My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 407 Take a Good Look

Chapter 407 Take a Good Look

Kangxi looked at Elder Brother Ten and carefully sized him up.

The greenness between the eyebrows and eyes faded, and his stature was even taller than that of the ninth elder brother.

It seems that not only Brother Nine grew up, but Brother Ten also grew up when he wasn't paying attention.

Or it was because of the young man's mother's death. Before, he was covered with gloom, but now it's raining and sunny.

And because of the errand's sake, more stable.

"Khan Ama..."

Elder Brother Ten didn't dodge or dodge, and looked back calmly.

Kangxi pointed to the last fold left on the case, and said, "Take it, this is your share!"

"Son Shehan Ama Grace!"

Elder Brother Ten was respectful and took the gift slip with both hands.

Compared with Brother Jiu's rambunctiousness, he looks very polite.

Kangxi felt sour in his heart.

When I was a child, the tenth child acted like the ninth child, capricious and lawless.

He was laughing and laughing all day, and there was no quiet moment, and he dared to hide and seek in the Qianqing Palace.

After the loss of my mother, it was different.

He sighed in his heart, filled with sympathy, and said: "In a few days, Zhen will issue an order to promote Yin De to be the head of the Prince's Palace, and assist Brother Jiu to prepare for your wedding!"

Elder Brother Ten showed surprise on his face, and his tone of voice was also grateful: "Son, thank you Khan Ama for your kindness!"

Kangxi nodded and waved his hand to send him off.

that's it.

At this time, it's not good to treat the old ten Yourong too much.

The princes on duty outside have already dispersed.

Everyone has their own affairs and has to go back to the city.

Only Brother Jiu is still there.

He stood at the door of the duty room, saw Elder Brother Shi come out, and hurriedly urged: "Go, go, I'm starving to death!"

Hungry and cold, he wanted to leave first, but thinking about Old Ten, he still waited outside.

Seeing this, Elder Brother also quickened his pace.

The two brothers went straight to Xiaodongmen without delay.

Outside Xiaodongmen, Wang Ping'an, Wang Changshou and He Yuzhu were waiting.

He Yuzhu had been here for quite a while, and when he saw Elder Brother Shi's attendants, he knew that the elder brothers followed him to Qingxi Bookstore, so he was waiting here.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, all the other elder brothers came out, and only the ninth and tenth elder brothers were left.

Brother Jiu saw He Yuzhu and said: "Fu Jin sent you here, are you okay at home?"

"It's okay, it's just that Fujin is waiting for my master to go back to have breakfast. Seeing that my master hasn't returned yet, I sent my servant over to ask..."

He Yuzhu bowed and replied.

Several people were talking without stopping.

Along the imperial road, from the east to the south of Changchun Garden, and then passed the Dagong Gate to the gate of the West Garden.

"Old Ten came over to have a bite before going back to rest..."

After entering the West Garden, Brother Nine greeted Brother Ten directly.

The ten elder brothers didn't have heretics, so the two brothers went directly to Nansuo.

Shu Shu was so hungry after waiting, she hurriedly asked someone to deliver the meal.

It's right, and it's almost noon.

Brother Jiu took out the folder from his sleeve, handed it to Shu Shu, and said proudly: "Ama Khan bestowed the property, and the family will get more money in the future!"

Shu Shu listened with joy.

This is another step faster in the process of leaving the palace.

All that is left is to repair the mansion and move out.

She took it, opened it and took a look.

Because I don't know the routine, and I can't see anything, I just feel that there is a lot.

In addition to Daliangzhuang and Banfenliangzhuang, there are still many people.

Thirty households were invested with land, and [-] households were invested with official land.

These should be the tenants who are with Liang Zhuang.

There are also [-] households each of the Charcoal Army, the Exploding Army, and the Gray Army, which Shu Shu is not familiar with.

Looking at the words, some can be guessed, and some cannot be guessed.

There are also ten shopkeepers. This should be a carpenter, blacksmith or something?
There are also ten people from Ula Sang Ding outside the pass. Are they dedicated to hunting?
Shu Shu looked a little confused.

It feels like new knowledge has been added.

Brother Nine has already spread his hands in front of Brother Ten: "Bring it here, Brother, let's see!"

Brother Ten didn't hesitate, and handed it to him with a smile.

Brother Jiu opened it, moved it to Shu Shu, compared the two folded pages briefly, and said: "Lao Shi has two pawnshops, double the number of Zhuangzi outside the customs, one more vegetable garden, and the servants of Shengjing Thirty households, there are more charcoal soldiers, Wu Lasangding and so on..."

Shu Shu looked at the ratio of the two shares, and said: "The tenth brother's should be from the county king's rule, and the master's should be from the Baylor rule!"

Brother Nine grinned, nodded and said: "Almost! Haha, the third child is going to be troubled today! Big Brother won't show him, it must be kind, otherwise I'm afraid it will be a big fire!"

Elder Brother Shi had already wiped his hands, and sat on the edge of the kang to watch his brother and sister-in-law talk.

The dust has settled.

Peace of mind.

Brothers have rich and thin properties. If they were other brothers and sisters-in-law, ten elder brothers would be careful, but now they don't.

Because he knew that Brother Jiu could only be happy for him, and Sister-in-law Nine had a magnificent appearance and would not stare at these belongings.

"Ninth brother, after a few days, Khan Amma will issue an order to promote Uncle Yinde. Brother Fusong over there, is he also talking to Khan Amat?"

Elder brother said.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Well, I plan to tell Han Ama in a few days."

Let's talk first and then honor the silver.

Otherwise, it would be like making a condition with money.

This order cannot be mistaken.

But thinking of this, he smiled and said to Elder Brother Ten: "Old Ten, I know how to please Khan Ama! It's no surprise that there are many people who are polite, and the mouth should be sweeter. We will say what the old man likes to hear; Dafang, that is real filial piety, we will follow this from now on!"

Brother Ten smiled and nodded, "Very good, Brother Nine will follow this from now on!"

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said: "Of course, when the time comes, you can't compare to the prince, and you can't be worse than the brothers in front!"

Shu Shu was listening to the two brothers talking, and noticed that Elder Brother Shi did not mention himself.

Elder Brother Ten is a smart person, and he can see that this method is only suitable for Elder Brother Ninth.

Brother Jiu's background, aptitude, and ranking are not obvious, and it won't make people look sideways if he gets favored by these.

Elder Brother Ten couldn't.

If he is like this, then there will be more nervous people.

At this moment, Walnut and Xiaotang set up the dining table.

The soup is the sheep tripe soup ordered by Shu Shu.

In addition to the sesame biscuits, there are three kinds of staple foods: gluten pancakes, millet pancakes, and lotus leaf pancakes.

There are also two platters for rolls.

A plate of cooked food platter, pine nut tripe, sausage, egg sausage, elbow meat.

A platter of side dishes, cucumber strips, Chinese cabbage, coriander, and shallots.

Two sauces, vegetarian chili sauce and mushroom sauce.

Elder Brother Nine couldn't help but show credit to Shu Shu again: "Master felt good after eating this yesterday, I knew you would like it, and asked someone to inquire with the fourth sister-in-law, Fifth Brother and the third child are both idiots..."

Shu Shu smiled and nodded, "It's really delicious. I ate it yesterday, and I want to eat it today..."

Both of them were very hungry, so they didn't talk too much and just buried their heads in eating hard.

It can be eaten as a roll or as a sandwich, and the hot lamb tripe soup is not dry, but just right.

The three ate most of it before putting down their chopsticks.

Brother Nine rubbed his stomach and said, "The same goes for Ama Khan. She ate in the garden by herself and didn't care about her sons. Everyone just stayed with her like that, and they were all hungry."

Speaking of this, he said with regret: "Talk to them first, let them come over and have a bite before returning to the city..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "There are restaurants in Haidian Town, they won't be hungry..."

Brother Jiu thought of something else.

Before these princes were divided into households, they also lived in the West Garden.

It's different now.

There is no place for them.

Brother Jiu felt sympathy in his heart.

"Whether the family is divided or not, it's just different, even the place is gone, and we guess it will be the same in the future..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "The branch of the tree and the division of the National People's Congress are unavoidable. At that time, won't you still have your own mansion, maybe you will be more comfortable!"

Brother Jiu thinks about it for the same reason.

Except for one person.

He pointed to the direction of the Douyuan Bookstore, and said: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for that one. No matter if he is the prince, he is only a prince, not a king... This palace is Khan Ama's palace, and it is like being under the fence..."

Elder Brother Shi heard this, but did not refute.

Even in my heart there is some emotion.

If you don't want to be strong, you are talking about their brothers.

When I was young, I was envious and jealous of the favor and attention the prince received.

Now that I think about it, I realize that it doesn't matter, it's unnecessary, and it's not worth it.

Everyone has their own blessings, don't envy others, just cherish your own blessings.

After hearing that they had been waiting outside the gate of the West Garden for half an hour this morning, Shu Shu reminded Elder Brother Ten: "Go back and soak your feet before resting to drive out the cold!"

Elder Brother Shi agreed, and went back to the east place for resettlement.

Here, Brother Nine, as soon as Brother Ten left, he stood up as if he had a cramp, and went up to the kang, the little complacency on his face was gone, and he said pitifully, "Uncomfortable..."

Shu Shu hastily stretched out her hand to touch his forehead, it was hotter than usual.

She hurriedly ordered Walnut to go to the dining room to pass the message: "Make some ginger soup, put brown sugar in a bowl, and mix the rest with footwashing water."

Walnuts to go.

Shu Shu coaxed Brother Jiu and said, "Master, it's blowing, just cover your feet and sweat!"

Brother Jiu's face was tensed into a ball: "It's not just that, it's mainly because of the pain in the buttocks. I was in a hurry yesterday morning. The horse is coming fast, it seems to be knocked on the saddle!"

Most saddles are made of wood.

There are cushions in the middle.

But if the horse runs fast, it is not uncommon to hit both ends.

Shu Shu is also helpless.

It's not like riding a horse for three days, just a distance of more than [-] miles, can make yourself sick.

She is also worried, but now is not the time to take off her pants to check.

After a short time, ginger soup and foot washing water were delivered.

Brother Jiu soaked his feet and drank ginger soup.

Shu Shu also sent Walnut and Xiaochun down, saying: "I'll catch up with my master, there's no need to keep anyone here..."

He also asked Xiaosong to deliver medicated oils, plasters and so on.

The two went down, and Shu Shu lowered the door latch of the main room.

Also put down the curtain on the kang in the east room,
Brother Jiu looked at her with watery eyes.

We didn't get together last night, so I really thought about it.

Seeing his cunning, Shu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What are you thinking, take off your belt quickly, I'll help you look behind..."

Nine Elder Brother said with a bit of twitching: "The sky is bright..."

Shu Shu ignored him and started directly.

Ninth brother also half-pushed and half-assed.

When the trousers were taken off, there was a one-inch-square purple-black patch at the place of his tailbone...

Hoho, it's the 28th, the double monthly pass is on, and Xiao Jiu has somersaulted.

(End of this chapter)

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