My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 419 New Grain

Chapter 419 New Grain

It was estimated that after three quarters of an hour, brother Jiu's butt was a little cold.

Many officials who were waiting to see left.

Brother Nine reckoned that there were only three or four left, so he picked up the food box and went over.

He looked down at the food box.

I forgot this before, I guess it's going to be cold.

He greeted a familiar little eunuch, and said: "Send it to the dining room to be warmed up, the Lord honors Khan Ama."

Brother Jiu is in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now he is very respectable in the imperial court.

The little eunuch bowed in response, took the food box with both hands and went down.

After a short while, the last official to be seen came out, followed by an acquaintance.

The Minister of the Ministry of Households, the Minister of the Lifan Academy and the Chief of the House of Internal Affairs, Ma Qi.

"Master Ma..."

Brother Nine smiled very affectionately.

Ma Qi is not only the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also half of the starling's father-in-law, a serious person of his own.

Mazzie became a grand maester, better than other old men.

Brother Nine was originally not sensitive to these things, but this time he was extremely clever.

Ethan Ah retired, and he must make up a bachelor.

Ma Qi's qualifications and holy family are enough.

Ma Qi bowed and said, "Master Jiu!"

Seeing that he was holding a booklet in his hand, Brother Nine said: "But is there anything for the House of Internal Affairs to be decided by Ama Khan?"

Ma Qi hurriedly said: "It's a list of silver gifts from the Li Fan Academy!"

The vassal kings, Baylor, Beizi, Gong, Taiji, etc. who came to Beijing for "shifts" all have rewards. This is drawn up by the Lifan Academy based on the current number of people in and out of the capital, and the emperor asks for approval.

Reward before the end of the month.

At the beginning of February, when the weather warmed up, these Mongolian princes who came to the court were about to leave Beijing.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Then let's go, my lord."

Mazzie is gone.

Brother Jiu stood at the door and called people to report.

In the study, Kangxi was looking at a map.

There are several places marked on it, which are the important places in the river.

Hearing that elder brother Jiu asked to see him, Kangxi glanced at the clock.

The second quarter of the first day of the Chen Dynasty.

So early?
He snorted softly, and he could roughly guess the meaning.

It must be for repairing the yard.

Yesterday I said to repair five, this bastard's expression changed.

There is no understanding of people, and the righteousness is not in a decent place.

"Call him in!"

Kangxi ordered Liang Jiugong to say.

Liang Jiugong responded and went out.

Brother Jiu looked at Liang Jiugong and said in a low voice, "Ada, how is Khan Ama?"

Liang Jiugong kept his mouth shut and refused to speak.

If you can’t remind me all the time, what’s the matter?

Is he that talkative? !

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes, knowing what he was thinking.

It should be fine. If something happened, even if Liang Jiugong didn't mention it, he could show it on his face.

He felt a little relieved.

"Khan Ama, my son is here to greet you!"

Brother Jiu's voice was also light.

If the wish came true, the couple would not have to be separated for two months at all.

Not to mention one and a half months.

At that time, we can still eat, drink and have fun in Jiangnan together.

Shu Shu likes food, and will eat all the way back when the time comes.

Thinking of this, he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Kangxi saw that he smiled and saw that his teeth could not see his eyes, and said: "It's early in the morning, what's so beautiful about it?"

As he said this, he thought of a possibility and felt a little bit of anticipation.

What is the most important thing to Brother Nine?
Heir? !
The young couple stick together all day long, what if?
Immediately, he thought of Da Fujin, and became worried again.

Even if the boss doesn't care about it, but if it's really about to give birth, the reputation of Brother Jiu and his wife is unnecessary.

Concerned about chaos, Kangxi worry about gains and losses.

Brother Nine said happily: "It's not that my son was thinking about Han Ama's southern tour, and he couldn't bear it. He couldn't eat or sleep well all day, and tossed and turned, but he thought of a solution last night!"

His eyes are bright.

Kangxi heard that something was wrong, looked at Brother Jiu's red face, and questioned: "I can't eat well, I can't sleep, why can't I see it?"

Now who in the palace doesn't know that Brother Jiu's dining room for the prince is much more delicious.

Even the stewards of the Imperial Dining Room have to inquire every now and then about what new dishes have been added to the Prince's Dining Room.

Brother Jiu touched his face: "My son has lost weight, didn't Han Ama notice it?"

Kangxi snorted softly: "Who is so blind, talking nonsense with eyes open?"

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Last night, the elders of the clan said it, and they also said that let the son go to have a feast, and the big meat is enough!"

The corners of Kangxi's mouth curled up. It was news about the fishing in the West Garden. Others were making fun of him, but this idiot couldn't tell.

When it was time for breakfast, the eunuch serving food came in and asked if the meal should be served.

Kangxi nodded, looked at Brother Jiu and said: "If you have something to say, don't ink it!"

Brother Nine brought a favourite: "You eat yours, why worry about it..."

Kangxi glanced at him: "I'm afraid of looking at you, I won't be able to eat!"

Brother Nine frowned and said, "Ama Khan usually loves her son, saying that she is the best in the world, but this old man has a bad habit of admonishing his son, how sad..."

Kangxi said unhappily: "There must be something for me to praise!"

Brother Nine smiled and said: "There is something bad, if you praise it more, won't my son be fine next time?"

While talking, the dining table has been lifted up.

The eunuch serving food said: "Your Majesty, elder brother Jiu has a plate of tartary buckwheat hair cake and a plate of cornmeal corn bread..."

This is to ask whether to accept.

Kangxi was a little surprised and nodded.

"What kind of food is that?"

The imperial dining room in the palace has miscellaneous grains tributed from various places, many of which are not cared for at all.

On the other hand, Brother Jiu's Prince's Dining Room has been sold a lot before.

Kangxi got the filial New Year's food over there this year, and there is no pastry.

Because the dining room of the Qianqing palace has a special dining room, which is fully furnished, and it is not comparable to the dining room of the prince.

Brother Nine said: "It's grains, I, Fujin, said, eat more grains to make your body strong..."

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu with disgust.

Uneducated guy.

Dong E's definitely didn't say that.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" records that corn and Ganping are non-toxic, and they are appetizing in the middle.

This should be the ingredients selected by Dong E's after reviewing the herbal medicine, and it is used for the nine princes to nourish his stomach.

Brother Jiu has already thought of something else, that is, Shu Shu was curious about the promotion of corn. He didn't know much about it before, so he could just ask: "Khan Ama, I heard that corn can be planted in places that are resistant to cold and less rain. Isn’t there little rain in Zhili, isn’t that just the right way to plant it?”

Kangxi said: "It was reported in the Yunnan governor's newspaper that this corn is indeed not very good at picking land, but it is new grain after all, with an ordinary taste, and few people recognize it. I have already ordered it to be planted in Fengtian Guanzhuang, and it will be used as a pasture for raising horses... "

Brother Jiu heard this, his heart moved, and he said: "The horse can eat, and the pig can also eat... My son was thinking about where to dump rice bran to raise pigs, so it seems that this can be used. When I look back, my son Tao For some seeds, it happens that my son Fujin also has some forest land in Baiwang Mountain, so it is not easy to grow decent food..."

Kangxi frowned, thinking of Zhao Chang's notes a few days ago.

Brother Jiu went to Dong E's Zhuangzi to inspect the chicken pen and pig pen, what's all this?
He frowned and said, "That's Zhuang Zi, your Fujin's dowry. You are not afraid to pass it back to Dong E's house and make people laugh?"

Seeing that he was unhappy, brother Jiu couldn't say that he didn't make it up by himself, so he bit the bullet and admitted it, saying: "Didn't my son think that 'food is the first thing for the people'? Last year, my son was poor, so he thought of ways to get money. It happened that Fujin was married to Zhuangzi, so I told her to ask someone to try to raise chickens and pigs, if they can be cultivated, they can be directly donated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is also a good fortune..."

Kangxi knew his embarrassment last year. Not only did he have no pockets, but he also owed a lot of foreign debts.

It's just that I didn't expect to even think of ways to raise pigs and chickens.

He was also speechless, and didn't want to be harsh anymore, saying: "The pork in the palace is supplied by each emperor's manor in turn. Only occasionally when the supply is insufficient, will the pork be purchased from outside. It is also very rare, and now it is not bad. Money, don't keep thinking about messes!"

Brother Jiu nodded hurriedly, and said: "Well, well, my son doesn't expect to sell pigs for money now, he just wants to raise a good batch, and when the New Year's day comes, I will add this, not to mention the benefits, Take care of yourself..."

Kangxi thought of the scene where other people gave gifts, gold, jade and antiques, but when they arrived at Brother Jiu, they were like a cart full of fat pigs.

He disliked it so much, he said: "I don't care where others are, I don't allow this as a gift from here!"

Ninth elder brother said awkwardly: "It's something that hasn't been filmed yet, you just dislike it..."

Kangxi ignored him, picked up his chopsticks, and picked up a cornbread.

It looks relatively small, but it is the size of a baby's fist.

It is somewhat similar to the yellow buns with millet noodles that they tossed out years ago.

It has no filling and is hollow.

Kangxi took a bite and it was very soft.

After all, it is a new grain. When the corn tribute was brought in a few years ago, the imperial dining room also tried to make it several times.

There are fried corn chops, corn cakes, and corn buns.

It may be that a lot of white flour has been added to taste the taste of corn.

This time it looks like pure cornmeal, but it has the taste of milk in it, and it's sweet, it should be added sugar.

It looks very simple, but it tastes better than the few corn pastries carefully cooked by the imperial dining room.

He looked at the tartary buckwheat cake again. It was yellow-green in color and looked very inconspicuous.

This is also a tribute from Yunnan, and it is buckwheat produced in the mountains there.

Yushanfang uses buckwheat noodles here, and tried to eat it several times. The taste is not satisfactory.

The method used in the Prince's Dining Room is extremely simple, similar to corn buns, but the shape is different, and milk and sugar are also added.

In addition to the light sweetness and milky taste, it retains a slightly bitter taste of wheat.

Kangxi was slightly satisfied, but he did not forget to tell Brother Jiu: "Eating too much of this food will hurt your stomach, just try it once in a while."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Son, I know, counting it's the second time I ate it today, I tasted one, and I, Fujin, let me put it down. My son just felt bitter, so I brought it to Han Ma try..."

Kangxi was ironing in his heart, seeing that elder brother Nine felt a little less disgusted, he said: "You said that you are reluctant to part with my southern tour, so what countermeasures did you think of last night?"

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "My son is thinking about sending Khan Ama off..."

Kangxi frowned and said: "Nonsense! You are not going to arrange the wedding of Elder Brother Shi, how can you have time to go out of Beijing?"

Brother Nine counted with his fingers: "My sons don't take off their clothes until the end of February, and the earliest wedding date for the tenth brother is early March, and the time in between is still rich!"

Kangxi waved his hand and said: "That's not okay, I don't want you, since you are staying in Beijing, you should work hard!"

Yuzhou is going south, how can he send it?
Isn't that a toss?

Halfway through, he was rushing back in a hurry?

Ninth elder brother was disappointed, and hurriedly said: "The son won't delay the errand, and wait until Zhang Luo finishes the tenth younger brother's marriage before meeting him?"

Kangxi calculated the return time in his mind.

This time, because I am going to Fumin in Zhejiang, the planned time is longer than the previous two times.

When the time comes, Brother Nine wants to meet him, so let him go to Jinan to meet him...

I have been busy with multiple code words these days, so there may be fewer replies after changing bugs or chapters, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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