Chapter 391 A Good Beginning and a Good End (Part Three)

Different from the coziness in the garden, the atmosphere in the capital became tense immediately after Sheng Jia returned to the palace.

Four Baylor House, study room.

The eighth elder brother was worried, and said: "fourth brother, Khan Ama has no order, so shall we go to the imperial court to see you?"

When he came back from the garden earlier, he also reflected and understood the meaning of Brother Jiu's words.

The people in Prince An's Mansion belittled the fifteenth elder brother, and the ninth elder brother was unhappy, so what about the emperor's father?

I am too tightly tied to Prince An's Mansion.

I'm afraid that the emperor's father is already displeased.

Even if you want to borrow your strength, you can't lose sight of the other.

That's not worth the candle.

He had some doubts about his own judgment, and he didn't dare to make up his mind easily, so he came to Sibeile Mansion after he got the news.

Although the fourth elder brother didn't know what was going on in the palace, but after receiving the "reminder" from the ninth elder brother, he already understood the reason why Suo'etu and Tong Guowei were trapped.

Sheng Jia returned to Luan, probably to deal with this matter.

This is not something they can intervene, and it is not easy to get involved.

He took it and said solemnly: "Let's wait for Khan Ama's order! Whether Suo'etu or the Tong family, they are all relatives of the emperor, and it is not for you and my elder brother to intervene."

The eighth elder brother was surprised when he heard that, looked at the fourth elder brother hesitantly and said: "But...fourth elder brother, that is Tong Enie's natal family..."

Nominally, the fourth elder brother was raised by Queen Tong, but in fact the eighth elder brother was also raised by Queen Tong when he was a teenager.

The fourth elder brother's face became more and more serious, and said: "Ene is Ene, Tong's family is Tong's family!"

The eighth elder brother didn't speak any more.

It was when he left Sibeile Mansion that he looked back twice more.

The fourth brother went to Changchun Garden on the fifth day of the lunar new year, did Khan Ama tell him something?

Otherwise, with his temperament, it is impossible to stay out of it.

Along the northern edge of Houhai, the Pearl House.

No one noticed that an ordinary carriage was parked beside the mansion.

In the study room, a guest was ushered in, and it was the elder brother who was staying at home to watch his wife's funeral.

"My lord, is this an opportunity?"

The elder brother looked at the person opposite with a bit of urgency in his gaze.

The old man on the opposite side looked elegant, about fifty years old, wearing gray uniforms, it was Nalan Mingzhu who had been the prime minister for more than ten years.

In the twenty-seventh year of Kangxi, he was dismissed for "crimes of cronyism" and later reinstated as an internal minister, but he has not been reused.

Mingzhu stroked her beard, feeling very complicated.

He is one year older than Suosan, and the two have been fighting for twenty years.

Both of them came from honorable families and started as bodyguards.

He is a bodyguard, a doctor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the fifth year of Kangxi, he served as a bachelor of the Hongwen Academy and began to participate in state affairs. Awarded a Bachelor of Martial Arts Hall.

What about Suo San?
Born as a bodyguard, he served as the right servant of the Ministry of Officials in the seventh year of Kangxi, and participated in state affairs. In the eighth year, he was reinstated as a bodyguard. .

Compared with himself, Suo San is more like borrowing Dongfeng, first from Sony, then from the Empress Yuan, and then from the Prince.

It never occurred to me that it fell like this.

Mingzhu sighed in her heart, shook her head and said: "It's not an opportunity. It's better to be quiet than to move at this moment. With Suo'etu gone, there will be an inevitable rift between the emperor and the prince. This rift will become deeper and deeper. The prince jumped at this time." Coming out, it seems to be able to overwhelm the prince, but in fact it gave the prince a chance to breathe... The emperor lost his parents when he was young, and he has a pitiful heart, and the Empress Yuan left early..."

Big Brother frowned and said, "Then when will we wait?"

Mingzhu didn't answer, but stood up and pulled out a "New Book of Tang Dynasty" from the bookcase, pushed it to Elder Brother's side, and said: "My lord can read Taizong's chapter, 'Five sons seize the heir', or you may get something."

Big Brother looked at the thick books and felt his temples throbbing.

However, he has always been aware of his own shortcomings, and he also trusted Mingzhu, so he nodded and accepted the book.

The carriage left quietly again.

Mingzhu pushed open the window of the study, letting the cold wind blow on her face.

According to the "Great Qing Law", Suo'etu's identity is listed in the "Eight Discussions".

Eight discussions, that is, discussing relatives, discussing old friends, discussing talents, discussing abilities, discussing achievements, discussing nobles, discussing talents, and discussing guests.

Suo'etu is the uncle of the Empress Yuan and the uncle and grandfather of the prince, who can "negotiate relatives".

In the first year of Kangxi, he was the imperial guard, so he could "discuss the past".

Being promoted to the first-class public due to his participation in various major military and political events is also in line with "discussing ability", "discussing meritorious service" and "discussing nobles".

But how?

Now the emperor is in power, Gan Gang is arbitrary.

If he wanted to forgive Suo'etu, he wouldn't besiege the mansion with such momentum.

There is no "eight proposals".

Cold sweat broke out on Mingzhu's back.

I have been deserted for ten years, but I have escaped a catastrophe...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi looked gloomy, looking at the kneeling person in front of him.

It was none other than Ethan'a, the scholar of the Wenhua Palace, a cabinet minister he relied on heavily.

In front of Yisang'a there are two great scholars of Baohedian, but one of them is old and honored at home, retains the title of great scholar, and does not arrange shifts;

So Ethan Ah is the first person in the cabinet.

"Are you going to intercede for Suo'etu?"

Inexplicably, Kangxi thought of Elder Brother Shi's words in his heart.

Tong Guowei communicated with A Ling'a in private.

You must know that although Ethan is Suo'etu's son-in-law, it is well known that Weng and his son-in-law are different.

But when it came to a critical moment, it was the son-in-law who came forward to intercede.

The big drama of "Weng and son-in-law's disagreement" was also done for yourself?

Kangxi denied this idea again.

I am not a fool myself.

Can you be fooled for a year, two years, or ten or twenty years?

Just like Tong Guowei and A Ling'a.

Not to mention the grievances and grievances in the early years, but to say that the eldest daughter of A Ling was originally a candidate for Jiufu Jin last year, and it was Tong Guowei who mixed it up.

Kangxi first misunderstood that it was the work of the Hesheli family, and he was not happy that the ninth elder brother would marry the daughter of the Niu Hulu family, and he would be more intimate with the tenth elder brother.

It turned out to be Tong Guowei.

At that time, it was only thought that he was taking revenge on A Ling and A Gou for wronging his brother and sister-in-law, which affected the reputation of the Tong family.

As a result, the two still hooked up.

This does not mean that there is no enmity among them.

There were also disputes between Suo'etu and Isan Aweng's son-in-law, but when they faced themselves as the emperor, they would also face each other unanimously.

Ethan kowtowed and said: "The servant only asks the emperor to read it for Lord Suo's insignificant achievements, and allow him to 'eight discussions'..."

A fold fell from the top and landed heavily in front of Ethan Ah.

"Then let's see if he can 'Eight Discussions'!"

Kangxi's voice was cold.

The folder has been scattered, and there are dense fingerprints on it.

It is an excerpt jointly signed by Ma Qi, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and He Yi, the newly appointed chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Ethan's heart sank.

He Yi was born in the Hershey family, and was a cousin of his father-in-law and great-grandfather.

Since it is He Yi's joint name, then the charges above are not groundless.

After reading one by one, from the people of Kunning Palace, to the people of Qianqing Palace, and then to Elder Brother...

After that, there are the confessions of the servants in Suo'etu's house.

Government accounting expenses.

Raise murderers outside the city.

Forty-three articles involving human life.

These are not the most deadly, the fatal thing is that the palace servants were placed next to Concubine Rong, which involved the deaths of two elder brothers Chengrui and Sai Yinchahun.

Elder brother Chengrui is the first son of the emperor, three years old and has no sequence.

Saiyinchahun is the fourth son of the emperor, four-year-old Shang, with disordered teeth.

In the twenty-seventh year of Kangxi's reign, he intervened in the renovation of Ganxi No. [-] Institute, intending to use this to murder the tenth elder brother, but he failed, and someone took advantage of the loophole to kill the eleventh elder brother.

Cold sweat dripped down Ethan's forehead.

He closed the booklet and finally understood the reason for Kangxi's thunderous anger.

Ethan Ah felt that his arms weighed tens of thousands of catties, so he lifted them up slowly, took off his winter hat, put it aside, kowtowed and said: "This slave is deaf and dazzled, and the corpse is a vegetarian meal. I implore the master to allow this slave to beg for rest due to his old illness!"

Kangxi sighed, got up from the kang, helped Yisang'a up, and said: "I hope that you, my monarch and minister, can start well and end well..."

Since becoming a bachelor, Ethan'a has been a solid and mature man, and he is honest and honest in everything, and he is a capable minister without selfishness.

Ethan's face was full of shame and he said: "Damn it, you can't sympathize with the emperor's protection of Master Suo!"

How can the charges here be "eight discussed" by the Three Law Departments?

If you really want to go through the three law divisions, intervene in the palace, and murder the prince's elder brother, that would be a heinous crime, and it would not be unjust to confiscate the family and exterminate the family.

Kangxi said: "I save his face, but no one saves mine. You take this booklet and go to see him, ask him what crime he wants, and let him draw up his own!"

His voice was very soft, but his tone was beyond doubt.

Ethan's face turned pale, and he prayed when he looked at the emperor.

Kangxi said slowly: "This is done, I allow you to retire at the same level!"

Yisang'a knelt down on both knees, picked up the booklet that had just been put down, and said, "Your servant obeys the order!"

Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Jiu looked at the few people in front of him and was dumbfounded: "Aren't they the first two directors of the House of Internal Affairs? Why is there another one?"

It turned out that apart from Ma Qi and He Yi, there was another person in the hall.

The man looked very old, probably about the same as Ma Qi, bowed and said: "Slave Hayartu has seen Lord Jiu..."

Brother Nine came out to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and all he remembered of the court ministers were a few university scholars and officials from the Six Departments, and he looked a little unfamiliar to him.

"Which yamen transferred your lord?"

Brother Jiu asked curiously.

It's only been five days from the third day of the first lunar month to today, and it's not enough to bring up a head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so another one?
"The servant is the envoy of the left deputy capital of the Inspectorate, and has received the grace of the emperor, and is also the head of the House of Internal Affairs."

Hayaltu cupped his fists in the direction of Qianqing Palace and said.

Brother Jiu didn't ask any more questions.

The Procuratorate is one of the three law divisions. The chief officer is Zuodu Yushi, and his deputy is Zuodu Duyushi.

Youdu Yushi has the concurrent title of governor, and Youdu Yushi has the concurrent titles of governor, governor of rivers, and governor of water transportation.


Isn't it the person on duty in the inspection palace next to each other?

Actually moved to a professional trial case? !

Brother Nine nodded, feeling extremely curious.

He and He Yi were not familiar with the Vice Capital Censor, so he came to Ma Qi's side and said, "Master Ma, what about the dossiers from these few days?"

He wanted to see how many people were found.

Ma Qi bowed and said: "If you go back to Master Jiu, the file has been sealed and handed over to the emperor..."

I implore everyone to save a few monthly tickets and vote on the 28th-30th, and strive for the top [-] votes in the previous month, please.

There are activities in the circle of book friends to share the starting point coins. Thanks to the book friends who catch a lot of bugs, the number is allocated according to this chapter. Thank you very much, ^_^.

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 23th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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