My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 393 Shu Shu's Criteria

Chapter 393 Shu Shu's Criteria (Second Change)
The carriage with the blue woolen carriage slowly exited the Anding Gate.

The accompanying guards on horseback winked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know what's wrong with this elder brother, but after leaving Di'anmen, he told everyone to slow down.

The strong mules and horses were stunned to get out of the speed of an old ox pulling a cart.

It took less than half an hour to walk five miles from Di'anmen to Andingmen.

And why go through the Andingmen?
Come out of Di'anmen and go to the garden. Isn't it faster to go out of the city through Deshengmen?

Even going through Xizhimen is smoother than Andingmen.

In the carriage, Brother Nine was drooping, his eyes were drooping, and his face was not good-looking.

He Yuzhu was beside him, he couldn't bear it, and sighed in his heart.

Brother Jiu raised his eyelids, looked at him and said, "Okay, why are you sighing?"

He Yuzhu quickly covered his mouth and smiled flatteringly.

It was followed by a sigh.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "What the hell are you doing, tell me!"

Only then did He Yuzhu put down his hands, and said cautiously: "The slave just thinks it's not easy for me..."

Brother Jiu sighed: "Isn't this grown up, annoying!"

He's not a fool, could it be that he didn't notice the alienation of Shu Shu and the tenth brother from the eighth elder brother once or twice.

No matter how tactful and pleasant the two of them said, it still prevented him from communicating with myna.

When did Shu Shu's name change to "Babeile"?

Brother Jiu couldn't remember it, it seemed like a long time.

He Yuzhu was silent.

My father is seventeen, and he should grow up.

Eunuchs like them who waited on people had already grown up when they entered the palace at the age of ten.

"When did the old ten and mynah start to have a rift?"

Brother Jiu asked.

He usually doesn't see it.

He Yuzhu thought for a while, and said: "I don't dislike the quarrel, and the slave doesn't know it. Earlier, the two masters didn't deal with each other much in private, and the master was watching in front of him. It should be nothing; in the past six months, the master and the eighth master have rarely moved around. Already, Master Shi will follow along and move around less, right?"

Brother Jiu blinked, it turned out to be like this?

Old ten and myna have no personal relationship?
Is it because of yourself that the three of you got close before? !

It seems so.

The starling seemed a little reserved, and didn't take the initiative to get close to the old ten.

On the old ten's side, it is rare for them to put aside themselves and get close to starlings.

"What about Fujin? It seems that I don't get close to myna..."

Brother Nine hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

He Yuzhu glanced at him. Brother-in-law and brother-in-law who are similar in age should be kept respectful, so what's the point of getting close?

Brother Nine gave him a sideways glance and said, "Look at what you're looking at? Could it be because of you?"

He Yuzhu nodded, and said: "I guess Fujin was annoyed. In July, when Fujin wanted to eat cold dishes and wine for my grandfather, Master Ba didn't stop me; the trouble afterward was so ugly, and I didn't say anything about Fujin; and Those words of burying people and questioning the character and behavior of the Lord all came from Prince An's Mansion, and Eighth Master did not say to be the master for the Lord..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "Women are always narrow-minded. If something is too big, we can't turn the page..."

Seeing that the corners of his mouth were upturned, He Yuzhu didn't seem to be annoyed, and said: "In Fujin's heart, the master is the one in the front, so naturally protect him tightly, lest others will bully him."

Ninth elder brother nagging: "The starling is not someone else, and the distinction between here and outside is too clear."

He Yuzhu didn't say anything more, nor did he agree, just listened with a smile.

West Garden, South Place of Hechi.

Shu Shu came back after having lunch at her mother-in-law's place.

Spring sleepiness, autumn lack, summer doze, winter and March when I can't sleep.

It's easier to stare when you're full, and there's nothing left or right, so Shu Shu tore off her hair and went to sleep.

Halfway through her sleep, her arms felt sore, and she couldn't lift them even if she wanted to, as if she was pressing a heavy object.

She opened her eyes in a daze, only to see a bald forehead pressed against her arm.

Brother Jiu didn't know when he would come back.

When she moved, Brother Jiu also opened his eyes.

Shu Shu pushed his head away and rubbed his arm.

Ninth elder brother was embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "Is it numb? Then master rub it for you..."

Shu Shu was also polite, and stretched out her arms.

Brother Jiu supported her forearm with one hand, and rubbed her upper arm that was pressed with the other hand, looking very serious.

Shu Shu thought she had slept till night, but there was no lamp in the room, and the sky outside was brightly lit.

She glanced at the clock on the kang cabinet.

Only at the beginning of the application.

I slept for half an hour.

"Why did you come back so early..."

Shu Shu's fire of gossip ignited: "What happened in the palace, what will the two of you do?"

Brother Nine told the results of the inspection by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As for the treatment of Suo'etu and Tong Guowei, he didn't know either.

Not too soon, he thought.

Those two are the Dukes of the state, and if they want to deal with them, they have to learn from famous teachers.

After listening to the results of the population verification in the palace, Shu Shu frowned and said, "It's not that the Eight Banners household registration is the strictest, and there is also a 'Biding' every three years. How did these people pretend to be registered?"

There are few people in the Eight Banners, and banner people "go out to serve as soldiers, and enter to serve as civilians", and they all have the obligation to serve as soldiers, receive taxes and send corvees.

Therefore, in addition to the household registration, there is also the Shangding Register.

"Those who cannot see, walk, or hold" and "old, weak, and young" are not included in the Ding Register, and other "strong men over the age of eighteen and under sixty" must be included in the Ding Register.

Those who are able to serve in the errands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be young and strong.

In this way, if you want to fake the two booklets, the series of coats and collars and participation collars on it are for leisure?

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "Rules are dead, but people are alive. It is difficult for the people below to cheat, but the people above are just a matter of ordering... Don't talk about others, just talk about the fifteenth younger brother's biological mother Wang Shufei." , who was born as a civilian girl, but with the household registration of Li Xu's family, who would say that it is against the rules to enter the palace as a "cousin girl" with the status of his cousin?"

How many years has the Hesheli family been dignified?

As early as when Suo'etu was still a guard, he, Amasoni, became the four ministers, and his half-brother, Gabra, was the chief minister of the guard.

Speaking of this, Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said: "I remember when I was a child, just when I went to the study, when Mingzhu just fell, someone turned over old accounts and dug out Suo'etu's old background. Is it a concubine, or the son of a sinful slave, and there are people from the biological mother who are compiled in the Xinzhe library..."

In this way, Suo'etu has an internal response in the coat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Shu Shu admired it very much.

You must know that until now, the Eight Banners have always had a clear lineage.

Just like Fa Hai, the teacher of the thirteenth elder brother, who won the Jinshi, who can't take care of this brother, but the Tong family can still treat him as a slave, not a brother.

But Suo'etu turned the situation around and became the leader of the Hesheli clan as a bastard.

"If you can think of this, Yuqian must have found it, and I'm afraid it didn't run away..."

But it's not wrong.

The strength borrowed in the past must be returned.

Shu Shu is not a person who loves to be entangled. She will not think about history changing, she does not know the future, she loses her advantage and so on.

From her point of view, this change could not be a good thing.

The prince has lost Suo'etu and has no backbone, so he should calm down and calm down.

In addition, Mingzhu is still alive at this time, and the "Thousand Years Party" still has a reliable think tank, so it should not jump out.

With the big elder brother around, how can others see the eighth elder brother in their eyes?

"A son is more expensive than a mother" was more obvious in the Qing Dynasty than in other dynasties.

There are still many years left for An Sheng.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu, her waist was still not thick.

Idle is also idle, she plans to make a belt for Brother Jiu.

In this way, during the two months when she went out of Beijing with the Queen Mother, Brother Jiu can also have something to think about, which is also a kind of reminder.

Be nice.

Otherwise, there will be no good fruit to eat when you come back.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, and saw that she took the sewing box out of the drawer of the kang cabinet in a leisurely manner, as if she was about to do sewing.

"You have nothing else to ask?"

Brother Jiu looked at her face and said.

Shu Shu glanced at him and said, "What else do you want to ask? Is there any other news in Beijing?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "Then I don't know. After returning to the palace, I walked around the Yamen and didn't go anywhere..."

He thought of the little eunuch from the Second Institute.

If Eighth Prince's familiar eunuch arranged it on purpose, then why?
Are you afraid that you will treat mynah badly?

I always feel like I'm on guard against myself.

If it wasn't arranged by the eunuch Ming Da, then it was arranged by Bafujin?

Like the big princess in A Ling's family, he holds a grudge in his heart, deliberately trying to provoke his husband and wife relationship?
He felt overthinking again.

If Bafujin had that brain, he wouldn't make himself so embarrassing.

Even if Wu De arranges manpower, there is no need to arrange for the second institute.

Yao Zixiao was still there at that time, what news could not be heard?
It is estimated that it is a coincidence that it happens to be the second person.

Brother Jiu put this matter aside, thought of something else, looked at Shu Shu seriously, and said, "May I ask you something?"

Shu Shu put down the sewing box, nodded and said, "Well, can I ask?"

"Do you still remember what happened in July last year? Then... when will you turn the page?"

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu smiled, thought about it carefully, and said, "It's not about me..."

Brother Nine was confused: "Who is that?"

"As for Babeile, whenever he treats Master well and wipes away the previous bad things, it will turn the page."

Shu Shu wanted to pinch someone in her heart, but her expression became more gentle.

Ninth elder brother said awkwardly: "Actually, starling treats me very well."

Shu Shu smiled and said nothing.

It is quite clear when persuading others, but I am always confused.

What is good words?

Brother Nine thought about it all the way, and he already figured out that Brother Eight came here the day before yesterday to inquire about news.

"Mynah is also not cheerful at all. Why don't you ask me directly? If you ask me directly, I will tell you!"

He lay down on the kang and muttered.

Seeing that he was still deceiving himself and others, Shu Shu answered, "Then why did you say that?"

Brother Nine sighed and said, "Mynah is good at beating little boys, but sometimes he's awkward and likes to talk in circles."

But Shu Shu figured it out.

The eighth elder brother asked directly, and the ninth elder brother would tell him.

Then the news got out, if he was really going to be held accountable, would anyone condemn Brother Nine?
will not!

He just told his good brother.

Then the one who doesn't know the seriousness and speaks out loud becomes the eighth elder brother.

The eighth elder brother didn't ask directly, but asked something on the sidelines.

That's another way of saying it.

If you really want to hold the blame, the eighth elder brother must have made an "unintentional mistake", and the one who made the mistake is the ninth elder brother who didn't know the door.

The eighth elder brother may not be doing this on purpose, but he is used to this kind of behavior.

It's the kind of people who obviously ask others to do something, but insist on asking others to speak up, as if asking others to help others to save face.

No favors.

It's hard to put it bluntly, even if you are a bitch, you still set up a torii.

Shu Shu slandered, but she would not say these words out of her mouth.

"Anyway, in my place, people who are amiable or inhospitable depend on whether they are good to you. If they are good to you, they are the people I will be close to; if they are normal to you, then I will treat them equally; Let's figure out how to deal with him together..."

In order to prevent Brother Nine from being verbose, she immediately stated her principles.

What can Brother Jiu say?
He was also helpless.

But this is my wife, not someone else, my father-in-law and mother-in-law are used to it, so can I take care of it?

If you don't know what's good or bad like that, don't you become a jerk?

He sat up, stretched his waist, and said, "Ama Khan is not in the garden, so he is free to go out. Tomorrow, the Lord will take you to visit Baiwang Mountain!"

Shu Shu said: "You want to see those pigs?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Anyway, I'm idle, so I'll go and see how it's doing..."

The main thing is to see if there is any open space along the way. If you can buy a piece of land, you can also build a garden later.

Flower viewing in spring, fish watching in summer, hunting in autumn, ice skating in winter, there is a place for vacation and relaxation in all seasons.

Shu Shu also smiled.

In addition to raising pigs, Zhuangzi also asked people to raise a lot of chickens.

Now the eggs from Dutong Mansion and Bo Mansion are all delivered here.

This time in the past, you can unlock the freedom of Beggar Chicken...

(End of this chapter)

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