My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 404 Disappointment and Expectation

Chapter 404 Disappointment and Expectation (Part [-])
Tong Guowei snorted coldly and said, "Don't worry, they won't be left behind..."

It was he who underestimated the emperor.

The emperor was no longer the young boy who had just ascended the throne, nor was he the restless young emperor in his teens.

Everything that happened more than twenty years ago was revealed.

Really, the emperor didn't doubt the successive deaths of elder brothers in the palace back then?

Why didn't we check it back then, and the time has passed, and we only checked it after these years?

It's just that the imperial power is stable, and there is no need for them, the royal relatives of the upper three banners, to check and balance the princes and clans of the lower five banners.

While talking, there was movement outside.

A young woman with a charming figure came in, followed by a woman with a baby in her arms. The master and servant were all terrified.

Seeing Long Keduo, he hurriedly greeted him, feeling distressed: "Si'er, why are you here..."

"Third Lord..."

The young woman twisted her body and bumped into Long Kedo's arms, Lihua said with rain: "Those people outside asked me to come, saying that they wanted to go back to my hometown with the third master..."

Long Keduo hugged him and said: "Be good together, be good together, I don't worry about leaving you two in the capital!"

Si'er has a beautiful face and beautiful appearance. I am ecstasy when I see it, but can others hold back when they see it?
If I really want to stay in the capital, I am afraid that instead of a hat on my head, there will be a vast grassland.

All the people in the hall saw that the two were sticking together.

Maybe it can be used as a joke in normal times, but it can't be laughed at now.

Everyone looked at Longkodo's wife, Hershey Jr.

Little Hershey supported her mother-in-law and stood beside her, with a sneer on her face.

Both their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are from the Hershey family, but not from the Sony family.

She and Long Kedo are cousins, the young couple grew up as childhood sweethearts, and when they grow up, they become husband and wife.

Never expected that just a few years after the newlyweds, there would be an accident.

When Longkodo went to his uncle's house, he saw Li Sier, the concubine of his father-in-law Xinna.

He used all kinds of means to get out of Hesheli's house, and wanted to take it into the mansion as a concubine.

Little Hesheli got the support of her aunt and mother-in-law, and Li Si'er was not allowed to enter the house.


A flirtatious woman!

If she behaved in the inner house and did not show off in the front yard, would she be able to seduce Longkodo crazy?

Therefore, Li Si'er could not enter the Duke's mansion, so he became an outsider and gave birth to Longkodo's second son.

The mother and son were on the family tree, but they were still not allowed to enter.

Seeing that dogs and men do not avoid people, and hugging each other in front of a room full of elders and juniors, little Hesheli was not annoyed.

It was Ma Qi who she asked someone to remind privately. There are still some people in the Duke's Mansion in Shichahai Zhaizi. Otherwise, how could they be caught so quickly?

Tong Guowei didn't know what to think and didn't speak.

Mrs. Hesheli, the Duke's wife, thought it would be good to take Li Si'er with her, as if she was a kitten or a puppy, to relieve her son's boredom.

As for Tong Guowei's concubine wives and concubines, there was no room for them to speak.

Only Sun Shun, An Yan, the eldest son, felt that it was inappropriate, and said to Tong Guowei: "Mafa, third uncle is acting like this..."

There are still guards around outside.

Looking at it like that, they are going to "escort" their family to Fengtian.

The emperor hated the Tong family, shouldn't he be counting on the prince at this time?
When the throne is changed, the Hesheli family will rise up, and the Tong family may not be able to rely on it.

Tong Guowei looked at him and said, "What's wrong with him acting like this? You don't have to bother to find Yushi to impeach him, isn't it good?"

Shun An's face turned red and white, white and red again, the young man was so proud that he couldn't deny it.

Long Kedo held his concubine in his arms, but he was not deaf or blind, turned around to look at Shun Anyan, looked him up and down, and said, "Okay, the little bastard knows how to stretch his claws before he grows all his fur? Ask the imperial censor to impeach the Lord, and give you a place, right?"

The guards in the palace are set up to lead the guards and inner ministers, and there are two people in each banner of the three banners; there are also deputy inner ministers, also two people in each banner.

Tong Guowei was absent from the minister of the guards, and Longkodo, the son, stopped being the second-rank Luanyi envoy, and could not be promoted to the first-rank minister.

In the same way, Uncle Longkodo is on the Luanyi envoy of the second rank, and Shun Anyan will be on the first-class guard of the third rank, so it is difficult to make progress.

When Tong Guowei is old and Long Ke is promoted, Shun Anyan will have a chance to be promoted to the second rank.

Shun Anyan gave Li Si'er a disgusted look, and said: "Third Uncle's behavior is indeed arousing criticism."

Long Kedo sarcastically said: "I haven't picked up the forehead yet, I'm thinking about this title, but I'm quite good at daydreaming!"

Shun Anyan said angrily: "I am the eldest son of Mafa..."

Longkodo pointed to the signboard of the Duke's Mansion on the ground and said, "So what? The title of duke comes from the favor, and the female pushes the father, and the father passes on the son. What's wrong? You have to pass the son , passed on to the grandson, which family's reasoning is that?"

Shun Anyan wanted to tell him about Confucian etiquette.

Tong Guowei was already impatient with his children and grandchildren arguing, so he raised his head and said, "Okay, there's no need to argue this time, go back to your hometown and farm!"

At night, Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi finished processing Jiangnan's notes and put down his pen.

Zhao Chang came in with a bow, also holding a few brochures, which were a summary of today's news from various places.

The Suo'etu house has been sealed, and the family members are now detained in the yamen of the clan's mansion, and they will leave Beijing to exile in Ningguta before the Lantern Festival.

Among the Hesheli people, only the wife of his cousin He Yi brought clothes and food to visit.

On the contrary, Suo'etu's brothers did not show up.

Kangxi contemptuously put down the newsletter about Hesheli's family.

The son is not like the father.

The Lingxiu of this branch of the Hesheli family are all on Soni, and the sons are all crooked.

Otherwise, Suo'etu wouldn't let Suo'etu take the lead.

Now that Suo'etu is gone, no one can replace the other branches.

Not as good as He Yi, a side branch.

That idiot Xinyu himself promoted him to be a minister in order to let him succeed Suo'etu as the leader of the Hesheli family, but he avoided it.

Tong family...

Tong Guowei has already received the order and set off before the Lantern Festival.

Longkodo's wife reported that he had an outhouse, and that there were members of the Tong family in it.

Erlundai was stranded in Changchun Garden and did not make a fuss to return to Beijing.

The elders of the two senior members of the Tong family submitted papers and pleaded for Tong Guowei.

Kangxi was furious, there were so many high-ranking officials in the yamen in the capital, and many of them followed his uncle's line to fill the vacancies.

At this time, it will be a trade-off, and I will send off the two old scumbags.

Test yourself?

Even if he is annoyed, there is no official to dismiss.

They are all villains!

No friendship at all.

He wants to see, without the backing of the uncle's mansion, these Tong family members can still be prosperous for a few days.

As for the prince elder brother here.

Kangxi took a rough look and put it down.

The characters and deeds of the sons are all in his heart, and the reactions are similar to what he guessed.

Searching Suo'etu's house, the princes didn't respond.

Also because it was meal time, I went to Sibeile's residence for dinner nearby.

In the afternoon in the imperial dining room, I got the filial piety of the third child.

For the bowl of sheep tripe soup, Kangxi magnanimously let the third elder brother jump up and down in the afternoon, trying to encourage other elder brothers to intercede for the Tong family.

News from West Garden...

Before Kangxi opened it, he was a little nervous.

How is the prince?
Would you blame him, Khan Ama, for being cruel?
Suo'etu dared to plan for the emperor's heir, and despised the imperial power in his heart, how could he put the prince in his eyes?

I'm afraid that in the eyes of that old man, the crown prince is a puppet who can let him exercise power.

This is a piece of carrion, it cannot be cut.

Kangxi sighed inwardly, and opened it slowly.

The first line is the news about the source bookstore.

The prince had a poor appetite for breakfast, so he had half a bowl of porridge.

Poor appetite for dinner, half a bowl of bird's nest.

I have a good appetite in the evening, four pieces of meat with sesame seed cakes, and a bowl of sheep tripe soup!
Morel soup? !

Kangxi had a guess and continued to look down.

Sure enough, I saw a line of markings, Shen Zheng, the ninth elder brother haha, He Yuzhu, the eunuch of Zhuzi, went to the Douyuan Bookstore to see the princess, and was ordered to send some food outside.

Kangxi didn't know why, he was relieved and no longer worried about the prince's eating disorder, but also felt that this style was familiar.

He continued to look, and sure enough, the palace servants in Hechi South were not idle, they delivered food to Concubine Yi in Changchun Garden, and also delivered food to the dining rooms of several younger elder brothers.

Danbo is in the De Palace, and Dong E's family sent it there in person, and Zichen was entrusted by the fifth elder brother.

Kangxi thought of the bowl of sheep tripe soup in the afternoon, and felt that it had no taste.

I still think that the third child is filial and sensible, but in the end it is a mere imitation!
And Lao Jiu, that unfilial son, wanted to ask someone to buy mutton and tripe to the garden, so he didn't remember to be filial and filial to him, Khan Ama?
He shouldn't be spared this morning, he should be charged with "neglecting an errand" and punished with three years' salary!
Ganxi three.

Brother Nine just stayed here to rest.

The two brothers were naughty when they were young. You teased me and I teased you. They often slept together.

The second office and the third office entered the middle, and the inner door was still open and connected.

It wasn't until last spring, after Brother Nine got married, that there were two more grids in the yard before they were blocked.

"I went back and repaired the house, and opened a corner door in the backyard, so it will be easier to come in and out..."

Brother Jiu said enthusiastically.

After having dinner at the Sibeile Mansion today, they didn't go back to the palace directly, but walked around the open space.

It cannot be called an open space.

There are rows of rooms above.

Earlier it was a barracks with a yellow flag.

Later, the barracks of the Xianghuang Banner were moved outside the city, and this place was taken over by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Ten also thinks it is good, but he also knows that it is easy to have hidden dangers.

It's just that brother Jiu was in high spirits, so he didn't say anything.

Looking back for an opportunity to discuss with Jiusao, how could it be safer.

Brother Nine remembered Ten Prince's previous proposal to build a garden between his Prince's Mansion and Eighth Prince's Prince's Mansion.

"Come on like this, it's really scary!"

Brother Nine still feels uncomfortable when he thinks of Brother Eight.

"It would be great if Fujin acted like the fourth sister-in-law..."

Brother Jiu sighed.

Si Fujin said he was not very old, but he was like a sister-in-law, and he treated them like uncles with courtesy and affection.

The tenth elder brother said thoughtfully: "In this way, the Crown Princess and the fourth sister-in-law act in the same way as the ninth sister-in-law... They are all honorable daughters, born of the clan's daughter, with similar upbringing, but their behavior is somewhat different. It looks like..."

To be honest, the same is true for Qifu Jin.

It's just because the seventh elder brother rarely interacts with his brothers on weekdays, so it's not obvious.

The rest of Dafujin's family background is slightly worse, Sanfujin is a concubine, Wufujin is from a middle-class family, and Bafujin's foster family has their own shortcomings.

Brother Nine smiled and said, "Is that so? No wonder they share similar tempers. I didn't think it was because of this before."

Brother Ten looked at Brother Nine and said nothing.
Brother Nine is lucky.

By mistake, he got a good Fujin.

If it was Ge Ge from A Ling's family, Elder Brother Ten would not dare to think about it.

With parents like that, who can act sneakily without a limit, what kind of good girls can they raise?
I'm afraid it's not as good as the eight blessings...

(End of this chapter)

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