My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 395 Stormy Seas

Chapter 395 Stormy Seas (Part [-])
"No wonder the birds have been quiet these days, and they haven't made any moths. I guess they were scared..."

After the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother left, the ninth elder brother went to the east room and talked to Shu Shu.

When Shu Shu heard this, she was also taken aback. She didn't expect that someone was actually hiding in the prince's house.

But when she thought about the situation when she first went to Concubine Yi's Yikun Palace to pay her respects, she roughly understood the reason.

In the inner court, there are access control everywhere.

Every palace gate is guarded, and the east and west palaces are the strictest.

On the contrary, it's much looser here where Elder Brother Dongxi is located, and there is no small access control.

"It's no wonder Shengjia brought these people with him when he moved the garden. The emperor must know about it. It's really dangerous."

Shushu said.

It would be too bad if people who sneaked into the palace jumped over the wall in a hurry and hurt the prince or princess.

Not only the bereavement, but also a scandal that made people question the imperial power.

The Forbidden City, guarded by more than [-] guards and guards, sneaked into and killed the blood of the Tian family so easily, what would others think?
There will definitely be people who imitate, causing endless disasters.

Brother Nine said something, then let it go.

Fourteenth brother here, he has learned a lesson, he can't be said to keep a respectful distance, it's almost the same.

"Ama Khan pampers me, and Concubine De protects the calf, so it's my grandfather's turn to worry..."

Brother Jiu was chattering with Shu Shu, with a sour tone.

Although Concubine De didn't seem very reasonable, and she didn't act very thoughtfully, but it should feel good to be protected.

If Er Niang can protect him like this, even if it is unreasonable, he will admit it.

Seeing him like this, Shu Shu touched his face: "I dote on you, I protect you, can't you..."

Brother Jiu fell onto the kang and spread it out into a "big" character: "Come on, today I let you pick it!"

Shu Shu: "..."

This is simply a provocation!
Can't bear it!


Early the next morning, Brother Jiu's eyes were moist, but he had a resentful face.

He was sitting on the edge of the kang, his cheeks were bulging, and he was staring at Shu Shu, wanting to breathe fire.

Shu Shu was dressed neatly, sitting in front of the dressing table, winking over her, and jokingly said: "I didn't say it myself, let me pick it up, why are you annoyed?"

Brother Nine rubbed his wrist, it was tied tightly last night, he was struggling hard, and his wrist was red all over.

Seeing this, Shu Shu took the ointment from the dressing table, went over to wipe it on him, and said angrily, "Don't let me move, I have to move, does it hurt now?"

"Master is a stone man?"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "It's all like that, why don't you make a move?"

Shu Shu glanced at the window, it was high in the sun.

"Stop talking about this, the girls are ashamed to hear it..."

Brother Nine snorted softly: "Dare to act but dare not to act, are you counseling or not?"

Shu Shu nodded and said, "I'm cowardly, can't I be cowardly?"

Brother Jiu hugged her and said, "It doesn't matter, you go to the Westinghouse to sleep tonight, and let's do it the other way..."

Shu Shu hesitated.

Active and passive are different.

Stimulating and being stimulated are also two different things.

Brother Nine saw that she was not happy, and began to let go: "If you don't agree, I will take care of things now, and no one will want to leave the house today!"

Shu Shu looked up at the roof.

Some people started bragging.

Is the roof going to break?
There has been movement outside.

I heard voices in the room, and the maids were waiting to come in to clean up.

Shu Shu felt helpless, nodded and said, "Listen, let's live in the Westinghouse tonight..."

Brother Nine succeeded in his trick, and immediately smiled, and let go of his hand contentedly.

Shu Shu then raised her voice, "Come in."

Xiao Chun, Walnut, and Xiao Yu filed in.

Walnut holds the water and serves Shushu to wash and wash.

Afterwards, Shu Shu sat in front of the dressing table, and Xiao Yu began to comb her hair.

Xiaochun is on the kang and folded the quilt.

Shu Shu looked at the clothes of several people, and said: "Go to Zhuangzi today, it's at the foot of the mountain, maybe you have to climb the mountain, wear thicker clothes, and shoes too."

Spring covers autumn and freezes.

It's time for the cold spring again.

I'm still thinking about having a picnic, so of course I need to wear thicker clothes.

Xiao Chun said: "Should I keep the maidservant as housekeeper?"

Xiaoyu said: "Sister, go, I'll take care of the house today, I have an uncle who is Zhuangtou, I went there several times when I was a child, and I've seen it before."

Shu Shu recalled Xiao Yu's family affairs, and said, "Is it the Zhuangtou on Uncle's side?"

Xiaoyu's grandmother, Nanny Wu, was Jueluo's wet nurse, and later the whole family came to Dong'e's house as a dowry.

Grandma Wu is a second-married daughter, originally a talented woman with a soft heart.

Her natal family and husband's family were also rich, and later the Eight Banners encroached on land and became tenants.

Her talented husband went to Jueluo's natal family to join the family and became a household servant.

Nanny Wu refused to concede his wife as a concubine, and through her knowledge, she became a Chinese teacher for Shu Shu's grandmother.

With the power of the mistress, reconcile with her husband.

The first pair of sons and daughters all followed the scholar's father.

Has it become a village head?

Abandon his first wife and marry another.

The scholar was a bannerman, but he was not a bannerman.

The descendants have been slaves for generations. If they want to wear armor, they can only pick up infantry and logistics with the least silver and rice, such as blacksmiths and carpenters.

There is no independent household registration, and generations must be attached to the main household.

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Yes, it's that uncle..."

"The children and grandchildren haven't read yet?"

Xiao Yu thought for a while, and said: "It seems that I used to be a cousin in the early years. I heard that the qualifications were ordinary, so I worked as a bookkeeper at my uncle's house."

Shu Shu felt that their poor aptitude might be their luck.

If the aptitude is really good, the pain will be doubled.

Because of the restrictions on the Eight Banners imperial examinations, only those who are in the banner are allowed to participate.

Household servants like the sons and grandchildren of scholars are not allowed to take the exam.

This is the greatest retribution.

He wanted to lead his family forward, but he rushed in without knowing the rules of the Eight Banners.

I mistakenly thought that the servants were the coats.

Little did they know, there was a world of difference between them.

After breakfast, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu left the garden.

There were already two carriages waiting outside, one for Shu Shu and Brother Jiu, and He Yuzhu was sitting outside.

Xiaochun, Xiaosong, Xiaotang, and Walnut took another car.

In Xiaochun's hand is a big package, which contains a set of Shu Shu's clothes, ready for replacement.

Xiaotang is also a big package, which contains various seasonings and some ready-made food.

The parcels here for walnuts are rather small, and they were prepared with more than a dozen purses for Mammy Xing's family.

As for Xiaosong, it was her and Shu Shu's bow and quiver on their backs.

Turtledoves and quails are plump now.

Xiao Yu and Zhou Song stayed at Nansuo.

Accompanying outside are one bodyguard and fifty guards, all on horseback.

The total distance is more than ten miles, and most of the way ahead is on the imperial road.

This road is going to the Xishan Palace.

On both sides of the road, there are gardens with walls.

"Most of the gift gardens of the royal residences are nearby..."

Brother Nine lifted the curtains of the car and explained to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu looked a little wooden.

One mile to the north next to the Changchun Garden, there is now a small enclosed garden, which has not been built much yet.

In history, it will be given to Si Age by Kangxi eight years later.

Then there is the famous Yuanmingyuan in later generations.

With the subsequent construction of several emperors, the Old Summer Palace will become a garden of ten thousand gardens.

Then, as the dragon fell asleep, it was robbed and burned by robbers.

Brother Jiu sensed her depression, misunderstood her, and said, "I want it? Let's go around these few days and find an open space near Changchun Garden."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Don't look for it nearby, it's four or five miles away, maybe there won't be so many people robbing it!"

Brother Jiu said: "To build a garden is to look at the water, and you can't choose a place in the land and build it!"

Shu Shu said: "Then let's not repair it in Haidian, go to Xiaotangshan, find a place with hot springs, and go there to soak in hot springs in winter..."

You can also take the opportunity to stockpile land.

There is an old line there now, and the scale is not large.

When was the Daxing Palace built?

I forgot the exact year, but as Kangxi gradually aged, it was estimated that it would be soon.

At that time, when the hoarded land is sold, it will be another profit.

Even if it is not sold, it is also a good thing to split it up as a gift.

Shu Shu was so excited that he forgot the Old Summer Palace.

As long as Honghui is doing well, there won't be a dry Xiaosi on stage.

The Old Summer Palace will not be expanded again and again, which will damage the national strength.

Isn't history changing a little bit?
Shu Shu perked up again.

Brother Jiu saw it, but he wrote down the purchase of land in Xiaotangshan.

The Nian Jing a few days ago saved a lot of money.

Since Jiangning's cashmere weaving factory is under the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he doesn't need to pay the money, because there is nowhere to spend it.

Baiwang Mountain is more than ten miles away from West Garden, and it takes less than half an hour to arrive.

We are talking about two Zhuangzi here, but in fact the small Zhuangzi bought from Brother Jiu is also nearby.

The two small villages are nearly [-] acres, plus the [-] acres of the big village of King Kang's Mansion, and half of the forest land on the top of the hill.

It is equivalent to the entire Baiwang Mountain boundary, and half of the land is comfortable.

Shu Shu looked out of the carriage, finally feeling like a landlord.

Baiwang Mountain is the remnant of Taihang Mountain. It is not high, and it is a park in later generations.

Shu Shu has been here twice, and I remember the approximate data, which seems to be about [-] meters above sea level.

The terrain of Haidian is high in the northwest, and the altitude at the foot of the mountain is about [-] to [-] meters.

Therefore, if you want to climb the mountain, you can reach the top in two or three quarters of an hour.

But now I'm not in a hurry to go up the mountain, I want to meet people first.

At the foot of Qiantou Mountain, there are more than a dozen courtyards scattered, forming a small village. Among them, there is a three-entry courtyard that looks the most neat and dignified, which is different from other courtyards.

At this moment, people have already come out of the yard.

It was a young man in his twenties, also dressed as a banner man, wearing a leather vest trimmed with fur. He recognized the guards' outfits. He approached him neither humble nor overbearing.

The chief guard turned over and got off his horse, looking at the carriage behind him.

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand, got out of the carriage, and looked at the young man.

At this age, Nanny Xing's eldest son?
If the limbs are sound, does that mean the appearance is flawed?Didn't go to the government to work?
Seeing this, the young man knew that this was the real master, so he also looked over.

Shu Shu's expression remained unchanged, but when he saw the young man's appearance clearly, his heart was filled with turmoil.

Brother Nine helped Shu Shu put on the Zhaojun hat, turned around, and saw the young man clearly, with surprise on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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