clean up the hall.

The house was also quiet.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu sat directly in the east room.

Shu Shu still feels awkward when she thinks of the Douyuan Bookstore.

When I was in the palace, the second place was not big, but the four surrounding walls made people feel very safe.

That's her place.

When they arrived in the garden, they were actually assigned to the South Office.

But in the end different.

There is a circle of uncles next to him.

To the north are people from the palace of the queen mother, and people from the palace of the empress dowager.

Everyone silently divided the garden into three parts and did not run around with each other, but the privacy and sense of security were still much worse.

Shu Shu thinks about the second one.

She counted the time in her mind: "Are we staying in the garden until after the Lantern Festival? Go back on the sixteenth or seventeenth?"

Brother Nine said: "It's not guaranteed. Every year, there are [-] early and [-] late ones. It depends on Khan Ama's arrangement. If Khan Ama comes back late, we will go back first."

Otherwise, it would be troublesome for Brother Jiu to go to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs every day.

Shu Shu nodded.

The two of them only thought that the holy driver was going back to the city after the Lantern Festival, but they didn't expect the holy driver to leave for the palace on the eighth day of the first lunar month...

(End of this chapter)

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