Chapter 400 Seeing the world (third)
Standing at the door of Suo'etu's house, the leader of the guard who was in charge of guarding before stepped forward to greet the elder brothers.

No one spoke, and everyone looked at Ma Qi.

Those who came to Suo'etu to "deprive themselves of their registration" were Ma Qi, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs and Director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and He Yi, the newly appointed director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Ma Qi's face drooped, and he looked unusually friendly.

He Yi looked even more mournful.

It's almost there.

It was his cousin who died.

The pillars of the Hesheli family fell.

Still such a bleak end.

The Hesheli family suffered unprecedented setbacks.

He Yi had seen the real file and knew the real crime of Suo'etu.

Now the emperor has concealed this crime in order to protect the crown prince.

If one day the father and son fall out, if the Hesheli family is stubborn, it will be the evidence of destruction.

A sharp knife hangs above his head.

He Yi has no one to sue, he can only hide it in his heart, willing to serve the emperor, hoping to make the family survive this calamity.

From King Zhijun to Elder Brother Ten, the eight princes all came to "see the world".

This is what Kangxi said.

Calling all the sons over early in the morning must have a purpose.

The purpose is to prevent them from "eating and drinking" all day long, and to see what happened to Suo'etu, the "No. [-] sinner in the Qing Dynasty".

Ninth elder brother took care, and whispered to tenth elder brother: "Khan Ama is so funny, what is there to know? See how rich his family is?"

The tenth elder brother didn't speak, but just glanced at the eldest elder brother and the seventh elder brother.

It was Lao Qi's job to come forward to ransack the house from the guard barracks.

Is Khan Ama afraid that the prince will hate Lao Qi?

To bring everyone together, to take the meaning of "the law does not blame the public"?
This should be incidental.

The main purpose is to let the boss see it, right?

Suo'etu's three crimes are all capital crimes.

Why can't one die a hundred and have to be punished again?

This is not the behavior of a benevolent king, and Yuhan Ama has a bad reputation.

Khan Amma still punished severely.

That's because Suo'etu's biggest mistake was not asking for bribes, nor was it delaying the war opportunity, but mainly "big rebellion".

Convincing the prince's uncle to join forces with the lieutenant soldiers and want to take advantage of Shengjia's serious illness to support the prince to ascend the throne, this is not Conglong, but the hope that the emperor's father, Longyu, will control Bintian!

To be honest, Suo'etu had no intention of rebelling, but his father Sony's fortune stemmed from the two support efforts, and he wanted to follow suit.

He is lucky himself, so he naturally wants to seize the opportunity.

It's just bad luck, Khan Ama's condition improved and he returned to Luan, which didn't give them a chance to make trouble in the army.

If the boss jumps up and down and continues to fight, then the father and son will not be happy in the future.

A group of people waited into Suo'etu Mansion.

In the yard ahead, Suo'etu's family members were already waiting.

All women and children.

Looking at the clothes, they are Suo'etu's concubines, four immature sons, and two daughters who have not left the court.

The rest are household servants.

They were trembling, and when they saw He Yi, a cousin and elder, their expressions were slightly better.

The room was very quiet, and Brother Jiu didn't say anything inappropriate, but he felt strange.

Suo'etu has two adult sons, why is one missing?

Isn't it the beginning of the third day of the Lunar New Year?
Where to run?
When a military academy next to Ma Qi brought people out, a little while later, they brought out three corpses.

To verify the authenticity.

He Yi and Ma Qi are jointly responsible for this matter.

In addition to Suo'etu, who has white beard and hair, there are also his two sons, both of whom were strangled to death, with a purple-black bruise on their necks.

It wasn't the first time Brother Nine saw a dead person, but his hairs still stood up, so he quickly moved his eyes away.

Both of these two are on errands in Yuqing Palace, Brother Jiu also met their brothers face to face before, they are both extremely arrogant people.

When I met the prince elder brother, I also put on airs.

After all, they are the cousins ​​of the Empress Yuan, and they can also be regarded as the uncles of the prince's elder brother.

There was sobbing all over the yard.

It was clearly daytime, but it was a bit gloomy.

The ninth elder brother moved to the tenth elder brother's side, and suddenly remembered Shu Shu's words the day before yesterday.

Evil people are not afraid of the sky, and good people do not bully the sky.

Suo'etu has been in the business all his life, how did he ever think that he would end up in this way?

If he is not self-motivated, and like other honorable sons and daughters, he is mixed with seniority in the bodyguard, released when he is old, keeps his own place, and is a marginal figure in the family, will he be able to live a peaceful life?
After all, for bastards, that is the most common experience.

Everyone dies, if you don't make a fuss, you die slowly; if you make a fuss, you die quickly.

Brother Nine actually felt very satisfied in comparison.

It's not that he is unmotivated, it's just that he has a choice, and he wants to live a long life.

All written books, account books and letters must be sealed.

The things in the inner warehouse were also moved out.

Layers of boxes are stacked up.

Half of the yard was set up, and they were all sealed up with stickers.

There are three gold and silver warehouses alone, and more than [-] boxes have been carried out.

Listening to the counting of the paperwork, Brother Jiu's eyes straightened.

There are [-] taels of silver and more than [-] taels of gold.

There are also twenty-four boxes of gold and silver utensils, which are also worth tens of thousands of taels of silver.

There are two boxes for land deeds and house deeds.

The population is seven hundred and twenty-six.

There are four hundred and forty mouths in Suofu in the capital city, and another two hundred and eighty-six mouths, who are working outside as errands, village heads, shopkeepers and the like.

These people will be divided into two parts, the underage children of Suo'etu will be exiled in Ninggu Tower, and the concubines and other household members will be sold for silver.

Everyone came here at the second quarter of Chenchu, and they didn't come out of Suo'etu's mansion until noon.

The gate of the palace was closed and a seal was pasted.

Since it is "no registration", then these mansions and industries inside and outside the capital must be admitted to the government.

The ninth elder brother stood at the door, a little moved, and said to the tenth elder brother: "This house is inside the Deshengmen, not far from the Andingmen, or I will ask Han Ama to come down here and make a house." A place of excess?"

Brother Ten quickly shook his head and said, "Don't, it's unlucky!"

This is the boundary of the Zhenghuang Banner, and most of the people living nearby are members of the Hesheli clan.

Taking over this house is not only offending the prince, but also offending those people.

Brother Jiu was still thinking about the gold and silver, envious, and said: "The prince's family expenses are only two hundred and thirty thousand taels of silver, the sum of his gold and silver is two and a half princes' Anjia silver, and those properties, the inner city There are dozens of shops in the outer city..."

Speaking of this, Brother Ninth's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced at Big Brother and the others warily, pulled Tenth Brother aside, and said in a low voice, "Should we ask Han Ama for two of these official shops?"

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said: "No need, I guess Khan Ama will reward you, we just wait."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows.

There is such a good thing?
It is not impossible to think about it.

If the capital dares to take over these shops, there is no need to worry about the dissatisfaction of the Hesheli family, or the crown prince's stalking, only they, the prince elder brothers.

Seeing the two of them whispering to each other, the fourth elder brother had a sullen face and was very puzzled.

You just ransacked the house after seeing her, and you have no fear at all?
Who is Soetu?

It is the powerful minister who has been up and down since they can remember, and the leader of the "princeling".

Do they know what Suo'etu's death will bring?
Especially Elder Brother Ten.

After the tenth elder brother finished talking with the ninth elder brother, he turned his head and faced the fourth elder brother.

Ninth elder brother also met, and said with a smile to fourth elder brother: "This is the closest to fourth elder brother's house, and it's time for dinner, why don't the big guys go over to have a meal?"

The fourth elder brother was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "Well, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he gave Su Peisheng a few words in a low voice, and then sent him back to report to Si Fujin.

Brother Jiu had a whim, thinking of the land he and Lao Shi shared.

It's just right in front of you, so you can go and have a look.

The fourth elder brother has already stepped forward two steps to invite the eldest elder brother and the third elder brother.

The third elder brother had something on his mind and was just about to refuse.

Big brother nodded and said, "Then let's go!"

He was summoned into the palace as soon as he woke up in the morning. He stood in Qianqing Palace for more than half an hour, and watched the house for a long time.

Khan Ama, this is "killing chickens and scaring monkeys"?
What should I do if I have more fighting spirit? !

I have been fighting with the prince for more than ten years, how can I have a choice?
Khan Ama relented.

Big brother was a little impetuous a few days ago, but he has figured it out in the past two days.

I don't need to superfluous, just watch the prince die.

If the prince does his duty and does nothing, Khan Ama will not tolerate his virtuous reputation.

If the prince did anything else, it would be a dead end.

The prince raised in the deep palace, all the people around him are pointed out by the emperor, how can he find the palm of the Tathagata Buddha in his actions?

He was calm and relaxed, with a look of joy on his face.

Except for the seventh elder brother who followed Ma Qi and He Yi before returning to the imperial court, everyone else followed the fourth elder brother.

Everyone rode horses, three or four miles away, and it took a quarter of an hour to get there.

All elder brothers went directly to the living room in the front yard.

When everyone is seated, there is a bowl of ginger tea for each person.

Brother Jiu frowned when he saw it, and muttered, "Fourth brother, it's not because there is not enough food in the kitchen, so I want everyone to fill up with water first?"

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "Don't be naughty, drink it up! Everyone got up this morning and went to the palace. It's better to drive away the cold."

The latter sentence was said to several other elder brothers.

The elder brother became addicted to alcohol, and it was just uncomfortable, just like drinking, three or two sips, and he did it boldly.

The third elder brother drank gently, took a sip, noticed something was wrong, took a closer look, and said disapprovingly: "Why did you put brown sugar? Isn't this what women drink?"

As he said that, he looked down and said, "Is it Lao Jiu? This is too sweet and tastes weird. Whose ginger soup doesn't add salt?"

Brother Jiu gave him a strange look: "My ginger soup doesn't put salt in it. In addition to brown sugar, red dates are also added... Is this salty or sweet and there is a fixed? If you like sweet, you can put sugar, if you like salty Put salt in your mouth!"

The third elder brother shook his head and said: "How can there be such a reason? Whether it is red dates or brown sugar, they are for women to nourish blood, not to drive away cold, so don't eat them indiscriminately. Ninth brother should read "Materia Medica"..."

Tears run, the efficiency is so slow at night, and the typos will be picked during the day.

The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 26th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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