My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 399 Order Hershey

Chapter 399 Ordering the Hershey (Second Change)

After fishing for most of the day yesterday, Shu Shu dreamed of ice holes.

Then something seemed to float inside...

It was dark and looked a little scary.

When it came to the front, it turned out to be a big fish, slippery.

Shu Shu opened his eyes, and saw that the room was dark, and it was only dimly lit outside.

An arm was pressed around the neck, and it was cold to the touch.

It was Brother Jiu who was shirtless and put his arm over.

She pulled the quilt and covered Brother Jiu's shoulders.

Although the earth dragon is burning here, it is not as warm as in the palace.

Originally, the tent was set up, but Brother Jiu felt stuffy at night, so he hung it up again, and it was easy to catch the wind.

Brother Nine woke up, moaned twice, wrapped her in his arms, and continued to sleep soundly.

Listening to his breathing, Shu Shu's eyelids became heavy.

Nothing to do, continue to sleep.

There was movement at the door.

It was Sun Jin's voice, panting and hurried.

"My lord, the emperor sent me to see you..."

Shu Shu opened her eyes, rolled over and sat up.

Brother Nine's arms were empty, and he was stretching his arms with his eyes closed.

"Master, summoned by the emperor, get up soon!"

Brother Jiu opened his eyes, dazed.

Shu Shu said it again.

Only then did Brother Nine frowned and got up, looked at the window: "It's so early in the morning, what is Khan Ama doing?"

Shu Shu turned over and got off the kang, lit the lamp, put on her clothes, went out, opened the door bolt, and let Sun Jin come over.

Sun Jin looked anxious, and when he saw Brother Nine, he said: "Master, just pack up and leave. Listening to Lord Ten, not only did you pass on the word to Master, the emperor also sent people out of the palace to go to the elder brothers." Summoning, it’s too late to go..."

Brother Jiu glanced at the clock in Duobao Pavilion, Maozheng had just passed.

This old man, what are you doing so early in the morning?
But since Elder Brother Ten reminded him, it must be a big deal.

Brother Jiu put it on, took a few hot sesame seed cakes, and set off with He Yuzhu and Sun Jin.

He didn't have time to go to the guard's office to call the guard, so he directly brought fifty guards back to Beijing.

He didn't dare to ride in the carriage, he remembered that he came out of the palace on the afternoon of the eighth day and didn't say hello to Yuqian, so he was a little scared.

If Khan Ama turns over the small account, that is also at fault.

On the eighth day of the eighth day of the lunar new year, he was ordered to go back to Beijing with his entourage, so he had received an errand.

He should have stayed in the palace to obey orders.

Previously, he made trouble and sued Ling'ah, but now it's his turn.

Really fast retribution.

For more than twenty miles, the distance outside the city is all fast horses.

In the part of the city, there was no rush or delay, less than half an hour before and after, Brother Jiu arrived at Di'anmen.

After entering the palace, Brother Jiu didn't go back to elder brother's place, and went directly to Qianqing Palace in stride.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Yaque was silent.

There were not many people in the room, there were a few academicians and ministers, and the rest was the grown-up prince elder brother.

Kangxi sat on the kang, looking at the folder in his hand.

He has seen it three times.

This is Suo'etu's confession.

Suo'etu hanged himself at home at midnight last night.

It is written in the booklet that since the ninth year of Kangxi, he extorted money from foreign officials who wanted to enter the palace to hand over the badges, otherwise they would not be allowed to get green cards, so as to amass a lot of money.

In the twenty-ninth year of Kangxi's reign, Sheng Jia Yujia was infected with cold during his personal expedition. Suo'etu once connected with the courtiers and made two-handed preparations.

When Shengjia returned to Beijing first, Suo'etu missed the opportunity to fight in order to cover up the previous rebellion, causing many Eight Banners generals to die.

All are true and none are false.

But compared with spying on the court and murdering the royal family, they are all light.

Kangxi looked at Ethan Ah.

Ethan'a was still standing at the top of the cabinet, with a few great scholars and ministers standing behind him.

In just a few days, Ethan Ah looked ten years older.

His body was bent and his cheeks drooped.

Kangxi sighed, and said: "Just hand over the booklet when you go back!"

Ethan bowed respectfully, kowtowed three times, and said with a sob: "Thank you, master, for your kindness!"

Kangxi glanced at Liang Jiugong.

Liang Jiugong stepped forward and helped him down.

He knew that the emperor didn't anger the old man in his heart, but he wanted to show it to others.

We can't deal with Suo'etu over there, but here we still use Suo'etu's son-in-law as the head of the cabinet.

Lost the power of deterrence.

Kangxi looked at the elder brothers standing there.

The elder brother has a straight face, his waist is as straight as a pine and cypress, and he looks quite majestic.

Kangxi knew that this was intentional, otherwise he would not be able to hide his gloating expression.

Looking for Pearl?

Does this have a backbone? !
Reckless and naive.

Looking at the third elder brother again, he seems to be polite and sincere, but in fact he is ambitious and lacks self-knowledge.

Can people from Dong E's family use it, or people from Ma Jia's family?

Read a few more books and think that you have the ability to strategize, which is extremely ridiculous.

The fourth elder brother acts rigidly, is too serious, and does not know how to adapt.

Fifth elder brother...

He was really Brother Jiu's brother, everyone else held their breaths and took care, but he was still dazed, staring at the seat next to him, seemingly wondering why everyone was standing.

This belly is getting bigger again, and the waistline is almost three feet, right?

This is the Chinese New Year fell into the tank?
Seventh elder brother still looks dead, with drooping eyelids, not distracted by anything.

Eighth brother...

The face is blind for nothing, and the cleverness is not in the right place.

The flag right of the Zhenglan Banner has to be held by another person.

Elder Brother Ten had his head tilted, looking at the door, and his ears were stuck out, listening to the movement outside...

Kangxi glanced at the chiming clock, there was still a quarter of an hour before Chenchu, if brother Jiu didn't arrive yet, he would have to be fined.

Then three years of fines!

Just as he was thinking, there was movement outside.

"Your Majesty, brother Jiu is here, see you outside."

Liang Jiugong came in and said.

Kangxi snorted coldly: "Let me get that bastard out of here!"

Liang Jiugong withdrew and passed on a message, reminding in a low voice: "Master Jiu, the great scholars and elder brothers are all here, this time we can't make fun of you..."

Brother Nine cupped his hands, thanked him silently, and strode into Xinuang Pavilion.

"Khan Ama, my son is here to see you!"

Brother Nine greeted me heartily.

Kangxi wanted to reprimand him, but he saw that he was wearing riding clothes, his forehead was sweaty, the front of his hair was soaked, and he was wheezing when he spoke.

This is rushing on the road, sweating profusely.

Dismounting from Shenwu Gate, it is also a small two-mile journey to Qianqing Palace.

Brother Nine felt that although he came late, he had to have a correct attitude.

He trotted all the way over, sweating all over in a daze.

When Kangxi came to his lips, he changed his words again, and said, "Nonsense! Even if you are on your way, it's not at this moment. What are you doing in such a hurry?"

Brother Jiu touched his forehead directly, and said: "It's all about my son's bad temper and his lazy temper. The day before yesterday, seeing that there was nothing to do in the palace, I went back to rest in the garden. After listening to the summons, I was afraid that the errands would be delayed... ..."

He honestly admitted his mistake.

Kangxi snorted coldly at him.

Rest? !
It's hunting and fishing at the same time, I'm afraid it will be more tiring!

Even when it wasn't time to settle accounts with him, Kangxi glanced at Liang Jiugong.

Liang Jiugong was very clever, he tiptoed out, brought in a clean towel, and handed it to Brother Jiu with both hands.

This person is not a strong man, if he is really going to suffer from a cold, the emperor will feel uncomfortable.

The ninth elder brother had already got up, stood between the eighth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, took it back, wiped it on his forehead twice, and looked at the opposite side curiously.

The first few are all bachelors, but Ma Qi is not.

Ma Qi wants to enter the university?
He inexplicably came up with this guess.

Immediately, he looked at his row again, and the brothers in front all turned around and looked at him.

Brother Nine grinned, revealing a mouthful of small white teeth.

The elder brother looked away in disgust.

The third elder brother returned a smile.

The fourth elder brother glared at him.

The fifth elder brother was worried, and whispered to Liang Jiugong to come closer, saying: "Anda ask someone to deliver a bowl of ginger soup. He came on horseback early in the morning, so it must have arrived."

Liang Jiugong also responded in a low voice, and went out to give orders.

Kangxi saw it and looked at the fifth elder brother.

Everyone is so angry that they dare to order the people in front of the imperial court?
The fifth elder brother noticed something, and looked back, as if he didn't understand why he was looking at him.

The seventh elder brother crossed the eighth elder brother, stretched out his arm, and stuffed something in the ninth elder brother's hand.

It started cold, a glass snuff bottle.

Brother Jiu was feeling that his nose was a bit blocked, so he quickly opened the snuff, put it under his nose and took two deep breaths, the cold fragrance came to his nostrils, and he sneezed twice.

The nose cleared all of a sudden, and the dizzy head became clear.

The eighth elder brother just turned around, with a concerned face, intending to inquire, but was sprayed all over the face, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Brother Jiu didn't realize it, and still felt that it was not enough, so he squinted his eyes and sucked for the second time.

The tenth elder brother has already taken out the handkerchief and handed it to the eighth elder brother.

Eighth Prince waved his hand, took out a snow-white handkerchief from his sleeve, and wiped off his face with trembling arms.

Brother Nine had already opened his eyes, and seeing Brother Eight's eye circles were red, he said, "What's wrong with Brother Eight?"

The eighth elder brother couldn't hold back his smile anymore, looking at the ninth elder brother, it seemed that he wanted to see his heart.

Brother Nine looked a little furious, and took a step back involuntarily.

The tenth elder brother supported him, and reminded in a low voice: "Ninth elder brother sneezed, and the spitting stars sprayed myna's face!"

Maybe it's not just spitting stars, but also snot.

Brother Nine hurriedly apologized in a low voice: "Myna, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Eighth Brother shook his head, still smiling, and said, "It's okay..."

Brother Jiu felt that this smile was a bit cold.

It feels better to be reassured by being scolded.

He drooped his head, feeling a little confused.

If Old Ten made him angry, he would definitely kick him right away.

Starlings never do that.

Whether it's towards their brothers or outsiders, it seems that there is never a time to get angry.

It's not like a real person...

After a while, Liang Jiugong came in with a bowl of ginger soup.

There are many people on errands in front of the imperial court, and the wind and cold are the most taboo.

In the tea room of Qianqing palace, ginger soup is always prepared after winter.

Brother Nine thanked him, took it, took a sip, and didn't spit it out.

The ginger soup made from pure old ginger, without adding anything, is spicy in the mouth.

He wanted to put it down, but his body was damp and it was indeed a little cold, so he drank it up with a bitter face and "gurgled".

Kangxi had already looked at the crowd, and said in a cold voice: "Suo'etu is greedy by nature, unfaithful and unfilial! Although death cannot escape his serious crime, he won the title, but his status is lost! The family ordered Hesheli to be sent to Ninggu Pagoda to be armored. Man as slave!"

The room was silent.

I have something to go out at noon, it will be later, and the third one will be even later, everyone can watch it together tomorrow morning, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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