Chapter 392 Sneaky (Part [-])
Brother Jiu was very disappointed.

He looked at He Yi, and looked at He Yi's expression.

He Yi was in his thirties, with a haggard look and dazed eyes.

His face was tense, seeing Brother Jiu looking at him, he bowed to show his respect.

Speaking of which, Heyi is also prominent, it is Sony's uncle's family.

He Yi's grandfather was Xi Fu, a scholar of Taizong and Shizu dynasties, who made the Hesheli family go further. His father was the late minister of the Ministry of Industry, Yan Bao.

Even when Sony became an official at that time, he was also known to the world as "Xifu's son".

It was only after the death of Xifu that Sony supported him twice, and the title and status of that branch surpassed that of the Heyi family.

Brother Jiu felt that he knew what he knew.

Although it's not like a concubine's exam, it's not much better, not as proud as being promoted to the head of the House of Internal Affairs, but a bit downcast.


Suo'etu's charges are not small!
Brother Nine wandered out and went to other valued rooms.

Fortunately, he retained manpower in the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, otherwise he would really be emptied.

Mazzie, old boy!
It looked good at the beginning, but it didn't work when it came to the critical moment.

That's Khan Ama's man.

Brother Jiu is not a person who loves power, but he is still not angry.

Can't pretend?

There is nothing to hide.

After passing the valet of the chief officer, there is the valet of the hall master in the east wing.

When Brother Jiu picked up the door curtain and entered, the people inside were buried in writing something.

Hearing the movement at the door, the man raised his head, it was Gao Yanzhong, the chief executive who was transferred from the imperial dining room in front of Brother Jiu.

"Ninth Master..."

Gao Yanzhong was pleasantly surprised, as if seeing a life-saving straw, he quickly got up from behind the desk and greeted him.

Brother Nine looked at him and noticed something was wrong.

Gao Yanzhong's face was gray and black, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and his clothes were wrinkled.

Brother Jiu glanced at him with distaste and said, "What's the matter, you've been here for a few days, and the family didn't send you any clothes?"

Gao Yanzhong looked at the door and said with a wry smile, "It's because I'm a coward. I didn't let my family come over after the third year of junior high school."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows, sat down in Gao Yanzhong's seat, and said, "Talk about it, what's going on?"

Gao Yanzhong bowed and said: "Since the beginning of the third day of the lunar new year, people are not allowed to enter the palace and are not allowed to leave. The guard on duty at the front happens to be a distant relative of this servant, so this servant told him to stop delivering food."

Brother Nine became interested, and asked curiously, "Then these days, have you followed Mr. Ma and the others to investigate people? What have you found?"

Gao Yanzhong said: "During the four days from the third day to the sixth day, the slaves were ordered by Master Ma to check the household registration status of the coaters in each yamen in the palace, and found out [-] impostors and [-] people with false registries. Among them, there are two court ladies, four servant girls, two housewives, five nurses, two officials, seven in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, six eunuchs, and the rest are Xinzheku handymen and laborers ..."

Brother Nine was astonished when he heard that, it is not difficult to guess the impersonation.

For example, Gao Yanzhong did not come to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs, but was still on duty in the Imperial Dining Room, but for some reason he could not be on duty, and he was reluctant to be short, so he sent money to the Shangguan, and his brother and nephew assumed his identity and entered the palace as a servant .

How come there are fakes? !

And the problem is not only the men in coats who are on duty in the palace, there are so many omissions in the harem! ?
Who is that lady?

It is the concubine's preparation, and the palace masters are close to each other.

The daughter of the family is a dowry woman brought in by the head of the palace, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has to find out the three generations before entering the palace.

As for the maid...

It was the Han women raised in the Qianqing Palace who agreed, and many of them were presented by the courtiers.

Brother Nine snorted softly, actually a little gloating.

See if Khan Ama has learned a lesson?

But thinking that there are still ten people involved in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Brother Jiu's face is not good.

Others don't think that he has only been the manager for half a year, and he hasn't meddled much in personnel affairs. He will only be fooled by his subordinates when he is a dandy prince.


Brother Jiu gritted his teeth.

These Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel with questionable identities must be the main characters on that line.

Otherwise, there are so many messy people mixed into the palace, how can we do without the insiders?
Seeing Gao Yanzhong's anxious expression, Brother Jiu nodded and said, "You are very diligent in your job, I have made a note of it, you can take a break after the shift, this matter is over, let it rot in your heart, so as not to cause trouble to your upper body!"

Gao Yanzhong immediately knelt down, excitedly: "Your servant takes orders, and my servant respectfully obeys Master Jiu's orders!"

Brother Nine nodded, turned around and left the room.

The mystery in my heart has been revealed, and there is no point in continuing to stay in the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The yamen hasn't opened the seal yet.

The three chiefs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are guarding, why are you joining in the fun?
Brother Jiu held the hand stove, took He Yuzhu and Sun Jin away from the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs, and wandered back to the second office.

When he passed Qianqing Palace, his steps were a little slow.

I want to go over and ask how to punish Suo Ertu...

Then he denied it in his heart.

That is a confidant minister promoted by the old man himself. Even though he has been out of favor for many years now, he has been warm for twenty years in his early years.

Picking up Suo'ertu this time is like slapping yourself, and it doesn't look good.

The heart is definitely not going well, so I won't get involved.

When I returned to the second school, I found that the courtyard was deserted and deserted, and there was no traffic.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, but instead of going to the main room, he went directly to the study in the front yard.

There is no eunuch serving pens in the front study, only Cui Baisui, who is in charge of access control, comes to clean it every day.

At this moment, Li Yin and Nanny Qi, who stayed behind, got the news and came to the study.

Director Cui is not here, so he asked for leave to go out of the palace to celebrate the New Year.

Brother Nine asked Nanny Qi to sit down, and looked at Li Yin: "Did someone come from Brother's office to check?"

Li Yin bowed and said: "On the third day of the junior high school, someone came to investigate. They had to face Xiaoying, and they had to interrogate the identities of the three generations. They had to tell who was the security guard in the same year, and they also checked who the master was when they were on the errand..."

Speaking of this, his face was a little complicated: "There is a little eunuch named Wang He, who worked as a little eunuch in Jingyang Palace after he was cleansed. Turn around and tell the master and Fujin whether he was transferred to the study, but this time the inspection found that besides his master on the surface, he also has an adopted uncle who is also working in the palace..."

Brother Jiu snorted coldly: "I didn't expect that the stove is still hot here?! After all, what kind of bastard is his uncle?"

Li Yin bowed even harder: "It's Wu De, Eighth Master's familiar eunuch."


Ninth elder brother only thought of himself as a servant: "Who is next to me? Is it Wu De? Isn't it Wu De?"

Li Yindao: "It's Director Wu De who is next to Ba Ye!"

Brother Nine frowned and said, "Then what's going on with Wu De? Say hello to Master, it's impossible for Master to treat his nephew badly, it's too strange..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated: "Isn't it the person who was going to make love to the head, but ended up here?"

Thinking about it this way, it is also possible.

When mynah was there, there was no change in manpower at the head office, so there was no shortage.

On the contrary, in the Second Institute, Liu Mama's round and Yao Zixiao's round left a lot of vacancies.

Li Yindao: "Master, if it weren't for the investigation by the Punishment Department, no one would know the relationship between Wang He and Wu De. Every time the uncle and nephew meet, they will be in Jingyang Palace, in the name of borrowing and returning books."

"What is there to cover up, so sneaky..."

Brother Nine spoke, and then froze.

He thought of Yao Zixiao and Yao Zicheng.

Yao Zixiao joined the Punishment Department last winter, so his cousin Yao Zicheng would inevitably join the Punishment Department.

At that time, Brother Nine was thinking of going back and explaining to Brother Mynah.

In the end, I caught up with the death of Dafu Jin, and I forgot about the funeral and vigil.


Starling didn't mention it...

Aren't you angry?
Brother Nine couldn't sit still anymore, he stood up, thinking about the last few times the two brothers met.

Except for the two times in the garden and the one on the first day of the first lunar month, there were several night vigils at the Zhijun Prince's Mansion.

Is there anything unusual?

Warm and friendly as always.

Brother Jiu couldn't think of the difference.

He is not a person who can save his thoughts, so he immediately got up and said: "Okay, master go out for a while!"

He planned to go to Babeile Mansion and ask myna directly.

Before going out, someone came in through the door: "Where is Brother Jiu going?"

It's Elder Brother Ten.

Brother Nine said: "It's just in time, come with me to the mynah's place, to see mynah..."

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "I didn't see you just the day before yesterday, so why did you go to see me?"

Brother Jiu didn't hide it either, and told about the little eunuch's concealment of his identity.

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "Brother Ninth is going to 'invoke the teacher'?"

Brother Nine quickly shook his head: "It's all here! Didn't I forget about Yao Zicheng? I thought I'd go over and say something, mynah, don't get me wrong!"

"Then what about the little eunuch, what?"

Elder Brother Ten said sternly.

Brother Nine hesitated and said: "Can you say it? It's like 'invoking a teacher to ask a crime'? But it's good to talk about it. It's Wu De's nephew, not the starling's nephew. That old boy must have made his own decision!"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "Big Brother didn't mention Yao Zicheng's matter, so Brother Ninth shouldn't bring it up. In the past one and a half months, it's this time again. It would be bad if Brother Ba had misunderstood."

It's not that the eighth elder brother will be misunderstood, but that the eighth elder brother is not stupid, so it will remind him of the reason why he thought of Da Suo in the palace.

It will be found that the roots of Khan Ama's thorough investigation of several royal relatives this time are in the second institute.

That's not good.

Brother Nine rubbed his forehead, a little irritable: "But this time, I'm keeping everything from Myna, isn't it good?"

Elder Brother Shi didn't speak, but motioned Nanny Qi and Li Yin to go down, and said in a low voice, "But telling Myna, isn't it equivalent to telling Prince An's mansion that when the time comes to go down the Five Banners, the prince will not be able to see Khan Ama's jokes, Can Khan Ama spare the starling? Even if he doesn't have an attack immediately, he will make a note of it, so don't cause trouble for the starling..."

Brother Jiu said with a bitter face: "Master is a little annoyed..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Then Brother Ninth, let's go back to the garden, there is nothing wrong with the left and right, lest the road is wet and slippery, and it is not safe to drive at night."

It's also safe to be blocked by the eighth elder brother.

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said: "Then you are resting in the palace for a few days?"

Elder Brother Ten grinned and said, "Well, my brother won't bother you..."

Brother Jiu thought about not seeing him all morning, and warned: "Don't keep running to the inner hall, Khan Ama should be jealous!"

Elder Brother Ten: "..."

At noon, the two brothers simply ate some food, and Brother Jiu took He Yuzhu out of the palace and went back to Changchun Garden.

As for Sun Jin, he stayed at the second institute.

If the imperial court summons Nine Elder Brothers, it will be convenient to deliver letters to the garden...

(End of this chapter)

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