Chapter 412 Brothers Fighting the Wall

The three of them were talking, and there was movement in the direction of the official road.

It's Elder Brother Ten who's back.

He was sitting in a carriage with ten guards and twenty guards.

Apart from the coachman in front of the carriage, Wang Pingan was sitting on the other side. When he saw Brother Jiu and his wife, he turned around and reported in a low voice.

"Master, Master Jiu and Jiu Fujin are ahead, and there are others."

Brother Ten picked up the curtain, recognized Fu Song, stopped the carriage, and sent the guards and guards back to report.

He just met Yin De today and mentioned Fu Song's matter.

Yin De was not picky about Fu Song's background.

Since he is brother-in-law of brother-in-law and brother-in-law of brother-in-law, he can't go wrong with his future.

Who is to blame?
Even if the niece was not close to her grandfather's family before, it is different whether the Tong family is there or not.

Now that Tong's family has been deposed by suspense, they still don't know when they will be able to get up.

The niece is the granddaughter of the Tong family, and she will also be questioned and alienated by outsiders.

Now that there is talk of marriage in the capital, I am afraid that they will have to look further down.

Although Fu Song's status has shortcomings, it is more worry-free than the ordinary descendants of nobles, and does not have to face the whole family.

The more important thing is to stay in the capital and not have to marry to Mongolia.

Although the Mongolian side is a palace, the candidate is only the brother of the county king, not the son of Chengjue.

There is also the question of titles. Over there is the grandson of the princess, not the son of the princess. Without the title of Taiji, the distribution of pastures is limited, and the daily use is Tai Fujin's dowry.

If you really want to marry in the past, you will use your niece's dowry later.

Marrying thousands of miles away, no one can say what will happen when the dowry is exhausted and the elders above are old.

Yin De meant that he wanted to meet Fu Song first.

Elder Brother Ten was about to tell Brother Ninth the news.

So at this moment, he got out of the carriage.

Brother Jiu looked at the sky, but Weichu said, "Go back so early?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Su Nu Beizi is here, he is doing his best, and my younger brother is free as well, so he came back from a stroll..."

Having said that, he glanced at Fu Song and said, "Did Brother Nine mention the matter of Niu Hulu's family?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I just said it, and I will ask Guard Yin what it means when I turn around, if it doesn't work, forget it."

Elder Brother Shi said: "My younger brother told Uncle Yin De when he came back just now, what Uncle means is that he wants to meet Elder Fu Song first."

Brother Nine said: "After the Lantern Festival, wait until the master asks Han Ama for a master of ceremonies. If Han Ama picks on Fu Song's young age, he can make up a guard. It's decent to say we're close."

Elder Brother Shi looked at Fu Song and said, "My cousin is lonely and pitiful. She can't rely on her family and uncle's family, and her reputation has also been implicated. If you are picky in your heart, don't force it."

Fu Song shook his head and said: "Those outsiders' words have nothing to do with Gege. If we really listen to outsiders' opinions, our branch will have no face staying in the capital."

Elder Brother Ten had a good impression of him at first, and he was more happy to see that he was transparent, neither humble nor overbearing: "Then after the festival, choose a date, and you and I will go to Niu Hulu's house."

Fu Song's face was flushed, and he didn't answer immediately, but looked at Shu Shu and Brother Nine.

Shu Shu nodded and said with a smile, "Just listen to Master Shi."

Brother Nine also said: "Yeah, even if this one doesn't work, maybe there will be another one, Niu Hulu's family is not the only one..."

Elder Brother Shi's maternal grandfather, the late first-class Duke Ye Bilong, was the son of E Yidu, one of the "Five Founding Ministers" and Taizu Princess Mukush.

Of Ye Bilong's sixteen brothers, except for those who died young, most of them were generals at the founding of the country, and several were titans who died in battle.

Except for the first-class duke, most of the other houses have inherited titles, that is, except for a second-class uncle, the others are not high, but there are also a few hereditary assistants who have flourishing descendants.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Elder Brother Fusong's marriage is on my shoulders."

Now Khan Ama's harem will not enter the concubine with the first surname. The prince's Yuqing Palace has the prince's concubine, and there is also Gege who gave birth to the prince's eldest son and second son. There is no need for Niu Hulu's family to get involved.

At this moment, Sun Jin brought out glutinous rice balls.


Fusong ate it by the roadside.

Brother Ten looked at it, and couldn't move his eyes.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "I sent it over there. If it's not enough, I'll ask someone to pick it up."

Shu Shu was talking to Fu Song: "Go home and tell Ernie, this method is very simple, just like making dumplings, the outer skin is made of soft glutinous rice noodles or yellow rice noodles, and the filling must be fried first ..."

Fu Song nodded in response, and finished a bowl of eight meat glutinous rice balls, as well as the seaweed soup.

He is alone, Shu Shu is worried.

It happened that two guards who were off duty came out and wanted to go back to Beijing, Brother Jiu called out and asked them to take Fusong back with them.

Shu Shu went back to the garden, Elder Brother Ten was thinking about the glutinous rice balls, and couldn't wait to go back to Dongsuo.

Shu Shu recalled the words of Brother Nine that Brother Ten loved meat and sticky food, but only two of the six glutinous rice balls over there were meat.

She told Xiaotang: "Prepare another plate of meat glutinous rice balls and send it to Dongsuo, the amount is two bowls..."

The first round of delivery is according to the rules, everyone is the same.

Outside of the rules, Elder Brother Ten's treatment is naturally the first one.

The twelfth elder brother and the tenth elder brother live in the same room, so it is not easy to be left behind.

Elder Brother Ten from Dongsuo had just eaten the glutinous rice balls, and was dazed looking at the hawthorn stuffing when he welcomed Sun Jin.

Isn't it meatballs?Why is it still sweet?
"Fu Jin asked for it, saying that it's all stuffed with meat..."

Sun Jin bowed to report.

The tenth elder brother couldn't wait, and ordered someone to cook it. Seeing that he was rich, he said, "Just cook half of it, and save the rest for the twelfth elder brother..."

There were six in the first bowl, eight in the second bowl, and fourteen glutinous rice balls. Brother Shi ate all of them.

The mouth is full of oil, and the meaning is still unfinished.

He heard Shu Shu's instructions to Fu Song, and knew that the recipe of the meat glutinous rice balls was simple.

The Abahai tribe is located in a remote place and lacks supplies. Where have you seen these foods?
Tomorrow's Fan Banquet is an auspicious banquet at the Prince's Terrace, and Prince Fujin and Ge Ge will stay in the inner hall.

Elder Brother Ten called Wang Ping'an over, and ordered: "Go to the dining room of the Nansuo to find the girl Xiaotang, and tell her to trouble her to prepare two more, and I want meat stuffing, and the master will take it away tomorrow morning..."

Wang Pingan went in response.

In the evening, Brother Twelve returned to Dongsuo, and there will be glutinous rice balls later.

Not just his six, but also the eight later.

All fourteen.

Cook a large bowl out.

Elder Brother Twelve looked in a daze.

Seeing this, brother ten asked someone to take a spoon and clean bowls and chopsticks, and said, "It's all sticky food, don't eat so much, brother help you eat..."

Twelfth elder brother covered the soup bowl with his hand, looked at tenth elder brother and said, "What about tenth elder brother's share?"

Since it was sent by sister-in-law nine, brother ten would not be missing.

Elder Brother Ten snorted softly and said, "Let's eat it this afternoon. Don't think that brother is taking advantage of you. Sister-in-law Jiu originally gave six pieces by herself. It was brother who came back and knew that brother likes to eat minced meat, so sister-in-law Jiu sent them away again." Someone sent two..."

The twelfth elder brother didn't allow the tenth elder brother to do it himself, took the spoon and gave him two.

Brother Ten gritted his teeth and said, "Why are there only two?"

Brother Twelve saw this and wanted to take it back.

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly picked up the bowls and chopsticks, looked Elder Brother Twelve up and down, and said, "You're quite protective of food, why didn't I see you have this problem earlier?"

Brother Twelve glanced at him and said, "It's not what Brother Ten said, you can't eat too much sticky food..."

He is fifteen this year, and it is time to grow his body.

Not to mention fourteen glutinous rice balls, even twenty-eight can be eaten.

Ninth sister-in-law sent two copies, so I have my own.

Just return two to Brother Ten.

Seeing how gluttonous Brother Ten is, it must be delicious...

Arriving at Zhongsuo, it is a different style of painting.

Six glutinous rice balls, yellow, yellow and white, look round and cute.

The stuffing inside, no one knows what it is, the first one is sweet, and the next one is salty.

The hawthorn stuffing is sweet and sour.

The walnut sesame filling is sweet and sweet.

The mouthful of sauce with fresh meat stuffing.

The thirteenth elder brother ate to his heart's content, with a smile on his face.

The fourteenth elder brother was not idle.

"How come there are meat-filled Yuanxiao, it's so greasy!"

"Ha! What is this, sticky and hot mouth!"

"It's better to use glutinous rice flour if it's good, but the yellow rice flour is really rough!"

After eating three glutinous rice balls, none of them were satisfied.

Elder Brother Thirteen couldn't take it any longer, so he directly took his leftover glutinous rice balls and said, "Don't force yourself if you don't like it, give me the rest!"

Elder Fourteen rushed forward to snatch it back, and said: "Brother Thirteen, why is this so, you can't grab mine after you've finished eating?"

Elder Brother Thirteen snorted lightly and said, "Don't you not like to eat?"

Elder Fourteen looked anxious, and said, "Who said that... I just thought it would taste better."

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "Then I'll tell Sister-in-law Nine that I'll deliver some food in the future, and I don't need to bring your portion, lest you pick and choose!"

Elder Fourteen stared and said: "I've said it all, I didn't choose it, I just ate it strangely, so I muttered a few words..."

Brother Thirteen didn't argue with him, he just looked at the few glutinous rice balls left, reluctant to bring them.

Seeing this, Elder Fourteen quickly speeded up and ate all the remaining glutinous rice balls.

Arrived at Xisuo.

The fifteenth elder brother lives alone, without the step of brothers fighting against the wall.

When he was here, Mammy asked the dining room to cook two.

One yellow and one white.

It happened that one was stuffed with meat and the other was stuffed with hawthorn.

Elder Brother Fifteen smiled happily as he ate, knowing that there were four more to eat tomorrow morning, he struggled a bit, and said, "Nurse, where is the Gouyuan Bookstore?"

He thought it was delicious and wanted to share it with the princess.

Mammy hurriedly said: "Don't worry, elder brother, there are also some at the Crown Princess's side. Jiufujin is a considerate person. The old slave saw that the people from Nansuo sent them there in the morning."

Only then did Brother Fifteen laugh, and said: "Then eat the rest tomorrow morning, don't worry if you eat too much in the morning!"

Nansuo is full of spring.

From "A Thousand Gold Prescriptions" to "The Counselor's Letter on Sanyuan Longevity", Shu Shu popularized with Brother Jiu what "desires cannot be indulged".

Indulging in lust not only hurts the body, but also affects the physical weakness of the offspring.

Brother Nine was confused when he heard it, and he was a little confused.

But he didn't like to hear these things, so he hugged Shu Shu in his arms and complained: "My lord is so indulgent, Su's eyeballs are going to turn red, what's the point? You won't be afraid of suffocating me, lord..."

Everyone, don't miss the midnight addition, ^_^, and then continue to ask for small tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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