My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 390 How Do You Know

Chapter 390 How Do You Know (Second)

In order to enter the city in time to open the city gate, Sheng Jiayinchu set off from Changchun Garden.

Ninth elder brother yawned, got into the carriage, and complained to tenth elder brother: "What kind of eyes did Ama Khan have just now, insisting that we ride horses and follow Shengjia? It's winter, I really don't know how to feel sorry for my son!"

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "Ama Khan didn't say anything."

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said: "But that look said it all. According to me, those who ride horses or not ride horses can score points at any time. In the middle of the night, the north wind is blowing. If the carriage is idle, you must ride a horse. Isn't that sick?" ?”

Elder Brother Ten didn't speak, and took a sip of strong tea with his head down.

Over the past year, I went to bed early and woke up late every day, and I was not used to getting up early for a while.

But Khan Ama has only two adult elder brothers by his side, and they can't say anything if they want to order them.

In the eyes of others, this is still grace.

"I don't know what the old man thinks. After such a toss, he has to go back to the garden at the latest by Shisan. Isn't it enough?"

Brother Jiu also took a sip of tea and muttered.

The Empress Dowager and the concubine are still on the side of the garden. According to the practice of the past few years, the foreign feudal banquet on the Lantern Festival is also on the side of the garden.

The banquet given by the princes of Inner Mongolia is on the fourteenth day of the first lunar month.

The princes of Outer Mongolia gave banquets on the fifteenth or sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

As a result, Shengjia will not be able to stay in Beijing for a few days before he has to come back.

Elder Brother Ten said: "Suo'etu's family has been in circles for several days, and they must be dealt with."

Brother Jiu asked curiously: "How will Khan Ama deal with Suo'etu?"

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said: "Execute, you will lose your family property, and your descendants will be exiled..."

Brother Jiu took a deep breath and said, "This... Suo Ertu, who is in his sixties, has made great achievements in his early years, can't he just circle him?"

Although Suo'etu was Sony's son, he was a concubine, and his first-class dukes were promoted time and time again based on his merit.

Elder Brother Ten said: "Tong Guowei should win the title and be banned..."

If everyone is tolerant, the imperial power will make people lose their fear.

Brother Jiu didn't feel sympathetic to them, but shook his head and said, "Everyone is not greedy enough, why bother!"

Having said that, he came to his senses, looked at Elder Brother Ten in surprise and said, "How do you know everything?"

Brother Ten smiled: "Didn't you go back to Beijing before, and heard Uncle Yin De say something."

In fact, it was his haha ​​beads that said it.

I got the news on the third day of junior high school.

You can probably guess why.

Khan Ama's investigation of the palace servants of the three queens must be looking for a previous account.

What is the front account?
Starting from the kang road of the fourth institute, it is the death of the elder brother in front.

Several queens have passed away, and the head of the family at that time has nothing to do with it.

There is no Niu Hulu family.

Elder Brother Ten is not a surprise.

When my aunt was queen, the head of the family was Uncle Faka, who was only fourteen years old.

I have just finished my father's funeral, and I am still a half-grown child, what can I do?
As for the aunt herself, she passed away after being the empress for half a year, and she had no biological son, so there was no reason to take action against the prince.

Since it involves the death of the prince, it takes human life to repay.

Not only Suo'etu, but his children and grandchildren probably won't end well either.

However, Khan Ama has always treated his courtiers well, and on the surface, he should not be sentenced to capital punishment, but most of them will be exiled and given to the armored men as slaves.

Suo'etu's wife and step-wife have all passed away. In addition to the two grown-up sons, there are several concubine children who are not yet grown-up.

Now that the ice and snow haven't melted, sending them to the Northeast is a narrow escape.

As for the Tong family, it was the biggest punishment for Tong Guowei to directly remove a Duke of Chengen and cut off the future of the family's children and grandchildren.

Brother Jiu sighed and said: "Both of them are first-class dukes, and their titles have reached their peak, so they are not happy enough. Are they old fools? Are they still expecting to be crowned kings with different surnames? Isn't that nonsense?"

Elder Brother Ten didn't speak, but was thinking about the other rooms of Hesheli's house.

As long as someone can stand up, it will not make Suo'etu, a bastard, the head of the family.

Even though Khan Ama is very generous, he is a dandy uncle who has not made any achievements. Compared with Suo'etu, there is a big difference.

The power of the "princelings" has been greatly reduced.

I hope the boss can be smarter and don't be coerced by those "thousand-year-old party". This is not a good time to take the lead.

If this steals the crown prince's limelight and makes the prince wronged, I'm afraid Huang Ama will feel sorry for her son...

Elder Brother Ten had a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

It is said that what is lacking and what is important, Khan Ama is because he is the concubine prince who inherits the throne, so he insists on making a distinction between the concubine and the concubine?

And for this, he even defended himself.


Brother Nine babbled a few words, closed his eyes, and snored a little.

The tenth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother like this, the haze on his face disappeared, and he also closed his eyes.

Let them fight, and I will be content with Duoluo County King, and don't get involved...

West Garden, South of the Hechi, after sending off Brother Nine, Shu Shu slept back into the cage again.

When he opened his eyes, it was already Chenzheng.

Shu Shu got up quickly.

While Shengjia was not in the garden, she wanted to go to Changchun Garden to pay her respects to her mother-in-law.

Please forgive me for the first day of the new year, and I haven't made up yet.

It's not convenient to go to the garden, so I just sent someone to go there.

It's not good to delay any longer.

Shu Shu sent Xiaochun and Hetao over there, and asked Concubine Yi if it was convenient for her to go over and say hello.

After the two left, she didn't read or write for several days, so she took a pen and ink, but she didn't know what to write, so she wrote the Jiangnan plan.

Buying, buying, buying is indispensable.

Taking the opportunity to take a look at Zhizaofu, it is also one of the things to see and see the members of the Cao family.

Before writing, Xiaochun and Walnut went back and forth.

It turned out that Xiaochun and Walnut just went out for a while, and bumped into Xianglan who came to pass the message.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law wanted to go together, and Concubine Yi also wanted to meet the youngest daughter-in-law, so she sent Xianglan over to invite someone.

"Our mother has been talking about Fujin for several days. The weather is fine today, so I sent my servants to see if you are free..."

Xianglan was still as polite as ever, holding a bottle of honey without empty hands: "This is the acacia honey that the governor of Zhili paid last year. Madam, please drink it well. I left a bottle for Fujin, just drink it with water."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "I was also thinking of going to pay my respects to the empress."

Since she was going to greet her mother-in-law, she asked Xiaotang to prepare some food first.

There are four kinds of dried chicken, milk cake, red dates with walnuts, and dried apples. They are suitable for protein, iron and vitamin supplementation in the middle-term pregnancy.

Shu Shu came out with Pandan, followed by Xiaochun, Walnut and a little palace lady brought by Pandan.

The West Garden is adjacent to the Changchun Garden, and there is no direct palace gate.

You must first come out from the West Garden, and then enter through the Changchun Garden Palace Gate.

"I haven't congratulated my aunt yet..."

Shushu said.

In the [-]th year of Kangxi, it was stipulated that court ladies who were over [-] years old would be sent out.

But at this time, people in their thirties can be called old women, so the marriage must be delayed.

Therefore, the concubine and the concubine's maids have a customary grace that they can leave the palace a few years in advance.

However, there is no official reward for this kind of leaving the palace, and the reward will be given by the owner himself.

This official reward refers to the silver rewards for maids leaving the palace. After entering the palace for more than [-] years, they will be rewarded with thirty taels of silver, for those who have been in the palace for more than ten years, they will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver, and for those who have been in the palace for less than ten years, they will be rewarded with ten taels of silver.

Nominally, you can't leave the palace at the full age, but you have to report "disease" and "clumsiness".

Xianglan was reported as "clumsy" by Concubine Yi years ago, and she was also inspected by the head eunuch of the cleaning room.

Just waiting for the House of Internal Affairs election in February, when new maids come in, she will be able to leave the palace with a group of palace ladies who have reached their full age.

"It's all the grace of the empress!"

Pandan Road.

While speaking, a group of people have already entered Changchun Garden.

Shu Shu stopped talking, and followed Xianglan silently.

After passing the Dagong Gate, you will come to the west road and follow the corridor to the north.

On both sides of the corridor, there are vertical and horizontal waterways, and some exquisite buildings are distributed on it.

It is estimated that after walking for more than a mile, there is a building on the right.

A small two-story building with several annexes next to it.

There is a plaque hanging on the small building, "Hui Fang Shu".

It is also a two-storey small building, Huifang Villa is much more grand than the prince's house, five rooms wide and two rooms deep.

Concubine Yi was leaning on the south kang in the east room, holding Elder Seventeen in her arms.

Sitting beside the kang was a woman in palace attire, doing needlework in her hands.

Concubine Yi teases Elder Seventeen to talk.

Elder Seventeen is three years old, actually ten months old, and he still can't speak very well.

It is said that children have sharp eyes, so Concubine Yi looked at her stomach and taught, "This is my sister..."

"younger brother!"

Elder Seventeen glanced at the woman in palace costume, and answered in a clear voice.

Concubine Yi cast a reproachful look at the woman, and said, "Teach elder brother what to do? Am I still short of a son?"

The woman said with a smile: "It's the slave's little thought. When I think of the princess, I hope that the empress will give birth to an elder brother."

The princess she was talking about was Concubine Yi's adopted daughter, Princess Heshuo Kejing who was caressed in the thirty-sixth year of Kangxi, born of nobleman Guo.

Concubine Yi had a melancholy look on her face.

Although she liked Ge Ge before, she also thought about Fu Meng and thought her son was good.

It's just that since the first day of the new year, the movement was not quite right, and she changed her mind again, thinking that it is better to be a princess.

Otherwise, the emperor's youngest son was born of her favorite concubine, then this little one would be too conspicuous.

At this moment, there was movement outside, and Xianglan raised her voice outside: "Your Majesty, I have invited Jiufu Jin here..."

The woman was Concubine Chen Shu, the biological mother of the seventeenth elder brother, and she got up quickly after hearing this.

When Shu Shu came in and greeted Shu Shu, Concubine Chen Shu led Elder Seventeen down.

Yifei winks at Xianglan, and Xianglan leads Xiaochun and Walnut to the outside room.

Only then did Concubine Yi greet Shu Shu to sit by the kang, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on outside? What happened in the palace?"

Otherwise, how did you bring out the four concubines?

Not even a principal?

Not to mention others, even Yifei, although she is three months pregnant, it is better not to move, but this time she also followed.

The princess is not in the palace either, so who stays in the palace?
Concubine Yi whispered: "Have the Tong family done meritorious service? Concubine Tong wants to be named noble concubine?"

She was sour.

Ever since Kangxi became a concubine in the [-]th year, the four concubines with sons have never moved.

In the emperor's heart, he still valued his birth.

Just like the noble concubine Wen Xi, because she was born in Niu Hulu, she was the successor's younger sister, and she became a concubine when she entered the palace, and then she was named a noble concubine to overwhelm them.

The same is true for the late Concubine Ping, a ten-year-old child who enters the palace as a concubine, standing side by side with the four concubines who have children.

The same is true for Concubine Tong, a twenty-three-year-old woman who can only be a successor when she is outside, and she is directly a concubine when she enters the palace.

Just looking at the word "Tong", if you can't say it, you have to go one step further and put it on their heads.

Shu Shu shook her head, and said in a lower voice, "I didn't hear about meritorious service, but I heard that Suo'etu's family and Tong Guogong's house were besieged, starting from the third day of junior high school..."

Yi Fei covered her mouth with a handkerchief.

Shu Shu was afraid of shocking her, and also afraid that she would think about elder brother eleven.

She never dared to underestimate this mother-in-law, she cannot be fooled.

Waiting for Concubine Yi to ask curiously: "What is it for?"

Shu Shu was in a state of contemplation, thought for a while, and said: "It seems that there is something wrong between the two families. There is something wrong in private. It has crossed the line. The emperor asked someone to investigate it a few years ago."

Concubine Yi had gossip on her face: "It's been ten years since Ulan Butong, did it come out again?"

Shu Shu didn't know what charges Kangxi would have against the two of them, and said: "The daughter-in-law just doesn't know, but I just heard from Master Jiu that the emperor ordered Uncle Xinyu to be the Minister of Internal Affairs, another branch of the Hesheli family. As the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Concubine Yi said disapprovingly: "It can be said that it was good for a while, and bad for a while. Suo'etu was cleaned up once in [-] years, and it was activated again in less than three years."

Shu Shu didn't remind Yi Fei that the current Suo'etu is different from the Suo'etu at that time.

The current prince is also different from the prince at that time.

Sixteen years ago, the prince was only ten years old, still immature, and in the eyes of the emperor, he was a poor little mother who lost his mother, and needed the help of his mother's powerful officials.

The present prince is already twenty-six years old, already in his prime.

Concubine Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine if we don't get along, we don't get involved, and we can't get involved."

Because Concubine Yi was raising a baby, her natal family was not allowed into the palace years ago, and there is no news about the Jin family.

Shu Shu didn't intend to say anything.

She put out the food she had brought and said: "Ernie gave birth successively in the early years, and my health was not good. When I was pregnant with the last two children, I was very difficult. Others gave me some prescriptions to eat more milk and food. There are also various fresh fruits, which are said to be warming and nourishing. Sure enough, the daughter-in-law's two little brothers are much stronger than the previous ones, and the daughter-in-law's body has also adjusted a bit..."

After hearing this, Concubine Yi was indeed distracted and looked at the food.

"Chicken breast, what does this supplement?"

Shu Shu organized her words and said, "This effect is similar to that of dairy food, both of which are good for bones..."

Then he pointed to the red dates and walnuts: "Red dates are for the blood of the mother, walnuts are for the brain of the little elder brother, and various fresh and dried fruits are mainly for moisturizing the intestines and are good for the skin..."

Jue Luo gave birth to six children, the first two of which were already in their thirties, and ended up taking care of them all, and now they are still in their forties and can conceive again.

Concubine Yi also took it seriously.

Even if she refuses to accept her old age, she also knows that she is old and this child must be raised well.

As the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law gossiped, the atmosphere relaxed.

Shu Shu then talked about the coming of Wu Fujin on the fourth day of the fourth day, and the entry of Brother Fifteen's haha ​​beads into the palace on the sixth day of the sixth day.

Concubine Yi listened with gusto, and said: "Our little Seventeen is also three years old, so it's too fast to say, in three years' time we have to choose haha ​​beads, this time we have to choose carefully..."

(End of this chapter)

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