My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 405 Can't Pass Me

Chapter 405 Can't Pass Me (Second)
Early the next morning, Sheng Jia was lucky to have Changchun Garden.

Attendants of princes and elder brothers.

Brother Nine reluctantly rode on the horse, feeling a little tight in his buttocks.

I was on my way yesterday, and some of them didn't ease up.

Still cowardly, I dare not take a carriage at this time.

Fortunately, the weather is getting warmer now, and I'm wearing warm clothes. It's not that cold, but it's a bit chilly.

This time there are no palace dependents, and the speed of the team is much faster.

It was about to start at five o'clock, and when we arrived at Changchun Garden, it was Maozheng, and the sky had not yet brightened.

Sheng Jia did not go to Changchun Garden, but first went to the Empress Dowager's Palace to pay his respects.

The accompanying prince was waiting outside the West Garden.

Brother Jiu got off his horse, looked at the garden gate, and wanted to go in to catch up on sleep.

After thinking about it, he held back again.

Khan Ama gathered all his sons in front of him, and he must order something.

After tossing about by myself all morning, it's better to say goodbye and then fall down.

In the four lotus ponds, Shu Shu has already woken up, but she is lying on the kang without getting up.

When Brother Nine was here, he felt that the room was small, and occasionally he was irritable, and felt that it was noisy, and there was never a moment of silence.

But it's not there, I'm really not used to it.

Just thinking about it, I heard the sound of firecrackers faintly.

Shu Shu turned over and sat up.

"Fu Jin, are you going to get up?"

It was Tsubaki's voice.

Last night she was on duty in the house and slept on the South Kang.

Now she got up and lit the lamp.

Shu Shu glanced at the clock on the Baibaoge, and said: "Go out and tell everyone that you are not allowed to leave the yard, the holy driver has entered the garden..."

Since the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, when Shengjia travels, the sound of whips in Jingjie has been replaced by firecrackers.

This is a new year custom in the palace, which means getting rid of the old and evil, and welcoming the new in peace.

Adding this timing, Shengjia should have arrived at the garden.

This should be Shengjia paying his respects to the Empress Dowager Palace.

Brother Nine should be back too, why haven't he returned to the garden yet?
Shu Shu washed up and asked someone to order the dining room to delay the breakfast.

She is not very hungry and wants to wait for brother Jiu to come back to eat together.

The sheep tripe soup last night was good. After drinking two bowls, I couldn't get enough of it. She asked someone to make another one this morning.

She calculated the time and felt that Sheng Jia should leave the garden in half an hour.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of the morning, it was already bright outside, and the sound of firecrackers could not be heard yet.

Is this breakfast in the Empress Dowager's Palace?
Shu Shu guessed half right, Kangxi was indeed having breakfast, but it was not in the Empress Dowager's Palace, but in the Douyuan Bookstore.

The main hall of the Douyuan Bookstore, in the East Second Room.

The son of heaven and his son sit opposite each other across the kang.

Kangxi was very distressed when he saw the prince who had lost a lot.

Just don't know how to start.

The prince who was taught by himself is a smart child.

Suo'etu's accusations could fool the courtiers, but not the prince.

But how?
To be honest, I am afraid that the crown prince has a rift with the elder brother and the third elder brother, and they will not be able to coexist in the future.

If you only talk about half of it, it will be pushed to the head of Ganxi No. [-], and the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother will be involved.

The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat.

Kangxi somewhat understood the uneasiness of Emperor Han Jing back then.

The prince is arrogant, but not gentle.

Fortunately, the Crown Princess is honest and assisted, and can make up for these shortcomings.

He took a sip of the morel soup, which had more pepper than usual.

The entrance is spicy.

The prince didn't notice it at all.

When Kangxi saw this, he couldn't help being concerned: "Is this a cold?"

Otherwise, why is the tongue out of order?
The crown prince swallowed all the food in his mouth, Fang respectfully said: "Just two days ago when I was reading at Guande, I caught a cold, and it's already recovered..."

Kangxi frowned and said, "Why are you not careful? What do the servants do, don't you know how to serve them well?"

Hearing this, the prince's heart moved, and he prayed: "Ama Khan, mother nurse He..."

That was his wet nurse, who later became a nanny and served him for more than twenty years.

Kangxi's face drooped, he himself respected the breast protector, but he couldn't stand the crown prince respecting the breast protector.

A wet nurse who meddles in the prince's inner house and conspires against the prince's concubine.

The damn slave, for the sake of selfish desires, dares to plot against the emperor's grandson, death is not a pity!

"Under the banner of Yuqing Palace, their husband and wife went abroad to amass money and take up lawsuits, which is a hindrance to the crown prince's reputation. The evidence is convincing, and they committed suicide in fear of crime!"

Kangxi's voice was cold.

The prince's face turned pale, his throat was itchy.

He couldn't help it, and coughed "cough, cough, cough", tears came out of the cough.

Seeing this, Kangxi hurriedly patted his back.

"Clap clap clap!"

The action was neither light nor heavy, but the prince felt that it hit his heart.

Nanny He and his wife are walking outside under his banner.

They are his eyes as well as his ears.

Let him not be deaf and blind.

Accompanied by more than twenty years, called master and servant, love is more than flesh and blood.

The prince felt hollow in his heart.

He looked at the emperor's father and said, "Ama Khan, my son wants to ask Li Jiashi to be a side Fujin. Eldest brother is already nine years old, and he was only enlightened in Yuqing Palace before..."

The Li Jiashi he was talking about was Li Gege, the biological mother of the eldest and second elder brothers of Yuqing Palace.

Now the fifteenth elder brother, who is two years younger than the eldest elder brother of Yuqing Palace, is studying in the upper study.

The big brother Yuqing Palace is still fooling around here, it is because of the inferior position of the birth mother.

If it is the son of Ge Ge, he is only the bastard son of the prince, and he is not eligible to study in the study.

If Li Jiashi is invited to be a side Fujin, the elder brother of Yuqing Palace will be sidelined, and his status is equivalent to that of the emperor's grandson.

Kangxi's face turned black: "No, the Crown Princess is not at fault!"

He attaches great importance to his son-in-law, and is the daughter-in-law who has been chosen out of hundreds of thousands, so he is naturally looking forward to the birth of the emperor's grandson.

The prince is twenty-six years old this year, and he is not very old. He can wait a few more years.

The prince lowered his eyes and said: "The princess is virtuous, but last winter... hurt the uterus..."

He is also looking forward to his son-in-law, but time does not wait for me.

These days, he has torn through the history books.

Want to find a way to deal with a difficult situation.

Not in the book, but thinking of the Yongle incident in the previous dynasty inspired the prince.

The father is strong and the son is strong.

Khan Ama was already afraid of him, but what about the young grandson who needed to be taught?
He needs the teaching of the emperor, Khan Mafa, without making him afraid.

No matter how dissatisfied Emperor Yongle was with his eldest son, he did not abolish the eldest son and make the younger one stand. It was because there was still a grandson in the East Palace.

If there is also a grandson in the East Palace, then it will be considered safe.

Kangxi was shocked.

There is a pulse case for the prince in front of the imperial court, but not for the concubine.

He is a father-in-law, even if he cares about the princess, he must have a measure.

It was the first time he had heard of it.

The matter is of great importance, so naturally the crown prince would not use this to lie.

Kangxi frowned, faintly agitated.

He's death was too light!
Should have cut her!
Dark clouds rolled in Kangxi's eyes.

An old slave, the crown princess is the mistress, and she has no grievances or enmities with her, so there is always a reason for acting like this.

He's grandson is now making haha ​​beads for the eldest brother of Yuqing Palace. There is also a granddaughter in the family, who is about the same age as the elder brother of Yuqing Palace.

Long before the Crown Princess married in, the He family and the Li Jia family were also close friends.

These coated servants, having received the grace of their master, were able to serve them nearby, not to mention being loyal, but each and every one of them had a vision of wealth and wealth, daydreaming.

Regardless of whether Nanny He is selfish or not, Kangxi already hates this profiteer, Li Jiashi, in his heart.

But the eldest son of the crown prince, no matter whether he was a concubine or a prostitute, had to be educated.

Kangxi said with a stern face: "Please do the matter of sealing the side Fujin, elder brother, go to the study after the Lantern Festival!"

The prince concealed his disappointment, and said: "My son, on behalf of Akdun, thanked Han Ama for his kindness..."

Akton means firm.

It is the nickname of the elder brother of Yuqing Palace.

The crown prince specifically mentioned it because he wanted to ask the emperor's father to give him his name.

But Kangxi lost interest, the father and son didn't have the same mind, stood up and said: "There is more consolation for the crown princess, if Li Jia dares to treat the crown princess poorly on the basis that she is the birth mother of the emperor's grandson, then I will never tolerate it!"

The prince agreed, feeling a little disappointed.

In Han Ama's heart, the concubine's grandson has no weight, and can't compare with the face of the crown prince.

But it is not surprising.

How can there be any affection for a grandson who hasn't met a few times?
Now there are more than a dozen grandchildren of the younger generation, none of whom are named, and I am not the only one...

At the second quarter of Chenchu, the sound of firecrackers finally came from far away.

Sheng Jia left the West Garden.

Shu Shu was tired of waiting, so he sent He Yuzhu out after drinking a bowl of milk tea.

"Go and ask why you haven't come back yet..."

Changchun Garden, outside Qingxi Bookstore, the value room.

Brother Nine was sitting and chattering, already hungry.

He glanced at the direction of the study, the elder brother has been in for a quarter of an hour, what are you whispering, does it have to be at this time?
Can we let everyone go away first?
He looked at everyone, and the third elder brother stretched his neck, staring at the movement in the direction of the study.

The fourth elder brother lowered his head, touching the sandalwood eighteen seeds on his wrist.

The fifth elder brother drooped his head and was dozing off.

other people……

Ninth Brother opened his eyes wide, thinking of a loophole, he quickly got up and pulled Fourth Brother's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Fourth Brother, come out..."

Everyone was sitting, and he got up together, and everyone looked over.

The third elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, then at the fourth elder brother, and said with a light smile: "If you have something to say, you can't say it in the room, it's so cold outside..."

Eighth Prince also clenched his fists in his sleeves.

When did Lao Jiu get so close to fourth brother?

Ninth elder brother gave third elder brother a white look, and said: "Of course it's something that third elder brother can't hear, so you don't need to ask, you didn't say anything bad about third elder brother..."

The fourth elder brother got up and followed the ninth elder brother out.

It wasn't until there was no one around by the pool that Brother Jiu said in a low voice: "Fourth brother can't be too indifferent, even if the Tong family doesn't show up in person, they should send more Cheng Yi, otherwise it would be too weird !"

In Kangxi's eyes, the sons didn't know what to do with Suo'etu and Tong Guowei, so everyone's reaction should be as usual.

As usual, the fourth elder brother is very respectful and close to the Tong family.

The fourth elder brother was helpless, and when the ninth elder brother remembered this, the day lily was cold.

But this reminder was kind, and he appreciated it, nodded and said: "Well, I see!"

At this moment, the elder brother has come out.

Seeing the two talking outside, the eldest elder brother came over, and said directly to the fourth elder brother, "Khan Ama wants to make up for what we lacked when we opened the mansion last year..."

Brother Jiu was beside him, frowned and said, "Why didn't I know about this?"

Isn't this the job of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Allocate property to the prince who opened the mansion.

Huangzhuang outside Beijing, Huangzhuang on the outskirts of Beijing, and shops in inner and outer cities.

The elder brother said disapprovingly: "You are happy to let you go to the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make calculations during the Chinese New Year. Isn't that a job?"

All of a sudden, there were three more directors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Nine, who was entrusted with this appointment, does not appear to be so expensive.

Brother Jiu said angrily: "This is related to the issue of ranking, anyway, you can't pass me! I will ask Han Ama carefully..."

(End of this chapter)

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