Chapter 394
After dinner, the couple strolled by the pool to digest food.

It's spring now, and the days are getting longer as the weather gets warmer.

When it was nearly Youzheng, the sun was only halfway down.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the two of them walked west along the corridor without carrying a lantern.

It's quiet here.

After passing the Dragon King Temple, the two of them walked north without stopping.

Brother Jiu remembered that he hadn't mentioned the little eunuch yet.

"Before, I saw that Wu De was smooth and thoughtful, but this incident is really shocking!"

Brother Jiu said it briefly and complained.

Shu Shu had never dealt with him before, so she didn't comment, but said: "Then what about this little eunuch?"

If you keep it, you can't use it with peace of mind.

Brother Nine said: "Why don't I turn around and ask Myna if he wants this person, and if he wants to transfer him to Baylor Mansion, or return him to Jingyang Palace?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "It's just a little eunuch, don't need to be like this, just say it for a while, it seems like you're making a fuss, just return it to the respect room!"

The maids and eunuchs in each palace are not static.

It is also common to go back and redistribute.

Since the eunuch Wu De didn't say hello, he didn't know that the relationship between the two uncles and nephews was good.

If you insist on treating it as one thing, it will only appear that Brother Nine is making a fuss out of a molehill.

It is also prone to ambiguity.

It seems that the ninth elder brother can't tolerate people who have relations with the eighth elder brother.

In the eyes of others, the two brothers are still warm and close.

It's too weird for my own side to be on guard against the eighth elder brother.

appear alone.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "That's right, one thing more is worse than one thing less."

When they arrived at the Great North Gate, it was almost time for a stroll, so the two turned back.

The twilight is coming together, and it is beginning to get dark.

The wind also rose.

When I passed the Dragon King Temple and was about to arrive at Hechi No. [-], I saw two figures in front of me.

"It's not smart, and it doesn't say you greet it with a lamp..."

Brother Jiu held Shu Shu's hand and complained.

He thought it was He Yuzhu and the others.

Shu Shu's eyes are better, and it can be seen that the two of them are not tall, unlike He Yuzhu and the others.

When there were still a dozen steps away, I saw the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother standing on the corridor next to the West Suo.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Sister..."

Brother Thirteen saw the two of them, and he took two steps forward to greet them. He was wearing thin clothes, just a thin cotton coat, not even a vest or cloak.

With his mouth shut behind him, like a frozen cat, the one following limply is none other than Brother Fourteen.

Brother Jiu frowned and said: "It's late at night, why don't you stay in the house, what are you doing?"

Thirteenth and Fourteenth Brothers: "..."

The two brothers were a little confused and didn't understand the reason for being scolded.

Isn't this brother and sister-in-law outside?

Brother Jiu snorted and pointed to himself: "What are you wearing, sir? What are you wearing? It's already cold by the pool, and it's windy. Are you looking for illness?"

Shu Shu couldn't help but stop talking, and said with a smile: "Are you looking for Brother Ninth? Go back to the room and talk!"

If Toss is sick, it's just under the nose, and it's the errands of the couple.

The thirteenth elder brother said a little embarrassedly: "I thought that the ninth brother was at home, and he was only a few steps away, so he didn't wear big clothes."

While speaking, several people returned to the South Office.

Brother Jiu took the two younger ones directly to Westinghouse.

There are only three rooms downstairs, and it is impossible to bring two such older brothers to the wife's bedroom.

Shu Shu went back to the east room, and told Walnut to go to the dining room: "Make a few bowls of ginger tea, and ask Xiaotang to serve some snacks. Elder Brother Thirteen likes sweets, so I serve candy ears and honey twist. Look at the other two..."

Walnut responded.

Xiao Chun whispered: "Brother Fourteen is different from before."

Shu Shu thought of a saying, "If you are far away, you will complain, if you are close, you will be disrespectful."

Brother Fourteen has this meaning.

The nest is horizontal.

Don't get used to his temper.

It is just right to keep a distance like this now, and he can be more honest.

Before the change, when Shu Shu and Ninth Brother gave him good looks, they were so aggressive and unruly, how could Thirteenth Brother have room to speak first?
After a while, Xiaotang sent ginger tea to Westinghouse.

The walnuts also brought back a portion for Shu Shu, with red dates in it.

Shu Shu thought about going to Baiwang Mountain tomorrow, so she said to Xiaochun, "The ones watching Zhuangzi over there are still Madam Xing and his wife?"

There are two villages over there, one is a small village given by Mrs. Uncle, with more than [-] mu; the other is a large village owned by Prince Kang Taifu, with [-] mu.

The two Zhuangzi are next to each other.

Mrs. Uncle's dowry girl, Nanny Xing, is taking care of Zhuangzi now.

This Nanny Xing married Mrs. Uncle from the palace, and later married Uncle's uncle's milk brother.

Their family is the servants of Bofu.

As early as when Mrs. Uncle gave Shu Shu Zhuangzi, she said that she would give Shu Shu Madam Xing's family.

The dowry population of the prince Fujin has to be listed on the booklet, and compared with the population of other Fujin, it is not good to exceed too much.

What's more, Brother Jiu didn't open a mansion, so it's not easy to set up a household under his name.

Therefore, the population of this family was not written on the dowry list.

There is a family of seven in total.

Madam Xing is an old couple, the eldest son is a family of three, and there are two younger sons who are not married.

Before Shu Shu got married, Nanny Xing brought her eldest daughter-in-law into the mansion to kowtow to her.

Xiao Chun nodded and said: "Well, when the slaves returned to the Dutong Mansion last time, it was just in time for Madam Xing's mother-in-law to enter the city to deliver things to the mansion..."

Sending some grains and dried vegetables from the two Zhuangzi to the Dutong Mansion was arranged by Shu Shu before she got married.

Then she thought of asking people to raise pigs and chickens.

Raising pigs requires cycles.

Chickens can lay eggs in half a year.

If the chicks bought when catching chickens are bigger, it happens to be the twelfth lunar month when eggs start to lay.

"Why didn't their boss come into the mansion?"

Shu Shu remembered one thing.

I didn't think it was weird at first.

Zhuangzi also needs Zhuangtou to watch.

But thinking about it now, one of the couple is uncle's baby brother, and the other is Mrs. uncle's dowry girl, so they should be the candidates for the manager and the manager.

How did you go to Zhuangzi?
There are also three sons of the couple, none of whom have entered the house.

The big one, shouldn't it be a companion for Xizhu, a long-term follower, etc., is the correct opening mode?

Just like Dutong Mansion, the housekeeper is Qi Xi's baby brother.

The son of the housekeeper, the eldest son is Shu Shu's companion, and the youngest son is Zhu Liang's companion.

However, it is unlikely that the couple will find out what is wrong.

In that case, Mrs. Bo will not give their family to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu thought of Brother Seven, who rarely showed up on weekdays.

Maybe there are any shortcomings?
She was a little curious, and then put it down, anyway, she would know tomorrow.


Ginger tea and pastry came up, and the thirteenth elder brother brought joy. With ginger tea, he ate half a plate of honey twist and half a plate of sugar ears.

The fourteenth elder brother was beside him, hesitant to speak but stopped, looking at the thirteenth elder brother without a glance.

The thirteenth brother just pretended not to see him. After eating two sweet dishes, he went to eat the other two, a plate of golden cakes and a plate of deep-fried pork chops.

One just relieved the sweetness at the front, and the other was sprinkled with white sesame seeds, which was crispy and crispy.

Brother Jiu lay down on the pillow, thinking about the arrangements for tomorrow.

The time is not right.

If only spring and summer would be fine, it would be a good time for an outing.

This area is the Changchun Garden of Khan Ama, and a small garden was given to Prince Yu next to it.

Several princes and county kings under the Five Banners also have gift gardens.

That is, the gardens are not very big, and some are smaller than the West Garden.

Brother Jiu thinks that the size of the West Garden is the standard, and no matter how small it is, it will not be able to take a walk.

Isn't it four or five hundred acres of land?

Brother Nine has already figured it out.

Taking advantage of the fact that there is nothing to do in the past few days, you can go around the Changchun Garden a few more times to see if there is a suitable boundary.

Brother Fourteen couldn't hold back anymore, and finally spoke: "Brother Ninth, are there any thieves in the palace?"

Brother Jiu turned his head and looked at him.

Brother Fourteen was a little nervous.

Ninth elder brother sat up and stared at fourteenth elder brother: "Why are you guilty? What bad things did you do?"

Brother Fourteen hurriedly said, "Who is guilty?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "If you like to talk, don't talk, if you don't talk, don't ask, children think too much about how tall they are..."

Fourteenth elder brother's face turned red and white, but it was rare that he didn't have a stubborn mouth. He just drooped his head and said: "On the first day of the Lunar New Year, a person was found at Dongtou Office..."

The ninth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother looked at each other with fear.

The other party dared to sneak into the palace, who knows where the desperado came from.

It's really hidden in elder brother's place? !
Fortunately, Brother Fourteen is fine.

Brother Nine frowned and said, "Are you scared? He's just a thief who picked up his badge and sneaked into the palace to steal sacrifices. What's there to be afraid of?"

Elder Brother Thirteen also said: "It's good to find out, there is nothing to be afraid of, after this time, the access control in the harem will be stricter."

Elder Fourteen's expression eased a little, and he said, "But if it's a thief, would Khan Ama need such a big fanfare? Bring out all the princes and daughters? Wouldn't it be that he wanted to enter the palace to assassinate Khan Ama? ? Like Jing Ke?"

Brother Jiu gave him a blank look: "I read too many story books. Jing Ke wanted to assassinate Qin Shihuang because of his hatred of subjugation. Khan Ama is a good and benevolent king. What reason do others have to assassinate him? Daming doesn't have much. year?"

The fourteenth elder brother said with a sigh: "Isn't it... There is still the third prince Zhu outside... What if they are their survivors?"

Brother Jiu was too lazy to talk to him, and said: "Don't think about these useless things all day long, the sky will fall and there will be a big man to support it, even if there are assassins who sneaked into the palace, they will not attack us princes and elder brothers, khan Ma has so many sons, what's the use of killing one or two? You're not a prince!"

Brother Fourteen pursed his lips and said nothing.

In fact, the man was about the same as an outlaw.

The other party sneaked into the prince's dining room at some point and hid the boning knife on his body.

When he was searched by the guards, the man also rose up to hurt others, and the knife went directly to the guard's neck.

Fortunately, the guard was nimble and dodged quickly. He stabbed the cotton neck with a knife and only cut a hole.

Otherwise, blood will be spattered on the spot.

Brother Fourteen had insomnia that night.

He thought he was going to have a fever, and it turned out to be fine.

But after a whole night of tossing, he also remembered what happened in the West Fourth Institute.

I was really not very sensible at the time.

Ninth Brother and Ninth Sister-in-law are also working hard to take care of themselves.

And most importantly...

Someone is going to kill him!
It's the people around him that make trouble in his house.

Is it ventriloquist, or something else, intentionally making scary noises.

Otherwise, Khan Ama would not have arrested everyone around him into the Punishment Department.

He looked at the ninth elder brother who was doing nothing, and then at the thirteenth elder brother who was still eating snacks wholeheartedly, and sighed in his heart.

It seems that the two brothers are not reliable.

When such a big event happened, he didn't even have anyone to confide in...

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 24th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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