Chapter 408 Unspeakable
Shu Shu couldn't bear it, and pinched Brother Jiu's waist.

Brother Jiu was originally lying on his stomach, but with Shu Shu's movement, he turned his head, with condemnation in his eyes, and muttered, "It's so cruel, I'm in a bad mood, not only to comfort you, but also to pinch someone!"

Shu Shu snorted softly: "If you can bear it, then it doesn't hurt!"

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "Who said, why doesn't it hurt? It wasn't obvious yesterday, but riding a horse this morning is ecstasy, and I dare not sit on my buttocks!"

"What are you trying to do, why don't you take a carriage?"

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt distressed.

"Hey! Isn't it because Ahma Khan has been in a bad mood for the past two days? I just want to stop hitting the gun stupidly. The old man likes to scold people now..."

Having said that, Brother Jiu talked about his visit to Suo'etu's mansion yesterday.

"Khan Ama told everyone to go over and watch, wanting to 'kill chickens and scare monkeys'? I guess it was a waste of time. I saw that my brothers were not afraid, and there was no delay in eating and drinking at noon..."

Brother Jiu said with emotion.

As Shu Shu listened, the hairs on her back stood up.

Three fathers and sons died in Suo'etu's family, and Suo'etu strangled two sons to death, and then hanged himself.

On another page of history, Suo'etu's family also died with three fathers and sons!

Suo'etu was encircled to death in the [-]nd year of Kangxi.

There are two versions of the method of death, one is that Suo'etu died of a hunger strike.

One is that Suo'etu wanted to go on a hunger strike. Kangxi was furious and sent people to check him out. He was found to be very handsome in the prison of the clan's mansion. Then according to the law, nine chains were added to his body, and he was tortured to death.

Suo'etu's two sons, both hardcore "princelings", were executed for "conspiracy" after the prince was abolished.

It seems that history is changing, but it seems that it has not changed.

Different routes to the same end?
Seeing that her complexion was not good, Brother Nine hurriedly turned over and sat up, and patted her on the back.

"Scared? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! We are different. Suo'etu is a slave, or Khan Ama single-handedly pulled him up. He actually wanted to manipulate the imperial heir and killed the prince. It is a 'big rebellion', Khan Ama can't tolerate him, but Khan Ama is soft-hearted and thinks of him well, and she is decent..."

"We are the son and daughter-in-law of Khan Ama, family members, it's okay, don't worry about those who have something..."

"It's already counted as a grace, only the Suo'etu branch was liquidated, and the charges were changed, and the other houses were not moved..."

"Khan Ama didn't want to go to war, or Suo'etu's party members in the court would not be three or two..."

"This is caring for the prince. If you really want to cut it off, the prince will just jump alone..."

He said something to comfort him.

Shu Shu hugged Brother Nine back and took a deep breath.

Of course she knew this.

What she is afraid of is not the news of the dead, but that history is correcting its course.

They are just dust in the long river of history.

Not a decision maker.

No matter how hard you try, there are times when you can't do it.

But she is not a worry-free person, and her emotions are gradually calming down.

Thirty years to go.

The eight princes distanced themselves.

The relationship with the fourth elder brother has also eased.

Worst and worse than known history.

Shu Shu's mood calmed down.

Brother Jiu pinched her face and said: "You also often read history books, why don't you pay attention to it, just read it as a story, which generation of powerful officials will have a good end?"

"People's hearts are raised in this way. In the early years, Khan Ama was young and lacked prestige. You have to guard against the princes who go down to the Five Banners, but you don't have to rely heavily on the relatives who go up to the Three Banners, and give you kindness time and time again..."

"But times have changed, they should be more aware, and think that Khan Ama is just a child?"

Shu Shu saw that when he talked about the truth, he came out as soon as he came out, so he sincerely praised him and said: "My master knows a lot of truths."

It's just that you get confused when something happens.

Brother Nine sighed, "I almost lost my mind today!"

After all, he mentioned his anger before giving birth.

"At that time, I was really going to blow up, and I felt ashamed. I felt that Ma Qi and the others were acting unruly, and I was annoyed that Khan Ama was not authentic, and wanted to send a teacher to ask for a crime... But thinking about it carefully, the head of the House of Internal Affairs was not born in the old man. On the body, Khan Ama gave it to the master, and Khan Ama didn’t give it, and it has nothing to do with the master... This involves the division of property, and the master is indeed to avoid suspicion, otherwise it will be thin and thick. Falling down and complaining... Others are okay, but the third child is fussy..."

Brother Jiu has already figured it out.

Just like Han Ama grounded the prince for no reason, letting him avoid dealing with Suo'etu during this period is to protect the prince.

This time, apart from myself, let Ma Qi and the others work overtime to tidy up the production, which is also Han Ama's sympathy for him.

Shu Shu smiled.

This time she was really relieved.

All injustice stems from dissatisfaction and inconsideration.

Learn to be satisfied, learn to be considerate, then your heart will be calm, and your life will be submissive.

No matter how many dragons...

let them go

Brother Jiu's injuries...

Afraid of knocking on the bone, Shu Shu didn't dare to move lightly, pulled the quilt to cover Brother Jiu's waist, went out and called He Yuzhu, and ordered the imperial physician in the garden to be on duty to invite the imperial physician.

"A doctor who knows how to touch bones..."

Shu Shu ordered.

After hearing this, He Yuzhu looked into the room worriedly.

Brother Nine in the room heard the movement, and hurriedly said: "Don't call the imperial doctor!"

He Yuzhu hesitated for a moment, Shu Shu waved his hand.

He Yuzhu trotted away immediately.

In the room, Brother Nine had already stood up, lifted his pants, frowned and said: "It's so embarrassing, what are you looking at, it will be fine in a few days!"

Shu Shu said: "I forgot Elder Brother Twelve, I can't see it from the outside, what if the bone is cracked? I have to apply medicine..."

Brother Nine said with a bitter face, "But this is my ass!"

Still looking for someone who can feel the bones?

Disgusting or not? !

Shu Shu hastily pulled him, told him to lie down honestly, and said: "They are all old men with a lot of beards, why are you still shying away from medical treatment? It's probably nothing, just for peace of mind, or if you rub it directly, the injury will be serious How to do?"

Brother Nine was still not happy: "But the imperial physician has been told that he needs to get a pulse case, and Khan Ama will know about it by then, it's shameful!"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "In the future, let's live outside the palace. Is it possible that I will ride a horse when I go to the yamen in the morning and evening instead of a car like other elder brothers? It's cold in winter and sunny in summer. It's my fault!"

Brother Nine muffled: "Then what can be done? Khan Ama has been choosing this for the past two years, and now the princes of the Eight Banners are just getting older and riding in a carriage. Otherwise, most of them go to the Yamen on horseback."

"With this pulse case, my grandfather will continue to ride in the car in the future. Anyway, the prince's mansion is now in hand, and the family property is also in hand, so I don't have to ask for everything!"

Shu Shu said softly.

Brother Jiu took a look at Shu Shu, and said seriously: "You don't want to be Prince Fujin, so as not to encounter Tian Gege's shock in the future?"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Let's close the door and live by ourselves, don't care about others, besides, I really don't believe that Sanbeile can be two levels higher than Master!"

If it's only one level higher, it's just common courtesy.

What can't be done?
Brother Nine immediately relaxed, and said, "That's right! Master thinks too much!"

After a while, He Yuzhu arrived with the imperial physician.

It wasn't an old imperial doctor with white beard and hair, but a middle-aged imperial doctor in his forties, followed by an apprentice in his twenties carrying a suitcase.

Brother Jiu buried his head in the pillow and refused to raise his head.

When Shu Shu heard the movement, he dismissed Xiaochun and Walnut who came in to serve, leaving only the imperial doctor, the apprentice who carried the suitcase, and He Yuzhu in the room, and then lifted the quilt.

Knowing that his master Xijie, He Yuzhu took a wet towel to the imperial physician.

The imperial physician wiped his hands and pressed his fingers against the bruise.

"If Master Jiu is in pain, just squeak..."

The imperial doctor ordered softly.


Brother Nine responded in a muffled voice.

The imperial physician first lightened and then pressed heavily, pressing along the bruise.

Brother Jiu bared his teeth and let out a "squeak".

Both Shu Shu and He Yuzhu were worried.

If the fracture is not a joke, at least it will take two months to raise it.

Brother Twelve's arm fell in the winter moon, and it's still not healed.

Shu Shu looked at the imperial doctor's face, but the imperial doctor's expression relaxed, turned around and said, "Fu Jin, Master Jiu is fine, no bone is hurt, he rubbed it with medicinal wine, and it disappeared in three to five days..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the imperial physician is good at orthopedics, medicinal wine is always prepared.

He took out a small porcelain bottle from the medicine chest.

Seeing that he was going to make a move, Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Don't bother, just keep this..."

Brother Jiu came out of the pillow, and said nervously: "Yes, yes, listen to Fujin, just see here!"

He also ordered He Yuzhu to wink.

He Yuzhu touched the purse from his sleeve, stuffed it into the hands of the imperial physician, and said, "Lord Lao is troubled..."

The imperial physician also knew what was going on, bowed to Brother Nine and Shu Shu, and left with his apprentices.

He Yuzhu sent it out.

Only then did Brother Jiu exhale, and followed Shu Shu and said, "Quickly wipe it off, it's so disgusting!"

Towels and basins are readily available.

Naturally, it wasn't the piece where the imperial physician wiped his hands before.

Shu Shu took the clean one, soaked it in the water and wrung it dry, and helped Brother Jiu wipe it carefully.

Only then did Brother Jiu grit his teeth and said: "The other master can bear it, it's just this man and this man who can't bear this..."

Shu Shu understood that this was the reaction of the straight man of steel.

Just like her, she likes the love of a beautiful boy, but she always feels weird about Lily Dafa.

But thinking about the current world situation, there are many people who like men.

Shu Shu reminded: "Everyone has different preferences, if you don't like it, you don't like it, but there are also people who like it. If you see it outside, don't look down upon it..."

Existence is reasonable.

You don't have to use your own standards to ask others.

Brother Nine snorted softly: "I don't have time to worry about that idleness!"

Shu Shu let Brother Jiu lie down, and rubbed his bruises away with medicinal wine.

This was kneaded yesterday morning. After a day and a night, it is just right to knead it now.

Brother Jiu bit the pillow, the sweat on his forehead came out, but he was in a good mood, and his mouth was not idle: "I can only lie on my stomach these two days, so can I be on top..."

Shu Shu couldn't laugh or cry.

It can't be a live ammunition, it's just a drill.

Still have to fight up and down...

Qingxi Bookstore.

Kangxi was also thinking about the symptoms of the crown prince and elder brother Jiu. A cold might not sound serious, but it can be scary if it is serious.

In the end, after waiting for the news that the imperial physician was on duty, the imperial physician was passed on to the Hechi South Institute, but the Taoyuan Bookstore did not pass on the imperial physician.

Kangxi frowned, knowing that the crown prince is very strong, but he was still worried, and told Liang Jiugong, "The crown prince has caught a cold, take two imperial physicians with a strong pulse to see..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and agreed, and went out to the imperial doctor's office.

Only then did Kangxi open the pulse case of Brother Nine, and it was clear that he was looking for orthopedics, not Dafang’s pulse, which is strange. After seeing the results clearly, there was no fever or symptoms, but he was knocked on the saddle while riding a fast horse, and there were bruises .

He closed the pulse case in disgust, and felt that it was hard to say...

(End of this chapter)

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