My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 396 Secret (Part 2)

Chapter 396 Secret (Second)
Brother Jiu didn't say anything immediately, but looked at Shu Shu with suspicion, and said, "Who is this, so similar?"

Shu Shu was a little confused, and couldn't understand the relationship for a moment.

This young man's eyebrows and eyes are five or six points similar to her cousin Xi Zhu.

If two people stand together, they are like brothers.

Uncle's illegitimate son?


The long house is not only short of sons, but also lacks such healthy sons.

If there is such a son, even if he is a concubine, he will definitely take him back and raise him well.

Who is this then?

Shu Shu had a guess.

The young man was taken aback when he heard Brother Nine's words, then felt uneasy and wanted to leave.

Xiaochun and the others also got off the carriage at the back, and seeing the young man's appearance, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, which seemed odd.

Xiao Chun stood next to Shu Shu, raised her voice and said, "Fu Jin is here, where is Madam Xing?"

The young man was a little flustered, he didn't dare to look at Shu Shu, he lowered his head and said, "I am at home..."

At this moment, Nanny Xing and his wife in the yard also got the news, and they trotted over.

Seeing the young man, the couple's expression changed drastically.

Shu Shu's cover is tight, but the man standing beside him is wearing a yellow belt, surrounded by guards, and Xiao Chun is following, his identity is self-evident.


Madam Xing bowed and spoke with a trill.

Shu Shu was full of questions, but there was no reason to ask questions outside, so she said: "Well, please trouble Mommy to prepare hot water."

Nanny Xing bowed and led the way in front, leading everyone to the three-in-one courtyard.

"The servant's family lives in the front, the main courtyard is empty, and chickens are raised in the backyard..."

Chickens in other seasons are kept outside in pens, but in winter, it is too cold to lay eggs, so a chicken shed is built in the empty backyard.

How can Shu Shu care about chickens, pigs and so on.

Her small face drooped, and she was faintly angry.

My mind is also very confused.

Nanny Xing also knows what's going on, so she doesn't dare to talk about it when she sees this.

Brother Jiu asked He Yuzhu to send a message to the guards to repair on the spot at the official road, and only brought ten guards to follow Shu Shu into the courtyard.

The small yard was full of people at once.

There are two and a half teenagers in the yard, one is fourteen or five years old, the other is twelve or thirteen years old, they look honest and cautious.

Seeing the father and brother coming in, both of them moved behind the elder brother.

The young man also protected his two younger brothers behind him, and the brothers looked very close.

Shu Shu's eyes fell on the two teenagers, and he looked at the older boy twice before moving away.

Madam Xing's husband invited the guards into the wing.

Nanny Xing brought Shu Shu and Brother Jiu into the front main room.

There are five main rooms, with a door in the middle and two rooms on the left and right.

Everyone came in, and a young woman with a baby came out from Westinghouse.

The child in his arms looked about the same age as Elder Seventeen, probably two or three years old, and was looking at everyone curiously.

Seeing a guest coming, the young woman hurriedly looked at Madam Xing, this is Nanny Xing's eldest daughter-in-law.

Shu Shu was wearing both a hat and a mask. The young woman didn't recognize her, but she saw Xiao Chun, and hurriedly bowed her knees and said blessings.

Nanny Xing said: "Go down and make tea..."

The young woman looked terrified, gave a blessing to the guests, and went down with the child in her arms.

Everyone entered the East Second Room.

Shu Shu just looked at Xiao Chun and said, "Go and help Mrs. Xing..."

Xiaochun and the others responded and withdrew.

Only Shu Shu and his wife, He Yuzhu, and Nanny Xing were left in the room.

Sweat came out of Nanny Xing's face.

Shu Shu sat on the edge of the kang, took off her hat and mask, and said indifferently: "I have hidden for half my life, there must be a reason, let me tell you, mother..."

Nanny Xing was a little at a loss, her lips trembling.

"Is it the same mother and brother of the cousin?"

"Mammy's stepson?"

Shu Shu expressed her guess about the youth's identity.

Nanny Xing sighed, nodded and said, "Fu Jin is smart!"

Shu Shu frowned and said, "How old is he?"

Nanny Xing said: "Twenty-five..."

Shu Shu felt sick in her heart.

It turned out that this was the reason why the uncle didn't invite Xizhu's biological mother to be his wife.

It's not because of the deep love between husband and wife, because of Mrs. Uncle's face or something.

But the identity of Xizhu's birth mother is really criticized by others.

It cannot be brought to the table.

Not only a family child, but also a wife.

Shu Shu glanced at Nanny Xing.

Madam Xing is Mrs. Uncle's dowry girl, she looks older than Mrs. Uncle.

If we compare the relationship between Xiao Chun and Shu Shu, she is about the same age as Mrs. Uncle, or even older, so she is also the fifth person.

"Mammy sit down and talk."

Shu Shu signaled He Yuzhu to move the stool, and Mammy Xing sat down.

Needless to say, it is another long story.

"What happened back then?"

Shu Shu asked.

Nanny Xing sat on half a stool, gritted her teeth and said, "The bastard has made a fool of himself!"

It turned out that Xi Zhu's biological mother was the uncle's babysitter's daughter, who worked as a errand in the inner house when she was young, and was three years older than the uncle, and she was the big girl beside the uncle.

When the uncle became a man and became engaged to his cousin in Shuncheng Palace, the big girls around him were released by Grandmother Shu Shu to make a match.

Xi Zhu's biological mother married Xing Quan, uncle's nanny brother.

The young daughter-in-law did not have the custom of entering the inner house, and Xizhu's biological mother did not enter the mansion as an errand.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and the uncle and his wife have no sons and half daughters, and they have two concubines, but there is no movement.

Xizhu's birth mother had already given birth to two sons, the older one was Xing Hai, and the younger one was next.

One summer there was a severe drought and a plague of locusts occurred in Baoding. Xing Quan was ordered to inspect the real estate of the Bofu, appease the tenants, replant crops and so on, and stayed in Baoding.

The youngest son of Xizhu's birth mother was ill, so he sent someone to invite his uncle over for some reason.

As a result, the child died, and the former master and servant rolled away together.

"By the time master finds out, it's already the end of the twelfth lunar month, and I can't cover my stomach anymore..."

When Nanny Xing mentioned this matter, she was still angry.

She had been engaged in her early years, but later her fiancé fell off a horse and died, so she made up her mind not to marry.

I saw with my own eyes that my master, in order to seek a son, drank medicine like eating, and his bones were ruined.

I was looking forward to it, and I was pregnant twice, but I couldn't keep it.

It's not that there are no concubines in the mansion, but they went outside to hang out with their thirty-something-year-old daughter-in-law.

"The uncle knelt down to the master, and said that perhaps this life is just a little bit of flesh and blood, whether it is a man or a woman, it is precious, and it is not easy to keep it outside. The master is soft-hearted, but for the sake of the uncle's reputation, he proposed to wait until the child is born, and write it down. Under the name of my aunt, born of a good concubine, the child has a decent background..."

"Hmph! That bitch spent all his time trying to climb high branches, how could he give up? He's looking for life, uncle's heart has softened, and the master has never cared about their bad things..."

"My family was the second steward of the uncle's house at the time. He was loyal to the uncle and respectful to the master. The servant also met him face to face..."

"It was pitiful at that time, the elders above were gone, and there were no brothers and sisters of the same generation. I had a serious illness and almost died of illness..."

"The master couldn't bear it, so he sent the slave to visit twice. That bitch is cruel, and all the money in the house was stolen..."

"Boss had already remembered things at that time. The person who delivered tea and medicine in front of his Ama was as dirty as a mud monkey. The slave's heart softened for a moment..."

"Later, I moved out of the city to see Zhuangzi, and added the first two little ones..."

Shu Shu listened, her eyes were red.


Uncle is such a person? !

No matter what tricks Xizhu's biological mother used, he still ate shit!

It is he who is in poor health, and he is the one who has difficult children!
If Mrs. Uncle wanted to remarry early, she would be full of children and grandchildren!

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows after hearing everything, "Father-in-law is too kind. With such a concubine, who knows if he is the son of the uncle, and he is allowed to be the heir of the uncle's house?"

Shu Shu didn't doubt Xi Zhu's bloodline, if she really had any doubts, Ama wouldn't look at her.

Ama attaches great importance to brotherhood, but she will not sit back and watch the title and family fortune passed down from her ancestors be given to others.

Who knows what would have happened if Madam Xing hadn't married off to appease the hatred of taking his wife?
Regardless of whether Nanny Xing really felt pity, or whether she shared the master's worries, if she can live in poverty and live in a small farmyard, she deserves Shu Shu's respect.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "When Lord Jiu opens the mansion, let their brothers work as errands in the prince's mansion..."

What was wrong back then was Xi Zhu's biological mother, who had cheated on Hong Xing, and the lustful uncle, not the father and son of the Xing family.

As a result, they enjoyed honor and wealth over there, while the two generations of father and son shrank in the backcountry here. Was it wronged or not?

Mother Xing heard this, with hesitation on her face: "Fu Jin, Boss is here... I'm afraid there may be some inconvenience..."

If others can see it and reveal the past, it will be a scandal.

Shu Shu said: "It's okay, my cousin rarely goes out to socialize, and he doesn't know many people."

Nanny Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and said gratefully, "Thank you Fujin for your kindness!"

Logically speaking, Madam Xing's family has been given to Shu Shu by Mrs. Uncle, so she should also call her Master Shu Shu.

But she still calls Mrs. Uncle the master.

That's not quite the rule.

Shu Shu didn't intend to correct her.

She had already made up her mind, built a garden in the future, and arranged for Madam Xing and his wife to look after Mrs. Uncle's pension.

This is a loyal servant who has accompanied Mrs. Uncle for half her life, just like the relationship between Xiaochun and the others, growing up with her.

If you are old, it is also good to be a companion and chat with you about your childhood.

Shu Shu was sick for a while, and felt sorry for Mrs. Uncle.

Immediately, she came out from Nanny Xing's house.

Everyone came out excitedly, not only Xiaosong carried bows and arrows, but even the guards who came from the guards carried bows.

Don't let everyone down because of your mood.

Shu Shu felt that it was going according to the original plan.

Go up the mountain to hunt and have a picnic.

She let go of this matter, but Brother Jiu didn't let it go.

At the foot of the mountain, when the guards first went up the mountain to open the way, Brother Jiu sent He Yuzhu and the others to go further away, and the couple talked alone.

"Father-in-law is too affectionate, and there is no need to do anything. As long as Xi Zhu's identity is revealed, he is not qualified to inherit the uncle's mansion..."

The uncle's mansion is the eldest son of this branch of the Shushu family. In addition to the title of second-class uncle, there is also a hereditary leader.

If it was transferred to Shu Shu's family, then their family would have two titles and two hereditary leaders.

Can be divided among four sons.

It also gave Brother Zhuliang a chance to breathe.

Even if the generation of their brothers did not become a high-ranking official, the family would not decline...

(End of this chapter)

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