My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 413 It's Good to Go

Chapter 413 It's Good to Go (Second Monthly Pass)
The next day was the fourteenth day of the first lunar month.

There are banquets and fireworks in the West Garden this day.

Brother Jiu was invited by the manager of Changchun Garden after finishing his breakfast.

This banquet was not only organized by the Lifan Academy and the Ministry of Rites, but also by the House of Internal Affairs.

Shu Shu is looking forward to tomorrow, there will be a clan banquet tomorrow.

The princes Fujin would come in during the day, and they would go back after the dinner.

It is estimated that it will be a few days, and then he will go back to the palace.

According to the old custom in Beijing, the Lantern Festival lasts for five days.

From the thirteenth day of the first lunar month to the end of the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, lanterns were hung up everywhere in the West Garden.

They are all stored in the Lantern Storehouse of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, large and small red lanterns.

Hanging along the lotus pond.

When Shu Shu's little day came, she was very energetic, and took a copy of "Shan Hai Jing" and read it under the south window.

Xiao Chun was next to him and talked about buying spring clothes.

Shu Shu, as the prince Fujin, has clothing materials as an example.

Cropping There are also needleworkers here.

Even Xiaochun and Walnut, the court ladies and family girls, are also given clothes materials according to the year.

Shu Shu thought that it would be inconvenient to go out for a trip, and said: "Ask someone to buy similar cloth from outside, follow the few who go out, and cut it twice..."

Xiao Chun hesitated and said, "Fu Jin, why don't you let Walnut go out with you?"

There is no proper person watching at the second institute, so Xiaochun is worried.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "There is still Mammy..."

You can't leave Xiao Chun as a housekeeper every time you go out.

Great rotation with walnuts.

Also see if walnuts can stand alone.

Xiaoyu is inseparable. Longan followed her to comb her hair, but she hasn't become an apprentice yet, so she shouldn't use it for the time being.

The same is true for Hazel on Xiaotang's side.

Not to mention Komatsu here.

No replacement.

When you go out, always have someone to follow you.

"When I go back, I will change the bedding in the front study..."

Shu Shu confessed.

The husband and wife chatted carefully for a long while last night, Brother Jiu agreed to move to the study in the front yard to rest after she went out.

Shu Shu had a subtle feeling in her heart.

Brother Jiu will be obedient.

If he is misbehaving, it may be more worry-free for her.

Therefore, she didn't have the feeling of guarding against death, but only expressed her hope. As for whether she can achieve it, it doesn't depend on promises or other things.

A day flies by.

Later, Shu Shu will have guests here.

Jiugege is here.

Tonight, there will be a feudal banquet in Hanchun Hall, and the princes will lead the ministers, academicians, and guards to accompany the banquet.

Jiu Gege knew that Brother Jiu was not there, so he sent someone over early to inquire, and wanted to come and watch the fireworks with Shu Shu.

Shu Shu was eager to have the little beauty as company, so she asked Xiaochun to go there in person, and asked Jiu Gege to come here later.

Jiu Ge Ge Xi Su doesn't like meat, although Shu Shu advised her to eat more meat before, but this eating habit can't be changed in a day or two.

Therefore, the food prepared by Shushu's dining room is mainly light.

The desserts served are milk flower rolls and millet chestnut cake.

There are also cold meats such as egg sausage and pork trotter jelly, and two side dishes of sesame sauce water radish and sweet and sour cabbage.

Hot dishes include two bowls of chicken meatballs and cabbage stew and sea cucumber vermicelli stew, and two sweet dish dishes of red date rice cake and sweet-scented osmanthus yam.

Jiugege ate delicately, eating it in small mouthfuls, but seeing how often she moved her chopsticks, one could tell that the food was to her liking.

Shu Shu looked at Jiugege's slender wrist and thought of Qifujin.

The sisters-in-law have not seen each other for some days.

I don't know if Qifujin has controlled her weight.

Shu Shu looked at herself again, could it be that she was pestered by Brother Nine and slept less?

There is a saying in later generations that if you sleep more, you will lose weight, and if you sleep less, you will gain weight.

She feels that she has gained more weight than before she got married.

Although there is no fat, but when you touch your arms and legs, it is much stronger than before you got married.

After eating, my sister-in-law went up to the second floor.

Later, when the banquet in Hanchun Hall is almost over, there will be fireworks in the front square.

"My lady-in-law over there saw the fireworks in the morning, and said that there are sixteen carts, and they will be released tonight, and there will be more tomorrow..."

Jiu Ge Ge Road.

Shu Shu remembered that on New Year's Eve, everyone put flowers in the corridor between the imperial garden and elder brother's house.

Although they are all small fireworks, they are also very fun.

I don't know what's going on with the banquet in this palace.

There is still no watch, and it is still early before the fireworks are set off. The sister-in-law and the sister-in-law are lying on the south couch in the study room on the second floor.

Jiugege hesitated for a moment, and said: "Sister-in-law Jiu, does the Tong family's old Duke really want to go back to Shengjing with his family?"

Tong's family is one of the Dukes of the two countries, and they are all first-class Cheng'en Dukes.

In order to distinguish between them, when Tong Guogang was alive earlier, others called Tong Guogang "Uncle Daguo" and Tong Guowei "Uncle Two Kingdoms" in order to distinguish them.

When Tong Guogang died in battle, the eldest son Elundai attacked the first-class Duke, and the two uncles and nephews were the distinction between "Guo Gong" and "Old Guo Gong".

Shu Shu looked at her, nodded and said: "The emperor has made a decree, and there is no room for change."

Jiugege pursed his lips and said, "Then Shun Anyan also went back?"

After hearing this, Shu Shu raised her heart and looked at Jiu Gege.

The girl is pregnant?
Not much.

There was no shyness on Jiugege's face.

"Sister knows Shun Anyan?"

Shu Shu asked.

Jiugege nodded and said: "A few years ago, Ama Khan sent him to Ningshou Palace several times, and met him twice..."

Shu Shu didn't know what to say.

Is it an established fate?

Jiugege hooked the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "It's good to go back!"

Seeing this, Shu Shu asked curiously, "Your sister doesn't like this person?"

Jiugege shook his head and said: "It's not that he doesn't like it, he just thinks it's ridiculous. He was ordered to come to Ningshou Palace to deliver things to the emperor's grandmother in Laba a few days ago. It happened that Little Fourteen was kicking shuttlecock outside. He didn't say anything when he saw him. He also reprimanded Xiao Shisi's palace servants, he has a very weird temper!"

The little fourteen here is the fourteen grids produced by Concubine Yuan Shu.

Shu Shu is embarrassing.

It is estimated that the one who substituted himself into the role of brother-in-law, and kindly "suggested something" to the concubine's sister-in-law, fell into the eyes of others, which is extremely ridiculous.

Shu Shudao: "The guy who lacks education, went to my elder brother's house on the first day of the new year, and he was not polite to our master. What? Don't mention him, it will affect your mood."

Jiugege said anxiously: "Sister-in-law Jiu, will I choose someone from the Tong family for my marriage? I heard that the people in their family are quite irritable. I am impatient to quarrel with others."

Because of the empress dowager's teaching yesterday, Jiu Gege also cared about his life's major affairs.

In addition, Shu Shu was in the same age as her, so she was less reserved, so she just asked.

Shu Shu glanced at Jiugege: "It was almost the same before, but now I can't be sure..."

The Tong family just got punished and married another princess, even if it wasn't Tong Guowei's branch, but the meaning is the same, and it can't be said that it will make the Tong family feel big again.

Instead, it was Hesheli's house.

In order to keep the prince's dignity, Kangxi may give grace.

Uncle Xinyu couldn't mention it, Heyi's branch was not as good as Suo'etu's before.

Promoted, that is, the second rank.

He Yi is not yet a knight.

Shu Shu felt that the candidate for Jiugege forehead son-in-law could not be Heyi's.

Before Kangxi distributed Concubine Rong's mother and son to the crown prince, Concubine Rong had the name of raising him, and the third elder brother also waited for Yuqing Palace to get close.

But if we find out the previous enmity, even if we don't tear it apart in the future, we won't rub it together.

The prince needs an arm, not the third elder brother, then the fourth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother's younger sister, who married into the Hesheli family, also pushed the fourth elder brother into the "princeling".

Jiugege said generously: "If there is a candidate for Yuqian, brother Jiu will know, please ask sister-in-law Jiu to tell me."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure you've made it clear."

While speaking, the sound of firecrackers came from a distance.

Shu Shu pushed open the window directly.

This position is just right to look into the distance through the gap between the two small buildings in front.

With the sound of firecrackers over there, the fireworks on the other side of the pool began to be set off.

First is the colorful bead tube, I don't know how many are lit at the same time, the sky is filled with colorful beads.

Then there was a small fire.

Then came the "Second Fire" and "Big Fire".

The patterns include grapes, colorful smoke, colorful fire horses, etc., which complement each other brilliantly.

The last few combinations of box flowers.

Crane flames dance, golden snakes are switched on and off, and stars are falling all over the sky.

Shu Shu couldn't move her eyes.

It took three quarters of an hour from the sound of the firecrackers to the drop of the box flower of the last prince Wandai.

My sister-in-law opened the window, so the room was naturally cold.

There were already two girls who took cloaks to cover them.

Jiugege was still not satisfied, and said: "There will be another one tomorrow, when the time comes, let's watch it directly..."

Shu Shu also felt that she had seen the world, and said: "Tomorrow all the sister-in-laws will come in, so it will be more lively..."

There was the sound of clappers in the distance, and it was the second watch.

Jiugege got up to say goodbye.

Who knows if the Mongolian prince in the garden has gone clean, Shu Shu was worried, and said: "Wait, wait until your ninth brother comes back, we will see you off."

There are lights outside.

Shu Shu was bored in the room all day, and wanted to go out to breathe.

While talking, brother Jiu came back.

Seeing Jiugege, he was surprised and said, "It's so late, why haven't you left yet?"

Jiugege smiled a little forcedly.

Seems to be despised.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "It's delayed until the master comes back. The princes are all out of the garden?"


Brother Jiu nodded and said: "The little Ximen is guarded over there, and we left the garden directly from the west gate."

Shu Shu said: "Then let's go see off Nine Sisters, I just happen to be bored and go out for a stroll."

Brother Jiu frowned and said: "It's choking outside, I'll just deliver it by myself, don't bother."

Shu Shu said: "It's okay, I have a mask, and I want to see the lights too."

In the area to the north of the West Garden, from the Hanchun Hall in the west to the Companion Reading Center in the east, many colored lights were hung.

Seeing this, Brother Nine instructed, "Wear a hat, it's all dusty and dirty..."

Shu Shu listened, put on a hat and mask, and followed Brother Jiu out.

This time, instead of taking the small road to the west, we took the main road to the east.

In front of the door of the Douyuan Bookstore, two children were playing with flowers in their hands, and a few nuns followed with glazed lamps in their hands.

I saw a few people coming over, and the two were still playing.

Under the urging of Mammy, she calmed down, but stood there without moving.

When everyone came to the front, the two reluctantly greeted everyone.

They are the elder brother and the second elder brother of Yuqing Palace.

"I've seen Uncle Nine, Aunt Nine, Aunt Nine..."

The two children looked very perfunctory, their eyes still fixed on the flowers held in the hand of the nanny.

Brother Nine frowned upon seeing this, but he was not familiar with the younger brother in Yuqing Palace, nor was he interested in disciplining his son for others, so he nodded and led Shu Shu and his party to continue walking.

There is Jiu Ge Ge, Jiu Ge endured it.

After sending Jiugege away, the couple did not return the same way, but took the path to the west.

"It's Yuqing Palace after all, it's different. I don't have many Kesi clothes yet, they wear Kesi for regular clothes, and the mother-in-law is holding glazed lanterns..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help feeling sour, and muttered in a low voice.

What Shu Shu cared about was the attitude of the two younger brothers towards Brother Jiu.

In their eyes, they probably wouldn't think that the other princes were uncles, they would only treat them as future officials of the prince, so they would be negligent.

It is nonsense to say that children are young and not polite.

At what age is the fifteenth elder brother, when did he lack etiquette?
Shu Shu felt that if she was the prince's elder brother, she might want to fight...

I'm about to fall out of the top [-], and I'm crying for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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