Chapter 397 God Will Bless You (Third Change)

This is the second time Brother Jiu mentioned the title of Dong E's family.

Obviously he was reluctant to lose his title, and now he has a legitimate excuse.

Shu Shu sighed and said, "It's not just because of the brotherhood between Ama and Uncle, nor is it because of outsiders' speculation. I guess it's because of Ama and Enie's refusal to switch branches, but also because of Zhuliang and the others..."

If it is really for the sake of the title that brotherhood is lost, then it is a bad example for the sons.

Qi Xi did this for the sake of the title, so could the brother under Zhu Liang be concerned about his elder brother's world title?

The family atmosphere is broken.

They are all ordinary people, no one is a saint, selfishness is inevitable.

There is a saying in the ancients, "There is nothing richer than contentment".

If you are not satisfied, greed will make you a ghost.

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Could it be that Mrs. Uncle is willing to let an adulterous son inherit the uncle's house, and look at the faces of their mother and child in the future?"

Speaking of this, he thought for a while, and said: "Maybe the Xing family will be given to you just to wait for you to uncover this matter."

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "Amou is the head of the county, the eldest daughter with a noble salary, and the aunt of the Prince of Shuncheng, whoever inherits the uncle's mansion will only have to confess her old man, who dares to prick her? Master thinks There are too many, it should be that Ah Mou looked at the Xing family father and son pitifully, thinking that I will need people in the future, otherwise people will be useless, and Ah Mou also loves me, so I won't get into disputes."

What kind of reputation is it for a married woman to intervene in the title of her natal family?
Even the prince Fujin is a joke.

Brother Jiu disapproved and said: "It's fine if you get the benefits! A title that is in front of you, grab it first, and then teach a few brother-in-laws later. Rules, criticize brother, just split it out? It's better than not scoring!"

Shu Shu smiled, and said: "The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. In the final analysis, I can't bear to part with them. There are always trade-offs in this world. Since it's Amasher, it's a trade-off. Just do whatever you want."

Brother Jiu rubbed his chin and said: "If it's my master, I won't do anything else. I just wait until when my uncle passes away, and before the title is determined, push the eldest son of the Xing family to others, and then Xi Zhu's background will be revealed." I don't understand..."

"That concubine came into the mansion with him in her arms, who can tell if there are any other guests..."

"I promise that this has nothing to do with my father-in-law or mother-in-law..."

The more he talked, the more excited Brother Nine became.

Seeing this, Shu Shu hurriedly took it seriously, looked at Brother Jiu and said, "What's the difference between Ah Ma and Al Ling Ah acting like this?"

Brother Nine was dumbfounded, and said for a while: "Master arranged for someone to do it. It wasn't done by the father-in-law, nor was it thought of by the father-in-law. How can you talk about the father-in-law and the villain Alingana?"

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "But it's Ahma who has benefited, who wouldn't doubt him? If Ahma accepts the title in exchange for tarnishing the family and brother's reputation, then she is a hypocrite and despised by the world; if she does not accept it, What are you doing all this time for nothing?"

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "You can't even admit it? You don't care about your reputation, so you don't want me to take the grievances on behalf of the Yue family..."

Shu Shu pulled his hand, shook his head, and looked more solemn: "I won't allow it! Ama's reputation is a reputation, but my master's reputation is not a reputation?! The scriptures say, 'People are wicked and fear nothing, but people are kind. Bully the sky, don't bully', with kind thoughts in your heart, the sky will bless you, I... look forward to staying with you forever..."

Brother Jiu's expression eased, he nodded and said: "I understand, I won't do useless things..."

It's just a second-class uncle, what's so rare? !
When my brother-in-law grows up, if my brother-in-law pushes me, can't I get a future?
He is also greedy.

In addition to growing old together, I also want to have both children.

Not to mention seven sons and eight sons-in-law, but others have some, and their own families also have them.

If doing good deeds can get you what you want, so what about being a good person?
When there is bad water in the stomach, just endure it.

Brother Jiu's mood suddenly brightened, he smiled heartily at Shu Shu, saw the guards going down the mountain, and said, "Let's go up the mountain..."

Shu Shu smiled, nodded and said, "Let's go, let's shoot turtledoves..."

Not all birds fly south. The birds that stay in the capital for the winter are called resident birds, including turtledoves and quails.

The mountain path that was previously covered with dead branches was simply cleaned up by the guards.

The couple started to climb the mountain, which was a path in the forest.

After walking for about two quarters of an hour, we arrived at the open space on the top of the mountain.

Shu Shu estimated the distance, which is about [-] to [-] meters at a relative height, and the mountain road is three to four times that distance.

The guards have to ride and shoot every day, so the mountain road is of course nothing.

Shu Shu was also okay, her face was flushed, and she felt that her bones stretched out instead.

Komatsu has been watching all directions and listening to all directions.

Xiaotang also moved a lot and had some strength.

Only Brother Jiu, Xiaochun, and Walnut were not working hard, and they were slightly panting.

It's not too hard, after all, there are so many distances in total.

Shu Shu stood on the top of the mountain, looking towards Changchun Garden.

The weather is fine and the view is vast.

You can't see the specific buildings, but you can see the general distribution of each garden.

Brother Jiu came over, took a closer look, pointed to the north side of Changchun Garden and said, "There are several open spaces over there!"

Shu Shu looked over, made a simple map in his mind, and said: "Don't think about it, it's too close to the Changchun Garden, and even if the garden is repaired in the future, it will be owned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At that time, it will be a gift garden, and we will still be a little far away some……"

In later generations, this area was the place where the Yuanmingyuan was expanded.

Even if it doesn't expand, Ciyuan doesn't want it, it only has the right to use it, and it follows the title.

For example, the ninth elder brother is Baylor, so when the children and grandchildren attack, the garden will be taken back to the House of Internal Affairs and given to another Baylor.

Why is the government rich?

Because their family property and rewards are good, they have been saved from generation to generation, and there are no such changes.

Shu Shu looked to the east, where the later Orson Park was located.

But let it go after thinking about it, it's too far away, more than [-] miles away from Changchun Garden, farther than Baiwang Mountain.

You know, since Changchun Garden was built, there has been "garden management".

As Kangxi gets older, he will spend more and more time in Changchun Garden.

Haidian needs to build a garden.

She thought that there was a small river at the foot of the mountain, which could be regarded as a water system.

In fact, Baiwang Mountain is a good choice.

But the bad thing is that only a small part of the property rights of this mountain belongs to her, which is next to Zhuangzi's side.

Most of the other places are properties of Kang Wangfu.

Building a garden next to this place will make Brother Jiu feel uncomfortable.

Then there is no need.

Shu Shu thought that there was a dividing line on the way there.

On the south side of the dividing line, there are more lakes, and there are also many rice fields, which look like official fields.

From Changchun Garden to the middle of Baiwang Mountain, there are fewer lakes, and the fields here are also scattered.

Shu Shu pointed in that direction, and discussed with Brother Jiu: "With those rice fields as the boundary, the east side should be the land of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the west side should be private land... Otherwise, let's find out whose land it is. How about replacing tens of acres of land with others nearby, it will be convenient to bring water into the garden, and it is private property, so it can be passed on to children and grandchildren?"

At the foot of Baiwang Mountain, the total land in Shu Shu's hands is about [-] mu. It shouldn't be difficult to take out the [-] ​​mu of small village from Guidan last April and replace it with dozens of mu of land.

Brother Jiu heard this, and immediately said with disgust: "What's the use of tens of acres? Even if it's not as good as the West Garden, it's not too far behind, right?"

The West Garden covers an area of ​​about [-] mu.

Shu Shudao thought for a while and said, "Then we can only wait..."

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see it clearly, but all the places with many water systems are surrounded by the royal family.

Shu Shu looked to the southwest.

Kunming Lake, the Summer Palace covering an area of ​​more than [-] mu, is located.

Now there is no Summer Palace, and there is no name given by Kunming Lake. It is just a big sea, called Jinhai.

Xiaosong and the guards started hunting.

Xiaotang went down the mountain.

Although Shu Shu talked about hunting, she was not very optimistic about today's capture.

The bird thing can fly again, and the movement is too loud, so how can I keep it waiting for someone to shoot it?

Fly early.

Even if some are shot, they are still turtledoves, and even their fur and internal organs weigh less than half a catty. How many bites of meat can they have after cleaning them up?

Wouldn't it be nonsense to want to rely on it to fill your stomach?
So I asked Xiaotang to prepare two boxes of food.

But I have been talking about beggar chickens for a long time, and this should be as I wish, I told Madam Xing before, and asked her to pack up a few and come to pick them up later.

When Xiaotang arrived at the Xing family, the whole Xing family was busy.

Madam Xing warmed up steamed buns and steamed buns, and was bringing her sons along to give extra meals to the guards.

This is what Shu Shu ordered before.
The guards have silver rice, and they have to bring their own dry food when they go on errands, which are nothing more than fried rice and fried noodles that are convenient to carry.

But now, although it's beginning of spring, it's still cold winter, and it's better to eat something warm than anything else.

"Mommy, I'm here to get the chicken..."

Xiaotang said.

Seeing her alone, Madam Xing said, "Let us three boys follow the girl and send them there!"

Only then did Xiaotang realize her negligence, and nodded.

Xing San is Nanny Xing's eldest son, and his brother ranks third, which means that the child who died in the front is also ranked in it.

Carrying a bamboo basket on his back, he followed Xiaotang up the mountain.

In the bamboo basket are eight clean chickens.

Xiao Song followed the guards and also shot around.

It's just turtledoves, quails, sparrows, etc., nothing big.

Seeing Xing San coming up with the chicken on his back, the guards all cheered.

Most of the Shangsanqi guards are from noble families, and they are all masters of eating, drinking and having fun.

Chang Shan, the first-class bodyguard at the head, is also Shu Shu's elder, a member of the Dong E family in Zhengbai Banner, and the younger brother of Empress Xiaoxian, four brothers.

In terms of seniority, Chang Shan is of the same generation as Qi Xi, and is Shu Shu's uncle.

Dong E's family has a small population in the Eight Banners, so they tend to be in a group. Even though they are in different banners, the family relationship is relatively close.

Chang Shan wasn't polite to Shu Shu, and spoke in a friendly way, saying: "If you have any orders from Fujin, just open your mouth, that is, after the roasting is finished, give us two to taste."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "How can two be enough? There are a total of eight in total, and all five are given to Fourth Uncle!"

Chang Shan was in his forties, but he still had a childlike innocence. Seeing that Xiaotang was short of manpower, he ordered a few people to chop firewood, and called on his men to help Xiaotang, and to carry water at the foot of the mountain.

Many people are powerful.

After a while, the fire was gathered, and the chickens were marinated and wrapped in tin foil, wrapped in yellow mud, and put on it to simmer and roast.

The turtledoves and quails that were shot just now were handled in a much rougher way, and they were directly roasted on the fire.

When it's baked, peel off the scorched hair on the outside, and eat it directly with salt and pepper.

Xiaotang opened another food box, which contained five-spice bread, marinated eggs, and Songhua ham.

It can be eaten cold directly or baked on the fire.

They have eight masters and servants, plus ten guards, and they have prepared a total of twenty copies.

Xiaotang divided according to the population, and gave Xing San another share.

The chicken still needs to be simmered and roasted for a while, and everyone is hungry now.

Seeing and eating, they are all smiling.

It was the first time for them to line up to serve Nine Brothers, but they had heard of Nine Brothers and Jiu Fujin for a long time.

Whether it's during the northern tour or in the capital, working with these two masters on errands, you can get a bite of delicious food.

This time, they also caught up with...

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 25th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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