My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 406 Fairness and Justice Khan Ama

Chapter 406 Fair and Just Khan Ama (Third)
The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "If you want to ask, just ask carefully, be respectful and respectful, don't talk nonsense!"

The Ministry of Internal Affairs' errands are either good or bad.

The advantage is that the position is high and leisure, and there is no restraint from above.

The downside is that you can't learn anything.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is not involved in state affairs.

It is always necessary to walk around the six departments in order to really learn how to deal with various government affairs.

Therefore, he felt that Brother Jiu, the commissioned head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was dispensable.

Don't worry too much.

The elder brother said: "Ama Khan's heart is not going well these few days, this is not the time to talk about this, just pretend to be honest for a few days!"

Brother Jiu pouted, he could hang the oil bottle, but he also knew that the two brothers were also kind, so he nodded reluctantly.

In Qingxi Bookstore.

The third elder brother showed joy on his face.

Years ago, the mansion was opened in a hurry, and the population was divided, and a part of the Anjia's money and property were also given, but there was still more than half of the difference.

This time I will make it up.

The third elder brother picked up his own, first he was happy, and then his flesh hurt.

If the title of King Duoluo is still there, even if the population of Zuo Ling is not as big as that of Big Brother, the property here is the same.

Now according to Dorobel's title, it has been reduced by half.

Kangxi looked at the change of expression of the third elder brother, feeling puzzled.

The reason why the real cause of death of Prince Suo'etu was concealed from the truth was in the final analysis to protect the third elder brother.

Concubine Rong gave birth to the first prince in the palace.

If it is established, it will be the eldest son of the emperor.

If the prince knew the inside story, he might take care of Concubine Rong's mother and son because of guilt, or he might be suspicious and alienate him.

Finally came to an incompatible end.

Sensing his scrutiny, the third elder brother felt a little nervous, and said, "Is there anything else Ama Khan wants to tell my son?"

Kangxi said: "Is the sheep tripe soup delicious?"

The third elder brother looked relieved, nodded and said: "It's delicious, it's very delicious to drink in winter, so I thought about paying homage to Khan Ama to try it too!"

Kangxi nodded and said: "When I send it back later, remember to ask someone to serve it with shallots and coriander..."

If you don't get distracted, you won't be able to learn, and you won't be smart enough to be serious.

After listening to this order, the third elder brother felt confused.

He paid attention to the expression of the emperor's father, but he couldn't see anything.

Is it really literal?
Dislike the lack of shallots and coriander?
Is there no preparation for the dining room of the Qing palace?
Until he left Qingxi Bookstore, the third elder brother was worried about gains and losses.

This time, I have pleased the emperor's father, right?
The fourth elder brother went in again.

He already knew the reason for the emperor's father's summoning, and he took the property certificate with both hands to thank him.

Kangxi raised his chin, pointed to the side of the Kang and said, "Sit down and talk..."

The fourth elder brother sat on the edge of the kang and remained silent.

He really didn't know what to say.

The current situation is definitely not in Khan Amal's opinion.

But this secret is hidden, he can only be ignorant, not easy to persuade.

Kangxi was also silent.

There are some things that he can't tell the elder brother and the third elder brother, but the fourth elder brother is fine.

At that time, the disputes in the palace were only for the concubines who gave birth in the front, not in the back.

As for elder brother eleven, it was because of his congenital inadequacy, and because someone took advantage of his loopholes, he died.

With Suo'etu's vision, he didn't even pay attention to the fifth elder brother, so how could he pay attention to the eleventh elder brother, a sick elder brother?
"Here in the Tong family, I have no choice but to punish Tong Guowei for the personal grievances of the Ulan Butong War. He wants to take revenge on the Hesheli family and wants to harm the East Palace!"

Kangxi said.

The fourth elder brother nodded and said: "The Tong family is ungrateful, and they disobeyed Han Ama's wishes. It is for disobedience, and they should be punished..."

The fourth elder brother originally thought that the Tong family did not turn to the prince, nor did they send their children close to Yuqing Palace, because they were loyal to the emperor, or they were unwilling to submit to the Hesheli family.

It is only now that I realize that it is more of a guilty conscience.

How dare Tong Guowei let the crown prince take over because of the matter of elder brother Chenghu?

The prince must be brought down.

Kangxi felt that the fourth elder brother's statement was appropriate, nodded and said: "Yes, the Tong family despises the prince when I uplift the prince. It is indeed not the actions of loyal ministers!"

The fourth elder brother had a pleading expression on his face, and said: "Ama Khan, Uncle Longkodo is the younger brother of Huang Ernie, and Ernie was also very concerned about him before he was alive..."

Tong Guowei has a dozen or so children. Among them, Ye Kesu, the father of Shun Anyan, Empress Xiaoyi, and Long Ke are mostly descendants, and the others are concubine descendants.

Kangxi already knew about Si elder brother's trip to Tongfu to send Cheng Yi off last night, and he was not annoyed after hearing his pleading: "I know it well!"

The fourth elder brother showed gratitude and didn't say much.

Kangxi saw that he had lost weight again, and his clothes were in shambles. He knew that he was in the yamen these days to calculate the expenses of the southern tour, and said: "I only set off at the beginning of February. Don't worry. Take care of yourself, that is filial piety!"

When it came to the end, it was already a bit serious.

The fourth elder brother stood up, listened with lowered hands, and said: "My son understands."

Brother Jiu has been waiting impatiently.

Fortunately, starting from fifth elder brother, the speed is fast, and it comes out in less than half a cup of tea.

Except for the silly smile of the fifth elder brother, there was nothing to be seen on the faces of the seventh and eighth elder brothers.

When it was Brother Nine's turn, he couldn't wait, and strode into Qingxi Bookstore.

Not happy to unload...

I was wrong, I don’t like crossing rivers and demolishing bridges!
Kangxi's face was a little gloomy.

He didn't reprimand the eighth elder brother, because the eighth elder brother's temperament has been developed.

Before assigning Fucha's family leader to the eighth elder brother, and Ma Qi's concubine to the eighth elder brother, in addition to wanting to prevent the eighth elder brother from being controlled by his wife, it is also so that the eighth elder brother can learn more from Ma Qi.

As a result, the wedding date was postponed, and Weng and his son-in-law did not see any closeness.

Seeing Brother Nine coming in full of energy, Kangxi was a little surprised, glanced at him and said, "So energetic?"

Brother Nine originally wanted to ask the teacher to ask the crime, but he changed his words and said: "Isn't this joy! I am happy for my brothers, Khan Ama is kind and loving, and treats my sons fairly and justly. If there are brothers, there will be sons to follow." Old ten..."

A good man does not suffer from immediate losses!
The Ministry of Internal Affairs does not divide the property early or late, but the Suo'etu family who just registered did not divide the property the next day, needless to say, it is the two boxes of land deeds and house deeds!
Brother Jiu smiled brightly.

Kangxi felt it was weird, he looked Jiu Age up and down, and hummed softly: "That is the property of the prince's household, have you divided it?"

Brother Nine smiled and said: "Separation of households is division of households, and property is property. This son has made money and has a lot of money. Wouldn't I be more respectful to you in the future?"

Kangxi said angrily: "What are you doing around that detour? I keep it in my hands, it's all my own."

Brother Nine also had some idea of ​​his temper, and said: "So children are debts, and they will suffer if they raise them, but there is no way around this, the son is already so old, and he can't put it back in the mother's belly... "

Kangxi snorted softly and said, "It's filial piety, why didn't you think of 'your respect' when you bought the tripe?"

Brother Jiu couldn't say anything on his face, and said: "Isn't that your third son is in front? Just as the son said to send someone to buy the tripe, he said he wanted to honor you. This is an orderly family..."

"Besides, the third brother has been hit hard enough in the past six months, so he should give him a chance to boast..."

"Little trees don't go straight if they don't repair them, they should be repaired when they should be repaired, and they can't always be disgusted after repairing..."

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu, and said with surprise: "I didn't expect you to have such a heart?"

A few days ago, I was stingy, who was going to cover the manhole?
Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Can it be the same? This is called the difference between inside and outside. You can't suffer when you treat outsiders. If you have kindness, you can repay kindness, and if you have revenge, you can get revenge; but what can this family do? There are too many people, and if the upper teeth are knocked down, can they still be broken off?"

Kangxi nodded and said: "Finally, I understand some truths, I don't grow old in vain!"

Brother Nine sighed and said: "It's also the reason why my son became an older brother. Earlier when my older brothers were all in the palace, I didn't realize that this son has become the oldest. Looking at the younger brothers, they all have their own problems. Think about it. I have to kick my feet twice, and then look back at my brothers... um... Third brother is a little childish, not stable enough..."

For example, just now, when the third elder brother came out of Qingxi Bookstore, he approached the elder brother and asked about what he said.

Do not compare.

The elder brother ignored him, and he pestered the fourth elder brother again.

What is this not a child?
Brother Jiu's old-fashioned tone made Kangxi amused.

But thinking about the behavior of their young couple these days, they have indeed fulfilled their responsibilities as brothers and sisters-in-law.

He was in a better mood, raised his chin, and pointed to the folding leaf on the Kang table: "Take it, the top is yours!"

Brother Nine immediately rushed forward, took the folder, and opened it directly.

"Is there a pawn shop?! Ha, the pawn shop is good! If you get something good, your son will be added to the list of gifts for the Longevity Festival!"

"There is a Daliang Village in Shanhaiguan, a Banfenliang Village, a melon garden, an orchard, and a vegetable garden in Fangshan, a Liangzhuang outside Shanhaiguan, a Liangzhuang in Shengjing, and [-] households led by San Zuo in Shengjing!"

Brother Nine smiled and said: "My son thanked Han Ama for rewarding me. I finally got paid, so I don't need to eat soft meals!"

Kangxi rolled his eyes at him and said: "Everyone knows that you have become a rich man, don't cry poor!"

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "It's just a passing God of Wealth. My son's 'Nian Jing' are all sealed up. I think that when Khan Ama makes a tour of the south, I will be filial to Khan Ama to make pocket money, so as not to be out of money..."

When Kangxi heard this, his heart warmed up, but on his face he scolded: "Just talking about children, can I still ask for your money?"

Brother Jiu said: "This is the son's filial piety in private, it is the second longevity ceremony, the first son follows the crowd..."

He did not show merit.

He intends to slow down what he said yesterday at Brother Si's house.

After the Longevity Festival, I will show my merits to Khan Ama.

It's not his ninth master's style to do good deeds without leaving a name!
I heard Brother Jiu speak with a nasal voice, and now it's the season of warm and cold again.

It was a lot of tossing again this morning.

The compassion of Kangxi's old father broke out, and he said in a good voice: "Okay, I know your filial piety, it's all right, go back and rest, drink a bowl of ginger soup and have a good sleep, if you feel uncomfortable, call the gardener The doctor..."

Brother Jiu touched his forehead, "hehe" laughed twice, and said, "I have to drink a bowl, it's time to blow it in the morning!"

It didn't look like he was going to be sick, but rather something happy.

When passing by Liang Jiugong, Brother Jiu said happily, "Don't worry about Wenda, I'll call Old Ten to come over."

Liang Jiugong looked at Kangxi, saw Kangxi nodding, bowed and said: "The slave thank you Jiuye..."

When Brother Jiu went out, Kangxi complained to Liang Jiugong: "There are only more than [-] miles in total, and the total time outside is an hour. This worthless thing, who doesn't know how to cherish oneself is the real filial piety!"

Liang Jiugong said: "Brother Jiu knows that Jiu Fujin is still there, so he doesn't take it seriously because he is confident in his heart. Maybe he can use this to act like a baby..."

There were footsteps at the door, Elder Brother Ten had arrived, and the master and servant stopped gossiping...

Nervous, the monthly ticket will be doubled after zero o'clock, don't forget Qiuqiu, come to vote tomorrow morning, Xiaojiu begs. ^_^
The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on October 28th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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