My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 420 Careful

Chapter 420 Meticulous (seeking a guaranteed monthly pass)

When he left Qingxi Bookstore, Brother Jiu had a look of reluctance on his face.

The little eunuch who helped deliver the food box to the dining room before wanted to go forward to ask for a reward, but when he saw this, he stopped in his tracks and did not go forward.

On the way from Qingxi Bookstore to West Garden, Brother Jiu didn't speak either.

He Yuzhu who followed was very cautious, afraid of offending him.

It wasn't until Shu Shu came to welcome him into the South Office that he hugged Shu Shu, turned around, and said proudly, "Haha! It's done!"

Shu Shu also rejoiced: "The yard can be built together?"

Although there is no clear time to move out of the palace, but such emphasis is placed on it again and again, and it will be a matter of course to move out at the end of the year.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said, "What's building a yard? Master asks Han Ama for an order. After finishing the eldest brother's wedding, I will go out of Beijing to meet the holy driver!"

Shu Shu listened, and also became happy.

Although she is a theoretical school, she has witnessed what is called "young people should not be separated for a long time".

In my previous life, I had a little friend, childhood sweetheart boyfriend, who went to college in a different place and ate shit, and felt ashamed, crying and calling, saying that being alone was too lonely, there was no other way, and asked her to find someone too.

Hey, it's all stories.

Before, Shu Shu was also worried that the husband and wife would be separated for too long, and there would be accidents.

Now, I have a lot more confidence.

She smiled sweetly, her eyes were glued to Brother Jiu's body, she was ready to draw.

Brother Jiu also noticed the change in her mood, and snorted softly: "You heartless guy, if I don't mention this, you won't be able to remember me if you appoint me out!"

Shu Shu hurriedly said with sincerity: "I'm wronged, all I think about is my father, I'm full of reluctance, otherwise I wouldn't think of the same color for the spring shirt, and even if I'm not together, when the time comes, my father will wear a new one." Clothes, you can also think of me."

Brother Nine hugged her vigorously before putting her down, and said with high spirits, "Master Khan Ama Yun went to Jinan to meet her, haha, when the time comes, I will go to Jiangning, it is also my filial piety!"

Shu Shu also laughed.

Only Brother Jiu has this kind of heart. Even if time is tight, it is really okay to pick up the driver in Jinan.

Excluding the delay on the road, he would spend less time alone in Beijing, and there would be less temptation outside.

Thinking about it this way, it is better to be in the palace than outside.

There are only two princesses in the palace, Brother Jiu doesn't like it at all, and there is still Qi Momo.

If you move outside, socializing outside is a must.

Who knows what will happen?

Brother Nine was overjoyed, his face became serious, and he said: "Starting from today, before Khan Ama leaves Beijing, I have to work hard for a few days, or if I turn around and be disobedient, then it's not filial piety, but disobedience! I'm going to the House of Internal Affairs right now, and it happens to be busy there too, so you eat alone at noon, and in the afternoon, I'll visit Old Ten and come back together..."

Shu Shu didn't stop her.

I have taken a few days of annual leave, and it's time to go to work.

It was she who instructed: "If you can find out the files of the previous two southern tours, then help me to copy some related to the weather, water and soil, and prepare clothes and vegetables for comparison when you go back."

Brother Nine heard this, thoughtfully, and said: "Then you can also put together a copy and show it to Han Ama, or hand it directly to Fourth Brother, to see if there is anything that needs to be filled..."

Shu Shu agreed with a full face: "It's targeted, it looks like I'm careful."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's what I'm going to do, don't wait for me later, so I won't be delayed."

Shu Shu listened, feeling a little distressed.

Today is the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, when Sheng Jia will return to Luan, there is still no movement.

If brother Jiu went to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs every day, commuting fifty miles back and forth would be hard work.

She said: "Master, let's take a look today. If the yamen is so busy that we need to stay up all night, then we will go back to the palace tomorrow, and there is no need to follow Shengjia."

The husband and wife followed me to the garden before, they were on vacation,

Now the holidays are over.

"It's not just the master, but the tenth brother also has to work hard to go back and forth like this. It's hot and cold at the same time, don't worry about getting sick anymore."

Shushu said.

Brother Jiu listened and went in, said: "Master, let's have a look first, we'll talk about it when we come back tonight."

Brother Jiu took He Yuzhu and Sun Jin back to the city.

This time he didn't ride a horse, but asked for a carriage from the manager of Changchun Garden.

Shu Shu counted the days, even if he didn't return to the palace early, Sheng Jia wouldn't stay for long.

After the banquet was over, not only Kangxi had to prepare for the Southern Tour, but the Empress Dowager and the concubines on the list also had to prepare for the retinue.

The concubines who followed this time were Concubine Hui and Concubine Rong.

The earliest high-ranking concubine was Concubine Hui, and Concubine Rong was added later.

Shu Shu felt that Kangxi should be ashamed and made up for it.

The rest are the nobleman Guerjia, the concubine Wang Shu, and the six people promised by the Qianqing Palace, a total of ten concubines.

On the queen mother's side, there are two concubines, Jiugege and Shushu as companions.

Shu Shuming told Xiaochun and Walnut: "You can tidy up the things you don't need, and I'm about to go back to the palace."

Xiaochun and Walnut agreed and went down to prepare.

Xiao Tang asked what to do with the dried fish and bird carp.

Shu Shu said: "Take it back to the second school first, try to do it after the first month..."

For crispy fish, you will get tired of eating it in spring and summer.

Shu Shu thought of the way of cooking side dishes of the Chao nationality.

Various pickled dried fish.

Shelf-resistant, tastes delicious.

Or the old godmother's approach.

Refer to Laoganma chili sauce, that is, replace the chicken shreds and beef cubes with fish meat, and the taste should not be bad.

While talking, Xiao Yu came in with shampoo.

It is rice water that has been fermented for two days.

On the [-]th and [-]th day, fireworks were set off in the garden for two days, and the dust was so heavy that Shu Shu felt that her hair was full of dirt.

But the rule is that you can’t wash your hair on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, because the sound of "fa" means getting rich, and washing your hair on this day means washing away your wealth for a year.

Not only the rules in the palace are like this, but also in the capital city.

Shu Shu's hair is black and thick, and it is well maintained.

Because of Shu Shu's previous habit, when washing her hair, she would clean and massage her scalp.

Wait until you massage it again, clean it with a special powder pill for shampoo, and then wash it off with clean water.

After washing off, apply a layer of yogurt.

This is a natural hair conditioner that can be used to maintain hair.

It takes half an hour before and after, three basins of clear water.

After washing your hair, there is a clean towel ready.

Blot the water from your hair and let it loose.

Hair is not easy to dry in winter, and it is also in the house. At this time, we have to borrow a smoker.

Like an enlarged version of the hand stove, it is placed on the south kang for fumigation.

Shu Shu's hands were not idle, holding a purse.

For big tasks, she has enough energy to spare, so she can only worry about small ones.

A purse, I made it for more than ten days, and it was almost finished.

After every injection, the movements are soothing, and the mind is still thinking.

The virtuous people of Fujin established it.

As for historical development...

After being taken aback twice, she also thought about it on her own.

What should be done is done, and the rest is left to chance.

Worrying is not good.

Going against the sky doesn't have that much energy.

Do your best, don't force it.

As long as you keep a close eye on Brother Nine, even if you are not welcome at that time, you will lose your wealth and glory, and you should be able to save your life.

Then what are you worried about?
When Jiu Gege came over, he saw Shu Shu's lazy and comfortable appearance.

Seeing that the purse in her hand looks familiar, I see it every time I come.

But the tail was left earlier, and now it is still the tail, Jiugege couldn't help laughing and said: "Sister-in-law Jiu's work is really delicate."

Shu Shu put down her purse, beckoned her to sit down, and said, "Hands are clumsy, and eyes are slow. Fortunately, I don't point at this to eat, otherwise it would be difficult to support my family..."

Jiugege pointed to Xiwu and said: "I heard that Brother Jiu has gone to the Yamen, so he won't be back until afternoon?"

Seeing her lingering fear, Shu Shu knew that she remembered Brother Jiu's words last time, and said with a smile: "Brother Jiu Jiu can't talk, but my sister just ignores him, so don't worry about it."

Jiugege covered his mouth and smiled: "I'm not afraid of him, if he talks about me again, I won't leave next time."

Shu Shu rolled his eyes and said, "Everyone else is fine, but there is only one mouth, which is annoying."

Jiu Gege smiled and said: "I see that Brother Jiu is protecting his sister-in-law closely, and he doesn't like to let his sister-in-law play against others."

Shu Shu glanced at Jiugege, didn't deny it, then smiled and said: "Actually, I feel the same in my heart, I want him to put me at the forefront..."

Jiugege was a little surprised. Although she had read a lot of books, the book mentioned that husband and wife should "respect each other as guests" and "raise their eyebrows together", but nothing else was mentioned.

Shu Shu simply mentioned this and let it go.

Sister-in-law is sister-in-law, still unmarried.

If she talks too much, it will be bad if it has a bad influence.

Rarely confused.

Shu Shu mentioned the news that the Prince's Courtyard was to be built on the west side of the West Garden.

Jiugege heard this, and said: "In this way, Han Ama will spend more time in the garden in the future, and it may be inconvenient for the emperor's grandmother."

The West Garden is only this big in total.

The Douyuan Bookstore in the middle is still lived by the prince.

In fact, it is equivalent to that the West Garden is allocated to the prince.

Now it is divided into three.

Everyone lives in a cramped place.

It's cold in winter, and it doesn't matter if all the cats are in the house.

In summer, it is unavoidable to go out and walk, and it will be messy.

Shu Shu said: "Your ninth brother made a point, saying that the manager of Changchun Garden was ordered to go to the north of Changchun Garden to survey a few days ago. There are two gardens built by the former dignitaries over there, which are now deserted. To build the North Garden..."

That is the north of Changchun Garden.

North is honor.

It is not suitable for other people to live in that garden, it can only be the queen mother's garden.

Shu Shu estimated the location and thought it was between Changchun Garden and Yuanmingyuan.

It is estimated that it will become a part of Yuanmingyuan in the future.

After hearing this, Jiugege had joy on his face.

She is seventeen years old, and she will not stay in the palace for long, but she is looking forward to the Queen Mother's peaceful old age.

Jiu Gege said: "In the future... I will also ask Han Ama to build a small yard near the North Garden, and then go to pay the emperor's grandmother a convenience..."

Shu Shu recalled the scene of looking at Baiwang Mountain that day.

Although there are some gardens around Changchun Garden, there are not many of them.

As Shengjia will be stationed in Changchun Garden in the future, the power center will also be transferred, and the surrounding area will be covered with gardens.

Shu Shu gave Jiugege an idea: "When the House of Internal Affairs buys my younger sister's property, my younger sister will keep an eye on it to see if it can be changed to Huangzhuang in Haidian."

After hearing this, Jiu Gege was concerned, and whispered: "Then I really can't offend Brother Jiu..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "He's very coaxable, and because he's used to being a younger brother, he loves being an older brother. My younger sister can say a few nice words..."

The aunt and sister-in-law looked at each other and smiled.

The imperial palace, the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs.

When Brother Nine arrives, He Yi is on duty at the Yamen.

Brother Jiu thought for a while about the little elder brother of Yuqing Palace that he saw on the night of the [-]th, and told He Yi: "From now on, adults will bother to watch over the daily supplies of the people in Yuqing Palace, so don't be negligent. Otherwise, Khan Ama will punish you, my lord, don’t blame me for being dishonest..."

Since Khan Ama is willing to be used to it, then continue to be used to it.

Anyway, it's not his money that was spent, so don't worry about it.

These words are nondescript.

If it were a chief executive with a civil servant background, it would sound like a headache.

He Yi was born as a guard, so he understood Brother Jiu's meaning, and said gratefully: "Thank you Master Jiu, I dare not..."

The prince is not only the prince of the Qing Dynasty, but also the prince of the Hesheli family.

He knew that the reason he was promoted was for the convenience of the crown prince.

Brother Nine is the chief official now, so there is no embarrassment, and he has passed the errands of Yuqing Palace to him, and it is also convenient for him to move around with Yuqing Palace...

Thank you for your rewards and monthly tickets. I don’t dare to wait for the fifth shift for the time being. I will waste a few days for a day. First, I will make up for the leader’s addition and the father’s addition on the fourth shift every day. At present, I owe the third shift, so don’t remember too much . ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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