Chapter 398 Laughing Angry (Part [-])
Several piles of bonfires have already been lit in the open space on the top of Baiwang Mountain.

The guards gathered around, and the air was filled with the aroma of the heated bread.

Shu Shu, Brother Nine, and Chang Shan were by the fire where the chicken was simmering.

Next to him were He Yuzhu and Xiaochun, one was baking bread, and the other was baking marinated eggs and Songhua ham.

There are branches everywhere, and it is convenient to insert food.

Brother Jiu said to Shushu: "This mountain is too small to be used. There are tigers, wild boars, and wild sheep on the west mountain. If you want to take a day, I will take you to the west mountain." hunt?"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "You don't need to run so far, next time we'll catch birds outside the garden."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Well, catching birds is also fun... Fishing is also good, but it's not good to go fishing in the Changchun Garden. There is a lot of water there, so there are big fish!"

Shu Shu said: "Didn't you say that you have to make a nest when fishing? On the fifth day of the lunar new year, we fished too casually and didn't prepare the bait properly."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's true, and the water over there is shallow. Tomorrow, we will go to the Dragon King Temple to make a nest. The water over there is deeper..."

Shu Shu nodded with a smile and said, "Well, I'm still thinking about making fish for the Queen Mother. Whether it's delicious or not, it's our filial piety."

Brother Nine snorted softly: "Let's save filial piety. Go back to the south of the Yangtze River. You've been on the boat for more than two months. How can you still be short of fish?"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "There is also a portion for the master, we made it ourselves, and the master also added a side dish, two more mouthfuls of porridge."

Brother Jiu immediately changed his tone and said, "Jiangyu is river fish, river fish is river fish, how can the taste be the same? You should also bring some with you when the time comes, what if the water and the soil don't suit you?"

Shu Shu didn't know what the reasoning was, and she didn't refute it, she listened with a smile.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine's share is also baked.

Brother Jiu wiped his hands, broke open the marinated egg, ate the egg yolk that Shu Shu didn't like, and gave her the egg white.

Shu Shu also sorted out the baked noodles, leaving the burnt and hard half and pulling the soft half to Brother Jiu.

Chang Shan has already baked the noodle cake, and put the warmed marinated egg and Songhua ham in it, the saltiness is enough.

As he ate, he felt choked for no reason.

A set of bread rolls with marinated eggs and ham is finished.

Turtledoves, quails, sparrows, etc. were almost burned by those fires.

This time Brother Nine didn't need He Yuzhu anymore, he sent him to dinner, and pulled two black eggs out of the fire by himself.

One big and one small, one should be a turtledove or quail, and the other should be a sparrow.

Brother Jiu took the small one first, but it burned badly.

The paws and legs are all burnt, and there is still some meat left on the bird's breast,

Brother Jiu didn't think it was dirty, so he tore off two pieces, dipped them in the barbecue sauce, and said to Shu Shu, "Try it, this taste is different!"

Shu Shu took it and ate it.

It is burnt and fragrant, but it is too thin and too small.

Can't feel half a mouthful.

Peel off the larger black egg, and inside is a turtledove.

This one has meat, Brother Jiu tore a bird leg for Shu Shu.

Shu Shu also saw roasted turtledove once.

Even eating and playing, an hour passed.

Shu Shu remembered that this beggar chicken would take an hour.

But it's the first time I do it, and I'm worried that I don't have enough time.

He looked at his pocket watch and pinched it. After another quarter of an hour, he asked someone to open a beggar chicken.

The aroma is overflowing, and it looks shiny.

Shu Shu tore up a chicken leg for Brother Jiu to taste, Brother Jiu nodded endlessly: "It's roasted just right, the outside is burnt and the inside is tender, but the taste is a bit bland..."

Everyone has already gathered around and immediately divided up the rest.

Chang Shan didn't want to suffer, seeing the young couple getting bored, he called his brothers to take the five beggar chickens they had been given to eat by the fire next to them.

Xiaotang went over to deliver two packs of barbecue ingredients, which Shu Shu asked her to prepare in advance.

This is because the chicken has not been marinated enough, it is not tasty, and it is seasoned.

The ten guards, one first-class, three second-class, and six third-class, are all the children of honorable ministers of the Shangsan Banner.

There is no need to classify old relatives and friends.

Just two people and one chicken, divided equally.

The older ones know the rules and have a tight mouth.

A third-class guard who was only added this year couldn't help giving a big thumbs up.

"Just treat others as bragging, but it turns out it's true. Follow Jiu Ye and Jiu Fujin to have delicious food..."

The others didn't like to talk about the master, so they didn't speak, but they all nodded in response.

On the other side, Xiaotang and the others also shared two chickens.

Everyone was not hungry after eating the baked pancakes, so they all tore a piece and tasted it.

Xiaotang saw that Xing San didn't sneak a glance, just pretending that he wasn't full.

After all, at this age, it's the right time to eat.

She handed him the remaining roast chicken and said, "Take it and eat it, we'll share that one."

Xing San took it over with embarrassment, blushing, and said: "Then can I take it home? I want to give it to Ama, Ernie, brother, sister-in-law, and niece..."

A filial and sensible child is never annoying.

Xiaotang nodded with a smile: "Then let's go, before it's cold..."


Xing San brought joy and trotted down the mountain.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu heard the movement and looked over.

Xiaotang stepped forward and said, "He is a filial child."

Brother Jiu glanced at Xiaotang, he really grew up with Shu Shu, and his words carried that flavor.

How old is he, and everyone else is a child.

When Xiao Tang left, Elder Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and asked, "To tell you the truth, in your heart, don't you also treat Master as a child?"

Shu Shu looked him up and down, and fell to his waist, why is he a child?

If it's a child, she won't be able to do it!
Brother Jiu understood, covered her eyes with his hand, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Where are you going to look, be more polite, there are such people!"

When everyone came down from Baiwang Mountain, they were all satisfied.

Shu Shu felt happy and unlocked the Beggar Chicken.

The only regret is that there are so many people accompanying him today, he must maintain the respect and decency of Prince Fujin, otherwise, it would be perfect to catch the chicken by himself.

When I was a child in my previous life, I was taken to the countryside by my parents as a guest, and I took my little cousin to hunt chickens in the village for two hours, but I didn’t catch any chickens. It’s a pity when I think about it.

Before leaving, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu didn't forget about their business, and went to see those pigs and chickens.
The pigs are all in the pigsty, and they have been raised for half a year, and they have grown to half the size.

It's in the old courtyard of Madam Xing's house, next to the three people entering the courtyard.

There are five pig houses in total, previously there were four pigs in each.

Later, two of them died of illness, and now there are still [-] of them.

By the looks of it, it will be ready for slaughter until the end of this year.

Shu Shu saw that there was still a lot of space in the yard, so she said to Madam Xing, "When spring comes, we can build a few more pig houses..."

Nanny Xing hesitated and said: "Fu Jin, it's not easy to keep so many of them together. If there is swine fever and they don't run away, it's better to raise them separately..."

Shu Shu is not a stubborn person.

She looked up at a dozen or so families not far away, and said, "Are those all tenants of Zhuangzi?"

Nanny Xing said: "Yes, they have been tenants for many years."

Shu Shu said: "Then build a pig house at the foot of the mountain, separate from here, and raise them in two places. There are idlers among the tenants, and the mother will pick a few honest ones and hire them."

Nanny Xing also felt that this was safe, and nodded in agreement.

Seeing the chicken coop, Shu Shu said: "I, Ernie, will give birth in April, so I would like to ask you to prepare more hens. If there are not enough hens here, I will store them in the nearby Zhuangzi and send them to the Dutong Mansion. Get sixty ready."

Jue Luo is over [-] years old and is already an older mother. It takes [-] days of confinement or directly double confinement to recuperate her body.

Mother Xing kept this in mind, and decided to go to the city more often to pay her respects in April, so as not to be uninformed and delay the delivery of chickens.

By the time the group arrived at the West Garden after returning from Baiwang Mountain, it was already afternoon.

The accompanying guards and guards have all gone on business.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu took the others back to the South Office.

She said to Brother Jiu: "It's still inconvenient. As soon as the guards report to the police, the news will be delivered to the emperor. Let's go around in the future!"

The action is under everyone's noses.

Even if there is no place where you can't see people, you don't want to have no privacy at all.

Brother Nine heard this, and showed a smirk on his face: "Ama Khan must be in a lot of trouble these days. He has to deal with people and save face. I don't know how to worry about it. When he sees us eating, drinking and having fun, you think his old man won't?" Will be jealous of us?"

Shu Shu smiled, what is there to be jealous about?
What are they playing about?
Who will play it!
That is not the emperor confined in the Forbidden City.

Throughout the year, there are also various trips.

In future generations, it is impossible to say that he will be nicknamed "The Emperor of Walking".

The northern tour is almost once a year.

This southern tour will soon change from once every five years or once every ten years to once every two or three years.

With all the power in your hands and no one restraining you, it's time to do whatever you like.

Brother Jiu just said that, and didn't take it to heart.

The next day, the couple harmed the fish in the pond again.

This time it was more professional. We got equipment, made several nests, not only fishing, but also a lot of fish cages and so on.

There are also blocks.

Tried all kinds of tricks.

After working for a long time, I harvested seven or eight baskets of fish, and I am satisfied.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi watched Zhao Chang send several newsletter.

There are royal palaces.

There is the mansion of the Eight Banners.

There are also news about the Prince's Mansion and Haidian Garden.

On the third day of junior high school in Prince Kang's mansion, Chang Shi was sent to Dong E's house, and then Prince Kang sent his mother to Haidian Garden.

Kangwang Mansion also has a gift garden over there, just two miles northeast of Changchun Garden.

Prince Xian complained of illness and thanked guests behind closed doors.

Prince Zhuang took his wives and concubines, and also went to Haidian.

Prince Yu complained of illness and thanked guests behind closed doors.

Prince Jane complained of illness and thanked guests behind closed doors.

Prince Gong didn't complain about his illness, but he also thanked the guests.

The Eight Banners are unified here, and he personally selected them, and they seem to be stable.

On the contrary, there are a few deputy capital commanders of the banner, jumping up and down, not very peaceful.

Among them, one of the deputy governors of the Xiangbai Banner even went to the Zhijun Prince's Mansion in person.

Does this mean that Suo'etu has fallen and the prince is unstable?

Kangxi sneered, took a pen, and circled the names of several unruly vice-dutongs.

It's not their turn to disturb the wind and rain in the capital, so if they are restless, they will make room.

Among them, two older ones were immediately dismissed; one who did not make a big move was transferred outside Beijing.

Look at the prince's mansions again.

The eldest elder brother took a light car and went to Mingzhu Mansion, and then closed the door to thank the guests.

The third elder brother met several children of Dong E's family, and also met with members of the Ma Jia family of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On the fourth elder brother's side, he didn't go out, and didn't see many guests. He copied the "Ksitigarbha Sutra" at home, and there were still some days when Empress Xiaoyi gave birth to sacrifices.

The fifth elder brother is here, and he has a good relationship with Wu Fujin's teaching.

literal meaning.

Such a person who doesn't like to learn is actually very patient in teaching his wife Mongolian.

It should be for the convenience of Wu Fujin serving the Empress Dowager.

The husband and wife are warmer, not as deserted as before.

Brother Seven...

It's hard to say.

Seven Fujin asked Seventh elder brother to study, saying that he wanted to make the little elder brother and little Gege in his belly smart.

What I read is the "Three Character Classic".

As a result, Qifujin fell asleep after listening to a few words.

A "Three Character Classic" has been read from the winter month of last year to the first month of the year, and I haven't finished reading it yet.

Although he didn't know whether Qifujin was pregnant with a grandson or a granddaughter, but with such a nirvana, Kangxi didn't even expect the child to be smart.

The eighth brother is busy.

First went to Prince An's mansion, and then, like doing odd jobs, sent the little elder brother of Prince An's family to West Garden.

The dignified prince elder brother, who doesn't know how to respect, really thinks that he is the son-in-law of the royal family?

Kangxi had a sneer on his face.

Wait until I see the news of Brother Nine in the West Garden...

Kangxi laughed angrily.

This one is busier!

On the ninth day of the first lunar month, I took Fujin out of the imperial garden, went to Baiwang Mountain to marry Zhuangzi, had a picnic, and inspected the pigsty and chicken coop.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, I took Fujin Yuyuan to fish, using ten fish cages and five fishing nets, and caught a total of [-] catties of fish.

The manager of Changchun Garden is here to make a note, please let me know if the pond in the West Garden will be supplemented with fish fry after spring...

(End of this chapter)

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