Chapter 418 Begging (addition to the key passenger waiting area for the leader)
Neither of the couple mentioned Ba Fujin.

Shu Shu doesn't want to mention, even if she doesn't like Fujin, the miscarriage is not what Fujin herself is happy about.

Eighth brother is the husband, what's wrong with staying with him for a day?
It's just the Lantern Festival feast, one more person is not too much, one less person is quite a lot, and it's not another occasion where you have to come forward.

As for Brother Nine, it was rare for him to compare his heart with his heart, and he didn't mention Ba Fujin.

I feel that if I were Shu Shu and encountered something, I would choose the same as the starling.

"Khan Ama is too inconsiderate, he also came when he was young..."

Shu Shu thought of the two county kings of King An's lineage, Fujin and Mrs. Beizi, and said: "Over there at Prince An's mansion, do you have any explanations?"

Previously, as if they were afraid that the royal family would treat them poorly, the eighth Fujin got into trouble, and their uncles gathered together and went to the imperial court to "plead guilty".

This time, the emperor and grandson were damaged. No matter who is responsible, it all happened in Prince An's Mansion. Is there any "pleading guilty"?
Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "Who knows, they are elders, even if they apologize, they will only do it in private, I guess I will just say a few words, I am afraid that this waist will not be able to bend down, or else I will be in front of myna in the future." There is not enough confidence.”

Shu Shu felt that she might be prejudiced against Prince An's Mansion.

Prince An and the others are all nephews of Suo'etu.

Their "protection" is also a picky one.

Not really reckless, somehow.

Ba Fujin is the daughter-in-law of the royal family, and they showed importance to Ba Fujin in front of the imperial court. It was not without deliberate elements, and they did it for Kangxi and the eighth elder brother to see.

As for Suo'etu, they are already guilty of serious crimes. If they jump out, they will be ignorant of current affairs.

Brother Nine muttered: "The place you pointed out is not big, it's only about ten acres of land. When the yard is built, the family will only have about ten rooms. If you can have a few throws away, it's worth using this as a 'punishment'." '? It's just Khan Ama's narrow-mindedness, deliberately embarrassing the starling."

Shu Shu felt that she could also understand Kangxi.

It is not too much for the old father to look forward to the reunion of his children during the festival.

Even if the eighth elder brother is worried about his family and wants to accompany his wife, he should go out of the city by himself and come over to say something.

In this way, there is no need to sleep out, and the old father has also received the attention of his son, so he can't find reason.

It would be too much to ask the fourth elder brother to hand over the leave papers.

Eighth Prince has a somewhat contradictory temperament.

Sometimes it seems humble, but it is actually arrogant.

Shu Shu slandered a few words, thought of one thing, said: "No, it's not like we and the tenth brother!"

The couple looked at each other.

Brother Nine had a smile on his face, and said: "Yes, we are still left behind, no, tomorrow I will go and talk to Huang Ama, we both have to have a place to stay..."

It is not a big project to build a small yard, but it will take one or two months to complete and then dry.

Brother Jiu grinned and said, "There are three more..."

Every time I have to fall behind my brothers, this time a small courtyard, it is not necessary to build it in two batches, right?
Although Shu Shu didn't like the ninth elder brother to speak for the eighth elder brother, but when it came to her own family, she didn't bother, she just reminded: "Look at the emperor's mood, if you really don't like it, forget it, and it will be the same if you repair it next spring. "

Moving at the end of this year is just the couple's plan. In fact, the horoscope has not been written yet, and it is too early to worry about other things.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Master is smart, he won't face tough..."

Capital City, Babeile Mansion.

Main courtyard, upper room.

The room was dark and there were no lamps.

Ba Fujin lay on the kang, staring, feeling empty in his heart.

Obviously, a day and a night have passed, but she is still in a dream.

She couldn't help touching her stomach with her hands.

The belly is cold.

Child, no more.

Her eyes are hot.

In the world, it seems that she is the only ghost left.

Tears flowed from the corner of my eyes.

There were footsteps at the door.

Then came the outer room.

in the room.

The light came on all of a sudden.

Eighth Brother stood in front of the window and lit the lamp.

He still looks as gentle as jade, but now he is tinged with blue.

Beside him was a small blue and white bowl with a spoon.

Ba Fujin looked at him, feeling a little far away.

The eighth elder brother held a small blue and white bowl, from far to near, sat down on the side of the kang, and said softly, "Baozhu, I have to take a bite..."

Ba Fujin looked straight at him, lying still.

The eighth elder brother put down the small blue and white bowl and went to help the eighth Fujin.

Ba Fujin's body was weak, he didn't struggle, and sat up half leaning on Ba Ge's body.

She looked down at the small bowl, which contained a bowl of stewed bird's nest.

"We are still young, we have taken care of our bodies early, and my little elder brother will have it..."

Eighth Prince's voice is very gentle.

"Again, it's not this one..."

With a hoarse voice, Ba Fujin lowered his head and said.

Brother Ba sighed and said, "Then let's remember him..."

There was more anger in Bafujin's eyes, and he said: "Except for the nanny, the other dowry population will be sent back to Prince An's Mansion, I don't want it anymore!"

The eighth elder brother was surprised: "Baozhu?"

"They all obey Tai Fujin's commands..."

Bafujin gritted his teeth and said.

No one pushed her, and indeed she walked faster by herself.

But before that, she had just been humiliated by Tai Fujin in private.

How did the quarrel arise?
It was Tai Fujin who blamed Eighth Brother for not inquiring about the news. In front of Eighth Fujin, he spoke harshly to Eighth Brother. He suspected that he was seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, so he didn't inquire carefully.

Then, regardless of relatives, instead of interceding for Suo'etu, he went to Suo'etu's house with the other princes to ransack the house.

Ba Fujin didn't like to hear this, so he replied a few words.

If you really want to care so much, why don't you let the uncles take the book?

Add up several uncles, isn't it heavier than the eighth elder brother?
Are these the nephews?

If it was her, she would definitely not bear it. If she doesn't show up at this time, when will she show up?
Now that the person is dead and the house is stolen, what's the point of talking about it hypocritically.

Tai Fujin had a strange expression at the time, with contempt, saying that she was inappropriate and ignorant of current affairs, and followed her Ama.

The roots of Guo Luoluo's family are not good. She Mafa is greedy for money, and set up a gambling game to embezzle other people's property to harm others. As a result, she got retribution, and her son died because of gambling.

Therefore, even if the eight blessings are raised in the palace, they will act crookedly.

Now the eight Fujins have learned their lesson by doing it on their own, and an imperial bestowed side Fujin is waiting to enter the door.

Bafujin was so angry that he mentioned Suo'etu's hanging himself indiscriminately: "Hesheli's family has a good family style? He specializes in "rebellious people", and hanging himself is just a fig leaf, otherwise the nine chains must be added. body, not to die!"

Tai Fujin's complexion didn't change at that time, he just said: "No matter how bad the Hesheli family's family style is, the daughter also has self-respect, it's better than someone who is obsessed with men all day long, and drags him to the kang when she is pregnant..."

At that time, Ba Fujin was so ashamed and indignant that he hurried out of Tai Fujin's yard before he slipped and fell.

Tai Fujin is a hypocrite, and treats Eight Princes extremely politely in front of others, and these harsh words are also said to Eight Fujin behind others' backs.

Bafujin didn't want to mention the secrets of Guo Luoluo's family, and couldn't learn those words that insulted his own character, so he said angrily: "They told Taifujin all the family affairs..."

In total, Bafu Jin married four maids, two nanny, and four companions.

Except for Nanny's family, Bafujin didn't want to stay anymore.

The eighth prince's face was also not good-looking, he nodded and said: "It's all up to you."

This is his Baylor Mansion, not another courtyard of Prince An's Mansion.

What would happen if the courtyard was full of people from Prince An's Mansion?

Bafujin lowered his eyes.

What happened to Marfa?

Did you really do immoral things and embezzle other people's property?
Bafujin thought of her concubine brother.

She is two concubines, one of whom is wearing a collar.

Even if they are all half-brothers, they were not close when they were young.

Ba Fujin pursed his lips, the people from Prince An's Mansion could not be used, and the people from Guo Luoluo's family would still be used later.

If Mafa really embezzled other people's property, what about the property?

The house I share is all the property after the division of Ama's family. It is said that it is the ancestral property.

The newly added ones are all at the uncle's house?
Ba Fujin was never short of money when he was young, and he never cared about it.

The dowry is rich.

But in the one and a half months since the opening of the mansion, she also discovered the shortcomings of Baylor Mansion.

No money left, nervous everywhere.

If he wants to live a comfortable life, he also needs her dowry to make up for it.

But her dowry looked decent, but she didn't have much real promise.

A wry smile appeared on Bafujin's face.

How stupid was he before?

What I think is that I can't lose face when it comes to raising the dowry.

In terms of the total number of dowry industries, Dong E's should be overwhelmed.

I never thought that apart from face, there is also lining.

I never thought that my uncle was just an uncle, not Ama...

The next day, West Garden, South Office.

Breakfast is served.

Lamb siu mai, steamed buns with sauced meat, tartary buckwheat cake, corn flour steamed bread, four kinds of dim sum.

Served with shrimp skin winter melon soup.

Plus two side dishes of refreshing radish and celery beancurd sticks.

The couple ate to their heart's content.

Last night's banquet was not as late as normal, and I didn't eat a few serious bites.

After returning to elder brother's place, it was the second watch, and the two of them washed up and settled down.

Now the stomach is empty all night, it is the time to be greedy.

The weather is fine.

Clear sky.

What a beautiful day.

Brother Nine seemed to be going to the battlefield, his fighting spirit was high.

Today is a day to fight for the yard.

If you're lucky, it might be three sets.

If you are unlucky, you need two sets of bases.

Brother Jiu didn't empty his hands, but carried a food box in his hand.

This is learned from Shu Shu.

People do not blame.

There is nothing fresh in it, just the tartary buckwheat cake and cornmeal steamed bread.

After a year, it's good to eat a vegetarian pastry with a lot of fish and meat all day long.

Brother Nine ate delicious food by himself, so he wanted to invite the emperor's father to taste it too.

It can be regarded as insinuating, a little performance, the life of my husband and wife is simple.

Qingxi Bookstore.

There were many officials whose signs had been flipped were waiting outside the watch room.

Many civil and military officials who have been promoted will go to Beijing to take up their posts after seeing Your Majesty, so they will hand out their badges in these few days.

When Brother Jiu came over, half of these people had met, and there were seven or eight people waiting to meet.

Brother Jiu estimated the time, and instead of waiting here, he strolled to the water's edge and found a rock to sit on.

He was also estimating the time in his mind. Shengjia toured the south in the name of inspecting the river workers, so the departure date would not be delayed too long, probably in early February.

No wonder Shu Shu started to ask someone to cut the spring shirt, probably thinking of this.

Seeing Jiugege's cunning and cunning, coming to the south whenever there is a need, she knew that she was the one who seduced her.

She just couldn't bear it on the face, and her heart was wild!
Brother Jiu felt that the most important thing in front of him was not repairing the yard.

So what if there is one more and one less?
It can't be said that this time it will be directly repaired to a larger one.

The most important thing is to mention the meeting with Khan Amati!
In March, when Zhang Luo finished his eldest brother's wedding, he left the capital to meet him.

As for how many miles out of Beijing?
He is so filial, no matter how far away he is, he is not afraid of hard work...

(End of this chapter)

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